Dempsey sponsors essay contest to honor Saudi king

| January 26, 2015

Here is another presser that I have to warn is NOT the Duffel Blog or any other satire. With everything else going on in the world, General Martin E. Dempsey, the top US military officer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has announced an essay contest to honor the recently deceased Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz;

The king was a lifetime supporter of his country’s alliance with the United States. Abdullah ruled Saudi Arabia from 2005 to his death, and served as regent of the country from 1995. He is succeeded by King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz.

“This is an important opportunity to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world, and I can think of no better home for such an initiative than [ National Defense University],” Dempsey said in a statement announcing the competition.

So, you fellows over there in Iraq and Syria, busting caps on those multi-national ISIS fellows, put down your rifles for a few minutes and submit your entry while you reflect on those ties that we share with Saudi Arabia. Maybe you can get that ARCOM you’ve always wanted.

Sorry, I’m just being subversive again.

Category: Big Pentagon

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I see another ARCOM in Moersk’s future. She’s a shoe-in.


I guess we could thank the Saudi king for keeping the number of 9/11 hijackers from Saudi Arabia to only fifteeen of nineteen?


I’d say YGBSM – but from this DC clown krewe Administration, it’s merely par for the course.


I’ll take it a step further – YGBFSM.


I will advance this:

Sweet Baby Jesus, Holy Mother Mary and Saint Joseph YGBFSM!


Sweet 8 pound, 5 ounce Baby Jesus, laying in your crib, HMM n’ SJ, YGBFSM…

A Proud Infidel®™

SWEET little baby Lord Jesus wrapped in C4, det cord, claymore mines, and duct tape on a bamboo raft stuck up shit creek without a paddle, SOMEONE please TELL ME THIS AIN’T FOR REAL?!


Dear DoD,

The name of my essay is:

Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz and the 40 Thieves


Little Johnnie

The Texan

Oh for fucks sake! We can’t take care of our troops, can’t seem to define victory if it bit us in the ass, but we have time for this.

Shenanigans and Tom foolery all the way from the top.


Here’s one for you general: … and the horse you rode in on!


Hell, I thought the military was about killing our enemies. Didn’t know that it was really about Sophomore English.


Look at these sell out bitches too eager to bend over to appease Islamist 7th century turds.

Saudi Arbia is fucking garbage and so is the monarchy and their stupid ass backwards incompatible with civilization Islamist political system.

Eat shit Saudi Arabia.


I hope I win!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Maybe you can get that ARCOM you’ve always wanted.

Apparently social issues and pretty words are reason enough with this current leadership group…the wonder of Dempsey never ends.


“Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz was a babe magnet. Okay, well he had all the babes he wanted but he did have to pay for them or get his California, blonde, cheerleader types on the slave market. But what the hey, he had lots of money, I mean a gangsta wannabe’s wet dream kind of money, babes, chefs, clothes, you name it…he had it in spades and all the trump cards. Plus he never lifted a finger even to wash his own pecker. About the whole U.S. ally thingie? I don’t really know which side he was truly on, given how many terrorists were and are Saudis. But he had the babes anyway!”

There…did I win? Tell me won or at least have a shot!


I spent 2 1/2 working over in the “magic kingdom” – rumors over there was that Abdullah was 5 years older than what the official word was and that he liked the young girls, but had to take “the little blue pill” to help him with ED.

BTW – Dempsey was running the SANG Modernization Program over there along with a US/Saudi company called Vinnell Arabia. Talk about a huge waste of money, time and resources.


He did authorize the use of small stones when stoning heretics and adulteresses

charles w

Anyone know if he was in the Judean Peoples Front or the Peoples Front of Judea?


People’s Popular Front of Judea

charles w

That’s good to know.


I think we’re the number one oil producing country in the world now (if you believe TV commercials).
We don’t need to kiss their ass any more.
(at least this week anyway)


“King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz was the king of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s exports include corn, which the Indians called ‘maize.’ In conclusion, Saudi Arabia is a land of contrasts.”

There. What do I win?

Hack Stone

I know that I have heard that before, but I can’t recall from where. Is that from The a Simpsons?



Yes, it was an episodes where Bart had to come up with an essay off the top of his head.

2/17 Air Cav

Um, there’s no prize listed for the winner. That figures. Nevertheless, I’m on it. I’m between two titles right now, but I’ve got time: “Dead Kings Are the Best Kings” and “The House of Saud and The House of Pancakes: Flapjacks I Have Known.”


In a related story:

Little Johnnie, a son of a US Army CSM, wrote a story about his family entitled:

Why I have two dads …

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard they just released another one today titled “One of Jimmy’s Mommies used to be his Daddy”.

2/17 Air Cav

I already read it, API. It’s the story of a woman who used to be a man. When she was a he, he saved and froze some of his sperm. Then, after he became a she, she married a lesbian who was impregnated with the saved sperm. Can’t wait for the movie to come out!

A Proud Infidel®™

I think I’ll pass on that. 🙄 😛

A Proud Infidel®™




How about “Thanks for funding and training the great folks that were shooting at me.”


Well … if there was ANY question at all, as to whether Dempsey is a suckup, or not …


So what is General Dempsey going to get out of this? Something this blatantly stupid obviously has to have a payoff. This didn’t happen when less wealthy political leaders died. Is General Dempsey going to retire with an appointment as advisor to the House of Saud, or some such?

Pinto Nag

Probably his very own slave girl, from the sound of it.


Can’t wait for the essay Obama will announce for Castro and Mugabe.

Green Thumb

According to the Joint Chiefs, SECARMY and COS Army, Infantrymen cannot read.

There goes that idea.


Hell, I don’t know the difference between NBC, CBR, ABC and CBRN – so I guess it leaves me out too.

Club Manager

I thought the Chairman, JCS was supposed to be fair to all branches. The contest is clearly a set up for some Air Force type to win, maybe a soldier, but unless they include coloring in-between the lines, the Navy and Marines drew the short straw unless they are on a joint staff with an AF 70255/70 to write it for them.

Hack Stone

You will have to speak with Hack’s coworker, the Air Force veteran. Hack has to proofread his PowerPoint slides. Still, they are easier to understand than the standard FirsTech Solutions business proposal.


Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Extra points if your essay includes the words, “raghead motherfucker.”


How about goat fucking POS??


I want to post a haiku so badly.


Haiku is way too dignified. I think the good king is more limerick material:

Abdul was a big king from mecca
Who got a large sore on his pecka….

Guard Bum

I’ll never win this one, I’m already at a loss for words.


Whatever happened to shoot,move and communicate? I guess the essay will be commo. Priorities are warped.


I wonder how many entries would be generated if the prize was a ringside seat to the closed door 30 minute counseling session that incoming SMA Dailey will have with Spec8 Moerk?

My guess is about six million if retirees are eligible to submit an essay.


Marty has time to do this kind of stuff because, thanks to politicians, he doesn’t have a force to lead.

Oh and that’s “politicians” in fancy suits and in fatigues as well.


Wouldn’t it be a hoot if NO one submitted an essay?

E-6 type, 1 ea

Every one who does should be automatically and instantly discharged.


The prize is a dinner cooked by Michelle


To echo Jim Dunn’s Facebook comment….I’m also glad I’m retired.

Big Steve

Did I really just read what I think I read???
And it’s not a satire???

Good grief. Dempsey is just a tool of the highest magnitude. No more, no less. Make that Tool, with a capital T.


I’m trying to envision Dempsey sitting in his E Ring office in a meeting and a good-idea-fairy tables this one. Did others in the room nod like a bobble head doll? Did no one say YGBSM?


The esteemed general will be retiring soon, and that CJCS lifestyle is not going to pay for itself. My brother Martin is just getting ready for his transition to the civilian life by doing a little sucking up to a potential future boss.