Those unintended liberal consequences continue…
Conservatives have long maintained that when liberal social policies are implemented by organizations and governments, there are inevitable, unforeseen, negative consequences that end up hurting the very people such policies are designed to help. The definitive example of this principle is LBJ’s Great Society legislation, which has done so much to destroy the concept of family in the black community, just as predicted by New York U.S. senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Moynihan, in his famous report, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,” noted:
The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States.
What Moynihan didn’t factor into the social equation was the catalytic effect that liberal political activism, particularly the opportunistic racist activism of so-called black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, would have in spreading that disintegration, harming even those black families that had maintained cohesion. And today, a primarily black community is suffering a very real negative consequence of the most recent social justice project these black “leaders” and sympathetic white liberal and socialist activists took upon themselves. has posted an article reporting that home values in Ferguson, Missouri have dropped drastically since the demonstrations and rioting that occurred last summer following the police shooting death of Michael Brown.
An article entitled “Ferguson home values are plummeting, and residents are feeling the pain” reports that prior to Brown’s death, the average 2014 selling price of a home was $66,764. For the last quarter of the same year, that average selling price dropped 46% to $36,168. And the trend downward is even more dramatic so far in 2015, where the average selling price is now down to $22,951. Consider the impact such a dramatic reduction in the value of your home would have on your life.
That is a real estate disaster, folks, and it is directly attributable to the fact that so-called black leaders including Eric Holder, and Barack Obama, decided to insert themselves into a tragic but fairly routine black community shooting death and turn it into a national incident by claiming that it was both unjustified and racially motivated. As we all now know, both of those claims have since been disproved and the police exonerated. So where are those black leaders and white social activists now that the smoke and violence of rioting have dissipated, and another community is left bearing the expense of their liberal political grandstanding?
How do you suppose those homeowners in Ferguson who had no part in the demonstrations may feel about social justice at this moment? Like most Americans, their homes are the bedrock of their personal wealth. Our home’s value is the key factor in virtually every aspect of our financial lives, where one’s net worth and credit rating are measures applied impersonally, without consideration for the unforeseen consequences of liberal social activism, by the financial institutions that determine what we can or cannot afford to own.
Worse, the destruction caused by these unintended liberal consequences doesn’t stop with homeowners, but extends to every aspect of local government and education, all funded in large part by local property taxes. During the Ferguson crisis, it was reported that citizens were unhappy with local police for writing too many tickets as a city revenue source. Well now that the primary revenue source for local government, property taxes, has been cut to less than half of what it had been, how many tickets are the police going to need to write just to keep the doors to the station house open? What will the school board do – raise taxes? That’s just what citizens who’ve had their net worth cut to the bone need: a larger tax burden.
There’s an old saying that you should never foul your own nest. Critics of black rioting have pointed out the truth of that old folk wisdom for years. Sadly, too many black communities like Ferguson have learned that the hard way. I suspect that the so-called black leaders and the liberal socialist do-gooders know it quite well.
They just don’t give a damn, because it’s not their nest.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
Lars isn’t gonna like this.
Are you trying to give Lars an aneurism?
If so, it is genius.
(start synthesizer music)
Government policies sure as hell undermined the black community and transferred a ton of wealth to white home-owners in the form of home values and equity. But it was started decades before the 1960s.
I do not have time to argue this right now. But claiming it is “liberal’s” that did it, and claiming it began under Johnson is nonsense.
I would at least start with the National Housing Act of 1934. Also if we are going to talk about how black communities were undermined in US society just blaming government legislation is nonsense.
Whether you like it or not racism was and still is a MAJOR factor. In fact it is the PRIMARY factor going back to before the founding of our nation.
Even service-members returning from WWII were denied the use of GI bill home loan benefits because most communities near military bases, near business centers, and universities refused to sell homes to black families. This meant black were marginalized from access to places where home equity rose the most.
So preaches the guy that goes to Berkeley where only 3% of the students are African American
Might want to start with cleaning your own roost
Like with most of the bastions of liberal thought, like Berkeley, blacks are always underrepresented. But even I am shocked by 3%.
“We’re all for the rights of blacks. As long as we don’t have to coexist with them on campus”
Now that I think about it. Lars also served in two career fields in the Army, MI and CA, where blacks are highly underrepresented.
For a supposed champion of black’s rights he’s sure made an effort to distance himself from blacks both professionally and academically
Must be that subconscious racism thing he’s always accusing everyone else of.
I am not responding to trollish comments like this anymore.
Says the troll…
I LoL’d.
And yet, you DID just that – respone. Contradict yourself at every turn much, you mope?
Your post is a red herring but since you are attacking a exceptional university that gets an overwhelming amount of unsubstantiated attacks from the ignorant and anti-intellectual right I feel the need to respond.
I know you are not ignorant or anti-intellectual but you are intentionally feeding that demographic with nonsense.
I will get to it later. Too busy right now.
“…the ignorant and anti-intellectual right…”
Geez, I’m so bitter about that sally, I don’t know whether to grab my bible or my gun.
Who the hell ARE you, Rock Climbin’ Joe’s evil twin??
…and just so I don’t get a knock on my freaking door for some kind of perceived threat, the second comment refers to the bumpersticker which reads ‘I’m just a bitter Christian clinging to my gun.” And if you’re not familiar with the liberal comment that launched that phrase, I’ll see if I can’t find it for you.
I’m fine with it. I am a gun owner.
Which according to the limited understanding of political ideologies on this board means I am a hypocrite.
Funny, that when people disagree with me on this board I am an idiot. When they agree with me I am a hypocrite for having a common belief as them.
Talk about a rigid understanding of political economic ideas.
L.T., I’m not saying this to provoke you, but to try to get you on the same page. We aren’t calling you an idiot for disagreeing with us. We call you an idiot because the WAY you disagree is insufferable. You mix liberal politics, insult, and length in such a way as to make most of us want to dogpile you. If you would pull even one of those out of the mix, you would stand a better chance of having a reasonable conversation with us.
Nag, I said essentially the same thing to Lars the other night when he and I were going at it over something. The folks here will be far more inclined to listen to your reasoning in support of your positions if you will present your points without that snotty air of intellectual superiority so common to liberal discourse and unfortunately, too common to his, as well. People do not like to be talked down to, particularly people who may be older wiser and better educated than you.
I suggested he lay off the personal insults as well…
Poetrooper, his insults are intentional, specifically dropped in for no reason other than to provoke someone – anyone – into a fight. There are plenty of examples, and all of them were uncalled for.
Thanks Nag. Point taken.
I consider a few posters to be not worth the effort to try to get on this same page. I will spend less time responding to them (which tends to make me much more combative in my tone) and respond to people who are willing to actually have a discussion.
And I will continue to maintain that your comments are long winded, boring and rarely worth reading…
I can join Claymore on Tuesday’s and read your useless tripe a thousand times a day…
It’s not a red herring. It hits right at the heart of the issue. The liberal left dictating what the rest of us should do while doing the exact opposite
Sure. Berkeley is a great institution. If you are white or asian. Not so much if you are black.
Whites are slightly underrepresented as well. Blacks and Hispanics/latinos are significantly underrepresented though.
Yes. And foreign students are largely over represented. Academia today is an industry. An industry run largely by the far left.
There is one glaring exception: Hillsdale College. Here’s a snippet from a Forbes article regarding the conservative school.
“Hillsdale [College] was the first American college to prohibit, in its charter, any discrimination based on race, religion or gender, as well as the second college in the nation to grant four-year liberal arts degrees to women. In 1984, it declined all federal funding in a protest against affirmative action, and the college now receives no federal, state or local funding. Academics at Hillsdale are based in the Judeo-Christian tradition. All students are required to study great books for two semesters in addition to the Western heritage, American heritage and Constitution courses….”
Imagine that. The thorn in liberal academia’s side was the first to prohibit, in its charter, discrimination based on race, religion or gender
By way of comparison Lars you and I came into the Army the same year and both earned our commissions after a significant amount of enlisted service.
I just can’t figure out when or how you developed your case of white guilt and self hate. Like many on the left. I find it fascinating and bizarre.
Racial issues are not actually my driving concern. Issues of political economic stability and legitimacy are my area of concentration. Class demographics (which include racial issues) matter more to me than race demographics by themselves or even race relations.
However, I tend to get irritated as hell when I see racism. I know we all struggle with race perception issues and in-group out group tendencies.
But posters on this board just refuse to acknowledge that their comments about “Obama’s son” in reference to an attempted murderer and “non-working thug class” in reference to protestors have a underlying racist basis.
It is nonsense.
And how do you react when confronted with blatant anti-white racism on the part of blacks, Lars? Granted you’re not likely to find that here , but when you encounter it elsewhere does it disturb you equally?
Just curious…
“I know we all struggle with race perception issues and in-group out group tendencies.” No we don’t. WTH are you talking about. Most of us have lives and don’t have the luxury or the inclination to, as you say, struggle with race-perception issues. The struggle is to pay the bills, tend to the needs of loved ones, that sort of shit. Race-perception struggles? People of earth to Lars. Come in, Lars.
According to the school’s own data, in Fall 2014, new enrollments broke down thusly: 13.6% were Mexican American/Chicano/Latino/Other Hispanic; 24.9% were white; 2.9% were Black/African American, and; the remainder were everything else under the sun. So, Lars, how is it that Hispanics/Latinos are significantly underrepresented?
Because latinos/hispanics are the largest ethnic group in California.
Even if you consider the 2000 census they are under represented. I was compiling the data but it is time consuming.
I am also counting total student body, because transfer students and graduate students are ignored in the Freshman entering class data and they are a significant part of the “opportunity” UC Berkeley provides.
I may not be able to get to it until Thursday though.
Oh. I thought UC-Berkeley drew from outside of California as well.Silly me. And you think that the Hispanic/Latino Fall 2014 figure (13.6%) under represents what, the world’s Hispanic/Latino population?
First, UC Berkeley’s reputation is largely unfounded and based on rigid ideological rhetoric that completely misrepresents the events that causes Berkeley to have the reputation it has.
Second, Berkeley do not get to decide whether it can use ethnicity in admission decisions. None of the UC schools can. A state law prohibits them from doing so.
Second, the end to using affirmative action in the UC system’s admissions decisions was a republican ballot initiative that won because the voter bases in 1996 was then still majority white California voter demographic.
“Proposition 209, the controversial ballot measure banning state-based affirmative action programs, was approved by the state’s voters by a 55% to 45% margin. The vote on Prop. 209 varied widely by subgroup. Republicans favored Prop. 209 four to one, while Democrats were opposed by greater than a two to one margin. White non-Hispanics supported the initiative 62% to 38%”
It passed primarily due to the huge support among white republican voters.
So your attack on Berkeley, like many attacks, is not justified. Again.
Damn, we really need an edit function.
Here’s a thought: maybe you could edit your
leftist drivelunsupported assertionssophomoric argumentscomments offline, then cut/paste them here? I presume you have some familiarity with word processing software.DELETE would work too.
ALT-F4 will take the text, run it through MS Word spellcheck engine and then paste it back in the original location. (It’s a little known function that Microsoft built in for liberals and what they have to say}
Lars. Here’s a thought. Why don’t you acquire the racial/ethnic figures for Berkeley over the past 25 years and see whether your hypothesis holds water. Just throwing out a ballot initiative as you did is meaningless. It smacks of yet another Larsist approach to debate: Just throw it out there as truth and see if it’s accepted.
I used to live in that box of granola known as Northern California, near the bay area, and I will tell you, Lars, you’re full of it. As far as Prop 209 goes, it was the classic fight between conservative and liberal, between the leftist bay area, liberals in Sacramento and liberals in southern California. If it were not for the nutjob / welfare buckets of LA and the bay area, California is a conservative state. California used to have huge industrial and agricultural might, but gee, all those taxes and regulations, drove many traditional large corporations out of the state. Then people whine they don’t have any money to steal, I mean tax away. Yeah, there was a law passed regarding racial quotas etc, and the UC system and liberals spend all their time working around it. I’ve been boots on the ground in Berkeley since the 1970’s at least twice a year, and yeah, its not so hippy filled now as it was then, but there are still a lot of the same old losers hanging around in and out of the campus, shovelling crap into the heads of the students and city. Like many colleges and Universities, Berkeley is a great place.. if you study math, science and engineering -the rest of the departments -the social(ist) sciences are full of crap mostly, as are performing arts and english etc. Hell, we had a department head in social sciences that had a bust of Mao on his cradenza.. but insisting he had no bias, no no, none at all. He was “fair” in his assessments. And if you’re going to dive back to 1934, why don’t you go to the source of most of the bullshit we wade through now, which is, uh, dare I say, that 1917 revolution? And to set the record straight, make sure you at least read the intro to “The Black Book of Communism” -because it very well states the obvious -it wasn’t Hitler who was the mass murderer of the 20th Century, it was Communism, by ten fold more at least. Yeah,… Read more »
For those of you playing at home, I will break this down for you. When Commissar says “I will get to it later. Too busy right now.” what he means is:
I an not, not too busy to protest your statement right now but I am not too busy to respond to another post by saying I am not replying to that poster.
Brought to you by Go MESNA!
Because the posts on demographics requires a great deal of time.
Saying I do not have time does not.
Though admittedly, a huge reason I feel like I do not have time, is because I waste so much time responding to idiotic and trollish posts like the one to which this sentence is responds.
GCDContractor you have managed to distinguish yourself as one of the two posters on this board that I consider to be the biggest morons among those that respond to my posts.
You posts are a waste of time, and absolutely trollish in every way.
I am disinclined to respond to your nonsense in the future. However, since you are a piece of shit little troll, you are just going to get more and more antagonizing in your posts in order to illicit a response.
This is the only response your future posts will illicit:
You keep that up and I will stop proofreading your resumes. Stay classy.
Somebody learned a new three dollar word today !!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
“Illicit” perfectly characterizes your response.
Hey, Larsy Limpdick! Just a heads-up: you’re still an assdouche and nobody likes you.
And in case you were planning to tell me to fuck myself, you should know that my wife has decreed that all of my (frequent) sexual activities will be with her. My wife is a smokin’-hot and very horny Asian chick (think Grace Park of “Battlestar” and “Hawaii Five-O,” only hotter) who has already born my first child and intends to have the rest as well. Feel free to keep that in mind while you’re fucking yourself.
Also keep in mind that I have given you the exact amount of respect you have earned. You were a pretentious dick to me, and you bitch and cry when I respond accordingly. Again, go fuck yourself.
Demographics don’t require a great deal of time, go to the Census page and download the CSV or the spreadsheet and if you really want to have fun, go to the Bureau of Prisons site and get all the demographics on the inmates -while you’re resting that is..
And our favorite sexual intellectual chimes in.
Lars, you’re not even out of the gate and you’re already stumbling. First of all, Moynihan’s report was an assessment of welfare practices and their consequences PRIOR to its issue in 1965, so of course the destruction of the black community did not start with LBJ’s Great Society legislation, which by the way, I did not say; I said it is the best example.
You are being intellectually dishonest by beginning the debate with false claims. Either that or your reading comprehension is sketchy, in which case you may be in for a long, difficult academic slug.
Your attempt to skew the argument to white racism decades ago isn’t going to work either. I doubt anyone here would deny that overt racist policies existed back then and, yes, they were widely supported by conservatives, conservative Southern Democrats.
But my article is not about then; it is about the very real here and now where it is inarguably liberal social policies and socialist supporters of those policies that are responsible for the damages I describe. The only likely conservatives involved in the Ferguson debacle were some members of the now exonerated police force. But there were certainly no bus loads of Republican conservatives transported in from Detroit or Chicago to fan the fires of phony racial outrage that led to the rioting. No, it was LIBERAL/SOCIALIST outsiders, professional Alinskyites, who took advantage of an opportunity that caused the destruction and the now plummeting home values.
That is the point I made, so keep your argument honest, Lars, and address that point and not some crap from almost a century ago that has little to do with the new plantation you and your kind have created for your Democrat political slaves.
“the new plantation you and your kind have created for your Democrat political slaves.” The plantation created in the name of “public good”
Poetrooper, you don’t seriously expect Lars to take responsibility for anything, do you? This is the same guy who brags about how he’s always run away from adversity (assuming he was there to experience it in the first place). To him, it will always be our fault, no matter what. If he got drunk and wrapped his car around a tree, he’d say it was our fault that he drank.
We also put the tree in his path.
You need to put my tree back! It’s supposed to be exactly three steps away from the exit of my gas chamber.
You’re spoiling my fun.
“That is the point I made, so keep your argument honest, Lars ..”
That’s like asking your dog to stop chasing cars. Similar comprehension, similar result. It is also like wrestling with a pig in a wallow – you don’t catch the pig, you get all muddy, and the pig likes it.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
‘your reading comprehension is sketchy’ – Poetrooper, et al., taylor does not read for either comprehension or context. He reads for key words, also known as ‘trigger’ words, which he himself uses as needed. His own posts show that repeatedly.
Trying to get him to understand the full content of what you are saying is like barking at the wind. Neither works very well.
Basically, “Skim until offended.”
That’s good stuff. “The most obvious one of them all, because if you are going to argue with liberals you WILL be called racist. It is inevitable.” Really nailed it. Are his books any good?
Yeah, that’s really good stuff, Mr. Blue. Thanks for the link. And I learned something about Charlton Heston!
About being called a racist, “Just keep in mind that you’re in good company. Charlton Heston marched across the Selma Bridge with Martin Luther King, and he was smeared as racist for believing that the 2nd Amendment applied to everyone equally.”
Home equity rises from having low-crime, well maintained communities in which the citizens don’t leave trash all over the streets, sell drugs in public, worship thug culture, etc. There are predominantly black areas which have prospered since WWII… and there are areas with trashed streets, run-down buildings, no community life, and degraded conditions. I can tell you Ferguson was considered a very sketchy area 50 years ago. Bear in mind the demographics – this is an area that is only 2/3 black….how do you account for the other 1/3? Were they marginalized?
Sorry, Larsy, but your gun is smoking, the barrel’s hot, and there’s a bunch of brass at your feet. But feel free to blame everybody else, as usual.
Wow, you really do smoke crack!
The worst thing that happened was government subsidies of housing. Because people could move into neighborhoods that were higher than their pay grade, and do so on someone else’s money.
It had the same effect as these damned riots. The new hapless homeowner didn’t give a crap in most cases, since it wasn’t their money, and the housing went to crap, the neighborhood devalued, crime rose etc.
Before that, there was what we thinking folks call, “Incentive” – a newlywed couple buys a small house they can afford, fixes it up somewhat, and later sells upward to a better house. A new, newlywed couple, or whomoever, moves into their previous home and the cycle repeats, but more to the point, tends to sustain the housing and the neighborhoods.
So, all this freebie, gubmint cheese stuff has just pooched the market economics (exactly what they wanted to do) -and lined the pockets of liberal do-gooders, while destroying the lives of a great many people and keeping their minds in bondage to liberal bullcrap.
It must be crazy-making to have on the one hand, liberal studies telling you to be proud of your heritage, while on the other hand, you’re so stupid you can’t succeed without government intervention.. no wonder people go nuts.
I wonder if Lars remembers who was President in 1934. And who controlled both the House and Senate. (smile)
This hypocrisy reminds me of when I was serving as the State Retention Officer (Army Guard). We had an Air Guard TAG at the time.
Force Diversity got tossed on my plate. I had to come up with ways to recruit and retain minority personnel, specifically African Americans, to make us more representative of the state’s population. Makes sense right?
At the time our State was 14.3% African American. Our Army Guard African American population was 12.2%. So we had some minor room for improvement.
But this TAG was adamant and downright caustic about it. A clear sign of racism and exclusion on the part of everyone in the Army Guard.
Until I pointed out, in a joint staff meeting, that his own Air Guard in our state comprised of only 5.4% African Americans.
And no. The Air Guard wasn’t getting lambasted about it.
Nice. +50
We had that same push about three years ago – diversity across the Guard in our state as well, with an emphasis on females into key positions. The outcome – a BN S3 that was clueless, and a state CSM who couldn’t even get the ribbons correct on her command photo.
And “who” solidly controlled state and local governments in the South where most blacks still lived before the 1940’s Second Great Migration to the northern cities.
Who has kept control of, say, Chicago, whose black population has increasingly been shunted into ghettos and public housing projects where the PD pays little attention to crime?
Anybody ever hear of a place called Detroit? Oh yeah, that’s the place where an African American Mayor screwed everyone in the city while it was falling apart around him and went to federal prison.
If home values are plummeting in Ferguson it must be because those that have the means to do so are getting the hell out. Excessive supply combined with little demand is the recipe for declining home values. I saw something similar, albeit at a much slower pace, when living in North Carolina after I left active duty. Charlotte is a great example of the “ring suburb” and one of the primary causes of that is forced busing to achieve racial integration. In a nutshell, it goes like this: Because black and white neighborhoods are separate (no longer by law but by both custom and often by choice) neighborhood schools were de facto segregated: White neighborhoods had generally higher income families and accordingly better schools supported by those neighborhoods, while schools in black neighborhoods suffered. So they started “busing” kids from one neighborhood to another and spreading out the tax burdens. The only problem with that was the unintended consequences: The proponents of busing didn’t seem to understand that those who had the means to do so (which meant, generally, the wealthier white families) would simply move outside of the busing district. This “white flight” not only caused property values to drop (because of the glut of homes being sold) but also caused the the biggest taxpayers to move out of the tax district, further impoverishing the schools for those left behind. The mostly white families then settled in suburbs that were across county lines or conveniently just on the other side of the school district boundaries, built new homes, and of course those areas thrived. Eventually even the shopping centers and other stores in the “old” neighborhoods closed down as the big retailers moved to the “ring suburbs” surrounding the city. which then left the legacy of what I called the “ghost malls”, old shopping centers that are left to decay and become magnets for crime, vandalism, gang activity, etc. Charlotte is the one example I know of but I’m sure there are others out there that look similar. It’s a vexing problem and as with many vexing problems, there’s… Read more »
Savannah, Georgia, is another example. I know, because I was one of the kids that got bussed.
I’m guessing a lot of southern cities fit this model, in fact I’d bet that if you looked at an economic map of many big cities that used busing, the map would look like a target or a series of concentric rings: An inner core of relatively wealthy singles, retirees, or couples with no kids (the hip urban center, in Charlotte it’s either Uptown or Dilworth) surrounded by a large circle of economically depressed neighborhoods with high crime, poor schools and a generally low quality of life, and then an “outer ring” of affluent, low-crime suburbs.
And every time the city annexes one of those affluent suburbs and moves the busing line outwards, the process repeats itself as those with the means to do so flee the city.
Another factor that fuels this, I believe, is relatively low land prices outside the city that make moving out to “the country” economically feasible.
And I think the lesson is that as tempting as it is for those with good intentions to use the sledgehammer of the law to try and force people to do what they don’t want to do (i.e. live near people they do not want to live near) you only end up creating a different set of problems.
So shoot me, I don’t like the trash and filth of cities, of packing to take out the garbage, of spotlights from a police helicopter shining through my bedroom window, of the constant assault on my ears from traffic, sirens, blaring music, and other ungodly noise, of the street cursing, of the bullet-proof glass atop store check-out counters, of the drunks and druggies, of the sight of auto glass on the sidewalk from another car break and grab, of little plasticine bags, of syringes, and of used condoms, and of the omnipresent threat of street crime and burglaries, of the barred windows and steel doors, of the people who awaken around noon and emerge about dusk to spend the night doing nothing of value. No thanks. I have been there. I have seen all of that and more. I’m sorry for those who can’t escape it, and that’s about it.
I lived and worked in Chicago for 30 years. During that time, the poorer black families lived in CHA housing projects, which were meant well when constructed but rapidly went to Hell in a handbasket because they were badly supervised, poorly maintained and allowed to become crime magnets. No one was forced to live there. It was simply the economics of welfare. When I moved away from the city 10 years ago, the projects were still standing. Shorly after I moved, they were demolished to make room for mixed-income housing, meaning welfare level to upper middle class. Unfortunately, while this was done with the (reportedly) best intentions, the reality was that the worst elements, who would be at home in Detroit’s crime desert neighborhoods, decided that they should be able to live anywhere they wished. The result is that in my old neighborhood, where I lived for 11 years before moving out, and where there were no street shootings, no drug deals on the corner, none of that crap associated with slums and ghettos, there are now regular shootings, holdups and breakins. Property values have dropped enough to be worrisome and the city is desperately seeking cash resources, hence the contentious red light traffic cameras. I keep in touch with a friend who still lives in my old building. He said it is worse than it was 5 years ago. He’s trying to find a way to move away and still earn a living. I wouldn’t move back there is you put a gun to my head and gave me a winning lottery ticket. And this whole episode of blind-as-a-bat rearranging population groups is all the work of the two most recent, and very liberal, mayors of Chicago, Richie Daley and Rahm Emanuel. Oh, while I’m at it: Rahm’s son was robbed at gunpoint right in front of the mayor’s home in the Ravenswood neighborhood. I used to run through that area every night after work. Never happened to me, but then, the projects hadn’t yet been destroyed. And Englewood – well, you REALLY don’t want to go there. The… Read more »
“Unfortunately, while this was done with the (reportedly) best intentions, the reality was. . . ”
And there you have, in a nutshell, the entire Libtard philosophy, and its consequences. BUT! “all we need to do is pass JUST ONE MORE LAW, and that will fix everything.”
Ummmm. . .. . no.
Just like the Televangelist that could coerce God to cure cancer; however, we just didn’t pray enough and we didn’t contribute enough.
It’s always a panacea for libs…
Everything they do will fix whatever they fucked up that led to their miracle solution to the problem that arose from the crap they put forth in the first place.
There you have it, the entire swirling the drain of liberalism in one sentence…
Now all we need are a bunch of left wing loonies like Lardass to tell us how our knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, conservative values are what’s really at fault…
At least cpt Lard isn’t lambasting those minority hating Christians who are celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day…
Ahhh, the Luck of the Irish to ya.
cpt Lard should be happy that he too has a Patron Saint: St. Anthony the Great, Patron Saint of Pig Farmers.
How far back ya wanna go, Larsy poo? Just because your family and/or associates may be recent converts to this thing about basing one’s respect upon character not the color of another’s skin, many of us have been doing just that for generations. The difference is that while we have been living it, you are just now deciding that others should live it while you continue your shrouded existence protected from the real world out here.
Should we begin with the reason the GOP was formed in the first place? Do you even know that much about history?
Would you like a list of ways that ancestors of people like me were abolitionists, and perhaps compare that with your family’s activities prior to the US Revolution?
How’s about we do some contrasting of all that with Obama’s family? Would you like to start there maybe, and how far back should be begin?
Sure, Lars, just name it-be happy to compare it all with you. My family disdains lefties and Democrats to this day because they are historically the folks who kill people who don’t agree with them, supported slavery back when and now have substituted welfare and other government programs as the modern iteration of slavery.
Bring it, big boy. But you better bring a much better game than you have in any other argument so far. Getting very tired of your foolish projection.
You probably think that Dr. Martin Luther King got some sort of on-line honorary degree. Not so. You are a typical bigot. MLK earned his degrees the old fashioned way. But then, you probably would have no reason to know that since you prefer to live by your biases and assumptions.
Lefties are the biggest bigots ever. Pretty much racists all.
I need to get me some popcorn. This shit is downright entertaining.
And some green beer?
Ok, maybe some whiskey.. and a cigar..
Was the whiskey from a jar? (smile)
Lars, will you please get off all the stats and demographics and get down to the business of refuting my original premise that the loss of home values in Ferguson is directly attributable to liberal/socialist activism.
Good thing you’re not an infantry officer, being so easily distracted from the primary objective and all.
Give it up, Poetrooper. Ol’ larsthedimbulb can’t do what you want because it has no basis in reality.
The reality of Ferguson’s loss in property value is quite visible in on-site videos of businesses and dwellings being looted and burned to the ground in August 2014.
That is nothing more than vandalism, arson, and lawlessness. Looks like Detroit on Devil’s Night, if you ask me.
Will only take exception to the notion that the consequences are unintentional. Loss of freedom for the common folk and dependence upon government instead is exactly what the lefties intended all along.
Now, we can discuss whether any of the useful idiots know that. Perhaps not. Some of the true believers may not even know, but the upper echelons among them absolutely do know that the goal is to subject the population to their will.
Damn Lars, you disappoint. We had hoped for a troll who could present some real challenge, take us out of our comfort zones and force us to think deeply. Alas, you aren’t that super-powered troll who could do that. We present you a challenge to liberal dogma and what do we get back from you? Demographics and statistics that bore all to hell in a forum that is ready to tar and feather you web-wise if you fail to persuade.
You let us down, boy, you really let us down. I’m so thankful that you’re not an infantry officer but rather an intel or civil affairs wienie, so that we here at TAH don’t have to worry too much about those young soldiers you may in the future command.
Hopefully they and you will be well behind the lines where you belong. Our sons and grandsons will be out all around you providing security for your critical mission.
Good luck to you, sonnie.
An Old Grunt
Folks, stop feeding this troll. If you want to argue with him, give him his own thread so the rest of us don’t have to waste our bandwidth. I don’t have long to live and I refuse to waste any of it on this fake intellectual.
Roger Out.
Roger, I told him a couple of times to start his own blog, but he ignored that idea.
You, on the other hand, can always get support from us. Take good care of you.
Well, he did give us a few new words: larsist, larsism, and larsic.
larsist: n. A practitioner of larsism. See
larsic: adj. 1) Having the qualities or
characteristics of a larsist. 2) Of
or like a larsist.
larsism: n. 1) In argumentation, the
assertion of opinion presented as
fact. 2) The misapplication or
misuse of fact provided in support
of a given position. 3) The
inability or refusal to recognize
or to acknowledge facts refuting
one’s position. 4) Pretentious and
valueless sophistry. Syn. Dumbshit
Sehr gut, Kamerad!
Larism (alt)- a Yoga position in which one inserts one’s head up one’s ass and then blames White Republicans for turning off the lights.
larsicistic – extreme larsism; the larsist can hear only his own thoughts.