Yer Friday Afternoon Funny: Kinda Glad This Guy Wasn’t Ours

| November 14, 2014

The following was related to me second-hand. It comes, however, from someone who I trust – and who claims to have heard it personally from one of the US soldiers involved.  I believe it to be true, but cannot swear to that as fact.

But if it’s not true . . . it should be. (smile)

I am not an aviator, so I apologize any minor procedural or equipment-related errors in the account which follows.

. . .

Friendly Activity at Time of Incident:  routine air recon patrol vic Kuwait-Iraq border during DESERT SHIELD


Size:  one (1) enemy soldier, one (1) other

Activity (Enemy):   well, that’s kinda . . . complicated. See below.

Location:   vic Saudi-Kuwaiti border

Unit:  unknown

Time:  sometime during hours of darkness

Equipment (enemy):  mil uniform, some personal gear

As for “enemy activity” . . . well, the incident was, as noted above, observed during a routine recon patrol by the crew of a US Army helicopter.  The cockpit conversation – presumably over the aircraft’s intercom system – probably went something like this (the names “Bill” and “Jack” used below are intentionally fictitious):

COPILOT: “What the . . . damn. Bill, check this out. You ain’t gonna believe this sh!t.”

PILOT: “What, Jack?”

COPILOT: “Check out the enemy troop over there.”

PILOT: “Where?”

COPILOT: “Approx 11 o’clock, top of the second line of dunes.”

PILOT: “Roger . . . . OK, got it.  Wait, what the . . . oh, Jesus H. Christ!

The two had observed an Iraqi soldier who was outside the enemy’s perimeter. The Iraqi soldier apparently was unaware he was being observed.

But the guy they observed probably wasn’t on sentry or patrol duty – because the guy also wasn’t alone. Let’s just say the Iraqi soldier they observed using their NVG was at the time thoroughly enjoying himself with some (apparently) female company.

Problem was, that female company was from the species ovis aries.

To the pilot and copilot’s credit, they did manage to control their laughter (and/or revulsion) well enough to keep from crashing. The remainder of the mission was reportedly uneventful, and they returned to base at end of mission.

No word on whether the Iraqi soldier and his “friend” did likewise. (smile)

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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19D2OR4 - Smitty

Saw a very similar “incident” on Rte Sharps while conducting overwatch in an M1A2, OIF 07-09. It was the local kebob vendor and his supply stock..needless to say, we stopped eating there.


There was a video from an Apache floating around a few years back, a happy couple in a convertible… apparently the TACOPS shack was enjoying the feed as well

Pinto Nag

Read a statistic awhile ago that said more people are killed by donkeys/burros than any other domestic animal. This is probably why. :/

The Other Whitey

I saw that video on Apacheclips several years ago. I laughed my ass off when the crew was asked about what they were observing, and the guy on the radio says, “Appears to be fornication in a convertible, sir!”


Well,if aviators did submit a proper SALUTE report then it must be true. Aviators are not known as liars,exaggerators,or completely untrustworthy in any way shape or form. Just ask them,they’ll be completely up front with you.


Naw,I’ve never heard an aviator say “Now this is no shit,but” Ha. Fat chance.(smile) Especially those aviation Warrants.



I’m not saying that this is what it purports to be however, like Hondo said

If it’s not true…it should be.

***Text following the link so it doesn’t load in the thread window…..*** (If it does pop up, guys and you don’t want it there, please fix it for me so only the link is here.)


Sloppy thirds???? YGBSM!


Hey, this is a war zone.

It’s not like you’re back at the comfort of your tent or mud brick hovel.

/A haji’s gotta make do.


There wasn’t another goat or 2?


Hey,ISIS,irrigation boots are only about 30 bucks on Ebay. Geez,amateurs.


Damn Chip. I think that’s the same clip I sent Jonn. If you don’t ask me what I was looking for when I found it, I won’t ask you.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Goat fuckers….as with most stereotypes the comments start with some reality for at least a few members of the group…


I thought sheep shagger was Oz slang for New Zealanders?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Capra aegagrus hircus fornicators it is my friend!


Veritas Omnia Vincit…You’re kinda…sexy when you use Latin. That’s not meant to be Navy or gay or anything transgender or homo or…you name it. Just sayin’. Please don’t let my observation deter you in the future either brother. Because it makes me use Google Translate and I always learn something. By the way, my wife says the same thing about me when I speak Pig Latin to her…late at night. 😀


“Navy or gay”

Kinda redundant.


A few weeks back I sent Jonn some footage from a drone featuring couple of locals in Afghanistan and a goat. I can’t imagine why he didn’t post it.


Because Phildo, Psul/Palmer Wickre, Bernasty and LoNgSChLuRp69 would get all riled up exposing their covert activities.

/spew alert.


The spew alert is supposed to come FIRST, Chip.

Made me throw up in my mouth…


I was surprised…

I figured it would have been a camel.


Short haji


Everywhere you go over there…there they are! It’s like trying to enjoy the truly great sights of San Francisco and without fuckin’ fail, I’m checking my camera takes back in the hotel and yep, there they are, two (or three!) dudes hugging and kissing. And I’m NEVER able to photoshop them out of an otherwise beautiful shot. Fuckers anyway!


It’s true. Seen plenty of cam videos from the Apache guys. Yes, it happens often over there. Donkeys and Sheep always look sad in Afghanistan…


Shaheed, why do you always go for the ugly ones?