Eye pro

| October 17, 2014

Some of you said that you knew Richard Rahn wasn’t a real sergeant major because he had his Eye Pro on his noggin;

Richard Rahn1

So I guess this guy isn’t a real sergeant major either;


Actually, it’s Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond Chandler, my old friend, and taken at the Army 10-Miler at the Pentagon last weekend. Here’s the reg.

Sunglasses AR 670-1

Thanks to Hondo for the link.

Category: Big Army

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Just Plain Jason

There are times when you correct your leadership and there are times when you let them shine for who they are…


Hey, he had a rough morning saying ‘Ready, Set, Go!’ Some slack please?



While douche lover Rahn was wearing the shades in A’s, SGM Chandler is at a civilian affair/race/gathering. While indeed in the new PT jacket, this is NOT a dress uniform, and most certainly NOT a formal affair.

Hell, if my people were not wearing shades doing PT out here in the California sun, I would send them back inside to get them.


SMA Chandler is in uniform. There is no difference in type of uniform in regards to the listed sunglass/eyeglass regulation. He is both violating AR 670-1 and a punitive paragraph of the aforementioned AR. Violation of a punitive paragraph of the AR can result in adverse administrative or UCMJ action. Seems to be another case of “do as I say, not as I do.” When the most senior NCO in the US Army can’t follow the regs the direct result is a more difficult time for the rest of the NCOs in the Army trying to enforce the standards. I can see a private at PT formation with sunglasses on his head saying, “If the SMA can do it, so can I.”

Club Manager

Oh bullshit. Indoors in Class A versus outdoors in civilian attire with the sun obviously shining, SMA Chandler obviously has his sunglasses on in preparation of wearing them for safety during the run. We used to have a full bird who made BG who wore her German Army Shooting Medal on the uniform in violation of the Army reg that says an officer cannot wear that foreign award even if approved for acceptance. The rest of us complied with the regulation. Want to know why? Because BG Nylo was the Commander.


That’s just a matter of degree, not of kind. He’s in uniform – you wanna see someone not in uniform, that’d be GEN Odierno to his right. But PTs or Class As or full battle rattle, sunglasses don’t go on your head.


I was hoping he’d run it. Wearing OD green socks. Perhaps next year.


Obviously he is looking for unauthorized spandex or troops chewing gum or some other heinous crime against 670-1 and the sunglasses hindered his vision.


Or to make sure that no Soldier is using headphones while running…..

Or looking to make sure that all Soldiers participating in the run are wearing their reflective PT belts….

A SMaj’s work is never done!

An Old Artillery Sgt

I believe that the Sgt Maj of the Army understands that you don’t do that in dress uniform. A dead giveaway.

Former 11B

If I’d ever made SMA you’d better believe I’d be advising all Army NCOs to flat out ignore violations of 670-1, especially anything mandating a PT belt. Of course, I’d be forced into a retirement pretty fast and the whole situation considered a disgrace, but it still wouldn’t compare to the neon stain those belts are on the Army’s reputation.


At least he’s not advocating that the Soldiers would be better off with less money, like some other branch’s SGTMAJ…


NBC, you good people. I actually googled Jonn & Chandler to see if they were Potnas. They’re not. J wrote a piece in April how he threw us all under the bus in front of congress. He comes off “perfumed”, to quote Col. Hackworth.


Good looking tie, Ray! I struggle for a big knot & the tie still come to my belt. My belly got big.


Well crap. Now I have to take back all the bad things I said about the Hogs when I lived in Arkansas 😉
It was tough being a Longhorn fan up there…


I’m not so much concerned about the regs as I am about why would someone want to intentionally make themselves look so metrosexual? But . . . if he’s going to do it, he really needs to take that jacket off, and put it over his back with the sleeves tied around his neck.


Uniform regulations like that only exist so SNCO’s get to chew boot ass to make themselves feel important.



He spotted what he thought was a tattoo on a Soldier and had to put his shades somewhere since they hindered his vision. After confirming the aforementioned tattoo, he forgot they were there due to the pure shock n’ awe at a tattoo still being on a Soldier after his specific changes to tattoo allowances in the Army.

When tattoos are your #1 priority, you get tunnel vision and forget anything else.

Plus, I would add it looks like he has 5 o’clock shadow at 0800 in the morning, but I could be wrong…


if its any consolation, motor pool sergeants used to tell us “the yellow line is your friend”…unless we were going in to detain someone. Oh wait, its a dreaded 670-1 violation! MP’s discretion, carry troop. I have a cold beer to chase down. It just violated the speed limit. *blue lights* 😎


The really sad thing is that I’m old enough to remember when a SMAJ was considered scary in an almost Godlike way. I don’t really know when that rank’s job turned into hall monitor and the Soldiers’ perception of the man holding that rank turned into a joke, but it’s pathetic.I have heard LT’s state that they have “painfully little respect for that rank.” Yes, really. The thing that gets me about this picture is that I have a hard time believing he would have seen some young hard charger- in exactly the same attire as he is pictured in- without going up to him and issuing an on the spot correction. That is the image that I have of a modern SMAJ, and it comes from dealing with them. The arguing over what the actual reg says misses the point- especially considering how often those “quoting” the reg to check down on lower ranks get the reg wrong. Stating something stupid like “they’r the SMA/BC/CG/whatever” to justify giving them a pass on flouting regs that they likely enforce on others is just stupid- beyond the whole self/career preservation aspect that is. Last thought- the people that really know whether or not you’re doing a good job are those below you. If you’re the SMA and you get the sense that the entire army save a few brown nosers thinks you’re a worthless sack of shit, you’re probably a worthless sack of shit.


IMHO,it all started going down hill with E-9/demoted to E-8 McKinney and has never been able to turn itself back around.


Had to google him. Holy fuck. Am I to understand that the twin brother of a SGM who was up on charges took over for him on a rotational basis with another SGM while he was investigated? Crazy.


Yep,that’s correct. And that other CSM that shared the duties was a 1SG in one of the Rifle Companys of our Battalion at Fort Carson while I was assigned there at the Bn S-4 NCO.


One of the funner days of my life while in Alaska at a mandatory sexual harassment class back in 96 or 97…

Mckinney was the speaker on the video. Twenty minute lecture from him on sexual harassment, while we all knew he was being investigated for it. Nothing but laughter throughout the whole stupid video. And then a few years later he rammed a guy with his car. I expected a drunk driving class with him next.


If you thought SHARP training was bad, just wait for Military Ethical Animal Treatment (MEAT) training. Think you can “skin that cat”? Not anymore.