Saturday morning feel good story

Chief Tango sends us another story, this time from Las Vegas where a woman shot her ex-boyfriend when he forced his way into her home;
Citing the woman living at an apartment complex, [Las Vegas Metro police Lt. Eric] Lloyd said she called officers regarding a former boyfriend kicking on her door.
Police said the woman fired two shots at the man once he made entry into the unit, hitting him once in the chest.
The man fled from the scene and tried to hide in the area. A K9 unit was able to locate him behind bushes, Lloyd said.
She’s had enough range time, but she needs a larger caliber handgun. Romeo, who knows how to win back his woman is in intensive care.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Too bad. Instead of intensive care, in an ideal world he would be in the morgue.
A larger caliber would have been better but it did do what it’s intended to do. Stop the attack.
So, does this mean that his plans to take her out for romantic dinner tonight will need to be rescheduled?
She did the right thing when she defended herself, it just sucks that he survived because now the taxpayers will have to pay his medical bills!
Good for her.
Let’s all hope that he doesn’t make it out of the ICU except in a body bag, if anyone earned it, it was him.
I’m going to say that she used either a .22 or a 9mm. She needs a .38 to do a better job. A touch more kick, but it will at least splinter bone if it hits it.
Hopefully the K9 got in some bite time on his stalker ass, too.
Hiding in the bushes? Who does that remind us of?
Yep. Bushes.
This should settle the mysterious bush thing going on up there in the PNW. They should be hearing no more of it now.