Betar militia prepared to defend Jewish community in Paris

| January 10, 2015

Vocativ sends us a link to their story about the Betar militia in Paris. It’s made up of Jewish adherents to Krav Maga, the Israeli martial art discipline. They tell Vocativ that they’ve fanned out to protect Jewish communities in Paris from further terrorist attacks;

The action came as suspected Islamic militants held a number of people hostage in a suburban kosher supermarket to the east of Paris, with other militants holding people hostage in a printing company near Charles de Gaulle airport.

France’s Betar movement is based not far from the Porte-Vincennes area, a predominantly Jewish locale where the hostage situation unfolded on Friday. The leader of Betar’s French “militia,” who goes by the name Yair, told Vocativ by phone today that Betar teams were preparing to defend Jewish communities from attack, and had placed their resources around the Porte Vincennes area:

“I am in my car en route to Vincennes, but everything is on lockdown,” he said. “The French Betar has four cars around Vincennes, one team in front of the Jewish school Georges Leven, one team in front of a Jewish school in the 7th arrondissement and another in front of a Jewish school in Boulogne.”

Betar is a 90-year-old organization created for just purpose in Paris. They’ve become more popular in recent years because of the rising anti-Jewish violence.

Category: Terror War

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Good for them. Now, if someone would just see fit to allow them to also be armed with those scary gun thingies with which they could more effectively defend themselves…

The Other Whitey

Bruce Lee himself said that the best way to win a fistfight is to shoot the other guy. I know Krav Maga is pretty badass if you’re good at it, but it still doesn’t make you bulletproof. And since the bad guys are slinging lead…

Big Steve

They’d better be careful. They might just make themselves targets, while sitting in their cars and identifying exactly what locations they will be in.
Not sure what these martial artists think they can realistically do against automatic weapons, grenades, etc.
Now if they could be armed, different story. But these effete Euro governments think private firearms ownership is the root of all evil.

John S.

Perhaps the governments of said countries are worried about their citizens revolting, as if they’re not revolting enough. /sarc

The Other Whitey

“Dire, the peasants are revolting!”

“I know, they stink on ice!”


Not a gambler here, but would seriously contemplate putting heavy money on the plan being a bit more complicated than it would appear on the surface or as published. 😉

Club Manager

Message to Islamic terrorists: NEVER AGAIN!!


7,000 Jews escaping from Islamic France last year.

The cartoon guy had “protection” too. In the form of unarmed police. Unarmed volunteer civilian Jews aren’t going to stop or prevent anything. Maybe they should roll down to the many no go islamist criminal zones in Paris and illegally obtain some firearms.


Some thoughts:

Krav Maga does not seem to place a premium on formalized rules. To me, much of it seems to be all the stuff banned in “sport” fighting. An acquaintance summed it up as “Dirty … works”. I would not expect a Krav Maga based organization to be following rules against effective actions.

Quite the contrary.

Also, in most locations I have lived, it is seriously forbidden to hunt over bait.

See prior comment.