Wednesday feel good story

| September 24, 2014

Police line

Chief Tango sends us our feel good story this morning from Ohio;

Police said three men tried to rob the store, shooting the clerk in the legs. The clerk returned fire, killing two of the three would-be robbers.

The third robber, who wears a white mask and all black clothing in the surveillance video above, is still on the loose.

From another source;

Friends of the clerk say he always wore a gun on his hip at work. They praised his actions for standing up to criminals in a crime-plagued neighborhood.

“He’s a good guy, he’s always looking out for everybody,” said Clarence Harris. “I say, God bless him and thanks for protecting the neighborhood.”

A woman who wished to be identified as Helen echoed Harris’ praise, “He’d do anything for anybody. He grew up in this neighborhood… I think it’s justified.”

Category: Feel Good Stories

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So if you’re at work, minding your own business, and three guys come in to rob you and shoot you in the legs…Helen thinks it’s “justified” to kill 2 of them, only if you grew up in the neighborhood(?). Thanks Helen. You’re a genius.

B Woodman

I can see it now, the lawsuits coming from the relatives of the two dead perps, “But they waz goood boyz, just prepping for Halloween, wearing them masks into the store. There waz no call for that mean clerk to shoots and killz them. They waz goood boyz, just turnin’ they’s life around. We’z gonna SUE.”

CC Senor

Stories like this always bring to mind this classic favorite from “Raising Arizona”:


This happened in my hometown. The very next day, families of the slain men staged a candlelight vigil at the scene of the crime. They also came back the next time and harassed customers. Media was invited both days. The families are saying that the young clerk, who was shot twice before exchanging gunfire with the suspects, should not have been allowed to open-carry, and that he should not have shot back. Sigh.