Brett Felton; “hardcore Christian” returns to Iraq

| March 23, 2015

According to CBS News, Brett Felton served in Iraq with the 10th Mountain Division, 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment until he left the service in 2007. Now, he has returned with the sole mission of helping Iraqi Christians to defend themselves against ISIS

“If you look at him, he’s literally all tattooed out like a biker,” [60 Minutes producer Jeff] Newton told 60 Minutes Overtime. “But if you look really closely at his tattoos, they’re like Jesus Christ crying blood tears out of his eyes and stuff like that –so he’s kind of a hardcore Christian.”


Like many veterans, Felton says he wanted to return to Iraq as soon as he arrived home. A few months ago, he managed to slip back into the country from Lebanon, where he was studying abroad.


Some Christians in the region were forced to convert to Islam by ISIS attackers. Many had fled. But a few Christian men decided to stay behind and form fledgling militias to save their villages. Few of these men are professional soldiers, say Logan and Newton.

“They’re under-funded. They don’t have good weapons. They’re completely outgunned by the Islamic State,” says Lara Logan. “When you’re with them, you have this terrible feeling that many of them would be massacred if the Islamic State really turned its attention to taking back those those villages.”

Thanks to T Breezy for the link.

Category: Terror War

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NR Pax

Let’s see…

1. He served his time and was Honorably Discharged, otherwise we would have heard about it.

2. He’s not advertising anything. It sounds like the news crew came across him instead.

3. He’s nuts, but he’s not doing anything illegal.

More power to him and the other Christians that are joining him.


With deference to those who get full sleeves etc. – those tats don’t mean he is a hard-core Christian as much as that he is hard-core into ink. But where he is, they are a potential death sentence.


he is into ink and those are part of the attention he is into.


Uh, David I think his fighting against ISIS is more a death risk than having tattoos.


Being Christian is more a death sentence than tatoos ,so is combat.


So it looks like this dude is doing more then this administration. Has done and he doesn’t blame bush Hmmm what wrong with that ????


oh don’t let that fool you he did blame bush for a long time

Skippy MickeyGSM

I thought I saw this last night on 60 sec’s who was blaming bush ???? Lol… I know 60sec’s was following the party line and doing typical finger pointing but did I miss something else ???


MickeyGSM sorry about my comment up top read through the comments here and I understand where you are coming from thank you for the 411 and my name on the last comment is skippy


MickeyGSM after scrolling all of the comments here all I can say is Thank You for the 411


Meh, I echo what everyone else said. He’s doing nothing illegal. Whatevs.


Ink or no ink I wish Brett God’s speed.

2/17 Air Cav

“…they’re like Jesus Christ crying blood tears out of his eyes and stuff like that –so he’s kind of a hardcore Christian.”

Who said that, an 11 year old? No, the producer of 60 Minutes! No wonder that show is in the toilet.


“Hardcore Christian” as opposed to hardcore Islamist??

Network news programs along with the previously well-respected “60 Minutes” are going the way of the dodo bird. Good riddance.

Can’t say I’m surprised or disappointed.


No,reality and zombie shows are at least entertaining lies


I was the FSO for Alpha 2-14 INF

“Right of the line!”


Go Terminators.

AW1 Tim

May God bless him and all with him. They are truly helping to keep the light of civilization lit against the forces of darkness.


Better than going to fight for ISIS.

NR Pax

Oh, and visible tattoos with no reflective belt? No wonder he’s out of the Army! -:-)


he got out right after the 2006-07 deployment


Brett served with my son in 2006-07 I can tell that his is into this. I wish him well… I still question his motive, for he was not a very good soldier, didn’t what to be there, has embellished some of his service. I have seen his interviews and his FB page. He even changed his last name of FB to Royals (in 2008 he was on be FB page, things got a little to weird for me so I dropped him.) After a couple of interview with media (telling them he didn’t want his name out to protect is family)he changed it back to his birth name Felton. He has tried to recruit some of his battle buddies who are home with a wife and children, he likes being in the spot light. I could go on but I am sure I have bored most of you. Thanks for listening to my rant.


grammar and spell check sorry:::

I can tell that hr is into this
didn’t want to be there

2/17 Air Cav

MickeyGSM: You couldn’t bore us if you made us watch a video of paint drying. What you offered is additional info on this guy and it is appreciated.


Thanks 2/17 Air Cav
O-4E & GoldenDragon Go CharleRock

You can google him and see some more of who he is and was. So of it true and some not. But he is an intelligent young fellow and know how to work the system and some people.

B Woodman

Sounds like Teh Big Media trying to make a mountain out of an anthill.
So. . . . to throw their own words back at them (that is, if this were a DemonRat being interviewed), “Nothing to see here, move along”.

The LSDM (Lame Stream Dinosaur Media). . .may it die a slow and painful death. I STILL blame it for the election and re-election of “Teh Chosen One”.


Mickey GSM: Why was he not a good soldier? Did he get UCMJ action? Perhaps a gazillion negative counseling for being a shitbag? What exactly did he do?
Come on bro, spill the beans.

(I see this guy has no ARCOMs or AAMs. Kind of weird)


Mickey isn’t a “bro”, she’s a Gold Star parent.

2/17 Air Cav

Staff Sergeant Jason R. Arnette of Amelia, Virginia joined the Fallen on April 1, 2007, in Baghdad, Iraq. He was 24, married, and on his third deployment when an IED detonated near the vehicle in which he and other combat-team members were riding. He was with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. Jason’s remains are in Arlington. His soul is in Heaven. Mickey GSM is his Mom.


Thanks 2/17 Air Cav.


I think Yef’s question was completely valid. Saying someone was a bad Soldier after they volunteered, deployed, and left the service (presumably) honorably, is contextual, gossipy and just disrespectful.

We are on a forum. Acronym meaning, sex/gender, and whatever else doesn’t validate avoiding answering a valid question 🙂

Jordan Rott

Anyone going out of their way to go fight ISIS, I give them the JRCOM. It goes below the ASR, it is not a very prestigious award but it is all I have to offer.


I’ll give him an OLC.

Whatever his motivation is, it at least has an illusion of being honorable. That is a lot more than can be said of the others we have read about lately.

Godspeed young troop!


The sad part is, thanks to the news pricks, if he makes it back home alive he’ll be arrested for violating some law for what he’s doing.


May not be a problem if his displays of BDS are sufficiently well known. Otherwise, yeah, you are likely correct.


Could be. Violation of the Logan Act and providing material support to terrorist organizations (I believe a few Kurdish groups are still so designated) are possible.


yeah if I was out and had grown children, I would probably join his group. But then I do remember about the Lincoln brigade in the 30’s, of course they were commies but they thought they were doing the right thing. I would just hate being labeled a terrorist for supporting my christian brothers, I bet it wont be long before many of us who support Israel or give money to Israeli groups are labeled terrorist

CHristine Webb

Anyone that says he is doing this for show hasn’t a clue, there are people dying the most horrible of deaths for being a Christian. Things are being done to people that make nazis look tame. But our lovely media would never show that, after all politics is what’s important here not genocide. It doesn’t matter about what tattoo you have or sizing up Brett’s past. Because he answered a call he is doing exactly what Christ wants him to do. Which is more than all of us times a million are doing. Thank your hearing his call, thanks for the inspiration. You are such a beautiful person, you are so humble and one of the best Representations of what a Christian should be that I’ve seen on Earth in awhile. Good bless, your sister in Christ