al-Shabaab Leader, Ahmed Abdi Godane, Gets His 72 Virgins
Godane was killed earlier this week in a US airstrike. US RPAs and manned aircraft took out an al-Shabaab camp in Somalia, sending Godane and 10 others to their eternal dirtnap.
Godane and al-Shabaab were behind the mall attack in Kenya last September that killed 68 and wounded 200.
May they each now enjoy the company of Shaytan for all eternity. And may each of their 72 virgins look like this:

Category: Feel Good Stories, Terror War
OMG! Imagine 36 pairs of twins that look like Helen Thomas!
You reap what you sow.
Good riddance, fucker.
And once again – Splash. Out.
Looking like today is starting out pretty good.
I have a theory about those 72 virgins and who gets what. It goes like this: they don’t get to have 72 virgins. Instead, they each BECOME all of those 72 virgins who are raped 72 times a day every by 72 angry goats for 7,272 years. Then they come back as goats or donkeys.
That, or throw in a couple dozen clones of Roseanne and Cindy Sheehag for good measure!!
We gotta toss in at least one Nancy Pelosi, too.
Sheehag had a kid. She’s disqualified.
Ditto SanFranNan and Roseanne.
Thomas, on the other hand, while married never had children. She thus at least theoretically could qualify.
I’ll see your Helen and raise you a Rosie O’Donnell. Boom!
O’Donnell is also non-qualified (5 kids).
Adopted…and please Hondo, I beg you…please don’t tell me she replicated.
Hmmm. You might have a point. The one child born in “wedlock” to O’Donnell was to her same-sex spouse thru artificial insemination. No mention I can find of egg donation by O’Donnell.
Still: Thomas IMO is by far the fuglier of the two. And although O’Donnell is grating as hell, Thomas’ voice and mannerisms were IMO even worse.
I wrote up my opinion on behalf of the Yazidi women who were buried alive by the ISers, the Yazidi children who were beheaded by the ISers, and the remaining young Yazidi women who were gangraped by the ISers and then sold for $10 to be forced wives of other ISer men, all of whom are the worst cowards on God’s Green Earth.
That’s in case anyone missed my meaning.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I just adore you to death.
Right back at you, ExHack.
<3 <3 <3
Now the Chadari makes a lot of sense.
I sent this article off to Jonn yesterday. It’s worth a read. It seems that ISIL/IS men are terrified by the sight of women with guns in their hands. This is from Kurdish women who are fighting alongside the peshmerga men against IS.
I don’t know what causes this reaction. It could be something to do with the ‘evil eye’, or maybe it’s simply that they are the worst cowards EVER invented.
If this is the case, then recruiting the nastiest women we have for combat training might just be one answer to the problem. 🙂
There have been videos posted of captured ISers bawling like the jailhouse boy-bitches they are after being captured. Every one of them has a spot in hell awaiting them, they’re COWARDS, one and all!
Good reason to engage in routine and regular gunpowder therapy, eh?