Syria looms large in US troops’ future

| March 5, 2015

AFP reports that Harakat Hazm, the group of “moderate” Syrian rebels that Secretary of State John Kerry told us last year were most likely to receive US arms and training, dissipated and melted into the ranks of ISIS. I guess they took their arms and training with them;

…after suffering a devastating defeat at the hands of Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate at the weekend, Hazm appears to have disbanded, with many of its fighters reported to have joined an Islamist coalition.

“The collapse of… Hazm means that, in effect, there is no substantial and credible Western-backed ‘moderate’ opposition throughout most of Syria,” intelligence consultancy The Soufan Group said in a brief.

Well, there goes that idea.

Meanwhile, yesterday, according to the Military Times, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was in Congress again slowly turning up the heat on that pot of lobsters;

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, testified on Capitol Hill that military commanders will consider the need for small teams of U.S. troops to help local Iraqi and Syrian forces if that is critical for defeating the Islamic State militants.

“If the commander on the ground approaches either me or the secretary of defense and believes that the introduction of special operations forces to accompany Iraqis or the new Syrian forces, or JTACS, these skilled folks who can call in close-air support, if we believe that’s necessary to achieve our objectives, we will make that recommendation,” Dempsey told the House Appropriations Committee’s defense panel.

Maybe if they just wait a little longer, someone will step and do it and solve it all while this administration sits on it’s hands some more. You know, that same strategy that has worked so well for us in Libya and Tunisia.

And, oh, by the way, the REALLY good news is that a Quinnipiac University National poll supports sending US troops to do battle with ISIS;

American voters support 62 – 30 percent sending U.S. ground troops to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria, with strong support across all party, gender and age groups, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

Men back U.S. troop deployment 68 – 28 percent, while women support it 57 – 33 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.

Not coinicidently;

American voters believe 63 – 28 percent that President Obama loves America.


“Most Americans believe President Obama loves America, but they are not in love with his job performance,” Malloy added

Which should be reassuring for the troops tagged for yet another deployment to Iraq. Or not.

Obama gets a negative 44 – 50 percent approval rating for handling the economy. His approval ratings on other issues are:

Negative 35 – 55 percent for foreign policy;
Negative 39 – 54 percent for terrorism;
Negative 38 – 56 percent for immigration;
Negative 35 – 55 percent for ISIS.

But, hey, as long my kid doesn’t end up in Iraq…you can send that kid down the street and I’ll feel better about myself.

Category: Terror War

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Tell him to send his own kids first. Then I’ll listen to him. Oh, yeah – sKerry can send his kids, too.

So I guess the idea is that we just send people there with no clear instructions or backup or support, just turn them loose and hope for the best? Yes, that sounds good to me, too. (src)

Common Sense

But we don’t turn them loose, we send them with one arm tied behind their backs and a lawyer sitting on it.

Old Trooper

Sure, as long as Dempsey and the rest of the pampered princes in the pentagon get theirs, while working very hard to make sure the ones that will do the fighting don’t get theirs, I’m sure the troops are more than eager to say “how high”, when this chucklehead says jump.

Fuck you. Give the troops what they have earned and were promised, before you send them off for more of your bullshit.


Western Iraq is such a charming place. We never seem to hit anywhere like Monaco or Tuscany…


…or Provence! The wine! The cheese! The festivals! If they do start deploying to that region, let me know. I’ll go sign up.

I also cook.


What hasn’t been explained on the evening news is that essentially we have a war between Iran and ISIS (or ISIL or the Daesh or whatever). So, fighting against ISIS is furthering Iran’s ambitions in the region. Perfect.

A Proud Infidel®™

Will the pampered prissies in. DC ever even begin to realize that the vast majority of those third world goat-molesting fleabags have NO QUIPS OR QUALMS about changing sides in any type of conflict, even in the middle of a firefight? Most likely not when they can stay in the lap of luxury while they figure out how they’ll send us, we’re expendable.

The Other Whitey

I see two favorable options in Syria.

1) Mine the shit out of the Iraqi border. Advise Turks and Jordanians to follow suit. Kill every last IS cocksucker in Iraq. Let Syria implode and stay the hell out of it.

2) Nuke the bastards back to the Triassic Period and be done with it. Kill every last IS cocksucker in Iraq. Don’t have to worry about Syria anymore, and Iran is put on notice.


The Other Whitey…You are da man!!! Roger That!

L. Taylor

I completely defend the idea of training the moderate Syrian rebels.

We were just half-assed about it.

The real problem is we had a chance to train and fully provide lethal support the Free Syrian Army and we failed to do so.

It was the partial collapse of the Free Syrian Army that allowed ISIS the space to consolidate and move into Northern Iraq.


If Obama and Kerry had their own sons…they wouldn’t be going to Iraq. Well, Kerry’s kid would be there all of three weeks. Long enough to get a couple of Purple Hearts a Bronze Star w/ V device and a Silver Star. Then home to testify before the Senate with Iraq Veterans Against the War. Obama and Kerry are the two biggest idiots in history in every field of government endeavor they put their hands and small minds to. Who in the hell figures and couldn’t foresee, you cannot train and arm a small tribal or religious faction anywhere in the Mid East, except the Kurds, without full knowledge from history that they will turn and kill you? If we put combat troops back into Iraq in large numbers every body bag is on Obama and Kerry’s heads and hands. Like Pilate 2000+ years ago, you can try but that shit won’t wash! My plan from a simplistic, not in “the know”, former 11B is this. Before we send troops again to fight and die to save the sons of bitches who are too cowardly and too busy being Shia or Sunni to have a free nation, we bomb the living shit out of the Iraqi Syrian border region. Using all intel to locate ISIS enclaves and make damned sure no one lives through those bombings. Then watch as they run to regroup and bomb them again. Then repeat until their numbers have dwindled. THEN and only then, possibly send troops to kill every son of a bitch left. Do not take prisoners for Guantanamo. Screw that. Let them know we don’t want to get intel from them, we simple want them dead. I figure a couple generations of this and maybe things will settle down. Which turns my thoughts to Iran. We need to tell Israel, we are with you in forcing Iran to the table to submit to inspection to dismantle nuke weapons programs. If they persist in giving us the finger, then again use the intel I guarantee we have to destroy all those facilities and their… Read more »

Jordan Rott

Well if Quinnipiac backs it, I guess I’m going to Syria!