I Think Vets and Active Duty Personnel Will Just Love This Guy

| December 9, 2014

Metropolitan State University is in Denver, CO. It promotes itself as “a top choice for active-duty military and veterans to pursue higher education”.

It also has one each Charles Angeletti as a professor. He teaches at least one class – American Civilization.

Angeletti seems somewhat opinionated. Here are some of Angeletti’s thoughts on the USA:   “We’re very racist, we’re very repressive, we’re very Christian oriented, we don’t tolerate other kinds of thinking in this country.”

As you might have guessed, Angeletti isn’t exactly conservative in his political leanings.  That’s reportedly apparent in the way he teaches his classes, too.

Here’s a sample of how Angeletti teaches his American Civilization class. It’s something he reportedly has his students memorize and recite – his modified version of the Pledge of Allegiance.

“I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American. And to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you, if you don’t watch your step.”

(Apparently Angeletti also isn’t particularly bright either, notwithstanding the fact that he’s a college professor.  In particular, Angeletti apparently isn’t bright enough to figure out that if America really was as intolerant as he claims he’d not be allowed to spew his brand of idiocy in publicl.)

I’m thinking that Angeletti’s moronic screed above – which is so poorly written that it isn’t even internally consistent regarding the point Angeletti’s attempting, abysmally badly, to make – is going to resonate with those active duty personnel and veterans that Metropolitan State University claims to want as students.  But I’m also thinking it won’t resonate in precisely the way that Dr. Ivory Tower Numbnuts here wants.

Look, I’m all for academic freedom. But I do have a problem seeing public taxes pay someone to advocate blatantly false political propaganda as truth, and for teaching monumental idiocy.  And make no mistake about it:  if Metropolitan State students are getting any Pell grants or Federally guaranteed student loans – or are using VA benefits to attend the school – you and I are helping pay for this idiocy.

Per the linked Fox News story, “Officials at Metropolitan State University of Denver did not immediately return requests for comment.”

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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Translation: He’s too stupid to get in the door at UC Boulder, but damned if he isn’t trying REAL hard.

And if he thinks this country is intolerant, something tells me he ain’t been outside the US much.


Selfish little piglet. Let me see if there is a nice sloppy cream pie in the fridge that his face can meet. That way, I’ll express my opinion of his opinion without damaging anything but the pie.

I would enjoy seeing these whiny asswipes subjected to the kind of thing that they’d face in China or the Peron regime or – well, several other places… like the Middle East.


Apparently his students love him because how easy the class is. All they do is debate current events. Not really learning much, are they?


CC Senor

Gee, that sounds familiar. Hey, Colorado, Ward Churchill wasn’t enough of an embarrassment for you?


Many of the comments say things like:

“Easy A” “No Homework or Quizzes” “No Tests” “If you show up and can manage to stay awake he’ll give you an A”

My favorite though was from September 2005:
“Angeletti is the biggest socialist hippie ever”


Holy, crap, he’s still there? He’s got to be ancient as hell!

Full disclosure: I started college at Metro State back in 1983. Wanna guess who my American Civ professor was? 😉


God! The therapy bill to recover from a train wreck like that must have been enormous!


Back in ’83 he wasn’t that bad. Oh, he was absolutely an America-hating hippie socialist, but he had a decent sense of humor and he didn’t take himself too seriously.

It was a “gut” class for sure, though. I’m pretty sure I never read so much as a single page of any of his assigned “textbooks.” In fact, I learned pretty quickly that just showing up for class, paying attention and participating was good for at least a B if not an A in most classes.

I’m pretty sure that in 4 years of college I probably read 5 books cover-to-cover, and my major was history. For everything else I was able to skim enough to get through the tests or to write my papers. Of course, going as an adult (I graduated when I was 38, in 2000) helped as I was working full time and more interested in completing school than in drinking or chasing girls – I had done enough of both in the Army to get my fill.

Law school was a different story, of course….


Even back then one of his required texts was Howard Zinn’s “People’s History of America.”

He and I got into it a couple of times but overall I thought he was a decent professor. of course that was 31 years ago, so who knows what he’s like now.


Reminds me of how super tolerant they were in Mosul, Baghdad, Kandahar and hell, I’ll even throw Munich into the pot…


You left ou Tiannanmen Square in Beijing, the Hanoi Hilton, Argentina, and my personal favorite, the Emperor Xin, who executed his army by the tens of thousands so that he would have their protection in the afterlife.

And let’s not forget that grand old fart Joe Stalin. With him, looking cross-eyed at someone made you suspect and you simply disappeared… forever.


I’ve been to Kandahar. Some of the nicest people to ever try to kill me.

Common Sense

Back in the day, I spent a couple of my college years at Metro, before it tried to elevate it’s status by calling itself ‘State University’. Having also attended CSU and UNC, I liked that my instructors at Metro were FAR better than most of those at the other institutions, mostly because I was in a business major and those instructors were still actively involved in their disciplines, i.e. they still worked outside of the ivory education tower. Even at CSU, I had excellent history, English, and science teachers. The only place I ran into the PC crowd was a women’s studies class at UNC team taught by 3 lesbians, not exactly unbiased.

Fast forward to today and I guess solid traditional teaching is out, progressiveness is in. That’s really too bad since I was considering going back and finishing my degree in history (I took a 30 year break for a degree in marriage, family, work, and real life). Instead of attending in person, I’ll be checking out online courses from a reputable college like Hillsdale.

Oh, and this guy is really at the bottom of the educational totem pole. Most professors here try for CU, CSU, DU, UNC, or Colorado College. The only places lower than Metro are the community colleges like Red Rocks. Not that you can’t get a fine education in those places, but they take pretty much anybody as a student and it appears, for instructors.


Common Sense,

It took me forever, but I finally finished my degree when I was 50. For me, it was a complete waste of time and money. The level of work required was low, the profs pretty much just pushed you through. It was a joke. I don’t think you would like it. On the upside, it would be a great opportunity to hone your debating skills.

I went to college immediately after high school (and no, I was NOT 46 when I graduated high school!). Today, unless I was going into a profession or a field of study that had tangible job benefits, I wouldn’t do it. You can get just as good an education without pursuing the piece of paper.


You know, now that I think about it, maybe we should ALL go back to college and take these classes with these hippy dippy socialists and give them a taste of their own medicine.

It would be world class entertainment to sit in a classroom full of you all torturing these clowns, really make them justify their bullshit.

They’d all be running for the hills.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Another fool tucked safely away with tenure in the hallowed halls of socialist academia. This would be the same ass hammer who tried to help a colleague get her shitbag murderer husband out of prison back in 1998….the turd was eventually paroled in 2004, but this ass clown Angeletti was explaining what a wonderful guy this life long felonious robber-murderer was to the parole board. http://www.westword.com/1998-11-19/news/the-hayward-bus/2/ You are known by your words and your deeds, constantly repeating that America is the root cause of evil and convicted felons are just misunderstood good guys tells me all I need to know about this esteemed fool of a professor. The United States is indeed far from perfect, we have a variety of flaws that we need to address to be sure. We have long standing issues with race as he states and those issues are uncomfortable to discuss but we continue to improve that issue here along with a host of other problematic concerns. However, we are not now and never have been the worst place in the world to be. There is no one hopping a raft and trying to float into the middle east, no one walking across two or three nations to get into the tolerant states of islam. No matter what the fools like Angeletti think, the world knows we are still the promise of a life unfettered by religious and government chains. We are still the place where a work ethic can supply you with the resources to enjoy your limited time on this planet. More than anywhere else in the world the United States is still the light that shines in the darkness and beckons to those would as free men and women on our shores. Mr. Angeletti has failed to be a bringer of knowledge to his students. He is within his rights to criticize as we all are when we make those comments that are unflattering, but he fails to explain what is right with the US with the same passion he explains what is wrong. He reveals his hypocrisy and his lack of… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

I never had instructors this bad, at any level, but I have had some asshole lefties. You can fight with them and change absolutely nothing or return their crap to them in exams and papers and take your A/B and move on. Those who suck the pap haven’t been paying attention for the prior 18 or so years of their lives anyway.


I had to take Socialism 101 to get my nursing license…
That guy was truly a socialist and hated me when he found out I was a Veteran.
I actually kept my mouth shut for the better part of a semester and got a c in the course…
He should have been teaching something like basket weaving or something…