TAH on the radio

| February 18, 2015

We’re taking to the airwaves today. Thanks to MCPO, we’ll be on “The Veterans Corner” at about noon today. TSO, MCPO and myself will be talking about Stolen Valor with Donald Buzney, also a veteran. So spend your lunch with us in your ear.

Category: Bloggers

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Bet the Dutch Rudder Gang will tune in.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Will do thank you for the heads up boss…


Noon Eastern time?

John Robert Mallernee


Oh, no!

Not Noon!

Noon is when the train pulls into Hadleyville.

Do you know who’s on that train?

Frank Miller is on that train!

He made a vow while in State’s Prison,
vowed it’d be my life or his’n.

I’m not afraid of death, but
what will I do if you leave me?

Do not forsake me, oh, my Darling!


MCPO … That guys is a dicht!

Dave Hardin

Rutgers……hmmmmm. Not exactly a conservative think tank. Hope for the best, expect an ambush. I think Condoleezza Rice avoided the attack last year.

I would expect some question like, “Why would anyone want to claim they are guilty of war crimes”

Expect the unexpected.

Dave Hardin

That went well. Excuse me for being shocked. Good Job.

John Robert Mallernee


Please check that Internet link again.

Everything on that web site is WAY out of date!

John Robert Mallernee

Also, please be sure and make a recording of the program, and post it at the YOU TUBE web site, as well as here on your web site.

Thank you.


They are recording and will provide studio cut to qualified persons only!



Chill Brother!

This aint hour ferst roadeeo!


John Robert Mallernee

I saw the “LISTEN NOW” button, and clicked on it.

But, all the text entries on that web site are so badly outdated, that I couldn’t have any confidence that the radio content wasn’t also outdated.

After all, the only thing I could hear was some AWFUL, unrecognizable music.


OK … I am at Rutgers.

Secret location and having my hair and make-up done as we speak!

Wish us luck!

BTW … Don Buzney is a great Patriot …


currently listening to their ‘folk rock’ program and waiting for you guys to class the place up! 🙂


I am wearing a red cocktail dress and 4 inch heels!


Red cocktail dress and heels?

Um, MCPO – I don’t think a road trip to Rutgers qualifies as being “underway” . . . . (smile)

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Which one got cut?

Silentium Est Aureum

How do we know the toothbrush was invented in WV?

Because otherwise, it would’ve been called a teethbrush.

Green Thumb

Is Phildo about to pick you up?


You have hair?


I’m tuned in and ready! By the way…all you guys have a “face for radio”. 😀 😀 😀

Silentium Est Aureum

First question: So, which if you came up with the name, “Dutch Rudder Club?”

A Proud Infidel®™

Good name for that bunch, ain’t it?


Not positive who actually came up with the “Club” variant. However, I think Proud Infidel gets at least partial credit for the name due to this comment (3 Jan):


A Proud Infidel®™

I think I did. 😀


Back when ol Crash first came on the scene, I had questioned how he was able to control the rudder on his plane if he had such trouble with his legs.

ChipNASA said there was a device called a “Dutch Rudder”. I looked it up without turning on Safe Search first and wound up catching teh PSTD from the results.


It just morphed from there.

The phrase “Dutch Rudder Lemon Party” still causes me to throw up a little.


How do I look?

Silentium Est Aureum

But ah, those full red lips. Awesome.


MCPO, having met you in person, I can say that you definitely have a face for radio.


A Proud Infidel®™

*PSSST!* That dress makes your butt look big! *ducking into low crawl*


Need to post a link for those of us who can’t listen in while live. Also a link to the comments section so we can see Bernath going nuts.

Zero Ponsdorf

Wait… Jonn ain’t gonna sing during a music break?

Zero Ponsdorf

BZ all around.


Well done gentlemen, well done indeed.

I call that a success.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay. All those who knew that the Coast Guard had a song, raise your hands.

I like the way he said “Marine Corps.” Made a believer out of me!


What’s it called the Puddle Pirates On Parade?

2/17 Air Cav

I had to look it up. It’s called Semper Paratus (Always Ready). Not what I would call a catchy tune and, unlike the other services’ songs, it doesn’t engender a desire to kick ass. It’s rather cerebral, I’d say.

2/17 Air Cav

Wait! Isn’t that Trojan’s slogan too?

Toasty Coastie

*Raises hand*

And it actually called the “Dance of the Deep water Challenged Pirates” thank you very much…

Might not engender a desire to kick ass, but when you’re in trouble we’ll be the ones to bail your ass out 😛


Yes, the word is that the Coast Guard rescued an Australian fishing ship and crew from its location, frozen in Antarctic ice, pushing the way through thick ice and bypassing glaciers to rescue the disable ship and its crew.

It is now on its way to New Zealand.

Go, puddle pirates!


All in jest. I was actually quite shocked one morning in the Persian Gulf to see a Coast Guard Cutter providing Plane Guard coverage for flight ops.

Toasty Coastie

Coasties have been in the ME since DS/DS. Usually PSU units.


This was in 1996 during my USS Enterprise Cruise with VFA-83.

2/17 Air Cav

I knew I would be in trouble with you. I am bad.

Toasty Coastie

@2/17 Air Cav

lol All in good fun..I know its hard for you old guys to accept that Coasties actually do as much if not more than the other branches… 👿

A Proud Infidel®™

Correct me if i’m wrong, but doesn’t the CG also patrol navigable rivers like the Mississippi? I know they patrol the Great lakes, but those are International Waters.

John Robert Mallernee

I have a friend in American Fork, Utah, who retired from the Coast Guard.

We used to carpool together when working the graveyard shift at the Utah State Prison.

During the Korean War, he served in the United States Marine Corps, stationed on an aircraft carrier.

As he explained it, he wanted a military career, but he also wanted to stay alive.

So, after his hitch in the Marines was
up, he began his career in the Coast Guard, where he became one of the VERY few “Square Knot” sailors.

A “Square Knot” sailor is one who has sailed all seven of the Seven Seas, and also been to all four of the Four Corners of the Earth.


All jokes aside, I have a great deal of respect for the Coast Guard more for their unofficial motto than their official motto.

“We have to go out, we don’t have to come back.”

Green Thumb

They actually have some of the best EM’s in the ranks.

Good folks.


Toasty, little story, you probably have a lot more.

I was doing contract IT work for the City of Sitka Alaska; I stayed at the hotel across the street – the Shee Atika. I worked there on and off for about 4 years and I had a lot of friends at the hotel and in town, we used to hang in the hotel bar.

One of them was a helo pilot for the CG Air Station. One winter evening he showed up in his poopy suit, sat down and started ordering drinks, and hammering them right down. We found out that he and his crew had flown 180 miles out into the Gulf of Alaska in a big storm to pick up some sick or hurt guy off a ship. We never heard the whole story but it was bad – high winds, 50-60 foot swells, a really long hover to lift out the guy, several near misses with parts of the ship. We carried him upstairs and put him into a room for the night. In Alaska the Coast Guard people doing rescue duty get huge respect.


My computer is too antique-yish so I couldn’t listen live. Please let us know when the recording is posted. Thanks!!!


We will have recording by weekend.

John Robert Mallernee

Do you have a plan for strengthening the weak end?


John … You are a gem!

John Robert Mallernee

I wonder if the new recording by We Kin will rise to the top of the charts?

What music category would the recording by We Kin be listed in?

John Robert Mallernee


I missed the whole thing!

With all these pills in me, I only just now woke up.

2/17 Air Cav

Don: “Jonn Lilyea will be joining us remotely from his estate in West Virginia. Are you with us Jonn?”

“Grunt. Groan. Huh? I’m taking a crap. When are we on?”

Don: “We’re on right now Jonn.”

A Proud Infidel®™

I haven’t looked yet, is there a comments thread there that we can watch The Dutch Rudder Gang go apeshit on?

Toasty Coastie

@A Proud Infidel~
It seems that there are no comment threads for anything on that page…All there articles and tweets are a year or two old.

Toasty Coastie

*There=their…. :blush:

A Proud Infidel®™

Kind of a bummer, part of me was looking forward to seeing those Shmendricks screech and howl again, I wonder if Daniel A. Bernath (GH!) 😀 will try to sue Rutgers for airing that?


We did not mention the curse!

Sam Naomi

To John R. M_______

Lock and load, IT’S Your bed time. nighty Nite


Why? Does he believe he is the only one in the PNW? I have 3 on my short list of research projects.

Green Thumb

They probably scheduled their monthly “Dildo Party” to coincide with the event.

And as always, bankrolled (with your tax dollars) by Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics!

Silentium Est Aureum


Sunlight has always been the best disinfectant.


Late to the game here. I finally looked up Dutch Rudder in the urban dictionary. HAHH! & HAHH!!!