Manning wants his civil rights

| December 9, 2014

Manning Civil Rights

Chief Tango sends us a link from the Guardian in which Bradley Manning complains that his civil rights are being violated because we won’t chop off his appendage;

I filed a petition to change my name in January of this year. Even with some assistance from counsel, the petition took nearly four months to draft and file before I ever made it to a hearing before the court. The hearing and filings were public, and I had to pay fees for filing and posting a legal notice in a local newspaper costing me nearly $500. And, despite making it clear that I identify as female, and having two military psychiatrists recommend support for my transition, legally changing my name has no effect on the “legal” gender status that the government imposes upon me.

Photo identification isn’t the only thing at stake for trans people. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, one in five trans people in the US have been denied housing because of their gender identity. One in 10 have been evicted because of it.

We’re banned from serving our country in the armed services unless we serve as trans people in secret, as I did.

I’ll state the obvious here, Bradley; you’re a criminal, you don’t have any civil rights that don’t apply to your conviction. You are a traitor, you flaunted the laws of this country, you don’t get to pick and choose which laws apply to you – either they all apply to you, or none of them apply to you. You already made the choices in that regard. Sit down and shut up.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Sit down and shut up.

You were obviously referencing what she does when she pees.


Shoot – just give the turncoat twerp a catheter, a few of those elastic bands they use to neuter young male sheep, some aspirin, a few band-aids, and a tube of bacitracin ointment – and tell him to take care of the problem himself. Problem solved.


You’re way too generous. I’d give him a razor blade and a bottle of cheap booze.


Sawzall and a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up.


BS. If Bradley wants booze he can make it in the radiator like all the other inmates. 😀


Messy, and someone else would end up getting stuck with the cleanup.

Besides, I doubt he’d have the guts to use a blade (or any other cutting instrument, for that matter) anyway.

The Other Whitey

Then that’s his problem and nobody else’s. Cleanup is simply a fact of life in any job.


Boo fucking hoo.


Oh, he wants to be neutered, does he?

Just give me a knife and get out of my way.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ex, I have a rusty old pair of scissors I’d be happy to loan you for that!

Farflung Wanderer

I think Scissors are more adept to this task than a razor, though quite frankly I really don’t want any images of castration in my head.


From Police Academy “You have the right to cable TV, you have the right to sing the blues…”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hey Manning, before anything else that you consider yourself to be you should be aware that most people use the words: “that rat bastard traitor” followed by some iteration of your name….

Traitor is the defining word for Manning, not male or female or transgender. Traitor is why any of us even know this individual’s name.

If not for the fact of being a traitor Manning would just be another poor soul with a lost gender identity trying to resolve the psychology behind that reality.

Traitor, too bad it can’t be tattooed on the forehead.


He got sent to prison as Bradley Manning, let him serve his time as Bradley Manning. When(if) he gets out, he can change his name, and let Øbolacare pay for the whack job. Or, take his chances with Tyrone and Bubba.


Manning wrote: ” According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, one in five trans people in the US have been denied housing because of their gender identity.”

I’m pretty sure Bradley here has not been “denied housing.” He’s currently being housed at the expense of the taxpayers and I’m fairly certain that he/she won’t have to worry about finding housing for a Looooooong time. 😉

B Woodman

My thoughts exactly.
(S)He only WISHES (s)he could be evicted from its current housing.


Treat him like the traitor he is and put him up against a wall.


… and instruct the Firing Squad to aim low. Two problems fixed at once.


As a kid always disliked spring, that was when the hogs were trimmed. Could do the same to this traitor.


Twig and giggleberries makes you a dude, dude. Enough of this catering to mental disorders, especially on the taxpayers’ dime.

Pinto Nag

It used to be that no kind of sterilization procedure could be done on any kind of inmate because it was a form of MUTILATION performed on someone under duress. That’s why they stopped sterilizing people with mental disabilities (read: mental retardation).

I’d pay for this nutjob to have a lobotomy, though.

A Proud Infidel®™

Count me in, I’d happily donate to that!!


I’d gladly donate my time and effort to do this job. By the time I’m done, there won’t be a gender identity issue. What a tool.


A .45 caliber bullet for a Model 1911 won’t cost much; it’s a very cheap lobotomy.

The Other Whitey

A Y-chromosome makes him a dude. Castration is purely cosmetic. He won’t be a woman, he’ll be a eunuch.

B Woodman

That’s a good thing. Then (s)he won’t be able to reproduce, in ANY form.
Helps to clean out the gene pool of undesirables; traitors and transgender.


Maybe one of his fellow inmates will do him a solid, and cut that off for him… then shove it down his throat and he can choke to death on his own dick.


One can only dream rb325th, one can only dream….

/where’s my letter to Santa???

El Bearsidente

Back in WW2 you Yanks would have shot this piece of trash for what he did. And would have been 100% justified to do so.


Well if were up to us and not the tree huging, libertards, we would have.

The Other Whitey

I still would. With a .22, that his. His bitch ass ain’t worth a .45.


I stand my my previous opinion: turncoats like Manning don’t deserve the dignity of a soldier’s death by firing squad. Rather, they deserve to be hanged like a common criminal. I’d grudgingly accept the use of a needle instead, however.


Please remember to spay or neuter your pests.

John Ginsberg

Have one of the USDB cadre sharpen up his KA Bar, and use it to slice off Manning’s cock, balls, and scrote. Or better yet, let Manning piss off whoever Big Bubba is in the military joint, and have Big Bubba slice them off.


Jonn you said it best. “I’ll state the obvious here, Bradley; you’re a criminal, you don’t have any civil rights that don’t apply to your conviction. You are a traitor, you flaunted the laws of this country, you don’t get to pick and choose which laws apply to you – either they all apply to you, or none of them apply to you. You already made the choices in that regard. Sit down and shut up.”


Maiming prisoners, even at their own request, is beneath us. We don’t kill suicidal prisoners, either.


“…the “legal” gender status that the government imposes upon me.”

Damn government, messing with his chromosomes and whatnot.

Anybody here believe any numbers put forth by an advocacy group regarding what percentage of some particular group has had something horrible happen to them (or something similar)?


Gee, I wonder why that might be?

2/17 Air Cav

The POS Rat Bitch is yesterday’s news. The world has moved on, even, I’m guessing, Code Pink. But the Rat Bitch is stuck, went nowhere yesterday, is going nowhere today, and will go nowhere tomorrow. Just wanted to make everyone here feel better, that’s all.

The Other Whitey

The Wannabe-Eunuch Bradley Manning should be grateful that he didn’t get fitted for a hemp necktie. Now he wants someone to remove his tiny little dick’n’balls. Okay, give him a pair of scissors and a cigarette lighter. He can fucking do it himself.


Breanna himself is a textbook reason for banning transgenders from the military. Any mentally ill person may call himself a duck, but that doesn’t make it so.

NR Pax

Cheer up, Bradley. You’ll be out of jail in a few decades and you can pay for the surgery and the hormone replacement on your dime! You’ll be free to live your life as a free woman.

Sure, your dating life might be non-existent but it’s not like we care.



This person needs some supplies.

1. Large office shears.
2. Box of 4 x 4 gause.
3. Ace bandage.
4. Unlimited supply of Vagisil to be stored in large quantity in his 5 x 7 foot cell.


Give it what it wants old school style.


Attention whores should be ignored.


Nailed it.


What she said ^^^^^^^^^^^ 🙂

Pineywoods NCO

Hey dickweasel, yes you, Chelsea….

I want a million dollars…won’t get it.

You want rights? I give you a right and then a left and then a bullet to your skull.

Kindly fuck off!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Manning can eat shit and bawl at the moon for all I care. Castration would at least ensure that the little shit can no longer reproduce!


I’m pretty sure he can’t reproduce anyway; you have to be able to get it hard to do that.