Stolen Valor; WTF, over?

| December 12, 2014


You probably remember valor thief Dennis Meyers who created a Silver Star citation, haffassedly, and convinced phony Vietnam veteran Tom Harkin to send a staffer to award it to him in a public ceremony. Here’s his poorly-crafted citation;

Dennis Myer Silver Star

Pretty damn sad isn’t it? Well, we just heard from our buddy, Doug Sterner that the reporter who wrote the original story called and told him that Myers doesn’t face any charges for his deceit. The American War Library still sells those sorry excuses for a citation. The only thing that has changed is that Harkin is out after this Congress.

This all begs the question why have Stolen Valor laws when no one intends to enforce them? You could ask the same of most laws these days. We have laws for everything these days and most of them are written by folks who want to get reelected. I was shocked to find that there are federal breast-feeding laws. The Federal Trade Commission regulates the size of theater seats. And don’t get me started on guns laws. We all know how guns laws are written with fan-fare and celebration but they never get used to actually prevent gun crimes.

The latest Stolen Valor Act was approved last year with some celebration and photo events at the White House. But no one has been prosecuted under he Act to this date. The actual stolen valor itself has exploded. We’ve had nearly 200 cases added to our Stolen Valor page since March. We’ve discovered people who are stealing from the Veterans’ Administration, pretending to be POWs, wearing nearly every valor medal without earning them, wearing combat badges. The justice system is broken.

Legislators write laws that make them look good and prosecutors won’t pursue those cases because it doesn’t make them look good enough. In Pennsylvania, a legislator tries to write a new law the restricts sales of valor goods. Let’s say that works, does anyone think that a prosecutor will really go after dealers? Are prosecutors going to monitor Ebay?

So, that leaves enforcement of stolen valor to the shame of the village square – TAH, Guardian of Valor, Scotty and the countless others who have set up websites across the internet. But then, who protects us? You’ve all heard and read the death threats, the crappy law suits that get filed against us. You know, things that the justice system and law enforcement is supposed to protect law abiding citizens from – folks who are engaged in legal businesses and work within the law.

I’m not asking for new laws, I’m just asking for the so-called justice system to enforce the laws they already have on the books – all of the laws, all of the time. You know – that whole protect and serve thing, I hear so much about. If you’re not going to do that, don’t be surprised when there are a pile of bullet-riddled bodies at the end of my sidewalk some night when one of these goofballs decides to follow through because he gets the impression that the laws don’t apply to him, because they haven’t so far.

Category: Stolen Valor Act

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Tailhook Tom

I humbly submit it comes down to prosecutorial resources. Prosecutors have discretion in which cases they take to trial. With the number of murders, rapes, drugs and other assorted “big-ticket” crimes, prosecutors are not going to invest their limited resources in going after some old man who lied about a medal he did not earn or service he did not perform, whether or not in results in some small gain. Don’t get me wrong, I get as angry that these sociopaths go out there and portray themselves as something they are not because their mothers breastfed them through a straw; I am just stating reality.


What you say is probably true; however, as a small business owner/operator I will gladly stack my “limited resources” vs. effectiveness/productivity against any DA jurisdiction in the country.
Limited resources my butt.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, we have two things going on here with respect to Stolen Valor. The first is the phony who makes false claims regarding his service, his service experience, or medals and decorations he received. If his are bald lies, then the court of public opinion is the only court to deal with him; that is, he is committing no crime. He can be properly berated, shamed, and castigated in the hope that he will stop his lying. Thankfully, public humiliation still has a profound affect on many people.

The second thing going on is making false claims to effect a fraud in order to obtain money or other things of value, such as a job or a speaking stipend, for instance. This is a crime whose elements are not difficult to establish. The crime may be prosecuted federally or, where state statute exists, by state prosecutors. And therein lies both the challenge and the frustrated expressed by Jonn. It is not a matter of limited resources, not according to Congress, anyway. And all but a tiny percentage of federal and state cases settle without ever going to trial. It is a lack of prosecutorial interest that explains the paucity of cases. All that I can offer in that regard is that if your state has a Stolen Valor statute, read it and send a copy of it to your local prosecutor when the facts of a case suggest a crime has been committed. Did a phony receive a free lunch? How about free admission to something? Any gifts? Money? If so, there is likely a crime. Then, follow up on it. If nothing else, you will educate your local prosecutor and show him or her that there is public interest in pursuing these cases. As for the feds, I got nothing. Absent large-scale, fraudulently obtained money, goods, or services connected to Stolen Valor, I don’t see DOJ doing shit. Just throw Stolen Valor on the pile of laws they won’t enforce.


Ya know – am liking the idea that we vets educate our local DA’s about Stolen Valor. You are on to something there, AC. Something very important.

No, not every DA will become interested immediately, but if some of us can get the attention of some of the DA’s around the country, it could catch on.

Am lucky to have a DA who is a vet here. Kinda makes be feel obligated to go have a chat with him about stolen valor.


OMFG – Jonn! This ass weasel simply took the text from the Wikipedia description of what the Medal of Honor must be based on!!!

Public Law 88-77, July 25, 1963: The requirements for the Medal of Honor were standardized among all the services, requiring that a recipient had “distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.” Thus, the act removed the loophole allowing non-combat awards to Navy personnel. The act also clarified that the act of valor must occur during one of three circumstances:

While engaged in action against an enemy of the United States

While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force.

While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

Jesus H. Christ with a butterfly net! WTF????????


Two things I learned from this blog post.
1.) It’s not just about a coffee cup.
2.) The “friendly advice” from a member of the WVA State Police to shut down your blog is being ignored.

I think maybe you have the weapons. Can we send you some ammo? Ruger .222 is damn hard to find.


WOW Jonn. Just…wow! Way cool too.


Evidently not a problem !!!
Wowza !!!


Jonn, I’ve got a major case of “ammo envy”.



I think that exposing and shaming these dickless wonder attention whores is much more effective than using the po-po to go after them.

What starts here and is uncovered here stays here. The internet is forever.

Think back over the number of iceberg tip SV klowndogs that have been exposed to the light of day and have been found to be lower than the dregs of society.

This is no different than a neighborhood watch. It’s your neighborhood, your AO, your homestead.

Federal laws on breastfeeding? Oh, for pete’s sake. And these people are getting paid with your taxes. So, who is going to enforce the boob laws? Bloomerbutt? He’s such a waste of sperm.

B Woodman

If TPTB won’t enforce the existing laws then can we corner these SV butt chomps in a dark alley and beat out their kneecaps?? Please?


IMO, Longterm, the best way to get SV enforced is through educating the cops. THere are a lot less Cops who are Veterans or who deployed than you might think.

THe way to get LEOs onboard is to get them to buy into that SV laws in theselves may not be a major issue to them but they have to think of it exactly the same as a broken taillight or changing lanes without a directional, it’s the probable cause for the stop. As is said over and over, Posing is only the tip of the Iceberg.


Bring up the fact that some people claiming records they don’t have and awards they didn’t earn have applied to law enforcement and gotten jobs they truly should not have. Likewise, point out that they are, in some cases, literally stealing meant for more deserving people.

Or just send them to TAH and other SV websites.


Good post Jonn. Several years back had one wannabe POW I’d busted want to meet me. Told him to bring it on and offered to meet him at a local restaurant. Of course he never showed.
Glad you have the proper resources to fend off some of these nut cases. And many thanks for what you & TAH do.


I’m looking at that certificate, and my mind is reeling…what in the actual fuck is that? It looks less professional than the certificates we give out at the end of the school year where I teach for things like perfect attendance. Someone needs to have their asses stomped for even printing something like that.


Ah, but remember: it “passed muster” at Senator Harkin’s office.

Of course, given Harkin’s own past embellished military service tales – that’s not saying much.

Yolanda van der Puyl

Federal breastfeeding law. Poser exposers…in 1980 I had to testify in court on a drug case. I was on maternity leave, my daughter was born nine days before. I was sworn in and got comfortable when the fuck nut defense attorney requests a sidebar.He was upset that I was breastfeeding my daughter and felt he couldn’t concentrate listening to my baby eating. Judge Rogers asked if he saw any part of my body. No. Ma’am are you doing what he said. Yes sir. Turned to DA and said hope you don’t have kids. They’ll starve if such a natural thing bothers you. Get away from the bench and get this trial over with so baby can go home. My guy partners laughed themselves silly, until the judge quietly said quiet down, babies eating.
As for our legal system going after Stolen Valor assholes, I’m told they have bigger fish to fry. If I could prosecute them, get the line started, but I’m just a Paralegal. Poser exposers…I am reinvestigating a 1990 murder case in San Diego County. A book was written by a friend of the suspect. I need your thoughts on this, because your all so out spoken and tell it like it is. My email address is I will send you a copy of the book. Two hours of your time. Then you tell me what you think. My client just spent her 45th birthday and 25th year in prison 100% INNOCENT. Give the kid a break..Rebel

mark allen

I never earned a silver star. but if he was going to lie, he should have at least got on google and look to see how a real one looks like. pretty damn stupid, since anyone can google any silver star recipient. its as easy to find as an medal of honor awardee’s. not many people are awarded anything higher than a MSM or even a bronze star in their military career. apparently he never got one either so that’s why he doctored this up to make it look like he deserved one. The sad part is so many people are still hung up on those awards long after people leave the military. Unfortunately those awards cannot do anything for you, they cannot increase your disability, retirement pay or even get you promoted. they are just wall ornaments. since I retired the only thing I would like to see is my retirement increase. other than that. it’s not important to me anymore. I don’t even have a retirement sticker on my car or where those ridiculous hats with ten thousand jumpmaster CIB and everything else pins. I just carry my Blue ID card and my VA ID card. that’s it. I wish people would let it go. it’s ok to reminisce and have an I love me wall or book. maybe a flag and a few trinkets but after that. there is life after the military. what was he thinking? that by having someone fake giving him a fake award that people were going to start kissing his butt and start wanting to befriend him and drool over his awards. So many stolen valor people on here and other websites and the ones that have not been caught have such low self esteem. It is nothing wrong with have been a cook or supply or fueler and maybe in one’s career earned maybe a AAM and a good conduct medal. at least you served your time ( supposedly ) honorably. but I guess not. Think about the ones on faces of the fallen and the Vietnam wall and thousands that… Read more »

Yolanda van der Puyl

I agree Mark. HONOR as you said does go to the boys who didn’t come home. I still wear Jimmy Rays bracelet with respect and love. I also passed him to my 10 year old grand daughter and she wears hers. She knows everything about Jimmy. A vet came to her school before Veterans Day to share his story. She proudly wore my POW-MIA vest that the vet spotted from the stage. She got to share Jimmy with the vet and her school. Never say never….


Valor thieves make me sick…I would love to beat them all to death with a flaming chain. But…how/who will enforce such things?

At the risk of starting shit…but in the interest of starting a discussion, I will…for science.

– What is an appropriate punishment for SV offenders? I am a proponent of a good ass whipping…jail time is too expensive, and too good for them. I would suggest volunteer work that benefits true hero types, but that opens up a whole ‘nother can of worms involving allowing them access to those they have wronged most egregiously. I have no solution other than the public humiliation and ass pain of exposure to their friends, family and those whom they try to impress.

– Who is going to enforce any laws that we pass? Law enforcement is already overworked…who is going to be the Stolen Valor police? Honestly, I believe it falls on those who choose to enforce it…government can’t handle it.

– Will there be varying degrees of punishment? First, second and third degree SV? Aggravated SV? Hammer those who have profited monetarily or directly victimized others with SV claims?

Too many questions…do we want to create another branch of government to do this or further enlarge an already existing branch?


[…] bothers me quite a bit. Anytime that you’re stealing valor — and that’s exactly what he’s doing — from those that have served or those that […]