Marie Harf; we need a jobs program for ISIS

| February 18, 2015


Marie Harf, according to Wiki was a CIA analyst specializing in the Middle East, until she jumped ship in 2012 and advised the Obama presidential campaign on national security. After the election, she got a job in the State Department as their Deputy Spokesperson. That was a very good move on her part, and probably the best thing she could have done for the country, because we don’t need a CIA analyst who thinks that ISIS is just out on a job hunt;

In January, she was on Fox talking about the bloody confrontation in Paris and she could bring herself to call the attack “Islamic extremism” so we can really hardly expect her to think that the only rational solution to the ISIS problem is to kill them all as quickly as possible. You might even want to consider putting their lifeless heads on pikes in every Syrian and Iraqi town that they occupied and in which they misbehaved.

They aren’t beheading Christians in Libya because they don’t have jobs – the Copts went to Libya from Egypt because of economic conditions in Egypt – for jobs. So obviously, there are jobs in Libya, but the creatures in ISIS would prefer to behead Christians instead of working.

Of course, Ms. Harf works for John Kerry, so the standard for being a deep thinker is very low bar to navigate. Someone needs to tell her that the more of the ISIS pigs we kill, the fewer jobs that she’ll have to find.

Category: Politics

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Yet another clueless, naive child working for the current DC clown krewe Administration in a reasonably senior position. Who’d a thunk it?

Old Trooper

Yes, boys and girls, she is that stupid. That she is in the position she is tells you a whole lot about how fucking incompetent this current administration is.


It’s not just this administration, it’s a whole generation of grad school educated people running around DC who have never bothered to truly learn the region or it’s culture. It’s like a shared delusion.

John S.

I thought ISIS terrorists already had jobs – of being Peshmerga bullet catchers.


Come on guys…she’s just the deputy. Her brilliant boss, Psaki, keeps her in line. s/

But seriously, I doubt that she threw that jobs BS out there all on her own. Bet John F’ing Kerry has said exactly that in meetings.


If Jawn sKerry had a hand in this idiocy, the next talking point will be that global warming global climate disruption is responsible for ISIS going off their nut.
If ISIS is “the JV”, according to Øbola, his administration can rightly be called the middle school team.


Her last name is misspelled, it should read Barf.

Latest headline on Drudge “administration to quadruple admission of Syrian refugees.” Program called a backdoor for jihadists. –

Now that worries me!


Well, I guess someone didn’t read my article from earlier this morning . . . . (smile)


Slap to the back of my head accepted – red face included!


(chuckling) No issue, amigo – we’ve all missed something along the way, myself included. (smile)


I owe you a cold one!!

Pinto Nag

“Now that worries me.”

It should. It’s called a ‘manufactured crisis.’ Import the jihadists that the administration will have to declare martial law to control. Our elections get suspended until the crisis is past. That’ll give Obama what? another ten or so years? to enjoy his position as Emperor.



It is not our responsibility to provide jobs and opportunity for the poor little ISIS members.

However, it is in our national interest to kill them all.

Yes, we can kill our way out of this buy proper use of IC resources, providing Tier 1 forces, air power and supplying as many guns and ammo to our allies as required to kill them all over time.

After all, they have said they are coming (already here), they want to fly their flag over the WH (flag is already in use in the US) and they want to force a change in our way of life (sharia law) and our form of government.

In review:




We also IMO need to re-start operational testing of our strategic nuclear stockpile. How about we have DoE declare a new nuclear test site – starting with a square approx 1000 square miles in area, centered on Raqqa, to be expanded in the future as needed?

B Woodman

Disagree. The thousand square mile nuke testing range(s) should have its epicenter(s) at Mecca and Medina.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

But we won’t kill them all, we don’t have the desire as a nation to kill them all we lack the fortitude to make killing the majority of them an option.

For the next two years at least the CinC is never going to become a kill them all guy.

In light of that, the young lady is correct because when we don’t kill our way out we need a post conflict occupation plan that minimizes future recurrences. All the rhetoric to the contrary doesn’t change that reality.


Add illegal immigrants after “ISIS members” and I think you just posted our new (wishful thinking) US policy.


Napalm burns up all the terrorist,
All the terrorist of the world!
Be they red or black or white….
Napalm burns them up on sight…
Napalm burns up all the terrorist of the world!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I heard this yesterday and I am thinking it’s much ado about nothing. She clearly states we and our regional allies will be killing a lot of these guys, but she’s right when she says we can’t kill our way out of the situation because this nation no longer has the national will to crush foreign enemies with endless bombing for 3 or 4 years until there is nothing left standing but piles of rubble. Consequently if we are not able to muster the will to kill our ways out that situation we need a plan for the post killing phase of the conflict. That plan will almost certainly require education and some form of economic reconstruction. This is especially true if we are going to label only ISIS as our enemy and Syria and Iraq as our friends and attempt to conduct a war in the middle of an occupation by two separate warring factions. It worked miserably in Iraq in round 1, there is no reason for anyone to assume that round 2 would be different and we can look at Afghanistan to see the value in trying to conduct operations against an NGO while trying to win hearts and minds of the local population. Afghanistan will descend into chaos exactly as Iraq has done and Syria, Yemen, Libya are all not far behind. Strong economies with well educated populaces are a key to changing hearts and minds. Japan and Germany have well educated populations with strong world leader economies. We reconstructed those economies after killing a bunch of their people, she’s right if we intend to kill a bunch of people we need a realistic plan for the moment that the bulk of the killing stops. Fox news wants to keep their audience, they know the best way to do that is to hate everything happening on 1600 PA Avenue, but I believe in this instance Ms. Harf is correct. We will kill a lot of ISIS fighters were her words, but when we can’t kill our way out of solving the regional problems what’s our plan?… Read more »


She, and you, underestimate the American will, VOV.


VOV: you’re drining the lib kool-aid, amigo. These ISIS assholes don’t want jobs in the tradtional sense. They want subjects and territory under their rule – which is a particularly extreme and odious form of Sharia – nothing more, and nothing less.

You might want to read up on how the “caliphate” is ruling areas under it’s control.

And of course, burning people alive to execute them because they’re not Muslim and/or have just p!ssed off someone in ISIS leadership.

Jobs, hell. What they need is bullets – two per, administered intra-cranially.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What they need is bullets

I think you’ve read my words enough to know that I am for burning it all down and killing everything that walks or crawls in the ME, but I’m also a realist.

Our nation doesn’t have any desire to engage in that conflict. You can hardly get a republican “leader” to make that statement that all ISIS needs to be killed.

If we are being honest about what our nation is actually going to do we will recognize Ms. Harf is accurate when she says we will not kill our way out, I wish she was wrong but we couldn’t kill our way out of Iraq in Round 1 and we’re not killing our way out of Afghanistan we are attempting to leave Afghanistan.

So if reality states we lack the balls to kill our enemies what’s a plan we can use? Unfortunately she’s right again when she says reconstruction, because we been doing reconstruction already in both Afghanistan and Iraq….she’s not making any claim we’re going to be doing something new she’s being a pragmatist about what the reality is for the US these days.

We are a nation of soft, pasty faced cowards. 99.3% of our fellow citizens are so fucking soft they make the Pillsbury Doughboy look like Schwarzenegger in his prime….

It sucks that she’s right, but I’m not drinking any Kool-Aid. I’m looking at my fellow citizens and seeing the bright yellow stripes of fucking cowards on all of their backs.

Maybe you don’t see that, I hope you’re right amigo, but I am beginning to believe we are so fucking soft when it comes to killing our enemies that we will never fight another war with a national will, only a tiny professional army that few of those soft mother fuckers even support in spite of their little ribbons to the contrary.


This extremely long article that’s getting tons of press lately is a fantastic insight into who we’re fighting:

…and while he dismisses the “join them in battle” option, I don’t think he effectively argues against it, but rather dismisses it out of hand. Regardless, agree with his policy conclusions (which you probably would) or not, it’s a fantastic summary that really digs into the differences between Al Qaeda and IS.


I posted that link here:

The ISers want war. Their primary goal is to invade Italy and destroy Rome. They actually envision war with horses and swords.
They REALLY want a war with the USA. I think they need to be softened up a bit first. I’m heavily in favor of unannoucned airstrikes with big, nasty, heavy bombs, not just something from fighter jets.
That would cheer me up immensely.


I think when they say “Rome,” they mean Istanbul – Islam was birthed into a world where Rome = Byzantine Empire. That said, I’m sure Italy is still on the list, but conquering Rome itself will mean wresting Constantinople/Istanbul from the takfiri Turks…


It is an excellent article. And leads me to the conclusion that ISIS is not interested in negotiation or moderation, or any other of the steps that a civilized nation state takes. They want war. War attracts the faithful, it gives them press, it keeps those in the fight on task. They are promising a caliphate and paradise. They have to fight and kill to achieve that. We have to kill them back.


We did not so much reconstruct as reshape Germany and Japan through long-term occupation – for a full decade in Germany, and for roughly 7 years in Japan. And both were in essence de facto client states, militarily speaking, for decades afterwards.

Both were also modern cultures. The Middle East, bluntly speaking, is not. They’re still essentially tribal and feudal, with only a thin veneer of modernity overlaying that.

Reconstructing a tribal society with jobs, dollars, and “encouragement” IMO simply ain’t gonna work. They’ve got to progress beyond the tribal/theocratic stage as a society first. And the ME is IMO at least 2 generations away from that – best case.

Yeah, that means we’ll be dealing with periodic flare-ups. The alternative is to occupy the place for a couple of decades and re-make it. And even that might not work.

History has shown that pernicious cultures desiring regional or world hegemony (such as ISIS) attempt to expand until they are destroyed. Not defeated – destroyed.

Offering them foreign aid and jobs ain’t going to do it. And you can’t win the “hearts and minds” of a local population that’s been brainwashed and/or is operating under compulsion until the leadership doing the brainwashing and compelling has been destroyed. Again, not defeated – destroyed. Dead or in chains, and preferably the former.

We as a nation need to wake up to those facts. Pronto.

Or we need to be ready to pray 5x daily. Because ISIS is serious, and so far we haven’t been.


‘Not defeated – destroyed.’

Exactly. That is what they want. They have no vision of the future the way you and I do. If they are smashed to pieces, broken beyond repair, they won’t care. Their only goal is acquire territory and kill people.


I disagree, Ex-PH2. ISIS has a vision of the future.

Their vision is that of the re-establishment of the Caliphate on a worldwide scale – ruled by ISIS leadership, of course. With the same “conversion or sword” option offered to conquered subjects that was very common during the original Caliphate’s expansion.

We ignore this fact today. That is very short-sighted and dangerous on our part.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is on point Hondo, I just don’t see slamming Harf as changing the current reality on the ground.

We’ve already shown we don’t have the strength of will to destroy a culture, Bush/Cheney didn’t have the guts for that and Obama/Biden can’t even identify what ideology ISIS is promoting.

You know I don’t disagree with you, but as a practical matter where in our recent history do you see us actually destroying this culture of death in the ME.

I hope we do wake up pronto, but there is no evidence to support the concept that we will in fact wake up.

Old Trooper

The premise of money and jobs for the region is an exercise in futility and if we don’t learn from history, it will continue to be repeated i.e. look at all the American taxpayer money that has gone to that shithole known as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They don’t use the aid money for food and to better themselves; what isn’t embezzled is used to buy weapons to attack Israel. Do you really think that giving the ISIS scumbags money will make them forget about killing? Not happening, because I am a realist and I have kept my eyes open to history.


“need a plan for the post killing phase of the conflict” …. WTF? Not even close to that…..

We were close, then Obama’s decision to place politics above sound Military judgment intervened…..ROE, pulling troops out of theater and decimating our military (not to mention supporting, funding and arming terrorists).

“Strong economies with well educated populaces are a key to changing hearts and minds.”

How about using this strategy in the US, it sure hasn’t been done the last 6 years.

Maybe obama can fund global warming initiatives and build some green projects (like solar panels, electric cars, wind turbines, composting and a golf course or two) in Iraq and Afghanistan that will work hand in hand with IRAN’s Nuclear facilities.

It’s all Fox news’ fault. Another Obama talking point. How about the economy, financial sector, decimating the military, Benghazi, running guns to mexico, arming terrorists, releasing terrorists, trading for traitors, pushing away allies and embracing enemies (the list is longer).

The Administration and harf shovel nothing but deceit and deception. They’re nothing more than progressive, inexperienced, political whores without a clue.

Speaking about “what you’re gonna do”, doesn’t get the job done, particularly after you failed at the first step at the cost of a thousands of US soldiers.

Put down the Kool-Aid.


“need a plan for the post killing phase of the conflict”

If that means “nation building”, um … no thank you. Respectfully, I’ll pass.


VOV, you simply cannot use Japan and Germany as examples. It is an apples/oranges comparison with the one side being two nations with cultures built on a foundation of a strong work ethic, and the other side a still-feudalistic culture whose last glimmer of greatness is more than a millennium past, and even then was largely great only in its military accomplishments.

Look what has happened in those European countries that have opened their doors to Muslims. Plenty of jobs to be had but what do the young Muslim men do? They go on the dole, welfare, public assistance, whatever you want to call it. They gather together in ghettos where non-Muslims enter only at risk of losing their lives at the hands of radicalized Muslim gangs.

No, jobs are not the answer. Next they’ll probably suggest midnight basketball programs. This State Department under Kerry is even more clueless than it was under Hillary.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right jobs alone aren’t the answer, but she is not claiming that jobs are the answer she is claiming when we discover we can’t kill our way out of the situation what’s our plan? Do we have one?

It doesn’t appear that we do, consequently her idea is to strengthen the economy which requires education and provides jobs.

I don’t mind seeing all those guys killed, but we’re not going to do that no matter how many cranky old farts like me suggest that we kill them all and start over with new humans…in the absence of real leadership from anyone on either side of the aisle she expressed an opinion and it’s the first opinion I’ve heard in 14 years that actually understands the concept that we are never going to kill everyone there so what are we doing the day after we decide we’ve killed enough of them to move on.

I’m no going to jump on a bandwagon and beat her up for that…there’s plenty of good reason to pound this administration, this is not one of them.

Of course as always when I run my mouth or my fingers as it were Your Mileage Will Most Certainly Vary as well it should.

We old soldiers just don’t like to accept the idea that our nation doesn’t have any will to fight throughout the population.


I reject that solution because history has shown that “nation building” alone doesn’t work against a resolute enemy, VOV. It only works when you’ve (1) totally subjugated the enemy, and (2) occupied their territory for a prolonged period of time, or who become a client state – or both. And even then, I submit it only works in cultures that are amenable to same – which I hold most of the ME today is not.

It didn’t work in Vietnam. We didn’t try it in the DR, Grenada, Panama, or the Gulf War (we beat feet after about a year in the first 3, and left a smallish residual presence nearby in the 4th case). It didn’t work in Beirut. It didn’t work in Somalia. It hasn’t worked in Haiti since 1994 (US and UN). It didn’t work in Iraq, and hasn’t worked to date in Afghanistan.

What makes the areas occupied by ISIS any different?

As I said above: my guess is that our best strategy in the ME may well be the model we showed in the DR, Grenada, Panama, and the Gulf War: get in, deal violently with the enemy of the day, and go home – or maybe leave a smallish residual presence.

I’m not sure that the ME’s culture is quite ready to become part of the 21st Century world. And I’m not willing to have 200,000+ US troops tied up there ad infinitum attempting to teach a largely tribal, feudal society how to become part of the 21st Century.


Hondo I agree. My opinion is that ISIS, their families and supporters must be killed. This is a Mid East, and more a Muslim problem. Local Muslim nations like Jordan and Egypt have to take the lead in this. If they need help with big bombs and lots of them, then we’re there. Then tell who’s left alive, have the country, free or a dictatorship that you are willing to fight and die for. That’s all any nation deserves. But if you build nuclear or biological weapons or export your terrorism beyond your borders, ever, we will be back from high altitude and low and again, bomb to death more and more of you until you stay hidden in your own walls like the cockroaches you want to be.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The ME is not different than those other countries because we aren’t going to destroy all of ISIS anymore than we got all of AQ or the Taliban… My point was there is no real plan to kill everyone, nor is there any real plan to do anything after we kill some of them. That was true under Bush and more so under Obama, so why beat this Harf up for suggesting something that is we were to actually fight the war as a war might be an appropriate action? Because she works for Obama? Under Bush Rumsfeld systematically deconstructed all of the infrastructure of Hussein’s control mechanisms. While this benefitted the Kurds immensely as they would not be subjected to further ethnic cleansing all other sectarian violence and terrorist violence that accommodated the folks of ISIL. Obama did nothing to rebuild that infrastructure and then removed the troops, what did anyone think would happen when we left without any plan after deconstructing the nation? Someone with strength would fill the vacuum. We are extremely naive to believe an essentially three tribe nation would suddenly find a singular national identity and become a stable regime. There was no plan to rebuild from Bush and none from Obama, some kid at state points out that a plan to rebuild after killing what we believe to be an appropriate amount of the enemy is required but she gets ridden like a pony for making a comment on a topic that nobody on either side of the aisle is addressing with a realistic solution. No GOP leader and no Democratic leaders have stepped up with a plan for post killing of ISIS, because once again there isn’t any plan whatsoever. So excuse me, but I’ll not be pounding the one person who had the fortitude of expressing at least some idea of what will be required because she’s on the other team…I might not agree with her naive idea but I’ll be damned if I am going to ride all over her for being the only with balls big enough to at least… Read more »


Education might be a problem as the female half of their “society” ends up banned from education, at the point of being murdered, having acid thrown in their faces or just shot. The other half of that “society” prefers playing with their AKs and beheading or burning their opponents.
I wonder, who’ll be first to set up a manufacturing facility in areas controlled by ISIS?


This is true, any COIN doctrine will tell you this too. So after you kill everyone the same economic disparities and ideas exist that started the movement in the first place. Lethal targeting must be mixed with non-lethal influencing. Why is there no ISIS action in well off countries, or at least not like in Syria and N. Africa???? Because the current government provides services and there is rule of law. Generally speaking, any of the well off citizens would say I don’t have time or energy for your ISIS shit, I have a real life.

Bombs and bullets mixed with a better way out for jihadist would take the air out of it very fast.


She was at DI only for a few years, before becoming the public affairs spokeshole for the agency. How does one go from a leadership analyst with DI to public affairs? My guess is she sucked as an analyst.

And based on her current statements, she’s dumber than a box of hammers, so it’s probably a good thing she’s no longer writing intel products for the policy makers.


Don’t insult hammers, Nicki. She’s an insult to bimbos, for Pete’s sake.


I apologize to hammers everywhere!

Seriously, how bad do you have to suck as an analyst to leave a plum ME leadership spot at DI and become a PA spokeshole? I would think that slot is a ticket to some serious IC clout!

Deputy spokeshole at State is high profile, but I’m not sure how much influence it actually has.


That chick is the poster-child for Blonde air-head jokes.


I’d say sucking is how she got her current position…


I’m guessing she sucked something to get where she it. That kind of stupid doesn’t get promoted on shear luck.


ISIS already have jobs, lots of jobs. Their only occupation is killing anyone who is not and ISe or doesn’t want to be an ISer, and to do it as gruesomely as possible so that it will piss people off. Then they can have their apocalypse. Why, they could even follow their Grand Plan to Invade Rome!

Perhaps that very stupid young woman should read up on what someone who spent time interviewing Isers not living in the ME. You should read it, too.

They want war. They really, really, really want war with the USA. They do not recognize national boundaries of any kind, which means they can claim the entire planet as their caliphate. They will go on doing these horrifying things, because they know what makes the rest of us angry. It won’t be long before they start using small chlidren as weapons. They place no value at all on life.

Great job of brainwashing an entire population, too. Hitler did it with the Hitler Youth Groups; the Khmer Rouge did it by grabbing children and telling them it was just fine to kill off adults, including their own parents; the Kim family has been doing it in Norkiland since the 1940s.

A land war will not get rid of them. Carpet bombing, cluster bombing – whatever it takes, but hit the entire territory they’ve confiscated until there is nothing left. I would add heavy offshore artillery and serious missiles.

You know how to get rid of cockroaches? Poison the nest.

Sorry, but I’m in a foul mood about this mess.


I really am in a foul mood. I left out ‘nuke the place into oblivion’. My bad.

Vlad Putin has called for finding a way to stop funds going to ISIS. He should worry. A large number of central Asian countries, e.g., Kazakhstan and Chechnya, are muslim and really don’t like Russia at all. They only need an excuse to start something.


They want $15.00 minimum wage.

Roger in Republic

This is what happens when you hire your spokes people from the wait staff at Hooters.

Silentium Est Aureum

Don’t insult Hooter’s waitresses like that.


I don’t see her being able to get on a Hooters staff, physically or mentally. Maybe I’m missing something.


Hey, now! When I was a junior at Johns Hopkins, I was actually offered a job at Hooters at the Inner Harbor. I turned it down, but I seriously considered it for a bit, because the pay is apparently commensurate with bra size! 😉

Hooters waitresses are probably smarter writ large than this dingleberry.


I once lost an argument with the wife by winning… she was ranting on and one about how stupid Jessica Simpson is, when I pointed out that “stupid” had leveraged her way to about $50 million, whereas the better half was pulling down a decent but modest income at best. So who is stupid? I won… but I lost.


I’m seeing a doghouse in your future, young man! 😉


Please tell me you finished the night with
“Don’t cry honey, you look fat when you cry”


A truly Pyrrhic victory.


3E9 – I’m neither smart nor fast enough for that. Thank God.

Hondo – when you are married, Pyrrhic victories are all you get. At best. There is a reason why one of the basic rules of marriage is “Apologize. Even if you’re right. But you are never right. Just apologize.”


When you say that she is not the brightest bulb on the tree, you might think about who she married…
Just saying…


How’s that jobs program in Afghanistan working out? Last I saw, we were promising to build roads so that commerce could spontaneously bloom and flourish. Schools for girls even… I saw plenty of them empty, and plenty of road projects that went to ratshit.

Now I’m no analyst for the CIA but it seems to me that in order for that part of the world to reject the sword and their iron-age way of life (I’m being generous), they have to think that our system is better (reality TV and all). The problem is, they don’t… and our efforts to persuade them in blood and with CA$H have only made them more hungry for blood and CAS$H.


I think we have a new verb.

Harf: to spew idiocy on behalf of the White House.


Also could serve as a noun:

What a load of Harf!


Or, I just took a Harf?


I’m stealing that one!


Personally, I think her entire statement sounded like the opinion of a true Harf-wit. But maybe that’s just me.

The Other Whitey

I’m sure they’ll find plenty of jobs in hell.

Old Trooper

I saw several articles referencing that ISIS is claiming that they will burn captured children alive, next. There is a photo accompanying the article that shows a bunch of little kids in orange jumpsuits inside a cage.

We can continue to quibble about what to do after the war or whether to give them money and jobs, or, we can get busy wiping these animals from the face of the earth. No; with the way these animals operate, they don’t need jobs or money, they need extermination from this planet. Period, end of story.

Commissioner Wretched

Among the many well-said and well-nuanced comments here, I would add this: What we have with Ms. Harf and her ilk are a bunch of people who see the world as they want it to be, not as it is.

If they were to see the world as it actually is, everything they believe in would come crashing down around them.

Thus, we get total foolishness like Ms. Harf’s comments.

Take off the rose-colored glasses, you idiots, and view what is – not what you wish would be.

Common Sense

Any society that rejoices in their own children blowing themselves up is a scourge upon the rest of us that just needs to be eliminated. Such a people have no redeeming qualities and offer humanity nothing.

2/17 Air Cav

It is astounding how very well educated these state department types are; yet, one after another over the years has delivered stupid shit like this. These folks are knowledgeable about a slew of stuff most of us aren’t. If you ask one a question about some obscure sculptor, Persian rugs, or about the head of the smallest island nation in the world, you’ll get a correct answer. The problem is that they are pawns, professional bullshit artists, who are never, ever wrong about anything. So ask one how many quarters there are in an ice hockey game and they will most assuredly say four.


That is what happens when you put a bunch of our educated elite together. They come up with a bunch of BS that does not stand the “what is it like in the real world” test. That is how ROE is developed. With a political versus a real world endstate in mind.

Please God spare me any more rhetoric on what ISIS needs. There needs are simple. They fucking need killing. And lots of it.


I say again:

War to the knife. Trigger-pullers, neck-cutters, IT, fund raisers, supporters of any age, gender, nationality.

No mercy, no quarter, no exceptions.

Alas, I fear VOV is correct. This nation no longer has the grit to do what needs to be done, and persevere until we are the only ones still standing. We want war to be quick, “sanitary”, and inexpensive. If the times weren’t so very perilous, that would be hysterical.

And by “we”, I mean an apparent majority of the American people. The same morons who voted to re-elect that poseur POTUS.

I suspect we will need to be hit with a Beslan type event, involving family members of people like the vacuum-headed Miss Barf, to bitch-slap these lotus-eaters awake and into reality.

The will to stupidity is strong in these, so perhaps not even then.

Duncan Mcdonut

Bints like this are proof that the majority of liberal arts degrees these days are nothing but participation certificates. Just show up for class drunk/stoned/sober and regurgate the crap the professor spews and get an expensive piece of paper. No need for original ideas, debate, or putting thoughts to paper.
The majority of today’s degrees carry the same weight on a resume as a high school diploma did 30 years ago.


Gee – I never knew “nuanced” was a synonym for “naive and clueless”. Learn something every day, I guess.




She says we can’t kill every terrorist on the planet. We can, however, try to – and in the process make the prospect of joining their ranks so unpalatable and scary as to largely stop new ones.

She fails to realize that while yes, we did partner with the Germans and Japanese in raising them up from the rubble – we also shit-stomped them INTO the rubble better than anyone has ever done since the Romans sowed the land with salt at Carthage.


And in my last comment on this sad subject, Ms. Harf is now on twitter quoting President Bush. You know, the guy that the Obama administration blames for all if its misfortune. Well it seems that now, the Bush doctrine is acceptable when it can be paraphrased to support the idiocy that this dipshit woman is spewing.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how many times a day someone has to come in and clean the “White-Out” off of Ms. Harf’s computer screen?

2/17 Air Cav

Now that was seriously funny. Congrats. That comment put you on top of today’s leader board for the AlJazeeraGoreInterweb Award. Congrats.

Semper Idem

Let’s hope they’ll send the same guy over here to clean the coffee off my computer screen that got there when I read that comment. ;o)

Semper Idem

In other words…take care of ISIS the same way we took care of Hitler’s goons during / after the Second World War, amirite?

Hitler’s SS is back; they call themselves ISIS now. Remember, ISIS – iSiS – Schutzstaffel.

Perhaps some older souls here can remind us of how we took care of those Nazi thugs? Most of us have forgotten by now; we need the reminder.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Additionally Ms. Harf’s ideas aren’t all that new…

Many here today have devoted their lives to the fight against global poverty, and you know the stakes. We fight against poverty because hope is an answer to terror. We fight against poverty because opportunity is a fundamental right to human dignity. We fight against poverty because faith requires it and conscience demands it. And we fight against poverty with a growing conviction that major progress is within our reach.

The spirit of enterprise is not limited by geography or religion or history. Men and women were made for freedom, and prosperity comes as freedom triumphs. And that is why the United States of America is leading the fight for freedom from terror.

Remarks by

Mr. George W. Bush
President, United States of America

at the
International Conference on Financing for Development

Monterrey, Mexico
March 22, 2002


What has to be done to give these idiots a serious dose of reality?

Must we drop them off in one of those hot zones and let them figure it out for themselves? Hmmm… now, there’s an idea.

She said ‘nuanced’, right? That word doesn’t mean what you think it means, you silly bimbo. You couldn’t come up with a ‘nuanced’ thought or presentation if your life depended on it. You are nothing more than a mouthpiece for yo’ boss.

The rest of us live in the real world, not in your cotton-encased world of clouds songs and moonbeams where everything is fine… everything is just fine… maintain an even strain….

Enjoy it while it lasts. You are an idiot.


Harf Haiku

Marie Harf speaks with
forked tongue nuance, arrogance
Vapid and empty

2/17 Air Cav

I’m with Harfy. You see, if there were sufficient jobs, these poor souls would have less time on their hands to engage in rapes, immolations, and beheadings. So, the real culprit is unemployment. I remember years ago when I was unemployed. I used to kill once, sometimes twice, per day. I’m sure I’m not the only one. So, I understand what she meant.


She didn’t think this crap up on her own; she is just the supposedly telegenic assistant mouthpiece for the criminally stupid DoS “leadership”. But she certainly is the poster child for the ill-educated PC drones being pumped out of our so-called institutions of higher learning.

Doc Savage

Well hell….why didn’t we think of that in the first place??

Sure as shit…we drop a couple of Wal-Marts in downtown Kabul, and its game over.

We’ll have those Talibs lined up begging for jobs to stock the shelves.

Too nuanced? This lady is simply naïve.


Harf gets dreaded vote of confidence, and Pentagon SPOX RADM Kirby gets canned instead. Kinda feel for the guy…a very thankless job he had to spin for the WH. Barely a day on the job, and SECDEF Ash Carter is already swinging the axe.


Apparently, the peeps in the (lack of) administration don’t read past the first sentence or two in the news. They miss the part about how a large portion of newly-recruited ISers come from middle class and upper income families, not from poverty-stricken areas.

If that isn’t stereotyping and using bigotry and slurs to avoid the facts, then what is it? Oh, yeah – I forgot: the disease of denial is rampant in the Oval Office.

Dorkwad is getting hammered over this from both sides of the political fence now.

It makes me feel kind of warm and fuzzy.

2/17 Air Cav

The Golfer in Mom Jeans said yesterday that “No religion is responsible for terrorism — people are responsible for violence and terrorism.” I’m guessing that someone must have suggested that floor lamps were committing violence and that apple trees were responsible for terrorism. Otherwise, why would he have uttered that silly statement? We know why: to attempt to separate Islam from its violent and terroristic practitioners. But he can’t do it. No one is buying it and won’t until Christians, Jews, Buddhists begin lopping off heads, burning people alive, and raping and enslaving girls. And the thing is that they all have to do those things in the name of their religion, not simply be Catholic, Jewish, or Buddhist. He said a lot yesterday, all of it nonsense. He just doesn’t get it. The lens through which he views the world is one that is strange to most Americans and for good reason: it simply is not ours, as a people.

2/17 Air Cav

In every war, propaganda and dehumanization of the enemy are important tools. Someone once said that truth is the first casualty of war. What’s very odd in our present war with Islamic terrorists is that they are providing what propagandists could only dream about saying about them. Who has to stretch the truth when defenseless men are burned alive, their wives and daughters raped, and others beheaded for offending the Islamic terrorists’ sensibilities one way or another? Clearly, they want to be portrayed as inhuman, loathsome creatures who cannot be reasoned with, who can only be stopped by their own deaths. And yet, what is the President of the United States of America doing? He’s using and directing others under him to talk nice about the murderers. He is making excuses for them. He is using the power of the purse and rhetoric to alienate those who would annihilate the terrorist bastards and he is blaming economics for cold-blooded murder and the rape of innocents.


I guess the message they’ve put out everywhere, that they want an apocalypse and for them these are the ‘end times’ — well, that message got lost in translation from proper English in the media (many sources) to the desk in the Oval Office.