Washington Post; Americans agree that a good guy with a gun is a good idea

| November 8, 2014

Chief Tango sends us a link from the Washington Post written by Aaron Blake who explains why the Senate had a tough time passing gun control legislation last year. Mostly, it’s because Americans agree with the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre that “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” And here’s Aaron’s chart with the stats;

Post chart

Although gun ownership is up since Sandy Hook, it’s down marginally from 2010;

While the Senate was debating increased background checks after Newtown, gun-control supporters were fond of citing polls that showed as many as 90 percent of Americans supported the concept of the legislation. It wasn’t enough to get the bill across the finish line, and the NRA won.

Anyone who takes up the cause in the future ought to heed this poll and recognize that the vast majority of Americans believe in guns, not just in general, but for protecting their own homes. LaPierre’s position on guns and self-defense is embraced by broad swaths of the American public.

To their detriment, that’s something some of the most ardent gun-control supporters can’t really relate to.

Well, mostly because those 90% of Americans weren’t asked the right questions. The poll asked “Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?” But that wasn’t what the Senate wanted to do.

If the pollees were asked “Do you support or oppose requiring background checks on all gun buyers and using that information for a national database for gun registration?”, which is what Manchin and Schumer wanted to do, they would have got a completely different result in their poll. Increased and more stringent background checks wouldn’t have prevented the Tucson, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Santa Barbara or the most recent shooting in Washington State.

The gun grabbers want to close that nebulous “gun show loophole” – meaning that they want to inconvenience law abiding people who buy guns in private sales, because in none of those incidents were guns purchased by the shooters in private sales.

A poll of incarcerated criminals who committed gun-related crimes found less than 1% bought their guns at gun shows. Mostly they steal their guns or buy the guns from shady back-alley dealers…because they can’t get past current background checks at legitimate gun dealers.

The politicians know that, the Washington Post knows that and in spite of knowing that, they still want to drive towards the background checks hoop so they can feel good about themselves for having done something, or at least giving the public the impression that they did something. Despite the fact that they will have done nothing except make it more difficult for law abiding Americans, the ones in the chart above, to protect themselves and their families in a culture that is sick.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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A Proud Infidel®™

Since when have liberals ever cared about anything other than their pitiful agenda? It isn’t about gun control, they want more people control!


Im a huge supporter or tighter gun control, Ted nugent style. Gun control is putting two bullets through the same hole


Ok … So if a good guy with a gun is a good idea …

Then a bad guy with a gun is a …

Ah … This is so confusing!

I don’t get it!


The simpletons who buy into the leftist crap appear to have little to no will to survive, and resent others not choosing to be so clueless.


But who will they come running to when their insulated world just falls apart on them?


…a target.


“Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.”

True when Aristotle said it 2400 years ago, true today.


My Smith & Wesson 686 will sleep better tonight knowing this.