Paris terror news
Breaking: It looks like the French authorities have the last two murderers cornered.
I’m reading news reports about these bubble-heads who attacked news offices in Paris the other day. There’s BS about how highly trained they are, that they trained in Yemen with al Qaeda – it doesn’t take a lot of training to successfully murder 12 unarmed people. I don’t think the media knows what ‘highly-trained” looks like. I think they mean that they fired a lot of bullets, but that takes no training.
Then there’s this from ABC News that one of the perpetrators was a failed rap artist.
Cherif Kouachi, 32, was briefly featured in a 2005 French television documentary as an aspiring rap musician who was arrested on terror charges that put him in prison for a year and a half. At the time, Cherif had told a French court that the scandal at Abu Ghraib prison and the influence of a young religious leader convinced him to give up rapping to prepare himself for jihad abroad, according to local reports.
I’m thinking he gave up being a rap artist because he sucked. But isn’t that fellow who beheads westerners on videos in Syria also a failed rap artist? Maybe we should ban rap and get proactive about this terror thing. or we should execute rappers when they fail at rapping.
The Paris terrorists were apparently on the US’ Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) system – the no-fly list according to “US sources“.
There are photos of 100s of thousands of Parisians marching against terror the other night. I’m thinking they’re at least a week late. Maybe if Parisians were less tolerant of terrorists, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. the media is suddenly brave and they’ve been reproducing the cartoons. Well, except CNN, that only cares about the 1st Amendment when they’re defaming Vietnam veterans. But where were all of these brave journalists last week, or last year, or in 2006?
Lucky for us, we have Howard Dean who says that the attack yesterday has nothing to do with the Muslim faith. Despite the fact that the terrorists yelled “God is Great”! in their language and the whole attack happened because Charlie Hebdo published some cartoons depicting Mohammed. So, no, it can’t have anything to do with Islam.
Some dingus MSNBC guest equated the attack yesterday to Jerry Falwell suing Hustler Magazine. USAToday published a screed by Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary who blames the French government for the attack because they didn’t shut down Charlie Hebdo and “allowed” them to “provoke Muslims”.
Ron Paul says that we deserve terrorist attacks because of our foreign policy.
These are the people who will bring terrorism to our shores because they refuse to see it for it is.
Treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue isn’t working – law enforcement can’t do anything until people die. The Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive war kept terrorists from our shores. They lined up in front of the guns of our troops to go to God. The drones in Yemen seem to be doing an admirable job at killing terrorists, but obviously not well enough. We need to either step up our game, or withdraw entirely from the world stage, because what we’re doing now is wasting the resources we have available to take the war to the real enemies.
Islam isn’t a terrorist religion, but it seems that the worst terrorists happen to be Muslim.
Category: Terror War
I don’t see how we can withdraw into Festung Amerika. I see no choice but to take the fight to the scum while ensuring their dirtbag collaborators within are ‘neutralized”.
Hope they just gun the bastards down…
On a side note, the link to the story itself goes to a site “blacklisted” by the agency I work for. Apparently they have already determined that it poses a risk to our systems for some reason or another.
Changed the link to Fox News.
Thanks. Kind of surprised this “subversive site” has not been blacklisted…
I don’t understand the French at all. (Je ne comprend pas les gens de France, pas du tout.)
They were so intolerant of aristocrats that they imprisoned them in large numbers and dragged them off to the guillotine. They lined up in herds behind Napoleon, and even the Brits respected the Johnny Crapauds (frogeaters) and said they were tough fighters.
So what happened that they turned into a bunch of wienies?
The French Soldiers have always been brave. It’s their leadership that has traditionally sucked.
Rusty – absolutely correct!
try telling the average Legionnaire what a weenie he is. Like us, the French fought for their freedom. Like us, they had some damn fine military types who could and did conquer the world. Like us, they’ve succeeded in electing a whole government full of gutless opportunists who pander to the useless classes and who couldn’t lead anyone out of a wet paper sack.
I don’t disagree, but Legionnaire =/= French, necessarily.
Another hostage situation has just popped up in France in a Kosher market.
“PARIS — France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor says a shooting and hostage-taking attack is underway at a kosher market on the eastern edge of Paris. A police official said there are multiple hostages and wounded at the scene.
The French president ordered the country’s top security official to the scene, an official in the presidency told The Associated Press. The police official declined to be named when discussing the unfolding situation.
The events near Paris’ Porte de Vincennes took place as two suspects in France’s deadliest terror attack in decades were cornered near Charles de Gaulle airport.”
Report on FoxNews, which is excellent (been up since 2am) says two in the Kosher store are dead.
Time to saddle up and kill these bastards where they sleep.
When is the word ‘terrorist’ going to be applied properly?
When will the media stop living in this asinine closet of denial that they inhabit?
Those people want to kill anyone in their line of sight. They use ANYTHING as an excuse to do so. If simple little me can figure this out without special intelligence gathering, without special data streams, and without a lettered psych worker sitting across from me trying to explain murdering thugs as misunderstood souls, then what the hell is wrong with the people who refuse to admit that this is an undeclared war on Western civilization?
How many people have to be slaughtered before these clowns in denial get the fog out of their useless brains?
They won’t until the leadership changes or as long as hand wringing panty waisted leftists and ‘intellectuals’ are driving the conversation. Those people see the Muslim as the underdog being persecuted by the evil Christian West through our policies. Far to many of them believe we deserve the attacks.
ExPH2: Contrary to Jonn’s closing sentence, “Islam isn’t a terrorist religion, but it seems that the worst terrorists happen to be Muslim,” which is partially true but also a conventional wisdom applied by the liberal media, the Koran has multiple Sura’s which discuss the use of terror as a means of expanding the caliphate.
This religion of peace bullshit is precisely that: a piece of bullshit. Hondo is right that this is a clash of civilizations with one side being far more civilized than the other, too much more civilized, in fact, for it’s own good. If we don’t go after these Islamic fascists with the same fervor they employ to destroy us, we will eventually be the losing civilization and ruled by barbarians.
And as if their tactics and methods aren’t already barbaric enough, some website yesterday reported that there is a movement among some of the most fanatic of these of these jihadists to bring back a method of executing their enemies that is even more inhumane than sawing off heads and crcifixion, impaling their infidel enemies on spikes thrust up through their rectums, through their abdomens and into their chests. Historical accounts of the method report that some victims could take up to two days to die a very agonizing death when the spike is inserted carefully.
How’s that for civilization and a religion of peace?
Oh, the impalement technique.
Yes, as I recall, Vlad ‘the Impaler’ Drakul used it on the Turks who were invading his homeland.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me that part of the problem we’re running into is in still thinking of jihadists in the Western context of a separation of church and state. To jihadists, they’re both the same thing.
It’s probably also true that in the greater chess game of geopolitics we tend to think in terms of geographic boundaries and agreements of trust among sovereign governments. To those seeking to establish a global caliphate, there is only one government under Sharia, and the boundary is the entire planet. Trying to placate them is a fool’s errand if anything is offensive that doesn’t fall under the Sharia rubric. Which means there are also no agreements that can be made in good faith with infidels, merely those to gain a momentary advantage.
The jihadist goal is actually very simple; convert those who can be converted, and either eliminate or put all the rest in chains.
I’ve said it before and here it comes again. The French “leadership and diplomacy team” will now impose sanctions. They have said in strongly worded and no uncertain terms now, that they will export only their most inferior table wines to terrorist countries. That will show them!
French President and USA President = kindred spirits. Ideologically identical.
LIRight…Roger that brother!
I know making fun of the French is good times (and lord knows they deserve a lot of the ribbing they get), but the French rolled pretty heavily in Mali a couple years ago fightiong the Al-Qaeda types there.
Rerun0369…I agree. The French rank and file troop is dedicated and willing to fight. However, they suffer from the same lack of leadership we do in America. Bad ROE and lots of talk without turning the dogs of war loose when needed.
Yeah, it has been an issue they have had for the last 100 years or so.
Um, maybe you should say “last 65 years” vice “last 100 years”. Juin, Leclerc, and de Gaulle were quite competent during World War II (though often a pain in the butt).
And cheese. don’t forget the cheese because you can’t have “whine” without the cheese…
Hey France. How’s those stringent gun laws working out for you? Feel safe now?
If this had happened in Texas or Oklahoma those assholes would have assumed room temperature about 48 hours ago, not necessarily at the hands of Law Enforcement.
The longer I live, the more convinced I become that Samuel Huntington absolutely nailed things in Clash of Civilizations.
The link above is to his 1993 Foreign Affairs article on the subject. His book by the same title treats the subject in more detail, and is definitely worth a read. If you haven’t read it – IMO you really should find a copy and do so.
Hondo…Thank you. One of the few things I can do these days is go enjoy the library. Real books you can hold in your hand and enjoy turning the pages. I will look for this one today.
Also check out the article at The Federalist Blog about the prescience of C.S. Lewis.
Thanks for mentioning CS Lewis. I haven’t read ‘The Abolition of Man’ in ages. I’m pulling it off the shelf to read again.
That article is filled with quotable goodness:
“If we are to take CNN’s memo at its word, no other prophets existed before or after Muhammad. He is literally the only one. Forget Moses. Forget Abraham. Forget that both are major prophets for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Nope. Muhammad is the only one (even if that statement itself is heretical to the ideology they’re desperately trying not to offend) and he will be faux-respected by fearful news executives, even if that faux respect results in the blatant disrespect of other religions that outright reject Muhammad’s alleged teachings. Your offense is only worthy of note if comes packaged with a death threat.
I look forward to CNN referring to Jesus Christ as “the Messiah” from now on. I look forward to CNN referring to God as “G-d” out of respect for Jews who believe it is sinful to utter His name. And I really look forward to never seeing another historically illiterate Eastertime screed masquerading as news about how Jesus is just a silly myth who never really existed and that people who put any stock in the most well-attested historical documents in all of antiquity are just a bunch of nutty kooks.”
Our opinion leaders!
Hondo, your link doesn’t work. I did find a reprint of the article here though.
Sorry – some extra characters somehow crept into the original link. It’s fixed now.
Assault taking place against the two brothers. May the rest in hell.
Obama is on it. Kerry is on it. What could go wrong? Hey, anyone know when Boko Haram released those girls? Remember them? Obama wasn’t going to rest…blah…blah…blah. And, oh, Boko Haram raided 11 villages the other day. there are no official numbers yet of the murder victims but the estimates range from several hundred to 2,000. There has to be one of those corned beef hashtags out there about this somewhere.
Yep, Obama is going to have us saving the shit out of the world!! With little to no funding and with a military pared down to the bone! Let’s hashtag that!
But, hey, free comunity college education for all! Let’s fund that!
Great news – all hostages alive and all scumbags are dead, visiting their STD infected virgins.
May the late jihadi scum “enjoy” an eternity with Shaytan, and may all their virgins appear thusly:
Frankly, even I wouldn’t wish those warthogs from Hell on Helen.
No, you guys are far too easy. A prison planet with a constantly boiling surface would work for me.
Now THAT is funny!
Actually, looks a little like me after a night of being a little too friendly with Gentleman Jack!!
Market just raided. Two hostages dead, terrorists dead.
I applaud the French for ending this bullshit.
Should have stuck to pizza delivery and making shitty rap demos. Cock weasels.
No more updates from me….things are still being updated at 12:50 PM EST. Casualty figures keep changing….probably shouldn’t have posted the earlier info.
BBC’s also refusing to run the cartoons, even attached to an ‘informed opinion’ piece they commissioned by a historian who’s got some interesting things to say on the general subject (and who was clearly put out in a refined British way at not being able to have the cartoons as part of his article).
CNN is useless and has gone from useless to even more useless. Their site revamp makes the whole thing look like a supermarket tabloid, and actual news details are incredibly thin on the ground.
I have to admit I was skeptical the police had them cornered. I anticipated a decoy operation while the real shooters disappeared I to the no go areas that infest France.
Can we quit with the bubbleheads insults? Submariners have feelings too ya know.
That caught my eye too. LOL, what the hell Jonn?
We do? News to me.
I guess you need to complain to Don Henley, too. (smile)