Danny Lee Newman; phony SEAL & Vietnam vet to the end

| September 26, 2014

Danny Lee Newman

Average NCO sent this obituary to Don Shipley a few years ago;

Danny Newman obit

Danny retired from the United States Navy as a Chief Warrant Officer 4th Class. He proudly served the country he loved in Vietnam on Seal Team 3 (Class 151). During his career in the Navy he received 7 Purple Hearts, 3 Bronze Stars and 2 Silver Stars.

Mary says she filed for his records in March 2012 and she just got them back this week;

Danny Lee Newman DD214

Danny Lee Newman DD214b

Danny Lee Newman DD214c

Danny L. Newman DD214

Danny Lee Newman Assignments

Danny Lee Newman Assignments a

Danny Lee Newman Assignments b

So, it looks like he did retire as a Warrant Officer WO4, but there are no Purple Hearts, no SEAL Training, no Bronze or Silver Stars. He was aboard the USS John Marshall during a time frame when the ballistic-missile attack submarine was in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean;

On 13 December 1966, John Marshall started her first major overhaul at Newport News Shipbuilding. The overhaul was completed in April 1968. After the post-overhaul shakedown, she loaded ballistic missiles at Charleston, South Carolina, and in September 1968 began her eighteenth deterrent patrol. She conducted her 19th through 25th deterrent patrols from Holy Loch between October 1968 and June 1970. In June 1970, she became a unit of Submarine Squadron 16 and began operations from Rota, Spain.

She conducted her 26th through 37th deterrent patrols from Rota. She was awarded her first Meritorious Unit Commendation as a result of an operation conducted in March 1971 that demonstrated the effectiveness and dependability of the fleet ballistic missile system. In June 1973, she returned to New London, Connecticut, for a dependents cruise, then conducted two deterrent patrols from Charleston, South Carolina.

So, Danny was half-a-world away from Vietnam. Legacy.com has linked to his phony medals so that makes this particularly odious. From Don Shipley;

A TOTAL PHONY in every respect, what bothers me the most is that when clicking the “Purple Heart” link, it appears that Legacy.com and Ancestry.com are linking obituaries to their websites. As is the case with Newman, his UGLY FACE is posted right next to James Arness, “Gun Smoke actor,” and decorated WWII vet…

It seems for all eternity and left unchecked that all phony obituaries, and there are many, will be posted without question as hero’s… THAT SUCKS…

Category: Phony soldiers

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Wait. Wait. Wait. A CWO? Really? Holy screaming Moses on a cracker, that’s beyond the pale.


Now just a Warrant, but a CWO-4!!!

That, in itself, takes some balls to accomplish.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Shoud have claimed anti-SEAL – no database for that.

Never mind the NPRC records, Degrata Tactical and Carl Chinn have likely vetted Danny Lee Newman as the “real deal”.



John “Faker 6” Giduck

Joe Williams

Help from the Navy. Is not CT one of the rates not accepted by the SEALS? Joe


You are almost certainly correct. CT’s go through a fairly expensive pipeline of training.

Smart BT’s, MM’s, GM’s, BM’s, and Corpsman were source ratings among other. Now they are all SO’ and the boat guys are SB’s.


He wasn’t a CT. His ratings included EN3 and MMC(SS). The “CT” you’re looking at represents Connecticut.


MMC(SS)? Force Protection by chance?

2/17 Air Cav

Danny L. Newman

Some day, one of his grandchildren will request his records, perhaps as a school project. Oh, the innocence that will be lost, the shame of bragging about grandpa, only to be cresfallen by the truth. Let this be a lesson to those jackasses who spin the bullshit. What you leave behind may be nothing more than lies and broken hearts.


Victimless crime they say.
Uh Huh.

Just An Old Dog

I wonder how much of this was him and how much was a shit head family member who was trying to garner attention through the death of the man.


All the more reason each of us should write up a short summary of their service career while still of sound mind, Just An Old Dog – and make sure NOK and others have a copy.


I wrote my own obituary years ago and the file is here in this computer for my wife to use when the time comes. And while she is an intelligent writer, like most civilians, she would be totally lost in writing the specifics of my service time.

I would advise all of you who want your military records kept straight for Legacy.com to do the same thing. For those of you who might be wary of writing your own obits out of suspicion or fear, I wrote mine fifteen years ago and I’m still ticking enough to pound these keys.


Years before we met my wife started maintaining what she called her “death book.” It has everything from info on her retirement acoounts, insurance, will, living will and medical POA all the way down to what she would like done with her body and what music she wants at her memorial service. She’s more squared away than a lot of 1sg’s I’ve known.

A few years back she prompted me to start my own “death book” and in it she asked me to write a summary of my military service.

I’d encourage others to have a similar book, particularly if you are young enough to have school age kids. If you kick the bucket all of a sudden your family’s going to have enough to do to without having to dig through your records to find that info.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

My funeral will have the music from the charlie brown and my tombstone will have ‘Get off my damned grass”


James Arness’ famous limp was the result of wounds he suffered coming ashore at Anzio. My own grandfather, a humble infantryman, was likewise wounded in the Po valley. So yeah, f*** this guy.


Someone correct me if im wrong, but back then were there not just teams 1 and 2? The other teams only coming about as the UDT teams were replaced after Nam?


You are correct.

AW1 Tim

So I’m going to be trying to track down a fellow in the days to come. I saw him today at a CITGO station, filling up his SUV.

This guy was wearing one of those “Vietnam Veteran” ball caps but looked a tad young to have actually been there. He had all sorts of gedunk stuff on it. Ribbons, unit pins, etc.

I was wearing my “US Navy Veteran” ball cap and casually asked him what unit he served with. He looked at me, stuck his finger in my chest and said “If you weren’t there, it’s none of your fucking business”.

So I asked him “So, you’re one of those secret squirrel types?” He pointedly said that “All my records are classified so you can go fuck yourself.”

I have a vehicle description and license plate number, so I’m a gonna root around a bit and see what I can come up with.

Any guy THAT defensive has GOT to be hiding something. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like you’ve got a good lead on a future TAH Chew Toy®™!


Wow! Nice catch there, AW1 Tim. Eagerly awaiting the outcome. But we can probably guess.


A few years back I encountered a guy coming in the door of the hardware store as I was leaving. He was wearing a SEAL baseball cap so I waited outside till he came out and introduced myself. I asked him point blank if he was a real SEAL. and he said yes. So I asked him his rank and he said that he’d retired as a commander. That was plausible because he looked like a retired officer, expensively dressed in ski town casual and driving a luxury SUV.

I asked him if he knew a friend of mine who was a retired SEAL O-6. He acted like he was searching his memory and then said no. I knew then he was bogus because there are very few SEAL’s who make O-5 and O-6, so they are bound to know each other simply from watching the promotions lists if for no other reason.

I had a working knowledge of the Naval Amphib bases at Coronado and Little Creek so I kept peppering him with questions until he got nervous and took off.

When I got home I sent an email to my SEAL O-6 friend and related the story to him. He called bullshit saying that any SEAL commander who was of our age would sure as hell have known his name.

I kept watch for that bastard in our little New Mexico mountain community until I moved away last year but never crossed paths with him again.

The sorry bastards are everywhere…

A Proud Infidel®™

Indeed they are. These days, most of the time I see anyone wearing Military-themed apparel or “bling”, a thought goes through my mind saying “PROVE IT, ASSWIPE!!”.


I have a Navy Blue and Gold tee-shirt and it has the MCPO anchor on upper left breast and on the rear it says in big gold letters:



I currently live in a “Small mountain town in NM”. If you’re talking Ruidoso or Cloudcroft, pass along the plate and I’ll see what I can do. I’m retired from Az DPS and still have some access.
Scum like this guy need a spotlight on them so their neighbors can know them for what they are…



Nice, I haven’t heard that word in a long, long time, LOL!


I still use it on the kids. Love the looks on their faces.

AW2 to CPT

F’ing AW! LOL

AW1 Tim

Yeah, we get that a lot. 🙂


If you have his license plate, I have a trick!

Just don’t tell Jared … You know him being a CEO at a big security company and all.


Another thought …

Contact me via TAH HQ (code Z136 V7). I can help ident him all open source …

It is a little know loop hole in just asking for his name!

AW1 Tim

I’m already on this through a friend of mine on a local PD. He’s also a vet and doesn’t cotton well to phonies. 🙂


Good for you. I got the same from several Walmart customers when I inquired about their service in the Specops units in Vietnam…
Just once I would like to meet a truck driver or payroll clerk from Vietnam…
It seems that they were all secret special ops and always on secret missions in Laos, Cambodia or somewhere in the African country that shared a border with Vietnam…
Oh, I can’t forget the most often used one, they all worked for the CIA !!!


Had a couple like before…oh, records were sealed. So, I tell them, “its okay pal, I held a secret clearance”. Then they don’t know what to say next, lol. The look is priceless…


The, “If you weren’t there” bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

You’ve done classified shit, I have, most of us here have at one time or another. It’s okay to say he was attached to such-and-such, and went out and poked holes in the sky/ocean/whatever.

When someone does that, the whole red flag thing goes up for me.

mr. sharkman

And now for the weird coincidence/SEAL trivia entry…

Long after this phony’s service, USS John Marshal, along with USS Sam Houston, were reconfigured as SpecOps Boats.

‘They did good work’.


Yup. Then it was Kahmeamea. Didn’t they turn Buffalo into the DDS boat for a while until the Ohio’s got reconfigured to SSGNs?

AW1 Tim

I know an officer who served on the Big “K” after she was reconfigured. Guy has some neat stories, though I’m certain he leaves out the juicy bits. Used to write a blog, though I’m not certain he still does. He posts a lot on a couple other blogs like Cdr. Salamander, etc.

He also has pics from his time on the boat. One of the guys who I know isn’t pulling anyone’s chains.

David LeVering

I served on the Big John during and after conversion to SpecOps; in fact earned my Dolphins onboard her. Maybe this guy figured being an O2 Generator tech qualified him as UDT since the unit is commonly known as “the Bomb” due to its explosive potential.

Sam Houston Sailor

I was on the Sam Houston from 86 to 89 (it went into decommissioning not long after). Interesting times and operations, but it was colored by the fact that Sam Houston (and John Marshall, I suppose the same, but I wasn’t on that one) were really old boats, so we were always fighting various material problems to just get the boat out and keep it underway. Basically had to work the crew to death, since we didn’t get any more resources than newer boats in much better condition. Sometimes I think it was a miracle that we weren’t lost at sea, even at that we suffered both a collision and a grounding while I was on board along with a whole host of lesser incidents.

Upside is that we got a MUC for this period. Navy didn’t give a lot of awards to submariners, at least during cold war. The idea was that doing so was a security breach, maybe the Soviets could piece some intelligence together from award citations.

Like everyone here, I can’t imagine why somebody would pose as a SEAL if they had been subs. All the submariners I know are pretty proud of it, thought of themselves as an elite/breed apart. Very often, if a guy had some sort of contract for a submarine program and was unable to continue for some reason, they would opt to leave the Navy completely rather than be reassigned to some non-submarine duty. So as a former submariner (I’m really not a poser), this guy mystifies me.


I like my US Army ball cap…lotta people stare at my cross-pistols then turn right around and ask if they are cross-sabers. Last guy, I told him “Yea, the kind that stick your ass with lead balls at thirty feet”. He got the “thrust” of it. lol.


Is a “dependents cruise” what it sounds like?


That’s right folks-you “had to be there”…. to notice that those peckernecks WEREN’T there.


Funny thing is, this guy was an A-ganger, which is probably hands down the toughest job on the boat, and he was good enough to pick up Warrant Officer, again, no easy feat.

For the love of Christ, why?

A Proud Infidel®™

I ask myself the same question Sparky, he should have had a truckload of pride about his career, we’ll never know why,.

The Other Whitey

Sounds like the guy had nothing to be ashamed of regarding his actual service. In the words of Louis L’Amour, “What do ya suppose it is that makes a man go to Hell that way?”