That salute thing
Yes, everyone has been emailing me this video;
While I understand what motivates the outrage, I’m running low on outrage. If you weren’t outraged until just now, you haven’t been paying attention the last several years.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
I am inraged!
And he wonders why his numbers in the polls are dropping.
He just gets grosser and grosser, doesn’t he?
Yeah, this protocol faux pas doesn’t really bother me. Now policies on the other hand…
Gets a “meh” from me. It’s not like a president returning a salute is some ancient ritual. AFAIK no president before Reagan did it.
It’s like the silly American flag lapel pin. All of a sudden after 9/11 anybody who wasn’t wearing one was some kind of America-hating commie.
True about the Reagan timing. It is not required that the prez return the salute as, even though he is CinC of the military, he is still a civilian.
However, all that being said, if he’s going to return the salute given to him as a sign of respect, the least he could do is show a little respect in return. If I wasn’t so not-surprised by his actions, I’d be enraged too, but you know, you get what you give.
I saw a photo today of FDR saluting troops, if that counts. But, yeah, Reagan made it stock–but served, as did Bush and Bush. The C-i-C is not a rank. I would prefer if our civilian presidents didn’t salute at all. But, hell, if the Golfer in Mom Jeans–the sissy who cannot throw a baseball or shoot a free throw–is going to salute, he ought to do it with a hand full of cup–you know, as if a salute actually means something more than a hi-there wave.
Except for many of those who didn’t wear one applied every possible leftardic originated smear against all those who did.
Did you know that in various communities on the west coast, shortly after 9/11, city councils passed ordinances forbidding all “first responders” (fire, police, ect) from displaying any US flag of any sort on uniforms or vehicles?
It was “too divisive”. Divisive to who? Oh yeah, gotta respect the feelings of those who’ve given themselves, heart mind and soul to ideologies that demand the destruction of the US of A, don’t you know.
Fuck them. Fuck anyone who even attempts to defend them.
Whew! I am not fucked. I thank you.
Well, I’m in SoCal, and I wear a US Flag pin on the right chest of my class-B uniform shirt, opposite my badge, above my name tag. Nobody ever told me to take it off, though I’d tell them to piss up a rope if they did.
I also have US Flag decals on both my wildland and structure helmets. I was once told to remove them, but I refused. Since then, they’ve issued us structure coats with the flag on the right sleeve.
The flag also takes the form of a decal on many of our engines. Real flags flying from the rigs have been tried, but they rapidly get thrashed during peak fire season, so the decals work better for us. Displaying the flag on our engines is not officially approved, but nobody is about to insist that they be removed, either.
It confirms the impression of how little respect he offers, to others. Mighty impressed with himself though.
Were it an isolated occurrence, I wouldn’t even pay attention. I’d just chalk it up to him being a civilian. However, when it happens over 50% of the time, it is nincompoopery.
Enraged. Deranged. Engaged. Mostly … bored. When a dog pees on a fire hydrant, you can’t get mad. He is just being a dog. Both of those men in uniform wrote a check to the people of the United States for an amount up to and including their lives. Could it be that Mr. Obama doesn’t see any value those checks? Like Jonn, my rage-o-meter has been overworked and it is a little tired. Maybe if he does something REALLY stupid I could generate some outrage. Otherwise meh. I support a Constitutional Amendment – unless you have served, you cannot run for public office.
amen – this is one leopard who is not going to change his spots. Or maybe pussycat is a better description, albeit three letters too long.
I’d support such an amendment. Would probably be called racist, though, which would be funny since blacks serve in the military in about the same percentages (if not higher) than they represent in the general population.
Ah he is just used to flying in that big Chair Force jet. That’s how they salute him after saying “Good morning Barry!”
Heh, I think you’re on to something there.
Have we forgotten the doggie salute by bush. Fucking civilians….
No, you found the exception, as the Lefties are pointing out all over today. For the Golfer (‘Hold the umbrella, Marine’) it’s par for the course, so to speak.
Bush was carrying the dog with both hands when he came upon the need to return a salute. At least he cleared his right hand to render a salute.
IMHO W was busting his ass to try and show respect and made a mistake. Is there ANY evidence that W didn’t revere the military?
Barry doesn’t give a shit about ANYTHING that most Americans revere.
That said, Jonn’s right…this is low on the list of shit that Barry has done to screw the military…and America.
There is more to it than that.
After getting rid of the dog, Bush returned to the Marines and gave a proper salute.
As pointed out by Martinjmpr the President returning a salute didn’t start until Reagan in 1981 He sought advice on the matter from Gen. Robert Barrow, commandant of the Marine Corps.
General Barrow told the president that as commander in chief he could salute anybody he wished.
Im not fan of Obama, but he gets a pass on this from me. You know his mins was on other things and when he realized that he had a coffee cup in his hand he thought fuck.
Honestly, my first thought was what idiot thought this would be a good idea to pust on the White House Instagram? Seriously, the whole thing would never be a thing if people would just be smart on the internet…. you know, like not claiming to be SF if you weren’t.
It’s another blatant finger to the military.
They were the ones that uploaded it.
They know exactly what they are doing.
Jonn, exactly the same thought I have about it.
I would chalk this one up more to ignorance and laziness than any sort of malice. In any case, the salute thing didn’t cause me to lose any respect for Obama. You can’t lose respect when you never had any in the first place.
Your last sentence pretty much sums um my thoughts here, Hayabusa. I lost all respect for the current individual staying at 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC, a long time ago.
The office of the POTUS I certainly do respect. But that doesn’t mean I have to have any use whatsoever for the individual who’s holding the office at the moment.
That pathetic salute just illustrates what I already knew about Obama. He has no true respect or love for the military. I see this and I just think sheeeeeiit. Reagan got away with some godawful cowboy saluting because everyone knew he did it to show his appreciation not because he’d catch hell in the press if he didn’t. Bush 1 was much more formal. W Bush and the doggie salute… look in his eyes, he’s got that same look that a 2nd gets walking out of the store when he gets saluted and can’t figure out what to do. He screwed up trying to do the right thing, not screw up because he couldn’t be bothered.
One is not required to salute, or return a salute if one’s hands are occupied carrying stuff. I seem to remember that. and the whole thing about saluting uncovered. Bush could have easily said,”hi there Marine” or some other type of greeting. Or nothing at all. He was the President. Obama mjust does not know anything about it. The Marines could probably give a shit. I seem to remember some bruha about Clinton not saluting also. Also never served. Not that big of a deal to me.
Eh, not that big a deal when compared to everything else you can bust his balls about (Like literally EVERYTHING ELSE). But damn, if you’re going to return a salute try not to look like such a fuckin’ slob. Do it right.
Case and point.
This country used to stand for something.
Not anymore.
Pres Obama’s staffers did him no favors. The WH Press Office released the video & photos…not some RW/GOP wacko birds looking for some dirt. Conservatives got some guffaws, even a few liberals did face palms, and was some good “filler” for the newsday. Some unfortunate young staffers in press office will probably get yelled at or even sacked by the Mooch & ValJar.
Had it been Ford, he would’ve dumped the coffee down the front of his shirt. He was notorious for his oopses.
I believe Jerry Ford suffered from an inner ear problem & a gimpy knee from his college football days at Univ Michigan. I remember 3 video taped incidents where he tripped & fell….Chevy Chase got lots of mileage lampooning Ford on SNL. I’ve seen reruns of the 1975 episodes, and I didn’t get what was so funny.
Yep. Chase was a bigtime liberal, and the nation was still pissed at Ford for pardoning Nixon. So Chase got all of the mileage out of that schtick he could.
There is some thought that – given how close the 1976 election turned out to be – that series of SNL skits may well have cost Ford reelection.
Or, in other words: we may have Chevy Chase to thank for the Carter Administration. Gee, freaking thanks.
I like his wife’s response to the clumsy jokes. It went something like, we have several beautiful children.
so you are saying he excelled at indoor sports?
I remember reading somewhere that Ford was basically a victim of bad luck and a press out to make him look bad, and that he was one of the more athletic Presidents we had to that point (was about 20 years ago.)
1/20/17. That’s the only date I’m looking forward to at this point.
President Soup Fucking Sandwich.
As has been pointed out already, this is simply more proof that Obama has zero respect for those who serve in uniform.
Interesting to say the least. President Obama is disrespectful. but for blog purposes he is Barry now and just Obama? Very interesting logic. whatever planet this is…
And your liberal brethren calling Bush, “Chimpy McCokespoon” was a fucking laugh riot, toots.
trae: First, this is planet Earth. Welcome. Second, personal respect–unlike respect accorded office–is earned. Accordingly, all of us here respect the Office of the President but few of us respect the Golfer in Mom Jeans. On your planet, I guess there is no distinguishing between office and office holder, so I understand your confusion.
“B. Hussein Obama” is much more preferable to me. OOH, do you and your fellow lefty-loons still think that’s “racist”?
Obama is an asshole. And in other news, water is wet!
And, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is STILL dead!
Once again, Obama’s staff has let him down by failing to explain things.
He’s trying to start a new tradition.
“Henceforth , as soon a soldier has properly executed a salute to the CIC, they shall be allowed to express as desired, and in a polite manner, a personal opinion of said CIC”.
It’s a spit cup.
I am kind of torn on it. When I foudn out saluting the guards is a relatively new thing in the history I can’t really fault the Presidnet for a bad salute, not saluting,….but this was not even caring.
But yeah….it’s just another thing. Honeslty though what really insults me is seeing the Marines being something like personal valets. Holding umbrellas and such. I find it degrading for military personnal to do it.
Someone correct me if I am wrong.
I think I have this. He raised his cup and said, “Salud.”
Look, the guy is an ass. He proves it almost daily. I just cannot muster much anger or outrage or whatever it is I am supposed to have here.
What does really piss me off is throwing away Iraq, getting ready to do the same in Afghanistan, running our military into the ground both fiscally and morally, “no boots on the ground”, oops, divisional HQ to Iraq, 1600 advisors to Iraq, A-10’s to Iraq, 3000 to “fight” ebola, arming “moderate” Islamists and the list goes on and on. And the incompetence of this administration in dealing with the constant hair fires that are occurring world wide since this president decided to lead from the rear.
So go ahead with your fucked up salute Mr. Obama. If only that was your worst transgression as “Commander in Chief”, I would gladly write it off as having a bad day. But every day is a bad day.