Joseph Queen; phony Marine sniper
Scotty sends us his work on this Joseph Queen fellow in West Virginia who claims that he’s a member of the USMC Force recon and a sniper (aren’t they all?).
Yeah, well the National Personnel Records Center says “Who?”
I guess it’s cheaper to just type it into your Facebook profile than it is to go out and invest the medals and uniform, so it’s easier for folks who are phony to perpetrate this fraud for whatever reasons.
Category: Phony soldiers
“About Joseph: I am a USMC sniper and that sad it all.”
That is sad. A neighbor of yours Jonn?
And in WV, your own back yard, Jonn.
I hope, Jonn, you run across this POS in your local travels and are able to give him the verbal and mental beatdown he so richly deserves.
He looks like the sort of dumbass who would, if confronted in person about his fakery, probably get very defensive and even physically attack.
The pic of him here just screams “bad attitude.”
Obviously another insecure little guy who needs to pretend he was something that he never was.
You’re a gutless punk, Joseph. Never even served in ANY capacity.
This SV thing seems to be a growth industry. Hopefully these “outings” might slow the trend down. The problem is, the fakes probably know nothing of TAH, Don “The Hair” Shipley, Guardian of Valor, and all the other folks who are vigilant and on the lookout for these hosers. And we’re all too willing to expose and embarrass them.
Totally legit, look at that thousand yard stare!
/sarc off
Nope, that’s an “IQ lower than room temperature” stare. 🙂
Looks more like the, “Oh, damn – my Ex-Lax just kicked in, and if you don’t leave soon I’m going to crap my pants” stare to me.
But I could be wrong.
I was actually thinking it was a “Am I out of Thunderbird or do I still have a bottle in the bathroom” stare, but Hondo is probably right – his is more worldly than I am in these things.
Your phrase could easily be the case as well. With this guy, there seem to be multiple possibilities. (smile)
Come on guys, can’t you see the desire etched into those features? Surely there are some underage chicks passing by his car.
Ncat: Actually, it would be little boys that Joseph “Gay” Queen is looking for. He has the look of an AIDS infested HIV patient, dontcha think? No doubt about it, a diaper wearing homo bedwetter.
I stand corrected.
Absolutely no reason you both can’t be right. One leads to the other…
OK, Hondo, you got the giggle/snort from me.
I was thinking it’s a “where’s my banjo” look.
That, or he thinks someone’s dating his favorite sheep behind his back!
More like thousand-c0ck stare.
Well according to his Facebook it took him 6 years to get through High School, an over achiever for sure. Records must be Classified and all that Secret Squirrel stuff dont ya know.
Dunno if that “6 yrs in HS” is necessarily an indicator, MSGRetired. Many years ago, in some areas smaller rural high schools were often grades 7-12 vice 9-12 or 10-12. It’s possible he attended one of the 7-12 types.
Actually I’m not defending the guy I went to the same high school and it was 7-12 I really wish TAH had gotten that sweet SS bolts and crosshairs tat that says death by afar and I’m no sniper nor do I have the desire to be but isn’t death from afar
But is he All Points Logistics material?
The possibility exits that he may be eligible.
He would have to have SEAL training and be Halo qualified. As a Marine Corps recon and sniper troop, I hazzard he has those qualifications.
Dumbass. I hope someone recognizes him and gives him the verbal beatdown. In fact, I would pay to witness that in person. Lol.
Things are definitely changing for potential employment.
Loosely translated, 1) be able to lie through your teeth to inflate yourself worth in order to make money for the company; 2) claim you do not know who Commander Phil Monkress is (the CEO of All-Points Logistics) when asked; 3) have no compunction with unethical or immoral behavior and 4) have no issue with a judge says “Will the defendant please rise”.
Yes, but does he actually have any teeth? That goatee almost says dentures. Phildo might like that.
But what do I know?
I actually worked with the guy… I have to sit and listen to the stories he tells knowing he is fool of shit. You think its hard reading this you should be there in person to hear it.
I bet it was. Now you can verbally break him down shotgun style for being the lying piece of shit he is.
Custodial staff.
In his own words ” I’m a Marine sniper and that sad it all”…. Indeed sad.
I nominate him for his new name…
Hosee Queen !!!
There’s gotta be a joke in there somewhere with a last name Queen !!!
Hosy Van Closet queen ???
Any more ideas ???
“Hosee Queen” works for me. I bet he was the “HOSEE” on all fours in prison while the “Hoser” pitched and he received.
Dude looks like a pedophile.
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You mean all that training I did, all that time I spent in, I could have just pencil whipped that shit off and claimed it anyway?
Who knew!
Forwarding to my buddy in the USMC sniper community. He does enjoy sniper posers, being big in the community. This dud would have been more believable if he said he played banjo in canoeing movies.
He also looks like the walking paradigm of the poser; I would bet a paycheck this man pig has spent time as a guest of the county or state, and may have some prison art on that low life turd body. I doubt he wears the leather vest and rides with Monkress, I don’t think he has much in the away of cash to go far beyond the 1996 suzuki he is driving now, let alone hop on a harley and ride with the big boy posers.
Yeah, that’s a thousand yard prison stare. The kind you see on the guy that gets caught with his fourteen year old cousin, because she is the only one stupid enough to believe this turd.
What makes you think his cousin is a ‘she’?
He realized he didn’t like being the female in the relationship in prison.
It’s a good thing I have a privacy filter on this thing…because the soft drink geyser just erupted when I read the line about banjos and canoes.
Another Internet tough guy. Claims to speak Arabic, too.
One of his FB friends, Cody Vizcarra, has evidently discovered TAH. He looks to be legit, but SOOOOOOOO many selfies!
Why do we never see any phony Marine transportation or phony Marine cooks?
We got close with the SF cook.
We also had a phony Marine admin clerk. One of my favorites!
Assclown probably caught the PTDS from being called “Drag” Queen during Basic Training at Parris Island…
Yeah I have alot of selfie Eden lol this guy is from my town he approached on Facebook while I was at Geiger (I think) telling me he just got out and my town has a proud history of its men serving so I didn’t think to question it and when I got home we hung out and drank beer rode 4 wheelers ect he even has the SS bolts with cross hairs and it says death by afar lol but anyways love the site guys and thanks
Semper Fi
Lcpl Cody Vizcarra
Glad you can see through him now, Cody! Welcome to TAH!
Good Job, LCpl and welcome aboard!
Thanks for your service, Cody, Semper Fi.
So this fucktard even got a sniper tattoo? Too funny! Hey Queen, you douchebag, there’s a guy in Calgary, Alberta with a bunch of Seal tattoos, maybe you two can get together and form a mutual admiration masturbation club!
Yeah he did lol and it’s not even correct plus he’s got the recon tat also the paddle kabar diver and jump wing
So do you know if he’s been to his non-deleted Facebook site and realized he’s internet famous now? If not can you share the good news with him?
I’m not sure if he deleted me or blocked me and honestly one thing that really pissed me off about all this is he DID NOT HAVE TO LIE TO ME to be my friend I would’ve drank beer and went mudding with him even he wasn’t a Marine smh
That’s the way most of us feel. I drink on the back patios with my neighbors all summer long. None of them served. They’re just good people getting on with their lives. I don’t look down on them in any way. That’s what this guy could have done, but he chose otherwise. As I said in another comment, looking at the now deleted Facebook account, I think he did it to enhance his stock with the ladies. The fact that hue tatted u[p takes it to another level of ridiculous. Have fun with him. I look forward to him defending himself on here.
Sigh, Yawn, just another Facebook Commando with 450 plus or minus female Facebook friends he’s never met in person.
Uh-Oh, where did that Facebook page go?
Not surprised it got wiped.
The other site is still up. Referred to by someone in the Facebook comments. Feel free to jump in and comment on HIS site.
Micro penis confirmed.
What a dipshit.
More like Joseph Queef. Shitbag.
How does one “like” like an ass… unless one has been an ass while “liking”? If he realizes what he has done here, he’s going to look like an ass again… just like he was recently made to look like an ass.
Joseph Queen… go ahead and say it… eeeehaw… eeehaw…. eeehaw… 🙄
Just ask Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics.
He is really a coal miner. I work with him at Marshall County Mine in Cameron, WV. Not a bad guy but thought the sniper bullshit was exactly that ever since he told us.
A “coal miner’s daughter” perhaps?
Hopefully now you and the boys can verbally break him of this lying shit.
Gotta say guys…. much as I hate the SV thing, I do respect the guy for being a coal miner. That is a rough line of work, and he probably actually IS a pretty tough guy. Just a shame he feels the need to do the phony military service thing.
If it weren’t for the stolen valor thing, I would maybe agree with you. Due to the SV, no respect. None. Not when I know several Marines that gave their lives in service to their country, and this piece of shit is cloaking himself in the valor they earned. Funny how many of his Facebook friends on the closed site were young ladies. Tells us where he was attempting to spend that stolen valor.
This turd mines two-holes.
Sniper to coal miner.
I am sure the maggot has been in some deep shafts.
Yeah, if his intent was to fish in young ladies with the SV nonsense, that is pretty low, to put it nicely.
Let’s face it… all these phonies obviously have self-esteem issues. And the gay/transgendered ones.. well.. they are on a whole different f***ed up level.
To Joseph Queen: Dude, you’re a COAL MINER! One of the toughest and grittiest civilian jobs there is around. Be proud of your vocation and stop with this Marine Corps Sniper phoney baloney bullshit and ‘fess up and move on. Everyone now knows that this is bullshit, so please stop this poser crap and move on!
Oh man I have stories for yall that he told. Like one of the best ones is his sniper tats where the last tattoo Sailor Jerry ever did. Myself being in the navy knew who Sailor Jerry was also liking tattoos I knew he died in early 70s. after I told him that he said it was one his protégés a young Ed Hardy I lost it and walked away..
My buddy, the Marine sniper laughed his ass off at you. He liked my reference to deliverence, but was even more impressed with your pathetic jacked up sniper tattoo.