NY police officers attacked by fellow with a axe

| October 24, 2014

Zale Thompson FB

A fellow by the name of Zale Thompson attacked a group of NY City Police Officers with an axe. In keeping with the training of the department, the officers shot a passerby while defending themselves from this fellow, and one officer, Kenneth Healey has a fractured skull as a result of the axe attack. According to Fox News, terrorism hasn’t been ruled out in the incident. I wouldn’t rule it out either. The above picture is a screen shot of Mr. Thompson’s Facebook profile header.

Thompson was a “very educated” proponent of “black power” and a graduate of the College of New Rochelle in Harlem, one classmate who asked not to be identified told the Post.

“He always spoke positively,” the source said.

But former neighbors at Thompson’s Brooklyn address said he had become “weird” and argumentative in recent months before moving to Jamaica earlier this year.

Sources told the Post that Thompson held the hatchet in two hands — like a baseball bat — and swung three times. The first swing broke the cop’s arm, while the second was a miss. The third struck Healey in the back of the head, sources said.

I guess we’ll have to wait.

Category: Terror War

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It’s just another case of a poor innocent black man minding his own business, being gunned down by racist cops…. or is it another case of workplace violence?


Try reading, will you?

The terms ‘terrorism’ and ‘terrorist’ are being used on the news reports now, and the label ‘terrorism’ has NOT been ruled out.


Excuse me?? Did my Sarcasm fly over your head today? Up until this morning it was hardly even being reported on at all, it was as if it didn’t even happen… So excuse me if I am feeling a little pissed off at the lack of balls on the part of our media to report on this when it happened, or there retinence of calling a spade a spade.


“Their” not there… hate when I do that.


No, I did get the sarcasm, but the media are reporting it as an act of terrorism now.


Let’s not butt heads over this.

It’s not going to get the attention in the media that ebola will get, unless it happens again, and I do NOT want that.


One more Tango down. Do the happy dance and cook up some bacon. But not at the same time.

Old Trooper

I can multi-task.

Prayers to the officer for a full and speedy recovery.

Delilah T.

I hope Officer Healy will be all right, but those cops need some serious range time.

They need to learn to aim at their target and stop shooting bystanders.


I forget the percentage of missed shots in police shootings overall, but it is pretty high. I believe it was somewhere around 70% according to the last firearms instructor I trained with(who is former military now a Lt. in a local P.D. and Police firearms instructor).
Given the video I saw of the attack, they were very fortunate. They were all Rookies as well, just out of the academy.

Old Trooper

The problem is the civilian review board in NYC that made it policy that the trigger pull be set at 12 lbs. for NYPD service pistols, so that they don’t have an AD.


They must have had one heck of a ‘desk pop’ problem.

Pinto Nag

My Glock has a 6 lb trigger, and just as soon as I have time, it’s going to be reduced to 3 lbs. Right now, it’s worse than working out with my grip trainer!

Old Trooper

My Para 1911 has a 4-4.25 trigger pull (came from the factory set at that) and I like it juuuuuuust fine 🙂

Pinto Nag

OT, I gotta tell ya, I don’t LIKE the Glock. It’s great for its ease in breaking down and cleaning; but it’s a piece of shit otherwise (in my opinion). It’s nothing more than a “get ’em off me” gun. When I get the money, I’m getting another .45; hopefully they’ve got one out there somewhere that I’ll be able to break down and put back together again without using a bench vise.

Old Trooper

My Para was relatively cheap for a quality 1911 (I paid $615) and it’s not too bad to clean. I put some Hogue rubber panel grips on it and that’s all i’ve done to it. It’s accurate and has never had a FTF/FTF and I’ve put a few different types of rounds through it. It’s relatively light (aluminum lower), but doesn’t kick any worse than my .40 Springfield XDm.


Hate those triggers. The little Taurus snubbie .38 I bought my wife had a New York trigger. 12 pound pull. First thing I did to it was a trigger job to get it down to a 4 pound pull.


NOTHING with a trigger than bad should be as big a pain in the ass to reassemble.


But in the movies the NYPD cops can hit a man a thousand yards away with a snub nosed .38 !!!
They wouldn’t lie would they ???


Whats his name was kicked out of the Navy for drug use according to Rep. Pete King.


I saw the security footage, Dude went all Michael Myers waving around that hatchet.

I feel bad for the MCPO NYC USN Ret., first Ebola, now crazy pyscho pseudo terrorists. He’s not having a good day, lol.


And can’t legally carry a gun to defend himself with in NYC.


We have been very busy here lately … alot going on on the CLASS side as well.

Good news is we are holding our own in the “most probable place something bad will happen AOR”!


It’s just another case of workplace violence. After all, the cops were at their work place, weren’t they?


“In keeping with the training of the department, the officers shot a passerby while defending themselves from this fellow, and one officer, Kenneth Healey has a fractured skull as a result of the axe attack.”

If it weren’t so serious I’d have to laugh. The NYPD, is not the NYPD you see on TV shows, no not at all. Training and range time is all I can come up with. That and, hey you guys are professional LEOs. You’re supposed to be trained NOT to PANIC and go wild in the streets when attacked. Calm down, give your warnings, then shoot the right guy for goodness sakes. How hard can that be? Plus with obviously more than one officer present, how did the perp get close enough with the axe to crease one of their skulls? Tasers, nightsticks and of course for me, when there’s an axe involved the go to weapon would always be my pistol FIRST.


Allegedly Fukeen Zegoots wanted to get a selfie w/ both officers, and apparently they let their guard down.


Devtun…Thank you. That I can understand better. Makes a bit more sense now.


There’s a video on the New Yor Post site that shows the guy running up to the cops with the hatchet (not axe) in both hands getting ready to swing it. He’s swinging with the blunt side, not the edge.



According to the NY Daily, these cops were fresh out of the academy, still rookies.

I think it’s safe to say that they were most likely not trained in how to react properly when someone comes running at you swinging an axe.


Shoot. The guy with the axe.


IMLTHO, Jihadi wannabe or not, anyone who touts themselves as a “proponent of black power” is a terrorist.

The one screencap I’ve seen of this the perp looks like a recent escapee from the looney bin.

2/17 Air Cav

This does not appear to me to be like that fiasco at Empire State where nine passersby were struck by police bullets. The officers were standing together when, in an instant, a jihadi nut job, brought an ax down on one of them. That’s instantaneous crazy, with no time except to back off, draw, and fire. One round struck a woman a half block away and she is in fair condition. The jihadhi is dead and the officer who was struck with the ax is in critical condition. Yes, it was terrorism. And, yes, an innocent person was unintentionally hurt, but I can’t see jumping on that under this circumstance.


2/17 Air Cav…Thank you. Upon further reflection of the circumstances I agree. They were rookies, they were baited into close quarters and so forth. So I will stand down from my harsher statement above.


Does NYPD have a Field Training Officer program, where a rookie is assigned to an experienced officer? Geez, what could go wrong if you put out 4 rookies on one foot patrol, or two rookies on two foot patrols?


A video posted at the New York Post shows the attacker running at the cops with his hatchet (not axe) out and swinging. He appears to have caught the cops totally by surprise.



IF Obama had a son…..


According to the morning news, the axe-wielding perp had posted something on the internet (wasn’t clear if it was FB) that the US military is disorganized, weak and practically defenseless, and ‘we’ (meaning others like him in the US) can have a field day killing people.

Apparently, he had no concept of how many of us rednecks still exist here and will take arms against the sea of troubles that he proposes to stir up.


I really racked my brain trying to decipher what would qualify as “terrorism” if this doesn’t. Apparently the criteria is that it must be “directed” by a terror entity, not just “inspired” by their writings.

That sounds to my like parsing to save face for law enforcement to me. Oh and ABC is reporting that police sources are calling him, “just an angry guy”. F#$king really?

2/17 Air Cav

Angry? No, he was merely being passionate. And I hope the mayor of NY got the okay from his handlers to call the SOB a terrorist by now so that the PCPC (that’s politically correct police commissioner) can stop “looking into” whether this was an another act of Islamic terrorism.

Pinto Nag

The terrorism definition problem won’t get any better until we put someone else in office.

Actually…a LOT of ‘someone else’s in office.

2/17 Air Cav

There’s a video circulating that has a few people upset. It stars, and was directed and produced by some adherents of that Religion of Peace. It’s must-see cellphone cinema for the tree youngsters from Colorado who wanted to join ISIS. It features a young woman, adorned in black, who repeats a prayer rather quietly. Her father wraps a rope around her, leads her to a shallow pit and then joins with others in STONING HER TO DEATH.


I started to watch that, 2/17, then got out of it. Disgusting, and that father will burn in hell for that. I hope that someone drops a LGB in his lap.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I keep asking when we will stop pretending that the people who say they are going to kill us are just talking without meaning behind their words.

I hope the officer recovers quickly, I hope they discover where this dead perp was discussing this murder and who was he discussing it with and bring those folks in for some watery interrogations.

I know the politically correct bullshit about not all muslims are terrorists, but frankly it’s like saying not all mafioso are murders. While both statements are factually correct the organizations behind them are in fact not actually designed to bring a new age of peace and love to the world. Membership makes you suspect, if the VA is afraid of vets because one guy got pissy when it took forever and a day to get an appointment what will it take for the rest of the government to be afraid of muslims? Do we need 10,000 dead in the US? Or can someone pull their head out of their ass and speak directly to the inherent danger these shitbags bring to the US by their mere presence among us?

Pinto Nag

As long as the perps keep getting dead on a regular basis when they do this shit, it will remain rare here. It’s when we start taking them alive and letting them lawyer up and play legal games that there is going to start being a major problem.

And F*CK the media and their PC bullshit! We know what’s going on, and we’ll call it what it is: TERRORISM.


Never bring an axe to a gun fight. Hope the cop heals up quickly and well.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHOA!! Waitaminnit, how do we know that the perp wasn’t just some poor misunderstood “Victim of Society” lashing out from being oppressed? /sarc


Just more Islam and black terrorism.

Good news. Scumfuck is dead.


Wonder what the “Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan” is going to say about this? After all, to him and his followers, we, meaning me as one of those white Americans, are all “devils” and worthy of being “removed”, you might say, from the earth.


Called a state trooper once about a yearling deer that had been hit by a car and which was now scrambling around the roadway (four lanes of highway) in pain. By the time he arrived the critter was lying in the grass next to the highway. The officer arrived and decided to put it down. He proceeded to shoot at the poor thing three times. He hit it twice. He was actually shooting from a spot about two feet away from the deer but further into the grassy area than the deer. He was actually firing toward the highway. The first round hit the asphalt and went….somewhere. No idea. The second shot hit the deer in the ear and the third shot took a slight chunk out of its neck. I left.

The sad thing is that between my call and the officer’s arrival, a different driver had stopped and offered to put it down with the .22 he kept in his glove compartment. I explained it would be a little difficult to explain when the officer arrived and the guy went on his way.

Next time…I don’t reckon I’ll call the police.


I had a different experience when a deer decided to commit suicide using my wife’s grocery assault vehicle. The cop came out and put it down with one shot and we got to keep the deer. I went to work and bragged that my wife got the first buck of the season.


Nice. Here they’d have probably cited her for poaching.

Was going to take my daughter out tomorrow but real life intervenes. Turkey is in a week, though.


The axehole seems to be laying in a pool of black power.


faboutlaws…Way to go, way to be!!! LMAO


I just saw this on the news. (Sorry but I’ve not read all the comments) But here in Florida they’re going with the “crazy Vet trope”, saying he was “released” from the Army in 2003. Sitting here in a Wendy’s watching it now.


Sorry again but it is the Navy. They have moved from saying it was a “terrorist attack” to a “crazed vet”. I’m so done!

A Proud Infidel®™

Are any of the snooze media outlets still reporting that he was a muslim convert? That DOES seem to be a critical part of the story to me!


They mention that but to ME, it seems that they are more focused on the Military from 11 years ago instead of the recent Religious part of it. It pissed me off so bad I left my Mom and kids sitting in Wendy’s. Now I’m in trouble with everyone.


Valkyrie…”Muslim convert terrorist act”…”I don’t know, we better run that up through the White House.”

“Crazed vet killer” (who may have been a Yeoman for all we know at this point)
“Yea, that’s the ticket, that’s the story and headline, let’s run with it!”

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, they’re covering that he’s a Vet MUCH more energetically than his being a muslim convert, what a damned surprise!!


A Proud Infidel®™…Well since Nidal Hasan is still just a “workplace violence” offender, who also happens to have been “AD and a vet”, it figures they’ll jump on the vet angle and hang onto it. Obama wouldn’t want America to think there’s ANY problems with ANYONE in the “religion of peace”. After all if he stops apologizing for all the Muslims and their deeds worldwide because they’re a “religion of peace”, who else would he apologize for? I’m sure he’s convinced that somewhere in the world there’s a jack-Muslim, who doesn’t pray, read the Koran, drinks alcohol, uses pot and doesn’t approve of sex with young boys and THAT’s the guy he’s still carrying the apology torch for.


Jonn…Thank you for the update. WHEW, that was close! I am glad he was “very comfortable” describing it as a “terrorist attack.” Otherwise, if he had just been merely “comfortable”, who knows what it could have been?


It’s a damn crying shame!

JarHead Pat

Time to ban those high capacity assault axes,and of course the extended assault clips.


It is now being reported as a terrorist attack, as I noted up top.


However, ebola is going to get more attention unless we get more events like this one.

I only hope it was an isolated event.

But as I said elsewhere, Zale Thompson posted on some social networking site that ‘we’, meaning the US and its military at home, are widely scattered and weak and will be easy targets for more attacks like this.

The fact that he was probably somewhat of a wack job is less important that his supporting the ME wargs amd orcs, and making them think we’re easy prey.

We are not.