Just in time for the holidays

| November 29, 2008

Looking for that perfect gift for that hard-to-shop-for woman on your list? Why don’t you get her a Planned Parenthood gift certificate;

Indiana residents in need of a quick stocking stuffer this holiday season have an unusual option: Planned Parenthood gift certificates.

The group’s Hoosier State chapter on Wednesday began selling gift certificates redeemable at any of its 35 facilities for any service provided — from basic health screenings to birth control to abortions.

Betty Cockrum, president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood of Indiana, said the program was initiated in response to the state’s ailing economy.

“Our patients are principally low-income women, and so, needless to say, those patients are more challenged now than ever,” Ms. Cockrum said. “We find that when women are [financially] strapped, they’re more worried about putting food on the table and gas in their car, and their health care is often put by the wayside.”

What better way to celebrate the birth of our Lord than by giving the gift of abortion?

Category: Politics

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Absolutely Fukking disgusting. So, it’s really hard to have responsible sex, therefore, oops…gotta kill it. Despicable

LT Nixon

I’m still hoping that some fellow bloggers get me that Barry Manilow’s Sings the 80s CD (hint hint).


What better way to celebrate the birth of our Lord than by giving the gift of abortion?

What else would we expect from an organization (originally, the American Birth Control League that’s morphed into Planned Parenthood) founded by Eugenics proponent, Margaret Sanger. This evil woman’s plans were praised by Hitler and Sanger promoted Black Genocide, no wonder that Planned Parenthood supports supposed womens “health” initiatives such as killing their babies.


A great gift to give to your fellow Obama voter, along with a reindeer pooh ornament.

Frankly Opinionated

These assholes would tell us that the two sides are: “Pro-Life” and “Freedom of Choice”. NOT SO! The two sides are “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Death”. The principal in the matter has no damned choice in the decision. And while they are advocating killing unborn, innocent babies, they want to abolish the death penalty for real criminals. They deserve Obama- who wouldn’t want his daughters to be “burdened” with an unplanned pregancy.
While we are praying for a serviceman’s life, they are planning to kill future servicemen before they are born.
nuf sed


[…] What She Really Wants “What better way to celebrate the birth of our Lord than by giving the gift of abortion?&#8221… […]


Betty Cockrum? Cockrum? You gotta be kiddin’ me.