The EPA Continues to “Do an IRS”

| October 11, 2014

We’ve spoken before about the IRS email scandal on multiple occasions. And I’ve written before about the fact that the EPA seems to be taking a page out of the IRS email “playbook”.

Well, that emulation apparently continues. The Washington Times has reported that a sh!tload of EPA text messages to/from the EPA’s embattled Administrator, Gina McCarthy, also seem to have been “lost”. In this case, “sh!tload” equates to in excess of 5,000 text messages that were deleted by Ms. McCarthy.

The matter was discovered due to a lawsuit filed by Chris Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, who was seeking public access to Ms. McCarthy’s text messages. Mr. Horner did so because he suspected Ms. McCarthy had switched from email to text for discussion of issues related to regulation of coal-fired power plants in order to avoid possible public scrutiny of those discussions.

Like the IRS, the EPA initially told the courts that it could not locate the missing text messages. And later, like the IRS it amended its story.  It now says that Ms. McCarthy deleted the messages in question.

Oh, did I mention that Ms. McCarthy did so in spite of the fact that the EPA has had a policy in place since 2005 requiring any text messages that qualified for retention under Federal records retention regulations?  Well, I guess I just did.

While the text messages were destroyed, metadata about them was not.  Some of the messages deleted are known to have been between Ms. McCarthy and other EPA employees.  So yeah – I’d be willing to bet that some of those to other EPA employees probably should have been considered “qualified for retention”.  I rather doubt they were all jokes, “LOLs”, and discussions of the weather.

Hmm.  Looks to me like someone’s p!ssing on our legs and telling us it’s raining – again.

Lois Lerner must be proud to see her example has inspired others. After all: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery – right? (smile)

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Global Warming, Legal

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Get ready Ms. McCarthy. Here it comes, the Number 9 bus. Ms. McCarthy, please meet your bus, the view is lovely from under there.

A Proud Infidel®™

The liberal DNC lackeys in the mainstream media still sneer and snivel over a few minutes of the Nixon tapes that turned up missing, but they do their damnedest to stay silent about the truckloads of emails and messages that B. Hussein 0bama & Company “lose”. Happenstance, coincidence, or bias?


Since I can run a ‘recover’ on my e-mail and get back everything since 2004, it’s twaddle.

Nothing is lost forever. It’s just buried in a subfile somewhere, and it can be retrieved.

I think I can even recover photo files I deleted when I backed them up on a backup drive. I will simply have to pay the tech geek to get them back.


Unlike e-mails txt messages go through a telco and the telco may have backups of the messages.



“May have”? I can guarantee that if the FBI, IRS or Michigan State Police wanted to see what I said in a text to a former co-worker back in 2009, Sprint would produce the message as soon as they saw the subpoena. It’s backed up somewhere, and available, as is everything that Gina McCarthy texted to everyone.