Saturday morning feel good story

| November 15, 2014

Our feel good story today happened on Sunday in Atlanta when a group of four masked men broke into Jabari Sadler’ where he was watching TV with his extended family;

Jarabi Sadler said he knew he had to react quickly when the intruders put their hands on his wife.

“When he started pulling her clothes down, that’s when I lost it, and that’s when I attacked the guy,” said Jarabi Sadler. “Something just takes over you and you just go into survival mode at that point.”

Jarabi Sadler said he was waiting for the right moment to attack the intruders.

“While they were doing all that shuffling, I realized he wasn’t holding the gun firmly. He wasn’t holding it strong. So I was waiting for a time when I could attack,” Jarabi Sadler said.

Jarabi said the gun went off when he tried to get the gun out of the man’s hand. The bullet went through the man’s leg and left a hole in the bathroom door.

“I’m holding the gun like this, punching him in the face, kneeing him as much as I could. And he’s like, ‘OK. I’ll go. I’ll go. Just give me my gun.’ And I’m like, ‘No.'”

The alleged gunman ran out through the front door, ending up in a neighbor’s yard asking for help. Police identified the suspect as 18-year-old David Wilson.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Too bad the round didn’t go thru the perp’s package vice his leg.


My thoughts as well. Also I wish Jarabi had held him down and let his wife have a go at him.

carrie vogel

I do love a good “bad guy gets shot with his own gun” story, that woman is lucky her husband is a real man, I hope she treasures him.

B Woodman

And the other three perps? I presume they scattered to the four winds when TSHTF. “No honor among thieves.”

But the punch line is, “. . . . ending up in a neighbor’s yard asking for help.” Really? The perp breaks into another man’s house, molests his woman, in the ensuing scuffle gets shot with his own gun, no help from his peeps, and HE asks for help? I think this yute had better “think” about another line of work. Assuming he can think at all (another consequence of the Gubbment funded public school system).

He’ll have plenty of time to think about the consequences of his ill-thought-out actions while Bubba and Thor pass his scrawny ass back and forth while straightening it out.