Good News – and Bad News

| November 16, 2014

Three unconfirmed news reports out of the Syria/Iraq area today. One is good news; the others, bad.

First, the bad news – which hopefully will turn out to be wrong:

Islamic State group beheads US aid worker

Also, Kurdish leaders are claiming that ISIS/ISIL/whatever the hell they’re calling themselves these days are 200,000 strong – 7 or 8 times larger than the foreign intel estimates (up to 31,500).

Now, some good news (which I obviously hope is true):

Got him! Jihadi John is ‘wounded in US airstrike that killed 10 top ISIS commanders at secret bunker meeting in Iraq’

Again: hopefully the first story will turn out to be false. As for the second, assuming it’s true . . . may you fail to recover, “Jihadi John” – then meet Shaytan and burn in hell. Forever.

Category: Terror War

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I believe it’s been confirmed by US State dept. officials that the video is authentic. RIP.


Tman…Though sad to hear, thank you for the update. God bless his family in this terrible time. I thank Peter Kassig for his service to our country. God rest his soul now.


Regarding Peter Kassig, while I hope it is not true, I fear it may well be.

However I was relieved to read (Please note heavy sarcasm), “National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that if the video is authentic, the White House would be “appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American.” /sarc off/

The White House would be appalled! Really! Who knew? Makes me feel warm and safe already. There is just NO end to the indecent regard and off handed lack of care or concern for American lives from this Administration and it sickens me.

Bernadette Meehan should have walked away and cried in shame after giving that statement. Whether it was her’s or it came from the White House Department of “Things We Don’t Give A Shit About”.


Regarding Peter Kassig in the hands of ISIL/IS: they will slaughter the good and the innocent because they themselves are neither good nor innocent.

RIP, Kassig.

Herbert J Messkit

Have read two interesting articles In American Thinker the last few months.
The main thesis of the writer is that
1. Muslim nations have not grown all their own food for 50 years or so
2. Their populations have doubled.
3. Oil is their only export.
4. Oil prices will fall and they will have no cash
Therefore millions willSTARVE to death.


If you make that ‘oil prices HAVE FALLEN’, you will be spot on. The Saudis are content with letting prices fall well below what they were in August. The closing price on Friday 11/14/14 was $75.64, a bodacious drop from $104 a few months ago, and it may go lower.

The Saudis view US, Russian and particularly ISIL/IS oil as competitors and are working to cut into that.

Herbert J Messkit

It’s my understanding that fracking requires a certain oil price to be profitable. where is the sweet spot for the price of oil. where our oil producers can thrive but we can still stick it to the Russians and mideast


I hope that Jihadi John is repeatedly violated by swine for all eternity in Jahannam.

2/17 Air Cav

“One day there will not be a video accompanying the reported beheading of an infidel captive. And on that day we will know that at least one man said “Fuck you” to his murderer and spat on him immediately before he was murdered.” I wrote that in the 4 October thread regarding the killing of Alan Henning.

I believe that day is here. The now-confirmed video of the killing of former US Army soldier Kassig does not show his murder, only its result.

Pinto Nag

I hope you’re right. I just wish we could move quickly enough to rescue these hostages before they’re killed.

HS Junior

ISIS is undoubtedly a serious problem in any quantity, but the Kurds may not necessarily be the most unbiased source. They have their own agenda that would motivate them to inflate the ISIS threat to the largest believable extent, even if their agenda happens to be one I agree with.

Honestly, accounting for their numbers is sort of difficult because you have to figure out how to count the allied Sunni tribes, al-Quaeda and Ba’ath Party remnants that are fighting with them, but will likely split at some later point.

As for Mr. Kassig, RIP. Prayers for your family, and may you find peace with God.


Turns out this individual was a Muslim convert and former member of the 75th Ranger Regiment.

His time there was very short and managed to get medically retire.

Is this another Bergdaul?

2/17 Air Cav

No. It’s a fellow who served his country and later felt compelled to use his talents to help others. I do not recall his making political statements of any sort and, as for the conversion to Islam, perhaps that was his way of trying to win the acceptance of those he was trying to help. Nothing that I have read about him suggests that he was anything but a decent soul.