Politico asks if Obama crowd is “Team of Bumblers”

| October 27, 2014

Michael Hirsch at Politico asks if the Obama Administration is a “Team of Bumblers?” Specifically, Hirsch is wondering if Susan Rice and Chuck Hagel are having trouble communicating between the White House and the Pentagon in the opening days of the White House’s response to the ISIS crisis. His examination of the administration is too narrow. It’s not that just this group of Democrats is a bunch of bumblers, the whole ideology is bumbling.

The Democrats are too shortsighted and too idealistic to be responsible for a whole country. They think that by saying “No more war”, the whole concept of war will end worldwide. They think that by extending unemployment benefits, somehow that will cure unemployment. Yes, there’s a surge in employment this year – but that’s because unemployment benefits ran out and people have to go to work.

They think that they can treat the military like shit and recruitment and retention will remain constant, but now two years into it, they realize that it won’t. They think that by pulling all of the US troops from Iraq, there’d be no more war there. And here we are sending thousands of US troops back because al Qaeda and ISIS disagreed with their original contention.

This administration decided that the focus of the Pentagon should be on the Pacific Rim, again, al Qaeda and ISIS disagreed that should be the focus – so now we have troops returning to Iraq and a new front has opened in Africa.

They decided that withdrawing troops from Afghanistan would end the war there, too, but this year has been the most violent in that country for Afghanis than any prior year.

Jimmy Carter decided that all war had ended, too. He screwed the shit out of the troops and then, in 1979, when Iran made hostages of the Embassy staff in Tehran and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Carter had to reinstate draft registration after his Republican predecessor, Nixon had done away with the draft and after Carter had given amnesty to the previous war’s draft dodgers and the military was dangerously understaffed.

Democrats, for some reason, can’t see past the next election – that’s what the complete withdrawal from Iraq was all about, the 2012 presidential election. I remember in 1980, after screwing the troops’ pay for three years, Jimmy Carter gave us a 30% pay raise a month before the election hoping to reestablish his national security creds, but he was about three years, and one Desert One, too late.

Now we have a Pentagon which focuses on “climate change”, sexual preferences of the troops, opening up the combat arms specialties to people who clearly can’t make the standard, and planning for war in a part of the world that really isn’t an immediate threat. They raided retired vets $770 million Tricare surplus while raising their healthcare costs.

They are hurriedly trying to assemble a missile defense for eastern Europe after collapsing to Russian pressure just a few years ago.

They gave an entire continent the impression that they would welcome an influx of illegal immigrants if they’d just get here – causing another humanitarian crisis. They’re currently telling the American people how it’s difficult to catch the Ebola virus, while cases are popping up all over the country.

But, hey, they got their chance to prove how corrupted is their worldview and how inept they are at national security issues. Bumbling? I don’t think that term is strong enough.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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2/17 Air Cav

“They think that they can treat the military like shit and recruitment and retention will remain constant, but now two years into it, they realize that it won’t.” And when the economy actually rebounds and jobs are available outside of North Dakota, what then? I’ll tell you what then–many young people will look at the military, look at other career options and say, “Thanks, but I’ll take what’s behind Door #2, Monte.”


Politico asks if Obama crowd is “Team of Bumblers”

Politico had to ask? What, are the folks at Politico blind?



Actually, yes. But, not just blind, willfully and aggressively blind when it comes to any issues of blatant destructionism.


No, bumbling isn’t nearly strong enough.

IMO, it’s either criminal incompetence, or Treason. Nothing else fits the facts.


The Obama regime has been doing exactly what those that abused the system to give him power wanted him to do.

Nothing in this is based in miscalc or unintended consequences.

The regime is destructionist put into power by destructionists for destructionism.

The useful idiots that have played along are equally guilty, even if too stupid to comprehend that they’ve been played for punks.

Pinto Nag

No need to open this one up to comments, Jonn. There’s nothing left to add to what you said.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Calling them bumblers isn’t fair to bumblers….one assumes bumblers are well intentioned but misguided and not quite able to rise to the task. Thus they bumble their intended outcome into something else.

Team of intentionally obstructionist political hacks is probably more accurate, although some political hacks actually do their jobs which again is not so evident with the current 1600 PA Ave. crowd.

A Proud Infidel®™

I think “Mega-imbeciles” describes them much better!!


‘Can’t see past the next election’ is a bit understated. I think that ‘can’t see past the ends of their own noses’ comes closer.

Their braindead idealism is reminiscent of what someone said to me a long while ago, when I told him his numbers didn’t match the actual numbers: ‘It is so if I SAY it is so.’

Denial of reality, being blind to what is right under their noses, and worrying about ‘feelings’ instead of truth – these are all the marks of children who are adults but do not want to grow up.

And, yes, incompetence is the right word for it. If they were working in the private sector, they’d all be in the unemployment lines right now. It’s for that reason that they are politicians.


Can’t see any deeper than the bottom of their own bellies or any further than the reach of their own gonads.


Democrats, for some reason, can’t see past the next election…

Well they can, of course, but they don’t have to. They know that the media will carry water for them in the short term and academia will twist history to serve the ends of the left in the long term, so they figure that there will be no consequences (in the political sphere anyway, which is all they care about) that they will have to face for their foolishness.

Whether or not the American people can see through all of this-or, more importantly, cares-remains to be seen

2/17 Air Cav

The American people are largely stupid and mostly selfish. Now, if only those who aren’t would get off their asses and vote, there might be a chance, slim as it may be, to salvage something of this nation worth salvaging.

CC Senor

“But, hey, they got their chance to prove how corrupted is their worldview and how inept they are at national security issues.”

Sadly, this will not be the last iteration. Wait a few years and we’ll be going through it again, courtesy of uninformed voters.

Mark Lauer

I’d say they step on their dicks on a regular basis, but I can’t work that into a single word.


“Now accepting the Nobel Peace Prize former President Barack Obama.”
I’m thinking NLT 2018. Makes Jimmy Carter proud.

Roger in Republic

Bumbling sort of infers good intentions. The Obama cabal are gross incompetents and what’s worse, they don’t care that they are blowing it. They fiddle while the world burns. Hang the lot of them as a warning to others.


It is called, intentional malfeasance, intellectual lazy, and traitorous influence peddling…
This is no doubt the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to this country shy of Woodrow Wilson, the instigator of this entire “liberal progressive” pathology.
And pathology is exactly what it is…


How to say this without sounding condescending…..
Hey, Politico, regarding your question:
Short answer – Yeah
Long answer – Hell Yeah!