More “Global Warming” News

| January 26, 2015

According to NOAA, today and tomorrow the 14th major impact snowstorm of the 2010s will hit the NE USA. That makes the 2010s – in terms of such major impact snowstorm events – the snowiest decade on record.

The previous record-holding decades were the 1960s and 2000s. Each of those decades had 10 such .

Since it’s only January 2015, I don’t suppose I need to remind our readers that the 2010s are not even yet half over.

Oh, yeah: in case you were wondering, the      pointy-headed idiots      global warming advocates are already blaming this latest blizzard on global warming, too.

Global warming? More like “glow-bull” warming if you ask me. Yet they persist in blaming everything that happens on “global warming”.  Hmm.

Why? Well, I think we should just follow the money. IMO that will answer a helluva lot of questions – including why.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Global Warming

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I must say I am still amazed how the US media (in general) is bullshitting its people with their ridiculous “global waming – or not” coverage.

Just a few points from my side:

It seems except the US noone is talking about “global warming” its either called climate change or extreme wweather conditions – both undisputably apply

Global warming as an effect of climate change is called GLOBAL for a reason. There are parts of the world where “warming” applies but some even cool down or dont change at all on their average(!) temperatures. But summed up there is an increase – though individual experience may vary

The tricky thing is that its remote… Veeeeery remote and even delayed. Climate changes used to take a long time, but where heavenly influenced by industrialization and population of the world. But timewise its like plantimg a seed for a tree: first there will be no immidiate effect but over time a massiv structure can evolve.

So having the possibly biggest blizzard in NYC may not sound like “global warming” it is surely another side effect of the overall climate change – with NYC just happend to be in the “wintery zone of effects”


That’s right. A plotting of the raw thermometer data actually shows a declining trend since the 1920s/1930s. NOAA and others have been averaging up the pre 1980 years to give an appearance of “global warming.”

Also, global warming peaked towards the end of the 1990s, and it was all natural.

I’ve been tracking global weather since 2007… there has been a continuous decline in global temperatures since then.

I’m reading information about the sun, and sunspot activity, as my primary climate related reading. Not all sunspot activity is flaring, and they’ve already seen a “white” sunspot… an indication that the sun is about to enter a solar grand minima. That could start before this year is over, or before next year is over.

When that happens, we’re going to be in for decades of serious cooling/freezing.

History trends don’t lie, it’s like looking at a centuries long cycle version of the annual seasonal cycle. It’s like saying, “Winter is coming” when the leaves start changing and you start feeling the chill fall weather.


So this is a successor to the 18 months of solar minimum from October 2008 to March 2010?

That one had them scratching their little pointy heads, you know, and the tinfoil hat people were immediately convinced that not only was the government hiding the Starget off the south coast of the Saudi peninsual, but also was hiding survival shelters for the elite in a sunspot, and that’s why they had all disappeared.

What’s your estimate on the start of this next minimum? Next fall? Or the spring of the year after that?


We’re not talking about the kind that we saw 2008 to 2010.

We’re talking about one that’s going to last longer than a decade, a solar grand minima… a repeat of the Dalton or Maundar minimums. :mrgreen:

Based on what I’ve read, and the activity that’s happening on the sun, we’re looking at this happening either before the end of this year, or before the end of the next one.

Old Trooper

I don’t agree. They changed the name to “climate change”, because there has been no “warming” for 17+ years and they wanted to mask their bullshit in order to keep the money flowing in. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time and nothing man has done or will do, short of global thermonuclear war is going to change that. For instance; can you tell me what the normal average global temperature is supposed to be? Can you tell me why there have been many climate changes, both warming and cooling, long before man was walking upright?

It’s about money and control; period. Have to have a “crisis” to sell to the populace in order to get that money and control. In the 70’s, it was going to be the coming Ice Age, then it was the Ozone Layer, then the Rainforest, now we’re at “climate change”. If it rains, it’s climate change. If it snows; climate change. If it’s too dry; again, climate change. If it’s sunny and warm; yep, you guessed it, climate change.

I have looked at their body of work and they can’t get the models to spit out an accurate long term forecast without massaging the data until it comes out to their pre-determined outcome. What does that tell you about the science of “climate change”? If I used their methodology in my work, I would get fired. They get more money. How is it that Algore left the Whitehouse worth about $1.5 million, but now is worth over $300 million? Yep; climate change.


I’d be happy if someone could tell me what the temperature for San Diego is, on any given day, pick your time.



If the sun is shining, with few or no clouds in the sky, it’s warm to hot.

If there are clouds in the sky, it’s cooler than when there aren’t.

If it’s night-time without clouds, it’s cooler than night-time with clouds.

And if the ground is wet, it’s probably raining.

The Other Whitey

Currently a bit warmer than usual at the lower elevations. The mountains are significantly colder–not Montana-cold, but not exactly tropical either. The last few nights here (eastern San Diego County mountains) have stayed above freezing, unusual for this time of year. And the most recent rain storm just cleared out, no snow this go-round, though we did get five inches on New Year’s Eve that stuck around for the better part of a week.

After the bone-dry Year Without A Winter we just had, this is a freakin’ Godsend.

Lars Taylor

Climate deniers are morons with cherry picked and often false data.

It has warmed over the last 17 years.

You are quoting a completely debunked data point that Patrick Moore fraudulently used to make a denial claim. Except he intentionally chose 1998, a high temperature year. It was blatant cherry picking. And it was utterly debunked as false.

NAOI data clearly shows a significant warming trend for the last 80 years, accelerating since the 1960s. That is a fact.


On that one point we really can agree – people who deny climate probably ARE morons, but I’m not sure that it’s pc to use that term these days. Are you sure it’s OK? Or can you justify it because in your bigoted world it’s fine to use terms to describe others that you would be castigated for using to describe members of your sect?

Old Trooper

Not unlike Michael Mann’s cherry picked data; eh Lars? Everything the “warmers” use as data is cherry picked, massaged, manipulated, or otherwise deleted in order to make their claims.

Your assertion that it’s a “fact” is actually more wishful thinking than fact. Remember that little email controversy from a few years ago??? Yeah, where the “peer group” of warmists conspired to fudge their data and hide the decline in order to keep the money coming in? Remember that? Your stating something is a fact doesn’t make it so.

Lars Taylor

Lies and idiocy. That 17 year claim was due to an idiot denier cherry picking 1998 (an unusually warm year) and then claiming it was warmer than 2014 and thus it is not get warmer.

It was nonsense.


From Lars Larson Facebook comment above: “That additional energy in the system means more powerful storms, including WINTER storms.”

So Lars. Tell us about the horrific “powerful” hurricanes and tornadoes we have experienced the passed couple of years. I must have missed it.

I find it irritating that when you guys don’t questions data and methods, you are “skeptics”. When the other side questions data and methods, they are “deniers”. Throwing “moron” in was a nice touch. I bet you feel real smart now. Go MESNA!


SWEADEN!! SWEADEN!!! Damn autocorrect! The above sentence shoudl have read: I find it irritating that when you guys question data and methods, you are “skeptics”.


They’re worried about all those sub-glacial lakes in Greenland, how they’re moving fresh water into the Atlantic.

They forget that Greenland is called Greenland for a reason: it was GREEN and VERDANT when the Vikings landed there. The general climate was WARM, as in the Medieval Warm Period.

They act like this is some sort of instant gratification thing, where you can hit the drive-up window and order climate control from a menu.

Well, you can’t. And I have serious doubts now, with all the fussing and fuming and scrambling for cash, that we will see anything other than WEATHER in all forms from now until the day the climate science guys realize they are powerless in the face of Nature – IF that ever happens.

How’s that blizzard in New York coming along?


To quote: What we expect is climate. What we get is weather.

A Proud Infidel®™

These “Climate Change’ pukes are about as scientifically competent and coherent as the members of the Dutch Rudder Club!


Sow is WEATHER, not climate.

Human activity is causing wilder weather swings, so that we will get more storms of all types, snow included….

/yeah, I know. It sounds stupid to me, too.

My guess is that all of these “records” are well within the normal variation of a relatively stable system. I especially think that a year that shows a whole TWO HUNDREDTHS of a degree centigrade warming, i.e., no change whatsoever, is expansive enough to cover a really big snowstorm on one of its continents.


I think we should just follow the money. IMO that will answer a helluva lot of questions – including why.

There I disagree. The anti-industrial Green movement is driven by ideology, not money. That’s much worse and far more dangerous.


But the working scientists you’re talking about are only a tiny fraction of the Green movement. And if they’re in their 40’s or younger, they got a steady diet of Green doctrine from public school (and public TV, MSM news, and pop culture too) long before they got into college. So I think the ideology comes first, then the career, then the scramble for grant money…which itself is colored by the ideology.

Paranormal researchers used to scramble for grant money too…and they used to get it a lot more than now. When they failed and failed and failed to get results, their influence faded quickly. They’re historical curiosities, not headline-grabbers, now, and no one could get a dice-reading test by Uri Geller into Nature anymore (as happened in the 70’s). An eagerness for grant money alone couldn’t keep them alive or in the headlines.

But their outlook wasn’t tied to an ideology in which whole generations were being indoctrinated. I’m afraid these Green claims are going to be a lot more stubborn, and ideology rather than money will deserve the main blame.


That green diets going to give those scientists the shits someday, ya know it happens when you eat to much green stuff! Money’s going to run out when they don’t produce results….. Like real changes based on human activity. Thought.. Mt. St Helens produced more pollution than man has created since our existence and it cleared up in a few years. So bullshit to global warming…can’t have it both ways!


I will drop some stuff in here, for your perusal. As you all probably know, the Earth doesn’t spin in a perfect circle. It wobbles on its axis. One full circle occurs every 26,000)+/- years. The recessional tilt moves one degree every 72.2222+ years. I reached this number by dividing 26,000 by 360, the number of degrees in a full circle. The Little Ice Age is determined to have started early in the 14th century, in 1304, with a nonstop period of rain and snow for about 2 years, accompanied by severe cold. The length of that time period from 1304 to now (Jan 2015) is 711 years. This means that the Earth’s axial tilt has moved just 9.8446546 degrees in its recessional spin since the beginning of the 14th century. This does have an effect on both the weather and the climate, and seems to be ignored by climate science guys. However, I found someone who takes the relationship between the movement of axial tilt (he refers to it as 0degrees Capricorn) and historical events seriously. You can read his take on it at this link: He points out that the Serpentary, Ophiuchus, represents Man’s struggle with Nature, and when the axial tilt, or north pole (not magnetic) entered Ophiuchus in 1942, the first controlled nuclear chain reaction took place at Alonzo Stagg Stadium at the University of Chicago. The axial tilt, or 0D Capricorn, will hit Rho Ophiuchii, the last star in Ophiuchus, in 2017, which is 2 years from now, and he says we have until then, give or take a couple of years, to resolve our relationship with Nature. To be clear, 72 years AFTER the nuke reaction in 1942 was 2014, last year. What Hand was saying in the year 2000, when he wrote that article, is that we are now in that ‘give or take a couple of years’, from now until 2019. The nearly 10 degrees of axial movement since 1304 are directly relevant to what is going on now with the weather. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not paying attention. It… Read more »


I worked in the navy nuke field and helped sustain two massive fission reactions as they criss-crossed the globe repeatedly. Are you saying that I’m considered some sort of demon or some such to this guy? Or does that just make me one of those maniacs that Heston was cursing when he saw the Statue of Liberty’s head?


Teddy–go with demon, man. Impresses the ladies.

Shimming out for Jesus!


Maniac might be sweet too, as long as it’s not of the 10,000 variety.


No, Teddy. Sorry I wasn’t clear.

What Robert Hand does in his article is relate the event to the position of the polar axis in the night sky. This is sidereal observation, as was done by early astronomers in Babylon, Greece and Persia. The Greek word ‘planet’ means wandering star. The direct observations of these ancient astronomers, who were also called astrologers, found that they could calculate the timing of events correspondent to the movements of the planets through the constellations in the night sky.

‘Astrologer’ back then meant ‘one who studies the stars’, not the silly thing it means now.

If you read that article, you see that the Earth’s axis has moved one full recessional degree in the past 72 years since the first controlled chain reaction, and the constellation Ophiuchus, the Serpentary, covers a little over one degree in the night sky. It is not in the traditional zodiac, because Scorpio is more prominent and most people do not use sidereal, direct observation, or understand the zodiacal or stellar sky.

Robert Hand makes it clear that the Serpentary corresponds to Man’s struggles with and relationship to the natural world.


Aloha. My name is Mr. Hand


Aww, come on! No spew alert?


Global warming doesn’t work this way. Storms are caused by the difference in temperatures between the equator and poles. If the temperature difference is lower (i.e. the poles are melting from the increase in temperature), then the storms are less severe and/or non-existent. If the temperature difference is greater (i.e. the temperature at the poles are colder from a mini-ice age), then the storms are more severe and there are more of them.

Looking at the strength and number of storms that have struck, I would say that the overall temperature at the poles is decreasing. The computer models show similarities between what is happening now and what happened during the Little Ice Age after the Medieval Warm Period.

The overall warming and cooling cycles have been getting shorter, with the last being 900 years in total. Before that, climate models place it at about 1200 years. Overall, the “bubble” seems to be getting shorter, which means the planet is going into equilibrium after the last ice age. That means the overall cycles are happening faster and people are capitalizing on the “rapid” change to prove every cockamamie plan they come up with. cough*cough*Al Gore*cough*cough

Guard Bum

“Global warming is a clear and present danger to this country and I am announcing an essay contest to highlight the contributions our brave Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are making to combat this global scourge.

Gen Martin Dempsey”

He must be on a roll today.


Global warming is the new rally call for the left. I hope the east coast is enjoying all that global warming snow. (In wisconsin we call it winter, sometimes you get blizzards.)


This is the 48th anniversary of the Great Chicago Blizzard of 1967. Shut down the entire city, literally. The day started with a temperature in the low 40s. The wind picked up, cold rolled in and in the blink of an eye, the city was encased in several feet of snow.

How’s that NYC blizzard doing tonight?


Looks like they ain’t gonna get shit out of it.

We’re still looking at around two feet or so of it here in costal New England.


Don’tcha just love hyperbole from the weather guessers?

Sometimes, when they say it’s snowing where I live, I will look outside and see no snow falling. Why? Because the Doppler radar detects snow in the clouds which is not reaching the ground, and the weather people can’t seem to distinguish between snow falling and snow still in the cloud. And the forecast is based on the amount of moisture in the cloud itself.

We were supposed to get XX inches of snow total for last week. We got far less than that, and most of it melted.

Unfortunately, if they say ‘blizzard’ once too often, no one will listen to them. I’ve never seen people as surprised as the local weather forecasters when Buffalo was buried in December. They acted like it was such a phenomenon, and seem to have forgotten that a couple of years ago towns on the east side of Lake Erie got 14 feet of snow in some places.


We weren’t expecting snow this season. Then, yesterday morning, some snow mixed with rain was predicted for last night… but not the kind that lasted on the ground.

Woke up this morning to a snow dusting. 😯


I love global warming! Grapes, sweet bananas, oranges can be grown at higher latitudes. No more winter storms killing half the cattle in South Dakota. I can ride my bike 365 days instead of only 360, only good can come from this.

Bring me more global warming!

E-6 type, 1 ea

This ought to heat things up as well. Looks like our little buddy Bowe Bergdahl is about to get his ass in a sling.

Former USAF

E-6 type, thanks for the link! Glad to read that kind of news. Maybe it will (ahem) move this thread in a direction remotely related to the general theme of this great website… Guys, I love you to death, and will fight to the same death to defend y’all’s right to post whatever topics you want for discussion, but debating global climate change/warming/whatever you like seems a little (lot) off-topic… Just sayin’.


Yes, but the thread is titled ‘More Global Warming News’, which is the topic we were discussing. 🙂


Oh, but “glowball warming” or whatever snake oil the left chooses to sell is quite relevant to the military of this country.

Consider the biofuels that this administration has tried to put into our planes, ships, etc., for the last six years, with varying degrees of success.

And it only cost (quite literally) ten TIMES the price of conventional fuels. Couple that with the ever dwindling budgets, lack of funds to repair existing systems that work just fine (cough, A10, cough) or refuel aircraft carriers (two are now in need of refueling, which affects the operation tempo of the others) and you have quite the goatfuck going on.


Yes, but it’s such a ‘feelgoodaboutme’ thing, isn’t it?


The climate change/global warming debate is hinged on faulty info and plain arrogance. The sky is falling and we are living in the end times fables have been with us since man first looked at a red moon or saw a comet or falling star. The Gods are pissed off at us and we are doomed. The measurements around the globe are known to have at least a 10% rate and the ones in the US are placed on black roofs, asphalt parking lots, next to condensers for A/C units and all kinds of places that are typically hotter than the surrounding areas. if any pharmaceutical company came to the FDA with an error rate of 10% or greater their info would be declared junk and they would always be suspect for research from that point on. The arrogance is typical of mankind themselves. Because so much happens in the Universe that cannot be explained man jumps to the conclusion that it is the fault of the species and the only thing that will save it is to give fortunes to the soothsayers so that the world can be saved… DOOMED I say, DOOMED !!! When I see Stephen Hawking proclaiming that he now has the theory of everything in his mind I just shake my head. Every time we visit a planet or send a robot to the bottom of the ocean and find Black Smokers, a new species or get highly unexpected results on any scientific mission it tosses yet another monkey wrench into the beliefs of those that “know everything there is to know”. Those fortune telling gypsies soon declare that they need more money to stop the new information from destroying mankind. I watched a program on the internet last weekend that debunked the theory of “Dark Matter and Dark Energy,” the stuff that supposedly is controlling the galaxies as they speed up in their movement away from each other. They attributed the entire “Dark” theory to electricity and magnetism… I have thought that since I first heard about Dark Matter and Energy. The studies were… Read more »


Falls off chair laughing, startles cat out of perfectly good nap.

Very nice, Thunderstixx. Well done.

E-6 type, 1 ea

I tend to be a front line believer, meaning I’m more liable to listen to someone who’s in the thick of it than someone who is on the sidelines. A friend of mine is exactly that. He’s the one doing the ice cores in Antarctica and Greenland and then analyzing them. According to him based on his research, he has absolutely no doubt the mean temperature of the earth at the poles is increasing, and quickly. He’s not getting paid by some green company to say that, nor is it the Obama administration trying to control you. He’s been doing this since the Clinton Administration. He doesn’t play politics, he just runs the data, and I tend to believe him.

I’ve heard arguments from both sides saying it’s man-made, or it’s cyclical. There are people, again, on both sides, that will testify to Congress that CO2 emissions don’t cause climate change. There were also people who testified to Congress that burning leaded gasoline posed no danger to the public health. I honestly don’t know what to believe, but I also know that a snowstorm in New York doesn’t debunk climate change by any means. It’s been in the 60’s and 70’s for the last two weeks in Kansas. I’ll end with this: irregardless of the effects of climate change, there is no way that burning as much oil as we do is a good thing, nor is it sustainable.

Old Trooper

I keep hearing that buzzword from the left and greenies “sustainable”. I don’t think it means what they think it means.

In 1959, a US submarine was pictured at the North Pole where there was no ice. I wonder how that happened? Also, the Poles are warming? It depends on where you take the measurement. I know that the celebrity greenies like to point to one side of Antarctica and use that as proof that the South Pole is warming, yet they forget to mention that at the other side, more ice is being made. My brother-in-law made a big stink, a few years ago, about how they have proof that the glaciers in the Alps are melting, because a cottage was uncovered by a melting glacier. I asked him “how did that cottage get there”?

Look, a lot of people put more stock into blaming man for everything. That’s ok, they can have their opinion. However, when their bullshit starts becoming policy, based not on science, but “consensus”, then I think that they have wandered off the reservation and need to be held to account.


Sounds like you been drinking the green earther Kool-Aide. If we tried to change the temperature of the earth on purpose, Could we?, let’s make the earth 1 degree warmer by next year. Not possible. Studying ice from a thousand years ago dosen’t tell us the cause of global warmer. Volcanic eruptions produce more green house gases than man. Man is not doing it, but scientists get money to proclaim this shit. Its like the VA making it easier to get money for PTSD, no proof required anymore. So everyone who ever served now has PTSD. Money talks. Sounds like your friend has been drinking the kool-aide. This is the golden cow for scientist…give me a $1,000,000.00 and I will agree with you!


Okay, sweetie, but there are plenty of mud cores from the Atlantic coast of Africa that clearly show a regular Sahara cycle of wet, green savannah changing to dry desert and back to wet and green, with the changes taking place in one or two human generations. That’s 40 to 80 years.

There are also petroglyphs that show lakes and rivers full of fish and savannahs full of game in the Sahara.

Ask your friend to explain that, and then tell him for me that the Earth goes through cycles of change and that is all he’s looking at in Greenland or anywhere else.

I think I’ll go stock the pantry and freezer.


As far as I can see, the only benefit so far from climate science has been better and more accurate weather forecasting.

The demand for Doppler radar, which detects the formation of tornadoes, has not stopped tornadoes from forming or altered their destructive path. But it has saved a lot of lives.

However, they still can’t predict which way a hurricane will actually go, and act surprised when the forecast for a big, bad one turns into a small, wimpy one.

I think they spend too much time looking at data and not enough time directly observing the sky.

2/17 Air Cav


Pick one. Print the demand on a bumper sticker and affix the sticker to your vehicle’s rear bumper. Feel better about yourself. YOU have done something.


Have often wondered if the global warming/whatever they call it this week crowd applies their “logic” to others aspects of life. Are fat people fat and skinny people skinny because they all eat too much? Or maybe because other people eat too much, and the average causes some folks to be bigger or smaller than they used to be?


Or maybe some people sit on their behinds and do nothing, whereas others are constantly moving, burning up energy.


I just cleared 16 inches of global warming from in front of the garage doors. With plenty more storm to come.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember when Mt. Pinatubo blew in the early nineties, they said it blew more sulfate compounds into the atmosphere than the entire Industrial Age combined, and the next few years had colder Winters. Maybe we need Volcano Control Laws and Treaties instead?


We could have Obuma use his executive pen and declare that from now on we will not have any more earthquakes, and bad weather. Maybe the UN could declare and end to global change… (Scientist are not sure what the earth is doing…getting cooler or warmer, so now they call it global change) but if they get enough money they will declare something.


Okay, we’re in a period of climate warming, coming out of the previous period of climate cooling with large fields of ice called glaciers advancing from the north pole (arctic) and the south (antarctic) and making things cold. Brrrrr! I sent Hondo an Excel spreadsheet a while back which roughly showed the length of time for each cold period (ice advance, glaciers, permanent winter) and each warm period (ice retreats, glaciers melt, summer comes back). It goes back 400,000 years, which is before modern man showed up and started putting Neandertal man in his place. (Hey, fella! We’re claiming breeding rights. Piss off!) The legend of Persephone being kidnaped by Hades and spending half the year with him was invented to explain the seasons, so it must have its origins at the end of the last ice advance. We are in the Eemian (or Holocene, if you prefer) period, clearly a warm-up punctuated by occasional returns to cold (Younger Dryas) and we are currently slightly more than halfway through the shortest warming period I could find in that group, which was the Aftonion – 30,000 years of ‘global warming’. We’ve been at it for 18,000 years now, during which we invented agriculture, metal working, arti, writing, paper, flight, computers, archery, warfare, medicine, space flight, etc. All I’m saying is that we have no control over natural processes. Whatever is going to happen, whether it’s a long-term cold snap with glaciers returning to Switzerland and Patagonia and more blizzards in the Atacama Desert, rivers in Saudi Arabia, and the Sahara becoming a wet, green savannah again, or a continued warm-up until the balance tips against it, there is nothing we can do to stop the natural process. We have to adapt, which we can easily do. And that scares these climate control freaks to death. But, hey – the hardware store is now selling gardening equipment and seeds, so I think the flowerbed is going to have an early start. I have to put a new picket fence out there, so I’ll just add my $.29 in seeds to it, while… Read more »


This latest “Storm of the Century” was caused by all of those “concerned citizens” flying into Davos, Switzerland on their 1700 private jets.
I dare Lars to disprove that conclusion, it’s as valid as any other idea.


Reporting from a “bunker” deep in the bowels of the NY metro area emergency management organizational structure:

Orient Point, NY (most eastern tip of Long Island) has unofficially reported 28.5 inches with 5 to 6 inches still expected by days end. NYC is at about 12 inches.


About 26 inches so far in Woo-STAH, and another 4-6 still to come, maybe more.

Girlfriend tells me she’s got about 18 so far with another foot or so to go, but hard to tell because it’s drifting so bad.

35K without power in MA, mostly on the Cape. PSNH says nobody is out yet, but to be fair, most of the towns in Rockingham County (where winds will be strongest) are served by Unitil, and strongest winds yet to come.


That “advance of the glaciers” ice age thing?

Not quite.

It starts to snow over a wide area, then doesn’t quite warm up enough to melt it all. repeat. Repeat. Repeat…

The snow line moves miles, tens even hundreds, in as little as a year or so.

Then the stuff just piles up. The cycle feeds on itself. Then they become flowing glaciers, merging into icecap. The cold around them drives that snow line further towards the equator. Hundreds of miles become thousands.

So don’t expect a thousand years to get out of the way. One year we get a bad winter, and there is no spring. And the ski slopes stay open all summer. In ten years, we are relocating one third of humanity.

For tens of thousands of years, no spring.

Younger Dryas, etc, but ending in icecaps at the Carolinas.

Mr Sol apparently takes lengthy naps.

Gore bought a beachside mansion in Florida. was he betting on icecap melt and sea rise, or ice age and drop?

He bought a …. Beachside. ….


Yes, he did.

And the snow line has already moved to Arizona, Mexico, the boot heel of Texas, Baja peninsula, Brazil, Ecuador, Turkey, South Africa.

It doesn’t matter that it melted and cleared out. It only matters that it went that far away from either polar zone.

And let’s remember that little boondoggle last year, in the spring. I have pictures of snow during the week of the lunar eclipse in April – 2 inches of snow on my front steps, common birds like grackles, cowbirds and redwing blackbirds coming back on schedule and finding nothing to eat. Lots of pictures.

It’s not a one-time thing.


What got me interested in studying this was the last part of 2006 and the first half of 2007. Month for month, it was colder than normal for our area. Then, on April 7, 2007, we had a couple of snow showers in my area at a time we’d normally be in our second heatwave.

Our past few summers have been mild, with the recent ones feeling more like late spring and early fall than summer… with our “heatwaves” bringing us summer temperatures we used to see regularly in this area.

I’ve been telling folks for years that it’s going to get colder at lower elevations and at further latitudes from the poles. This means that the areas that freeze, and remain snow covered, are going to cover lower elevations on the mountains as well as areas that are further than the poles.

For the past recent winters, I’ve noticed that the areas that were under a deep freeze, or polar vortex, were approximately the same areas that were covered by the continental ice sheets during the last major ice age.

Mother Nature is doing her practice runs. :mrgreen:

All one has to do is read about the year without the summer to see how things could play out. Snows not melting in the year, plus snowing throughout the year.

On a side note.

If we enter another Dalton Minimum, we risk seeing the beginning of another mega ice age. The sun is on the verge of a multiple decade sun spot slumber.


I meant “another Maunder Minimum.”


This is a link to the Wiki report on the 2011 blizzard, which was NOT driven by a polar vortex.,_2011_North_American_winter_storm

There are photo images that clearly show how much of the US and Canada was covered by snow. It was NOT predicted to be as widespread as it was, nor as damaging until it actually got going. Note that the color chart showring the source of moisture for that storm shows it coming out of the south, not the north.

Blizzards used to be unusual. Now, we seem to be having them here, there and everwhere on a regular basis. 1967 is the first one I can recall, and it was not predicted, either. It shut down Chicago. My hometown 250 miles to the south got an ice storm (freezing rain mixed with snow) and high winds.

You expect this in Siberia, not in Turkey or Greece or El Paso, Texas.


Head of one of the bog weather services has apologized for missing the boat on this supposed mega-storm which has turned out to be just another winter storm.

Tell me again how folks that can’t predict weather 24 hours out accurately are 100% right on projections for the next few centuries for the whole planet?


Here’s his twitter-pate apology:

National Weather Service forecaster Gary Szatkowski, of Mount Holly, New Jersey, tweeted an apology: “You made a lot of tough decisions expecting us to get it right, and we didn’t.”

Hey, Gary! There’s still February to come and February is well-known for being the nastiest winter month. You’re either right, or you’re wrong.

Try peeking at the Farmer’s Alamanac, or if your prefer the Old Farmer’s Almanac.


That was deliberate, I don’t believe that this was an accident.

I was reading the reports on how this storm was supposed to “wreck havoc.” I saw it for what it was… over hyping something by predicting the worst while expecting something that wasn’t as bad as predicted.


So that they could peddle the Glow Bullshit warming propaganda.

Do this across winter, then compare this to the under-playing of the heat wave predictions during the summer to give the appearance that even Mother Nature is beating expectations… against cooling and in favor of warming.


So, how long before they start trying to cover their tracks?

Oh, that’s right – they have to admit they’re wrong and don’t know everything first.

For the record, I ran my furnace until June 5, 2014 and turned it on again early in October, much earlier than usual.


A couple of records for today:

1914 – High was 60F
1974 – High was -13F

Also, today is the 100th birthday of the US Coast Guard. They are busy today and this week with icebreakers on the Great Lakes, keeping shipping lanes open, especially up near Mackinac.

Happy Birthday, Coasties!


Well, it’s the morning after the evening of the day in which this episode of Global Warming Productions began. What started with a mere 3 inches of fluff on my front steps has quickly become blustering winds, driving snow, and drifting into Big Piles of Snow.

I have been shoveling for about an hour and a half. Glad I made a hearty pot of bean soup for this occasion. I can not only burn off calories with my ergonomically configured snow shovel, I can also forcibly express my opinion of the weather itself as I go. I will probably have to make another pan of cornbread.

I packed snow around the base of the house and dug a path to the street for the trash bin, as tomorrow is trash pickup day.

This storm was correctly forecast by local weathermen. It stretches from the Nebraska-Montana-Wyoming borders well eastward into the Ohio Valley, never mind how far north and south it goes. This one is at least NOT accompanied by severe cold.

The only observation I have about this weather right now is that these blizzard-like conditions seem to be happening every two years, whereas when I was growing up, they were unusual events. I think there is some significance in this that no one is directly addressing.


A half hour ago, I had clean sidewalks and a space for the birds to get something to fill their teensy stomachs.

I have just returned from removing another 4 inches of global warming from the places that were cleared. I kid you not. It is filling in as fast as I shovel it.

Oh, well, no one can say I don’t try.


Did I say it was filling in as fast as I shoveled it/

That’s an understatement. It’s like some horrible amoeba thing, like The Blob, that follows you along the sidewalk and inserts its tentacles and pseudopods into every nook and cranny.

Two hours ago, my neighbor was not out shoveling, so I started at his part of the sidewalk and worked my way north. He came out of his house a few minutes later and joined me. We added to the pile of snow in his yard and mine, then returned to our respective fortresses to repair and refresh ourselves.

An hour and a half later, the effects of shoveling were nowhere to be seen. He was out there ahead of me, pushing and shoveling, so I regrouped and joined him in the effort to repel Enemy Snow.

This is no exaggeration when I say that I brushed all the snow off the handrail on my steps, 4 inches wide, and pushed all the snow off the steps as well, and 10 minutes later there was a good half inch of snow on railing and steps and more filling in.

My gloves got wet, so my fingers froze. I finally caved in after an hour and a half and went back into my house. I am now warmed up on tea and cookies, tired of shoveling, I have snotcicles in my hair and I’m sure I smell like ass.

Fuck it. I quit.


Yes, it is still snowing in my kingdom.

Out of self-preservation, I opened the front door to Caslte Arrrgh and found that the snow had refilled the places I had shoveled clear in the brief space of an hour. That’s about six inches added to the pile, but the sidewalk was clear so it’s mostly drifting.

So I shoveled out those six inches to keep the door clear, in case I have a cookie emergency or a desperate need for reading material, and it immediately began filling in as I shoveled.

I’ll be up all night clearing out the door so that it will actually open. Not to worry. I have bean soup, cornbread, butter, hot cocoa, carrots, crackers, cheese, ham, chicken, potatoes and plenty of tea and popcorn.

But it becomes annoying after a while, like listening to a maundering, self-absorbed old gasbag who can’t recall the details of his service, but has pieces of paper he got off the internet to prove that he done did something.


Sunrise finally came. My last foray at 12:00AM with shovel in hand succeeded, as there was only blown snow to 2 inches at the door to Castle Aaarrrgh.

Now all I have to do is get rid of that pile of blown snow behind my chariot, and distribute bounty to my feathered subjects.

Sometimes, I hate winter.