Sergeant Major Robert Gallagher passes

| October 24, 2014

Sgt. Maj. Robert Gallagher

Fox News reports that Sergeant Major Robert Gallagher has passed from a heart condition at the age of 52.

He served as the command sergeant major for the Army’s Wounded Warrior Program, but had extensive experience in major combat operations, including Operation Just Cause in Panama and with Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu, Somalia, which was later made famous by the 2001 film.

“You know, I don’t say this lightly, but Bob is probably one of, probably the best soldier I ever served with, retired Col. Greg Gadson told the newspaper. “That man really cared about soldiers.”

Born in Bayonne, N.J., Gallagher joined the Army in 1981 and later earned several awards and decorations, including a Silver Star, two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars.

The Army Live blog interviewed Sergeant Major Gallagher in 2010;

Q: Your thoughts on leadership were recently featured by the Army as a part of “The Year of the NCO.” What are three words or phrases that sum up your leadership style?

A: Down to earth. Grounded in reality. Respect for people.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, looking back I think I’ve learned a lot about leadership and overcoming adversity from my dad. My mom passed away when I was very young, and my dad basically raised three boys all by himself while working two blue collar jobs. My brothers and I all turned out very well, and I really credit my dad for that. One of my brothers also joined the military, and my other brother is a Vice-President at Merrill Lynch.

Category: Real Soldiers

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Rest in Peace CSM Gallagher.


Rest In Peace CSM Robert Gallagher. Wish there were lots more like you sir. He’s gone too soon. My prayers are with his family.


RIP SGM Gallagher.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate my phone.

RIP CSM Gallagher.

My bad all. Apologies to everyone.


Too young … rest in peace Soldier!


Godspeed Mr. Gallagher. Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service sir. rest in Peace and may God hold you in His hand for ever. I hope your family finds peace and closure with your untimely passing.

I’m so sad. Brave people are supposed to live forever.


I am humbled by men and women such as this. Rest peacefully, brother.


Rest in peace, my brother-in-arms. You’ve earned it.

J Hildreth

RIP CSM Gallagher. You were an inspiration, and without question, the finest NCO I ever served with.