Obama: ‘We can’t ever quit’ on veterans
The Washington Times reports that President Obama’s weekly message focused on veterans appropriately leading up to Veterans’ Day, but his message is just words and doesn’t match his actions;
“The end of a war is just the beginning of our obligations to those who serve in our name. These men and women will be proud veterans for decades to come, and our service to them has only just begun,” Mr. Obama said. “Let’s honor our veterans by making sure they get the care and benefits they’ve earned. That means health care that’s there for them when they need it. It means continuing to reduce the disability claims backlog. And it means giving our wounded warriors all the care and support they need to heal, including mental health care for those with post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain injury.”
The Obama Administration threw billions of dollars at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for the treatment of veterans, but those billions were apparently squandered because nothing improved in regards to getting treatment to veterans who earned it. The money went to coddling the VA employees instead with high-priced conferences and new furnishings for their offices while thousands of veterans languished on secret and not-so-secret lists. President Obama threatens to veto the defense bill this year if Congress doesn’t shift health care costs to veterans. And just last year, Obama’s Defense Department raided the $770 million Tricare surplus that veterans paid for their own health care. That surplus was spent on pet projects in the DoD.
The president has also threatened to veto the defense bill if Congress gives the troops a pay raise that keeps pace with inflation.
Six years into the mismanagement of the Veterans Affairs Department, the Associated Press reports that a thousand employees of the VA are being scrutinized and looking at losing their jobs;
[VA Secretary Robert] McDonald’s comments represent a departure from his previous public remarks. At a news conference Thursday, he said the VA has proposed disciplinary action — up to an including firing — against more than 40 employees nationwide since June. Those cases are all related to a scandal over long patient wait times and manipulation of records to hide the delays.
At an appearance Friday at the National Press Club, McDonald said the VA has taken or is considering disciplinary action against 5,600 employees during the past year, although aides later clarified that most of those actions were not related to the health-care scandal.
Just as with everything else that this administration faces, they wait until the last minute to deal with problems – and then they have to “focus group” their reaction. If these employees are so terrible that they must be terminated, why is it only happening now when it could have been done last year or the year before?
The troops have never failed the President, not once, whenever he’s called on them. It’s unfortunate that veterans can’t say the same about the President.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veterans Issues, Veterans' Affairs Department
We can’t afford pay raises and we have to make cuts in benefits to our troops … but don’t you dare suggest we cut worthless programs like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and the Five Billion Dollars for BDUs.
And before I forget … a certain fake CPO (who don’t understand that an airplane engine starved of fuel is really just a fancy brick) isn’t really an CPO.
Juuuuuust saaaaayin’
Two more years of this Chump in Chief. For every one of you who post on this blog you are preaching to the choir. We have all seen what has happened to our country. You are going to have to get up off of your butts and get involved in electing our next president. Conversely, my political party is going to have to nominate an electable candidate otherwise the next president will continue to do to the military what her husband has done to countless women behind her back.
No question that the Golfer in Mom Jeans has the best interest of Veterans at the top of his agenda. It has always been that way. Why, when he was a US Senator, he was a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee. In fact, just last May (the 21st, in fact) he reminded us of that saying, “I served on the Veterans Affairs Committee when I was in the Senate, and it was one of the proudest pieces of business that I did in the legislature.” So there you go. Oh. There is one other thing. The 109th Congress of which he was a member saw 37 meetings of the Veterans Affairs Committee. He missed more than half, the second worst attendance record of all of the Dems on the committee. So, he didn’t quit. He just didn’t show up.
So it comes as no surprise that he doesn’t show up for security briefings.
Sure, I believe him and yeah, I shot a 68 on the Black Course at Bethpage.
Saying that I trust this guy as far as I could throw his didn’t seem to work for me, thus the golf analogy.
LIRight. Central Avenue. From Farmingdale, make a right. From Bethpage (past Saint Martins) make a left. No, never heard of the place!
Damn…..I figured I might get a little feedback from someone here 🙂
Sixty years ago I fired my first weapon (a .410ga Savage) that my Dad gave me for Christmas in the woods (now houses and golf course) just before Merritts Lane. I remember there was a leftover head of cabbage that, to be honest, I don’t remember whether I hit it or not.
Are you still in the area?
liright 47 @ yahoo dot com – if you’d like to chat.
No, I have not been a Lon Gi-land resident for quite some time. I’ll be in touch.
The VA has quit on service members.
They actually have attorneys running certain facilities.
At the risk of oversimplifying this: to quit something doesn’t one need to first have done that same something? Previous avoidance does not really count as having been engaged in whatever it is declared to now be something one cannot quit.
But, he actually is correct in saying that now is no time to quit. In fact, he can’t quit because he never did anything about it.
Quite like I can’t quit being a concert pianist today because I never was one.
“The troops have never failed the President, not once, whenever he’s called on them. It’s unfortunate that veterans can’t say the same about the President.”
The ‘Lars’ of the world can spew their bs all they like – and cling to their wilfull ignorance – but that sentence right there IS the TRUTH!
Phony Marine Major???
I posted about it here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=56315&cpage=1#comment-2197211
Apparently this Marine has been vetted, by GOV, and is legit.
B. Hussein 0bama says he supports us Vets? WELL GEE WHIZ, what about the multimillion dollar vacations he and his brood took while we receive THE lowest COLAs in decades, cutbacks in training and equipment, Personnel getting pinkslipped while overseas,… pResident dEar leader MomJeans, DEEDS, NOT WORDS!!
Wonderful! Obama laid it on pretty thick for a guy who has cared nothing for veterans thus far. By the way Obama, YOU are ultimately in FULL control of the VA, its Head Administrator YOU appointed and its administration. So how about simply doing your F@CKING job for a change and make the hollow words you uttered mean something. But I dream again.
No, Mr. Obama. You can’t quit on veterans when you never bothered showing up in the first place. Just throwing money at a problem doesn’t fix it or make it go away.
I watched John f’n Kerry give a speech at the VA. In my opinion, he was over promising money for veterans like crazy. There were a whole bunch of old men watching him with skeptical looks on their faces. Old, but not stupid.
I should clarify: this was when he was running for President. In retrospect, the country as a whole did not buy it. Later, Obama grossly over promised, and got elected. I do not understand how that happened
Because he wasn’t elected to be president. He won a popularity contest, twice. Plain n’ simple.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but B. Hussein 0bama & Company seem to have given the health, welfare and well-being of welfare flunkies, dropouts and illegal aliens a FAR higher priority than that of us Vets from day one.
His latest bunch of drivel sounds like more BULLSHIT to me!!
The VA that I work at and get my care spends money like candy! The front lobby has been redone twice in four years, a 30,000 grand piano for the lobby, and redo of the 6th floor for the director which I heard cost a million or so. Now the newest project is a new Starbucks that will include computers.
The veterans, and including myself are pissed at this. Why spend this money for useless projects instead of going to veteran. The 30,000 grand piano could have gone to job for a veteran!!!