Holder resigns

| September 25, 2014

Eric Holder

Well, I’ve been out of town and of course, my phone crapped out – so I was woefully disconnected all day. I get home and find my email inbox full of elation over the news that Eric Holder has resigned about five years too late. So I’m watching the President waxing nostalgically over Holder’s accomplishments during his term. He says that the crime rate and the incarceration rate have gone down – yeah, well, if you ignore crime, that’s what happens.

I’m just glad he’s gone, but cautiously concerned about who will replace him. It’s hard to imagine, but it can get worse.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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“I’m just glad he’s gone, but cautiously concerned about who will replace him. It’s hard to imagine, but it can get worse.”

Of course it could get worse. Ginsburg retires and the great one nominates Holder for SCOTUS.

Far left fantasy for sure, but don’t underestimate the opportunity for things to be worse.

On a brighter note, the timing of the announcement probably says allot about what the administration thiks the chances of the Democrats keeping the Senate are. I wouldn’t be surprised that there will be an announcement on a replacement soon, with an attempt to get them confirmed in December.


Yeah, that’s my fear too. This POS will get noms for SCOTUS. Barry is gonna have to pack the court with his young noms and so the old leftists will just have to die or quit.

Pigmy Puncher

I was also thinking either a set up for SCOTUS or he’s getting clear and allowing time for a Presidential Pardon for some other action we don’t already know about..


Luddite4Change…You hit that nail on the head and countersunk it! He resigned to be in play for the Supreme Court. Lord help us not have him make it through the hearings process.


No surprise, other than how long it took. With this DC Clowne Crewe, when you become a political liability vice an asset, you’re history – as in “under the bus”.

Hmm, I think I remember that tune . . .

(thump, thump, thump)
Holder’s under the bus
(thump, thump, thump)
Holder’s under the bus
And another one thrown
And another one thrown
Another under the bus!
Hey, who’s gonna be the next
Thrown under the bus!?

Former 11B

I’m curious as to how you think he’s been thrown under the bus. He’s the fourth longest serving AG and has been voicing his intention to step down since at least February. The klown krew throws America under the bus, not their own.


I’m just glad he’s gone, but cautiously concerned about who will replace him. It’s hard to imagine, but it can get worse.

My biggest fear. Yes it can get worse.

….Holder for Ginsberg is not that far out in my estimation. What a scary thought. Maybe that is the democrat’s rumored October surprise.


Didn’t watch the Mouth In Chief (I always avoid THAT on principle) BUT according to something I read elsewhere, we can expect an announcement of a replacement very soon…oh and I do think it will be worse than Holder, since over time, he has been bringing into DoJ like-minded cronies with the similar backgrounds…

And yeah, this resignation is far too late for me..





So long, asshole.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good riddance, Holder!

Planet Ord

The dems will still be in control of the judiciary committee by the time a replacement is nominated. This happened now because when the repubs win in November they will also take over the judiciary committee. It’s a well calculated move to continue the status quo.

Zero Ponsdorf

I actually asked a similar question below, but Holder ain’t a judge. I dunno, but…

Roger in Republic

He was on the federal bench when Obama tapped him for AG, So it is possible he could bee reappointed. He would still face confirmation and that aint gonna happen it the senate gos GOP. Harry Reid’s 51 vote confirmation rule will be changed on the first day of a republican senate. Ginsberg said just yesterday that she has no plans to retire, but you never know. I get the feeling that she does not like Obama or Holder all that much.


Seriously? You think if the Republicans win the House and Senate they would change a rule which would then favor them so heavily? They’re all politicos cut from the same cloth – they’ll use that rule more than the only condom at an IDS convention.

Zero Ponsdorf

I’m with Jonn: I’m “cautiously concerned about who will replace him. It’s hard to imagine, but it can get worse.”

Even when I hang up my tin foil hat this concerns me. Why now? That single question hasn’t actually been answered.

AW1 Tim

Well, aside from Holder being nominated for the SCOTUS (which gives me the willies just thinking about it), my tinfoil helmet antenna has me worried about something else.

What if Holder is going to be falling on his sword over Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, etc, claiming he was in on it, approved this or that, whatever, with the sworn statement that his master, president mom-jeans knew absolutely nothing about any of it?

Then, you see, on his way out the door, president mom-jeans can issue an executive pardon for Holder, a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Of course, that all depends upon president mom-jeans keeping his word. If I were Holder, I wouldn’t take that bet for anything, and I’d be planning accordingly.

Guard Bum

Holder going is good news and there is no way he would ever pass confirmation for SCOTUS and even the most ardent libs know that so I don’t think that’s even a worry. What we will see though is a whole lot of Lois Lerner actions from him by refusing to testify and I doubt the Pres will issue a pardon because that will make it a lot harder for him to not testify. Its one thing when Issa issues an immunity from prosecution which as we have seen Lerner just ignores but a Presidential pardon ups the ante and with a Presidential election in a couple years I just don’t see it.

AW1 Tim

I was talking about a presidential pardon as Obama leaves the White House in January, 2017.


California AG & Obama loyalist Kamala Harris instantly came to mind as Holder’s successor, but she reportedly has no interest in the job…


AW1 Tim

Okay then……. here’s another thing to make you stay awake at night: How’s about Attorney General Valerie Jarret?



Hey – Bernath is an unemployed “lawer” – just saying….

Kinda old ET1

Actually I’d love to see that.
Since Bernutless could screw up a wet dream,he would get himself and President Mom-Jeans impeached post haste.


1 down- 3 to go.

Trying not jinks the celebration.


Six years of damage… 20 years to fix?

2/17 Air Cav

“Eric has done a superb job,” Obama said. Eric? Superb? Until I read that, I had never laughed and vomited at the same time.

“I will leave the Department of Justice, but … I will never leave the work.” –Holder, today, while his eyes welled up with tears.

I see. And now we all see. The “work” he has done as AG has had nothing to do with the traditional role of the US Attorney General. And that’s why, as a former AG, he can continue “the work.”

Roger in Republic

Did you notice that Obama did not read the speech over before he gave it. He called Mrs. Holder an OB/GINNY rather than an OB/GYN. Just like his Corps Man gaff at the awards ceremony. This is the most callow man to ever hold the office. He is not that smart, he only thinks he is, hence his lack of preparation when dealing with anything outside of his narrow skillset.

E-6 type, 1 ea

E-6 type, 1 ea…Thanks for the news link. Something tells me the DOJ will bury the higher courts in phoney paperwork now until after the midterms. I hope not. I hope the Judge’s ruling stands.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder just how many of those documents will suddenly “disappear” like the IRS emails did?


Resigned right after a judge ordered the doj in no uncertain terms to quit stalling and produce the fast and furious records by the 3rd week in october. Odd timing isn’t it?

The Other Whitey

Any takers on whether he’s cutting a testimony-for-immunity deal?


It can and will get worse.

Holder has done everything possible to inflame racial tensions in the name of rights.

If get gets a SCOTUS nod, hopefully a GOP controlled senate will block that shit

2/17 Air Cav

You know, in that regard, generally, there is this stoopid take on nominations that goes like this: ‘Elections have consequences. X won election and is entitled to have Y on the Court, or as Secretary of Whatever.’ And that’s so much bullshit. There’s that itsy bitsy matter of the Constitution and that silly consent clause. I never saw a rubberstamp clause in the Constitution but, it seems, there must be one.


2/17 – Thats an unfortunate side effect of elections. Some years it is worse that others…

The Other Whitey

Good riddance, lying fascist asshole!


I had the exact same first thought, Jonn.

” … about five years too late.”

Alas …


Holder says he won’t step down until a replacement is named.
And all the hard drives are destroyed. Emails shredded. Files are hidden in the White House.
In other words, until the cover up is complete


“jonp says:
September 25, 2014 at 7:22 pm

Resigned right after a judge ordered the doj in no uncertain terms to quit stalling and produce the fast and furious records by the 3rd week in october. Odd timing isn’t it?”

Not really. At which point could this administration do something that was not surrounded in one of their own illegal activities?

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder just how many of those subpoenaed records will suddenly “disappear by accident”, something I’m sure is being planned by B. Hussein 0bama & Company if they aren’t doing it at full throttle already?!