Emily Miller applies for DC permit

| December 12, 2014

You probably remember when Emily Miller went through the DC system to get a gun for her own protection in her home. That was when she wrote at the Washington Times, now she’s at WTTG Fox5 in DC. The court’s new ruling that DC must have a law that allows residents to carry weapons outside their homes is her next challenge. So she’s begun the process for applying for this permit. Emily says that 47 people have applied so far, but only two permits have been issued;

In the first part of the series, I went to the firearms registration office at the police department to get the application. But I could not submit the application at that time because the police had not yet certified any trainers to teach the 18 hours of mandatory classes.

But I kept calling the office, and one day they told me that I could apply if I checked a box to promise to take the classes within 45 days of being approved.

So I got to work on completing the application.

So here’s her report of the nutroll that she’s engaged in;


Category: Guns

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E-6 type, 1 ea

She should start the concealed carry license paperwork and the marijuana retailer’s license paperwork at the same time and see which gets approved first.

Sadly, I already know.


I’m really curious as to who the two people that were approved are. And what their previous stance on gun control was.

The Other Whitey

For my money, they’re either staffers of prominent liberal democrat politicians, or members of a media outlet, most likely CNN or MSNBC. Definitely not FoxNews.


Sounds about right. I would be shocked to find out they weren’t politically connected in some way.


second link to the station does not link to the article… however, there is an amusing headline that says a naked man caught masturbating outside a DC home was there because his Mom wouldn’t let him have porn in the house. Obviously a DC leader of tomorrow!


Oh dear Lord almighty…
You just can’t make this shit up…

2/17 Air Cav

“naked man caught masturbating outside a DC home”

The US Air Force Secretary will take him, I guess. After all, to apply her reasoning, what’s his being naked and whacking off outside have to do with whether he can do his job?

Hack Stone

You know, Wilson Lane in Bethesda is not that far from DC. I’m just saying….

Common Sense

Since DC seems to have no shortage of guns used in violent crimes, I’m guessing the onerous application process and 18 hours of classes don’t apply to criminals.


A Shrubbery! You must bring us a Shrubbery!

This is going to become a scavenger hunt for the DC versions of boxes of grid squares and cans of squelch.


I’ve got a five gallon can of glider fuel in case anyone is looking for that.


I am awash in chow line and bottles of smoke, never mind Fallopian tubes. Anyone want to swap smoke?


Ex, I’ll trade you 50 foot of flight line for a six pack of bottled smoke, Okay??

The Other Whitey

How about a jug of blinker fluid and some chem-light batteries? And could you check my (diesel) engine’s spark plugs while you’re at it?



Only if you’re a sucker.

The scum that was with Michael brown the 3 time felon and corpse that attempted to murder a police officer was just hired by St. Louis government. Apparently being an accomplice in strong armed robbery and perjuring himself wasn’t enough to be held accountable under the law.

Want to execise constitutional rights though? Fuck you

– libtards in charge.


Four Words:

1. Hot
2. Chick
3. With
4. Gun

Nothing further!


According to one of her blog posts Ms Miller She shoots a Sig 229, right-handed, and hits low and left.

Along the east coast, she has done more for gun rights than most people and some coaching might cure that low/left. Is there anyone close who could offer to coach or arrange for professional coaching?

I think a Youtube video or 30-minute TV show of Ms Miller running a combat course at Thunder Ranch or Gunsite with a sharp-end team would be a excellent. Get her a date to shoot with Jerry.

It would be a helleva lot better than watching Diane Feinstein.


Democraps are really showing what sore losers they are, aren’t they?

More of us want to have guns than not, which means that we are independent thinkers not willing to give away what we have a right to (insert words here), but they just can’t stand the idea that we know what we want and need better than they do.

I know I said I don’t want a gun (at this point). That does not mean I’m averse to using one, if needed. After all, hunting pheasant with a crossbow might not work quite so well as I think. Deer, yes. Birds, don’t know yet.