Weekend Open thread
MCPO asked for an open thread with this picture and said something about hunting a phony private investigator, I think he said the guy’s name was Magnum Cream Pie or something. Tomorrow’s a range day here, so I have three phonies lined up for you to make up for our time apart.
Category: Open thread
I saw that movie 🙂
Awesome sauce!
This is for you USAF peeps.
Thanks Jonn …
Magnum Cream Pie … If he is in Atlanta I will find him!
Hit the Varsity for me, 3 chilly cheese dogs please
Varsity…ugh. When I went to GT, Junior’s was across the street from Smith Hall on North Avenue.
Dress two cheese, side! Only a REAL GT student knows what that is…
If you end up in Hapeville, check out “The Dwarf House”, it’s where the Chick-Fil-A chain started from. They have all kinds of good food, my favorite there is “The Big Brown’, mashed potatoes with bacon covered with gravy and some melted cheese!
Dude…Get your butt on 20 WB, its beer time!
Once again Daniel A. Bernath, one of our favorite shmendricks and his idiot accomplices accuse THE WRONG MAN of being me.
Here’s a greeting from me to every member of that band of meshugeners:
My local gun club is hosting some folks who will provide a 6 hour course of instruction, finger printing, and photos for a Utah concealed carry license, recognized in 31 states. I signed up for the class.
Of course, Maryland, where I currently reside, does not recognize ANY out of state CCW, and will not issue one unless you can prove a “clear and substantial reason” to have one. The MD Staatspolizei will decide if you qualify. Usually means if you can prove a threat, carry valuables as part or your business, or are of course, politically connected, you’re in. Otherwise, no.
After todays horrific terror attack in Oklahoma I’m weighing the cost/benefit of becoming an outlaw.
As the saying goes, “Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.”
It was also asked, “Why do you carry a .45?”
“Because they don’t make a .46.”
Colt Defender in .45 ACP with 230gn JHP flying ashtrays. Shoulder rig, 2 extra mags.
If I had one, of course. Damn that meteor strike.
Because anything other than a .45 is just silly…
“What’s a good caliber for my next pistol?”
“Don’t matter, as long as it starts with a 4”
You gotta admit .357 magnum gets the job done. Its just doesn’t fit in the pocket like a .45.
I have a Ruger LCR in .357 mag. It weighs 17 ounces (probably half again as much when it’s loaded) and it has a 1.8 inch barrel. Very portable. Of course, a flame shoots out the barrel about a foot and it takes a lot of practice to control the thing, but it’s smaller than my Glock 30 and my Colt Defender.
DANGER DANGER -OPSEC- Trolls have been detected.
I have a Ruger SP101. Nice revolver but I had to make new grips for it because my wife’s hands are so small it didn’t fit comfortably.
Now she has decided she likes the 1911 setup and wants a Kimber Aegis in 9mm. She shot my full sized Springfield 1911 and didn’t like the recoil of the .45.
At least it’s a 1911 frame…
How about my S&W 40 Cal…? Silly?
Did I tell everyone my new AO is outside of the city in the hills. This is how in the county I am. Yesterday, a mountain lion was shot and killed a mile down the road very near some friends with little girls. I looked at him and he was a big one. Nobody cut out his claws or teeth to make a necklace. Left for wardens to take him in and the vets to find out if anything was wrong for the cougar to lose his fear of humans. More ARs from the AO later. Joe
Joe, I live out in the Soviet of Washington and a few years ago the votes passed an initiative that outlawed the hunting of cougars with hounds. Now the state says that the cougar population has exploded. In my area where we once had one cougar per hundred sq/mi we now have one per sq/mi. We have tried to get the state to overturn the law based on scientific data , and they are working on it. The tree huggers and bunny lovers all voted for it but they don’t have stock to worry about. We were informed that a new wolf pack has moved in near here so we are all on the lookout for them. Up here it’s Shoot, shovel, shutup.
Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. Period.
His schoolhouse attempts to change the above fact has failed horribly. Any further attempts will result in same outcome.
His challenge to the CPO Mess has resulted in all eyes being turned in his direction. He has no idea …
The attention he has brought upon himself will not go away.
The entire CPO Mess is working and watching with anticipation and the end of this story will be told.
Bernath you do not scare, impress, worry or amuse me!
I don’t pity you, however I will help you dicslose all of your past deeds, character flaws, crimes, lies and negative impact of society in general.
See you in court … You better up your game as you are completely boring me and the team.
C’mon Chief – isn’t he at least a little bit amusing?
For you and me, certainly 😀 . For MCPO, E4U, NHS, etc. who have to deal with him on a daily basis…life in the ninth circle would probably be better.
You forgot to say, “Over!”
The OVER story is funny. So there is some humor in his ways … Kinda like laughing at the half retarded kid.
I wish we could post the OVER story again.
It was the Friday after St. Patrick’s Day. I called him and he would not speak unless I said, “OVER” after each time I said something.
So I ef’d with him and he damn near blew a gasket!
Can someone find that and post it?
I am using an old Palm Pilot and can’t do that!
I think the thread is locked. However Jonn has the keys!
My search-Foo is strong today
Master Chief,
SREYWAL Team Delta is standing by at point CALLAWAY, with Operational Order DrewEstates/MakersMark (OPORD DE/MM). Steaks are on the grill. Repeat, steaks are on the grill.
This is seriously funny stuff!
Out … I am hunting tomorrow in Atlanta!
Roger copy. Good hunting in Atlanta!
SREYWAL Team Delta standing by.
All this time, I never gave it any thought as to the acronym SREYWAL. This morning, it registered. Oy vey, I’m an idiot.
Are we using Scrambling Code Q, P, or T, and do we switch to the FUBAR sequence at D or M-hour?
This week’s order is for Code ^6^A Purple and not the Code 6C Red that was originally scheduled for use. This comes from ASAC-PDUT and is with the force multiplier Tabasco.
Dammit man, I hate to have to post these things here, get it right…
OVER !!!!
Now you can talk…
OVER !!!
1- or -1?
Orange +223.45
Today’s code:
White-Red-Black-Yellow-Violet with Blue-Orange-Green-Brown-Slate.
1 through 25
Daniel A. Bernath, OY VEY, WHAT A SCHMENDRICK, and a meschugener as well!!
I am an honorary Jew from way back. Seriously I am so I am tracking!
I think he’s SUCH a cockamamie wannabe kolboynik, and in reality he’s a 24K shmendrik/meschugener, and a SCHMUCK to boot!!!
Don’t forget that he is also a “putz”. Happy New Year to our brethren from the 12 tribes!
Did it go something like this?
During the court hearing, did he ask the Judge to “This trial is over, over.”?
MCPO, It’s my opinion that Bernath (the yutzi drek!)has also NEVER been an Attorney at Law in Oregon either, his denial of admission to the Oregon Bar Association proves that to me!!
That there ain’t opinion. That’s solid, indisputable fact.
Just helped a steaming Obama find its home in the Oval Office. Looked at it, then immediately thought thoughts of fake CPO’s.
Juniors catching on, dang it, boy! Hehehe
That kid has one hell of a future ahead of him if he keeps learning and catching on like he is now!
Who says that the young are all stupid.
I fixed a chicken fajita pizza for dinner, and for dessert, I made a lemon cake with lemon creme fosting.
Actually, I made two small ones, instead of one large one. Frosted one and put the other in the freezer for future use.
And if you remember Aesop’s fable about the fox and the grapes (sweet lemons, sour grapes), if it’s out of your reach, it’s no good. Or it can look like the greatest thing, the sweetest deal, since coffee was percolated, until you get it and it turns out to be worse than sticking your tongue on that frozen flagpole. Hence, the use of the term ‘lemon’ for a bad and rather expensive deal.
Well, they make it when the wife isn’t feeling well. I go the easy route.
2 frozen pie crusts, docked and pre-baked. (425 for 12 minuets)
One bag o’ fresh spinach, reduced in a frying pan. (medium heat, some olive oil, S&P. It’ll reduce a lot.
6 eggs, milk, half&half, cream or whatever. Crack the eggs into a measuring cup. Add dairy to fill to the 3 cup measure. Add S&P, grated nutmeg. (for a single pie, 3 eggs and 1 1/2 cup)
Mix- I use a stick blender, a whisk or fork will do, but isn’t as noisy.
Add reduced spinach, grated swiss cheese,
diced ham to pie shells.
Pour on egg mixture. (Diced green onions and extra cheese are a nice topping)
Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Check with a toothpick- should come out clean.
What you have is essentially a ham and cheese omelet, in a pie crust. Great for breakfast or a light dinner. Enjoy!
For 2 pies,
John “Lurch” Kerry and John Boehner are two fine examples of Quiche-eating adult males!
I’ll just leave this here. I know anyone that has spent an ungodly amount of time on a firearms range has seen everyone of these types, so enjoy a good laugh.
Those guns all those stereotypes are using don’t have enough crappy black plastic attachments on them. Add a few of those, and it’ll perfectly reflect reality.
Personally, I enjoyed “the CAR guy”, but that’s just because I like Splinter Cell and they were pretty obviously referencing the franchise.
Does anyone have any experience with that shooting style? If it’s worth learning, I wouldn’t mind figuring it out.
You forgot the Vet. The person who walks up, puts all rounds in the middle of the target, looks around disdainfully, and leaves.
Yeah, fuck that guy! Oh wait, I’ve been that guy. Never mind……
The really sad part is I had a guy in my unit who to this day still thinks it’s cool to go all airsoft cod…..
I laugh when I see his posts about it.
Worst I saw at the range was the school police, yeah our school system has it’s own police force, and apparently it was range day for them.
I swear to God on high that the shooting style was Olympic modified two hands but the results were pray and spray. It was painful.
My dad OTOH took my LCP in .380 at 25 feet and kept a 1″ pattern head group. He’s bad ass. My groups were around 3″ at 15 ft. More range time needed here.
The guy who dropped his pants – should I send him a set of suspenders?
I see Bernath’s Fuel Gage’s video and raise him this. Still makes me snort with laughter every time I watch it. Oh, it has sequels.
Hey, is anybody here Jewish?
I ain’t, but I still want to wish them a grrrr-REAT big, “SHANAH TOVAH ! ! !”
When I was in Viet Nam, I got a special thirty day leave to visit Israel, and BOY, was it neat!
I loved every second of it, and oh, how I wish I could do it all over again.
Anyway, if you go to my own personal web site, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”, you can read of my once-in-a-lifetime experience in my blog post, “MEMORIES OF ISRAEL”.
And, just think – – – ,
Only one more week to go until, “Yum! Kippers!”
Here’s the URL:
The Land of Israel really is a combination of the Bible – – – ,
Settle down my boy!
Don’t be talkin’ smack about my Jewish friends!
On my trip to Israel, I was the ONLY Christian on an all-Jewish guided tour, and I couldn’t speak Hebrew or Yiddish.
So, when everybody was singing, I tried to mimic whatever sounds I thought I was hearing.
But, everybody was really super nice to me, and very tolerant of my abysmal ignorance.
I was over there for training for nine months. Oh, boy. It was amazing. And, while I was there, I didn’t see a single unattractive female. There female service members looked like models!
Beware of Vikings in jaguars and stupid CEOs.
You mean WANNABE Vikings like a certain yutzi drek as well as a meschegener and a shmendrick that keeps getting himself featured here?
Oy Vey!
FOR EX-PH2 (and anyone else that wants to try it.) SOURDOUGH PIE CRUST RECIPE. STARTER 1 package of Fleischmann’s Yeast 1 quart of lukewarm water 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar 4 cups of all purpose flour Soften yeast in the water (in a glass bowl or crock … I’ve found that using a metal mixing bowl when making sourdough keeps it from working properly, always use glass or ceramic.) Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Add sugar and flour. Beat to mix. Cover with a kitchen towel and set in a warm place for 2-4 days, or until desired sourness is achieved (I like it at the full four days.) PIE CRUST 1 and 1/2 cups of all purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 cup of cold lard or shortening (I prefer real lard for pie crust, but Crisco works fine, and make sure it’s cold … it just works better.) 1/2 cup of sourdough starter Combine flour, salt, and baking soda in a glass mixing bowl. Cut in lard or shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add sourdough starter slowly and mix until flour is moistened and the the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl. (At this point, for anyone not used to making pie crust, it’s an experience issue. It could take an extra teaspoon or two of the starter mix to achieve the desired amount of moisture, or it could take a couple of teaspoons less. Practice is the key to this part. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t turn out perfect the first time. Make a few pies and you’ll quickly get the hang of it.) Turn out dough onto a well floured surface and knead lightly. (DO NOT over mix/over knead … the secret to a really flakey pie crust is that there are little pockets of lard or shortening. If you over mix or over knead the dough and the lard or shortening is perfectly even throughout the dough then you will get a non-flakey pie crust.) Divide the dough into two even balls.… Read more »
If you, or anyone else, wants the recipe for the actual sourdough bread just respond here and I’ll post that too.
I forgot to add … Re; the pockets of lard or shortening. The first few times you make a pie crust you can hold a thinly rolled piece up to a light source and it will look slightly mottled. Meaning the dough will not be perfectly even colored. You want it to have that slightly mottled appearance. If the dough is perfectly even colored then you’ve over-mixed it.
When I saw your user name, I wondered where it came from?
Thus, I just HAD to Google, “Dick Tracy”, and see the list of comic strip characters, including one that I remember from my boyhood, “Gravel Gertie”, the wife of “B.O. Plenty”.
Did you read “DICK TRACY” comic strips when you were growing up?
Nope. not from Dick Tracy. Years and years ago I was a cop. One of my training officers, and really good friend, had the nickname ‘Rock.” (This was way before Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock used it.)
Anyway, as we looked and acted a lot like brothers, except I was about an inch shorter, everyone started calling us Gravel and Rock.
LOL sorry for the typos. It was a late night and I’m just now having my first coffee, and I’m still a bit bleary eyed.
Changed my nickname so you see this in the sidebar. LOL
Don’t want you to miss it.
This sounds great Gravel, thanks for the share….Here is my contribution for dessert that would work lovely with your recipe.
CHERRY-BUTTERMILK CLAFOUTIS (pronounced Cla-foo-tee)
1/2 cup natural cane sugar
16 ounces sweet cherries, pitted
3 eggs
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
1/3 cup almond flour
2 tablespoons brown rice or all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons finely grated fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Grease a 9-inch pie pan with unsalted butter. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of the sugar.
Arrange the cherries in a single layer on the bottom of the pan. Set aside.
In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, buttermilk, remaining sugar, almond flour, brown rice flour, vanilla, ginger, and salt until smooth. Pour evenly over the fruit.
Bake for about 50 minutes, until golden brown around the edges and set in the center. Test by inserting a toothpick in the center—if it comes out clean, the clafoutis is ready.
Allow to cool slightly, then dust with confectioners’ sugar and serve.
Sounds delicious … copy-pasting. Will try to get my grandmother to make this tomorrow. lol
A – Thank you for the recipe. I will print it and use it. I am thinking of a chocolate mousse filling or maybe just a pomme tarte for starters. I will post the pomme tarte how-to.
B – The cherry clafoutis is superb. It is also very rich. Do NOT pig out on it. Save some for later.
Pomme tarte? Potato tart? I’m intrigued.
No, that would be an apple tart, wouldn’t it?
Although, now that I think about it, this sourdough crust recipe could be filled with meat and potatoes and turn out nicely too.
Pomme tarte is short for tarte des pommes a la Normande (French apple tart). Single crust, with the apples on a frangipane (custard) layer.
It’s the one with the apples sliced thin and put in the crust ina a sprial. See the video I posted below. He shows you how to lay in the apple slices quickly and easily. Lovely.
‘sprial’ should be ‘spiral’.
Lunch today 🙂
Bechamel Mac and Cheese
3/4 cup whole milk
1/4 cup chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup grated Cheddar
4 cups cooked macaroni pasta
Over medium heat in a saucepan, heat the milk with the stock and salt, stirring throughout. Continue to heat the milk mixture over medium heat, and then reduce to low heat once the milk has begun to froth or simmer.
Next, in a second saucepan, heat the butter until melted. Stir in the flour. Reduce the heat to low and stir until well incorporated. Remove from the heat when it is a pale tan color (a blond roux).
Once the roux has thickened, slowly stir into the milk mixture to blend. Continue to stir over low heat until well incorporated. Finally, remove from the heat and whisk in the cheeses. Once mixed, add the pasta, again stir well and serve.
Just a momentary thought for those who have missed having ‘lil Markie-poo for a live chew toy will likely get to indulge themselves tomorrow, he’s pooped up here the last couple of Sundays like a toadstool on a cow patty, we’ll see if history repeats itself!
Breakfast Today
Tater and Onion Paties,
Steak Egg and Cheese Biscuit
Blue Berry Biscuit
Pull up to the speaker at Bojangles and order the above
Enigma4you…My man…now that’s breakfast a man’s way!
Now that’s just mean. I have a choice of rubbery, over medium eggs, a burnt omelette with very little cheese or mushrooms, or the green scrambled eggs, fake bacon, turkey sausage (really? sausage should be made of pork dammit!), and powdered milk for my cereal. At least the cereal selection is good, the yogurt is good, and the biscuits are flaky. I don’t want to sound like I’m whining because I know the Infantry has it worse on patrols, just kidding around. But I can’t wait to get home and get a nice order of Chilaquiles with eggs at my favorite place in Chicago along with some Mexican rice, refried beans, and a side order of flour tortillas to make tacos out of the Chilaquiles (I know, the Chilaquiles are made with corn tortillas so I’m doing starch on starch, but it’s good, kind of like a spaghetti sandwich) and get a “Pastel de tres leches” for dessert! Now that’s some good eatin’. Dammit, now I’m hungry!
Since it’s finally fall, and someone has to be making pumpkin bread or rolls or muffins, here is the perfect complimenting icing.
6 ounce of cream cheese at room temperature (soft)
4 cups of confectionary sugar
2 tablespoons of butter at room temperature (soft)
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl. Mix. Spread on something delicious. Make it more deliciousesesses.
For all of us Pink Floyd fans, http://radio.com/2014/09/24/pink-floyd-endless-river-snippet-listen/
Dinosaur rockers still roam the earth…
RIP Rick Wright (1943-2008)
Ooo-la-la-la! I found this video on how to put the tarte aux pommes together properly.
He makes a frangipane (creme filling) which goes under the apples, makes it richer.
Watch the part with the knife and the apple slices. He shows you how to get the spiral pattern without doing it one slice at a time. Very important, and deceptively simple to do.
The glaze he makes at the end is sugar, water and a packet of gelatin. It’s brushed on the apples to make them shiny.
Lemon cake.
1 pkg Duncan Hines Lemon Supreme cake mix
Follow package directions for additional ingredients, mixing and baking.
Let cakes cool on a rack of some kind.
When cool, assemble layers with frosting.
Lemon frosting:
Use 1 can of Duncan Hines Lemon Supreme frosting for one 2-layer square cake or one sheet cake. (Sampling is allowed while frosting cake.) Add sprinkles. Let frosting set.
Cut a generous slice, add raspeberry sorbet on the side.
Today’s Secret Squirrel Code:
White-Red-Black-Yellow-Violet with
Binder and trace colors
1 through 25
WRONG!!! Today is Super-Secret-Squirrel-Saturday. We do not use numbers on Saturdays. Only the letters M-Z and ascii.
Gravel…My bad! Delete last code.
No sign of Magnum Cream Pie …
Almost everyone in the industry is here: federal, state, local and private industry from LE, intel, and security.
Nope … Don’t see him.
UPDATE: I have a bite … Someone who’s knows of him!
This should be good!
Its Bernath Trivia time!!
Thats right folks its trivia time all about the Fake CPO, we are going to skip the basic stuff, like What state is he not allowed to practice law in? and How does he know when his airplane is low on fuel? (It crashes)
We are moving right to the advanced round, here is a hint facebook is your friend.
We used it as the code a few days ago, Now what set of letters does he not want to see on TAH?
Times a wasting get to guessing!
Oh and DB, I know mother fucker, you can hide it you can deny it but with enough research and time the truth comes out. I bet your blood just ran cold!!!!
Initially look at Pacific Beaches.
Wow they have a three boobed fraud costume,
Must be Bernath, Dulllass and Wickre!
Home from Afghanistan…..
Welcome Home!!! Glad to hear from you.
WELCOME BACK, are they letting you enjoy some Adult Beverages yet?
Welcome home.
I hope everything went well, and you’ve returned intact, with no vital parts missing?
Well, now you’ve got some tales to tell your grandkids, and some genuine medals to wear on National holidays and/or at patriotic events.
Please be sure to write and/or record your memories for posterity.
In fact, we ALL need to do that!
Thank you for serving when others would not, and going where others would not go.
Hey, STILL SERVING, are there photographs and/or videos that you can share?
StillServing…WELCOME HOME!!! Thank you for serving!
Welcome home comrade.
Relax have a few brews find a nice flush toilet and drop a nice GiDucK in a non tactical environment.
Good! Glad to hear it. Drop back in after a bit of decompression time.
Welcome home!!
And the crowd goes wild !!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!
Welcome home StillServing – wish I could buy the first round or two or nine or ….
Welcome home. Put your feet up and enjoy some time for yourself.
Glad to hear you made it home safe. Enjoy your time home and hoist an ice cold beer for me!
Time of reckoning for Wassef Hassoun is coming soon, courtesy of a general court-martial:
Sorry Bobo, didn’t make it out to the “Big E” and it ends tomorrow.
Something about spending insane amounts of money for parking, admission, etc., to be jammed in with 150,000 of your not-so-closest friends.
Yeah, I’ll skip. I took “the long way around” and I’m glad I did.
Tomorrow, an early breakfast of a cup of coffee and an apple cider donut from Donut Dip.
Still no sign of Jared!
I am starting to think he will not be here this year.
Maybe he is off commenting on counter terrorism and intel operations or sitting in his blacked out vehicle spying on a cheating spouse … Or somewhere in between.
After all most of the guys we deal with in the military, government and private sector who work CT and intel they also work the occasional cheating spouse case just to make ends meet.
Actually they don’t … And this guy has been busted.
He is about to do something very dumb here very soon and the trap is set …
In the industry we see his type ALL the time.
I dunno why MCPO, but for some damn reason or another, I’m not even the least bit surprised!! /sarc
I mean WHY would he skip out on that like some little yutzi shmendrick?
Get some, Master Chief!
Your Sunday morning headline funny:
OK, since when did the police there start wearing diapers? And why was the store selling police briefs in the first place? 😛
Now that IS funny!
Still no sight of Jared …
Although he could be hiding in his blacked out vehicle hiding while employing those extensive Spec War and Intel skills and experiences.
Breakfast menu this morning:
2 eggs sunnyside up on toasted shredded wheat bicuits (the large ones)
Nice crispy bacon
Large orange juice
Hot tea
The Sunday funnies plus a chapter or two in a good romance novel
Classical music – Jascha Heifetz – Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major
Later on: popcorn, soda and a good book
Stouffer’s SOS. Not bad if there isn’t a great Mess Sgt around.
Ex-PH2…Not Fair AT ALL!!! I love my wife but…she can’t cook and I am lazy on Sunday mornings. So it was a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit from McDonalds. It sounded and tasted good until…I read YOUR breakfast. Now I’m disappointed.
Sorry, Sparks. I was just hungry.
BLUF: No one has ever heard of this guy, he IS NOT affiliated with any of the reputable professional associations relating to security and or private investagations industries.
I am attending as a full member here, double checked all the available databases, big fat ZERO.
So just to make sure I covered all databases, I asked another attendee (nationally respected in the private investigations market) to search the name and company in the big three private investigators organizations … again ZERO.
So it only stands to reason he is very busy on nation security, counter terrorism and or intelligence matters and he does not have the time to be associated with highly reputable professional organizations.
Then again, he could be one big self promoting fraud who is too busy chasing cheating spouses because that line of business is more exciting.
But what do I know!
I’ll take Option #2 for $.02, because that’s about all he’s worth.
I wonder if that yutzi or a wannabe P.I really was hired by Team Shmendrick to find us? Him or Blobfish, that could be one reason why they’re running around accusing the wrong people.
I admit, I gotta smile every time I see an F-22 do her thing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful jet.
I’ve actually seen one fly, up close and personal, at Oshkosh several years ago (speaking of which, I have several photos on “imgur” from my last trip to Oshkosh, featuring the MV-22 Osprey), and my God it was incredible.
You cannot believe how happy I am to see the ’22 strut her stuff in the skies over Iraq. ISIS’ll never see her coming.
Once you see the flash of a JDAM, after all, it’s too late.
I’ve seen one of those do tricks at an air show myself, and wondered if the Pilot was going to get a ticket for violating the laws of physics, the F/A22 is one badassed bird! I once read one pilot’s opinion of it when he compared the Raptor to the F-15, he said that flying it compared to flying the Raptor was like the difference between driving in an older Corvette versus racing around in a brand new top model Porsche!
I wish I still had the footage I took of the 2008 air show at Elmendorf. The Raptor was walking on its tail and doing some amazing barnstorming-style air tricks. I was suitably impressed with the vectored-thrust thing it has.
3/17 Air Cav, SITREP on the Mule? Inquiring minds want to know.
Green Thumb is rocking.