Weekend Open Thread
Toasty must be bored, she’s already asking for an open thread. So here you go and for your added entertainment, here’s the 15 minute phone call I had with the West Virginia State Police in regards to the death threat last night;
And yes, the assistant prosecutor in Mineral County is named Pancake.
I’ll go drink my Friday beer and my have my Friday cigar a little earlier while you complain about me.
ADDED: For Dallas;
Category: Open thread
Well that was entertaining, 15 minutes of your tax dollars hard at work.
VoV…That’s your tax dollars at…rest.
Sounds like that officer just doesn’t want to do his fucking job, because it’s too much of a headache. What an asshole. Then the follow up call from the the guy threatening you, great evidence of a legitimate threat. I hope everything turns out okay.
Honestly, I don’t blame the cops much – they understand the environment that they’re working in. I filed a complaint against Wickre last year and they took my complaint, but the prosecutor wouldn’t take the case because he didn’t “understand the internet”. An email detailing how Wickre planned to shoot me and beat me in front of my family required an understanding of the internet, somehow. Then, he told me that his office didn’t have the resources to enforce the law – more excuses for not doing his job than protecting the citizens who pay his salary. Then when Bernath had my guns taken, he had more excuses why he couldn’t protect my Constitutional right to due process. Fuck F. Cody Pancake.
Yeah, but call one of them and threaten to weed-eat one of their wives flowerbeds and see what happens to you…
You’ll probably get to see their new MRAP in your front yard.
Do you think that it would be impolite to ask Officer Deliverance to record his phone call (if he ever made it) to Señor Korfhage and just see what the tone of his voice is then?
Maybe something like this…
Officer Dingleberry: “Hi this is Officer Dingleberry from the West Virginia State Police and we have a written and recorded documented interstate telephonic threat of violence and threat of homicide by you and I just wanted to explain the possible ramifications of you imprudent actions…
Señor Korfhage: *checks caller ID*….
**Wets panties**
You have to learn to use the word ‘stalker’ with the cops.
Otherwise, they’ll just look for cheaper donuts and coffee.
I used to live in Mineral County. In Short Gap. Two hour wait for any police response, and then it was the State Police who did not really give a rat’s ass about much of anything.
It is a good idea to report & document the incident in case he shows up. Unless one has a pre-dug hole, or abandoned air shaft close by.
Want WVA popo to respond? Show ’em drugs.
They come outta the woodwork for that.
A couple sacks of quick-lime are handy, too.
Err, or so I’ve been told.
It is not a good idea to screw with the fellows out my way. Too many of them own a gun, and a backhoe.
With that much response time, you could easily put into practiceat least three of the 4 Esses:
And there are always friendly neighbors and family to help speed things up.
It’s been said that a friend will help you move. A REAL FRIEND will help you make the corpses disappear!!
If TAH is a box Cracker Jacks, then the Weekend Open Thread is the prize in the bottom of the box!
Is that what the F stands for?
It’s between “Fuck” and “Fucking” – not sure which one works better.
Hell, I’ll start it off with a joke.
An old married couple, celebrating their 50th marriage anniversary, was featured by a local newspaper. The couple was known to never fight and when asked for the secret to their happiness, the wife started, “50 years ago, on our wedding day, my husband and I went on a trip through the Grand Canyon on horseback. As we were riding, my husband’s horse tripped and both him and the horse took a hard fall. My husband got up, looked at the horse, and said, “That’s one”. We continued riding on, and the horse tripped yet again. This time, my husband got up, looked at the horse, and said, “That’s two”. Ignoring his strange comments, we continued riding and yet again the horse tripped, and my husband and the horse took another hard fall. This time, my husband got up, pulled out a gun, and shot the horse, killing it. Bewildered, I angrily shouted, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Putting the gun away, he looked at me and calmly stated, “That’s one!”
Ok, that’s all I got. I have a hot date with a kayak and a fishing pole somewhere in the coastal waters of the West Coast this weekend. If I’m lucky, there will even be a fish or two.
True story – my mom and dad rarely fought. I asked her about it, and she said “it’s because your father always includes me in his decisions – we discuss what course of action, and agree what needs to happen. Usually it’s my way!” I asked my father and he said “I figure out what I want to do. Then, depending on how contrary your mother has been, I either tell her what I think is right or if she is being pissy, take the exact opposite view and let her talk me into changing my mind to do what I wanted to do in the first place.” They made over 60 years together.
I’m going to start using that with my wife, thank you sir. Starting tonight.
Jonn – I got it. You need to open up a tit bar. That way when you call the cops they won’t complain about “having to come out there all the time”. He’s been there once, and that was not at your bidding. What a dipshit.
He put you on speaker phone around the 4:00 minute mark from the sound of it.
IMO he wanted to cover his ass, or get a back-up opinion on your behavior if it became more heated, so he could trump up some charge.
What a penis wrinkle.
I guess these fuckers are unfamiliar with the phrase, “public servant.”
Oh, and what is this “weekend” of which you speak?
Here ya go, NHSparky:
weekend: a term meaning “the two working days immediately preceding Monday”
‘weekend’ is the span of time after Friday that keeps me from going postal on you on Monday…
I still don’t get it.
Should have asked the “public servant” to bring some donuts and coffee over. If they cant protect they may as well serve the taxpayer.
Los Angeles is changing the slogan on their police cars from “To Protect And To Serve” to “We Treat You Like A King” 😀 😀 😀
I’m sitting here babysitting my daughter and new granddaughter since she is still really sore and my son-in-law couldn’t miss anymore work. I figured that since I now have my blue ID card and am waiting to hear back from where I submitted my resume and I have nothing better to do I could keep an eye on them and take care of them.
Congratulations Twists on your new grandbaby… 🙂
A worthy job if I ever heard one.
A second contribution to the weekend’s humor.
A young couple went one Sunday and inquired about joining a particular church. The church’s Pastor told them that, as a proof of their resolve to live a righteous life, they must abstain from sex for a week prior to joining.
A week later – the following Sunday – they came back, immediately before services. “Well?” asked the Pastor.
Neither said anything for a moment. Then the husband spoke up: “We tried, Pastor. And we made it through 5 days. But lust overcame us yesterday.”
With a stern face, the Pastor said: “Until you can control yourselves better, you cannot come back to our church.”
“We kinda expected that, Pastor,” said the young man. “In fact, that’s just what the manager at Kroger told us, too.”
Reminds me of the one about the young Catholic newlyweds who asked their priest, “Father, is it permissible to have sex before Mass?” He replied “I suppose so, as long as you don’t block the aisles.”
As a recovering Catholic (almost seven years on the wagon), I find that funny.
Then again, the Priest who gave me my first Communion ended up retiring and opening a beach-side massage table in Hawaii. He was became a Naval Chaplain when he received his Holy Orders.
Nice. I have some friends this should apply to…
One of the jobs that I applied for that I really want is running the virtual simulation training for Ft Wainwright. The job description sounds a lot like being a Platoon Sergeant without the 0200 phone calls.
I’m just thinking that the local TV station might like a story about a disabled veteran whose life was threatened, and whom the police are too busy to listen to.
So much for all that “Protect & Serve” crap.
I’d give the TV Reporter’s the whole story about TAH, outing phonies, all the threats, the refusal of the ADA to prosecute, the crap from Bernasty, the latest from Psul and now this Georgia goober-grabber’s threats.
You have recordings of all the conversations. It might be right interesting to see the cops and ADA’s tap dancing in front of the cameras as to why they were too busy to do their frikkin’ jobs, especially when terroristic threats were made.
Barring that, I’d bundle it all up and have a nice chat with someone in the nearest FBI field office. 🙂
After reading this, I think most will agree that we have a “NO-GO” at this station:
Statutory Mission:
As outlined in Section 15-2-12 of the West Virginia Code, the West Virginia State Police shall have the mission of statewide enforcement of criminal and traffic laws with emphasis on providing basic enforcement and citizen protection from criminal depredation throughout the state and maintaining the safety of the state’s public streets, roads and highways.
Operating Mission:
It is the mission of the West Virginia State Police to provide direct and indirect law enforcement services, in a proficient and courteous manner, to the citizens of the state and to the other law enforcement entities to ensure the continued security of persons, residential, government and business properties and the safety of motorists operating on the state’s streets and highways.
Ima say those asshats up there are a lazy bunch of Sorry Old Boys. Sort like some down here. lol.
John, have you ever considered using Disqus for comments? It allows for uprating, categorizing comments, notification of replies to comments, and best of all it’s used for most discussions on domains meaning one login instead of having to constantly reenter information to post.
↑↑↑↑↑ to what FatCircles said. If it would be possible to do so. And, it gives the benefit of being able to find old conversations/posts without using a search engine.
It’s going to rain in my kingdom.
The squirrel has been stealing my green tomatoes and eating part of them, then leaving the rest for me. I hope she gets a stomach ache from it.
Other than that, I have nothing exciting going on. A nap sounds good.
Buy a CO2 pistol, cap off some BB’s in that squirrels direction. It’ll get the hint and leave well enough alone.
Nah, stuff a firecracker in one of the tomatoes and watch for the little shit, then… click, click, click, I see the light!
Bitch mode engaged:
It’s mother fucking hot. I moved back to MIchigan because it was cold and what does Mother Nature do? last ten years its been fucking hot.
And my sister in law moved back in with her two kids because she can’t manage her life. two kids, two different guys. Fuck. This is the third time she’s lived with us. Wonder how long this time.
The kids have back to back activities all weekend long. SO it’s up at 6 and out all day long until 8pm. BOTH DAYS. So much for a weekend.
I have to mow the lawn AGAIN. I hate mowing the lawn.
Top it all off my wife called to talk. I don’t have beer at home….sister in law drank it all.
Ain’t that a bitch?
On the western half of the country, a certain teenager is having a big laugh at the expense of Midwesterners everywhere after reading that 😀
Oh…only the temperature part. Sorry, I didn’t read beyond that; I’m an idiot. Sorry about the sister in law.
I kid.
She drank all your beer? Now that truly is a bitch*.
*the situation or the person… Your choice.
She drank all of your beer? UNFORGIVABLE!!!
Make her earn that beer. She should have the honor of mowing the yard. Ass, grass, or gas. Nobody drinks for free.
It has been hot, tonight the rain and wind blew all of the hot over toward New York. Seems that anything south of I-96 got a bunch of trees blown over, power lines down and probably, lots of shingles blown off roofs.
Hoping the wind and rain didn’t do you any harm, S&L.
Hey S & L,
I’m up in America’s Mitten too, but I am very unsure of what hot weather you are referring to….until yesterday this summer sucked. And it sucked last year.
Also…Were you 4ID? 2BDE Warhorse here. If you want to talk via email, I am hopeful Jonn could pass you both of my addresses.
Hello TAH family! *wavies*
I sure have been missing you…
Here is an update:
The surgery I had failed horribly and it took quite a while to get a nasty infection cleared up before they could give me back my legs…they are back now, but still really weak and my nurses are very cranky with me cause I keep running over their feet.
I am on very strong medications that while help, confuzzle my brain so it makes it nearly impossible to be able to engage in my favorite activity which is to hang out here with you all and play with the POSers. I have one nurse whose husband is a Vet so she reads the articles to me so I can at least have a good laugh now and again.
Today has been a relatively good day so I was able to post on Psulio and on this thread,(((Thank you Jonn <3 )))…But now the mean nurse is here so I have to get off the computer for a little while. Hopefully I can come back later and post in our Ranger Hayseed Deserter from Ga James Deon Kornfocker.
Anyway…I miss you all bunches and hopefully I will be able to comment more soon…Until then, you all be safe especially you Jonn, and enjoy your weekend 🙂
((hugs)) to all of you <3 <3 <3
GET WELL SOON TC, we’ve missed ya!!
Yer duty assignment is to recover, lass. Get to work! (smile)
Seriously – do keep us posted. And do keep getting better.
Good thoughts continue, and get well soon!
I’m giving you a distant hug and will keep you in my prayers.
Get well soon, Toastie. I’ve been there with the meds reducing your cognitive powers to somewhere below sea level; it’s rough, but it gets better. You’re in all of our prayers.
Thank you for the smile Toasty, your wit has been missed. Continue getting better.
Good hearing from you – hang in there and keep pushing forward!
Off to take a huge Giduck. You know the kind – rips everything up, leaves a bit of blood here and there, smalls like ass, and difficult to clean up after. I need to eat more meatloaf.
John Giduck – the turd with a face!
Any news from John? He was supposed to have a medical procedure yesterday.
He posted that it got postponed due to a minor infection.
Thanks GD. Missed that.
Here’s the link to his post. http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=54999&cpage=1#comment-1758624
What I am wondering about is what the heck happened to LebbenB?
John will be back with a new music video, a story so specific no one dare ask whether it ever happened, a heart wretching account of his rags to riches life after being left in a basket at a home for unwanted youngsters …
Don’t count John out … He is our “Most Interesting Man in the World”.
When he returns, it will sound like this:
“After the operation, realizing that I had left my body, floated above the surgeons, visited God and rejected for failure to complete my mission on earth …”
Or something like that!
That’s our John!!
The Cop on the phone assumed a hell of a lot. At face value without a clue on what the site does it may be easy for a Cop to jump to the conclusion that Jonn is just some butthurt blogger trying to get someone in trouble for being nasty over the phone.
The chances of Cornholio driving up to Fortress Lilyea are non-existant.
However LEO needs to start doing their part to combat stolen valor.
Like the Cop said, a DA isnt going to want to fund attempting to extradite a piece of shit blowhard across state lines and try him knowing that he will get a slap on the wrist.
What they need to do is quit treating Jonn like a kid and take down the info. If the detective calls Kornflake and lets him know he is treading on thin Ice and the ony thing saving him from some time was he was in Ga, that would be a step in the right direction.
These Cops have no clue about what TAH is or does. TAH has exposed frauds that have been stealing money, benefits, medical care and gifts from Government agencies and Charities. They have helped get rid of lying cops, politicians and lawyers. They have raised public awareness of pedophiles and other sexual predators. All within the boundaries of the law. TAH does a public service, instead of being treated with respect due, Jonn is talked down to and the criminal is let off the hook because it’s not worth an officers time to make a simple phone call.
I’d like to see a FOIA on that Trooper.
ROFLOL ! ! !
Hope that’s it’s over by now, but a UAE plane contracted to transport US, and a few Canadian, troopers was forced down in Iran.
I used to fly that charter. Never saw and AD troops on it. Probably full of contractors.
So … This time next week we should to be getting some fairly compelling clues, indications and most certainly halarious stories from the PNW in a legal matter as to et al to wit …
I will taking in Hilton Head next weekend so please … For God’s sake please keep me posted …
I am attending the IAMPE International annual awards dinner.
Should be fun.
I’m always eager to hear more about the latest antics of “The League of Extra-Stupid Shitheads”!
I’ll be there for the entire ordeal.
It should be rather entertaining, like watching a small dog have an epileptic fit as it is forced to sit in its cage and gets swatted with a newspaper whenever it starts yapping.
Oh, wait… that’s probably exactly what it will be like!!!
Maybe it’ll be more like a teacup toy poodle vs. a den of Honey Badgers!!
“League of Extra Stupid Shitheads”
That needs to be the next Marvel comic to get adapted into a movie.
Fuck no. The first one was bad enough, that not even Sean Connery could save that POS.
But I liked that movie…
I love Hilton Head. Had the chance to go there on a biz trip, pre-2008.
Awesome hotel, awesome food, awesome golf.
And I only had to pay for (some of) the booze.
Get well, Toasty!
A young woman about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed a man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat. This time the man’s smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed more amused. When she moved for the fourth time, the man burst out laughing. She had him arrested. Then the case came before the court.
The judge asked the young man why he acted in such a manner. His reply was:
“Well your Honor, when the lady got on the bus, I couldn’t help but notice her condition. She sat under a sweets sign that said, THE DOUBLEMINT TWINS ARE COMING and I grinned.
Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, LOGAN’S LINIMENT WILL REDUCE THE SWELLING, I had to smile.
Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign than said, WILLIAMS BIG STICK DID THE TRICK, I could hardly contain myself.
But, your Honor, when she moved the fourth time and sat under a sign that said, GOODYEAR RUBBER COULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS ACCIDENT, I just lost it.”
The case was dismissed.
Anyone catch Mark Levin show today? At about the 30 minute mark had a Silver Star recipient call in. Mean sob that I am, I’m calling BS. Dude gave his first and last name. Said he was a CO combat medic. He wants fame and recognition apparently.
I didn’t hear that broadcast.
What about it caused you to be suspicious?
I personally know a couple of combat medics who got the Silver Star, one of whom was in the A Shau Valley with the 101st Airborne.
Another combat medic in Viet Nam got the Medal of Honor.
I don’t know if any of them were Conscientious Objectors.
At least one US Army medic who received the MoH in Vietnam was indeed a conscientious objector:
Can’t say with certainty if he was the only Army medic to receive the MoH in Vietnam, though.
It appears at least 2 Army medics who were also CO’s received the MoH in Vietnam. The second was CPL Thomas W. Bennett.
FWIW: there were also a number of other Army medics/Navy corpsmen who received the MoH in Vietnam, but they weren’t CO’s. A comprehensive list of Vietnam MOHs can be found at
I was driving at the time, so I need to go to Levin’s website and listen to it again. For one thing, the guy was inarticulate as hell. He took great pains to tell Levin about his SSM and his Bronze Star medal with the V device for valor. Then he said something about not carrying a weapon…not sure what else. Said his name was Michael Reddick or something that sounds like that. I looked around on the web before I made my first post. Levin’s audio from the show is available on the web now, free. I am going to listen to it again. It should be about the thirty minute mark in the first hour of the show.
Okay, returned home tonight to my full scale PC. You can hear our hero talk to Mark Levin at the 20 minute mark on the show broadcast 9/5/2014 at this link: http://www.marklevinshow.com/common/page.php?pt=podcasts&id=191&is_corp=0#
You can read about his story here (have a barf bag ready):
Michael Rettig
Portland, Oregon
Claims CO, SSM, PHM, BSM w/V, Vietnam Era
Calls in to national radio talk shows to assert his Silver Star Recipient status.
Here’s more red meat. Again, have a barf bag at the ready…. the Obama pronunciation of “corpsman” will hit you right in the gut. LEGIT!
Well, I’m beginning to gear up for almost a month of vacation out of the country. I don’t know if I’ll be accessing TAH from where I’ll be, so you all take care and behave.
I’ll just leave this here.
Facial hair says Special Forces. I’m going to say possibly SEALs? Anyone else want to weigh in on this?
British Royal Marine Commandos.
I worked with 2/1 Commando at Camp Doha in 1994. Crazy bunch of fucks and this is their type of stress relief.
So, update on the recruiter situation.
My Dad and I discussed the situation, and he feels like it would be better for me to try OCS after college rather than do Reserves while in it. I respect his advice, so that’s the plan.
However, I might actually be medically incapable of serving due to an eye surgery from several years ago. I have roughly a one-in-four chance of being accepted, according to a family friend/West Point grad. However, I’m not going to let it deter me. Four years from now, I’m going to try, and I’m going to go forward no matter what the result is.
Another thing to consider is enlisting in the NG and going through OCS after college, a lot of the Officers in my unit did that. NCOs and Enlisted also have more respect for an Officer that’s been in their place as well!
Fair point, Infidel.
I’ll look into it!
What I meant to say is enlisting and serving in the NG while you’re in college and going through OCS after you get your degree, that way you’ve got a few years’ experience as an Enlisted Man (EM) which WILL help you out as an Officer.
So I’m laying on the sofa trying to relax before having to get ready for work tonight. Using my cell phone to read this blog, when both of our 5 month old kittens jump onto my chest and start demanding attention.
Needless to say my blog reading had to be postponed. I now have the big one laying on my chest and the little one sleeping on top of my head.
Gotta love the little shits.
Sometimes happiness is being owned by a cat or two. At home, I’m pretty attached to a pair of feline fuzzy-farts myself!
I love cats.
I just can’t eat a whole one.
My wife just looked at me, wondering what make me laugh out loud. Yes, LOL, literally.
I had a three legged cat once. One sunny day I was out walking my furry three legged buddy and an old lady asked, “ah … that is such a cute cat, what happened to it”? I replied, “a cat this good, why eat it all at once …”
They are quite adorable. At least when they don’t jump up on your lap, look longingly into your eyes, spontaneously puke on both your nice pants and shirt, and jump off to sleep somewhere they haven’t thrown up.
My German Shepherd used to do that when he was a puppy. Unfortunately, he never got the memo that at 3 years old and 100lbs, he’s no longer a puppy. Ooooofgetoffgetoffgetoffcantbreathe…..
Yeah, I still get that too from mine.
My Dad still has a 186 pound Great Pyrenees that sometimes thinks he’s a lapdog. His front paws will be on the floor while he parks his posterior in your unfortunate lap!
A Southern Baptist church is having their Sunday sermon when out of nowhere, Satan appears before them.
The congregation runs out the doors, screaming and praying for their souls, save for one old man who sits there, smiling.
Satan looks at the old man and says, “You know who I am, don’t you?
“Of course I do,” replies the old man.
“And you’re not afraid of me?” ask Satan.
“No, certainly not!” declares the old man.
Satan, puzzled now, asks, “Why?”
“Simple,” says the old man. “I’ve been married to your sister for 48 years!”
“A Minnesota man who admitted to stealing identification information from soldiers in his former Army unit at North Carolina’s Fort Bragg, then selling it so false identities could be created for militia members, was sentenced Friday to two years in prison.”
That’s it?
Well, hell, John, here’s your problem–West Virginia doesn’t have enough MRAPs. If they had more MRAPs I’m sure there would be investigators, assistant prosecutors, and concerned detectives crawling all over the place, each and every one personally concerned with you and your family’s safety.
In between bush rustling shifts, I’ve found an incredible place “out west” that has some awesome Italian food.
Don’t ask for domestic beer or wine–they don’t have it. I ended up getting a Chocolate Stout with a bit of Raspberry Lambic thrown in as my beverage–incredible.
For the entrée, I had a Chicken Picatta with an olive and onion tapenade (and I normally HATE olives, but this rocked) and a zucchini that was shredded to the consistency of angel hair pasta.
Small place, I got to look at the chefs cooking for everyone (it’s THAT small) and talk to them as they asked me how I liked my food, which was perfect.
All for under $25, including the beer. Yeah, I’ll be back.
Look again in the Facebook comments, it’s one of the Chief Troglodytes from The Supreme Temple of TEH STOOPID! I see you’re still the same old sniveling lying troglodyte you’ve always been, and guess what? YOU STILL BORE THE SHIT OUT OF ME! What’s the matter, you feel like you need any kind of attention, thus you do your damnedest to get any kind you can, o little toad snot-snorting Sparkle Pony?
I have a great Joke, every time I even think of it I laugh out loud.
Ok ready get this picture in your head, any email between Dull ass and Psul
Dullass “wE ArE So smArt”
Psaul “we do bees soooooooooo much smatter fan day bees”
Dullass ” i n0Ze A rEal g00D lAwyeR”
Psaul “Brtyhan bees so mush smaater dan we is
It’s an alleged rumor that DullASS, Psulmer, and Blobfish were cruising around the boonies in a pickup truck one night when suddenly, DullASS stopped the truck, and in the headlights is a sheep with its head stuck in a fence. DullASS (allegedly!) goes up, drops his drawers, and goes to town on the unfortunate ewe. After a few minutes, DullASS asks, “HEY ANYONE ELSE WANT SOME OF THIS?” to which Psulmer (allegedly) yelled “HELL YEAH, I DO!” as he ran up, stuck his head into the fence, and dropped his drawers while “Blobfish” lustily consumed his block of cheese.
Looks like he snuck in to the local public library and was able to “enlighten” us with his presence. I think that he needs to hold on to that $100, just in case he’s picked up again for dorking the neighbors cat…
While I was babysitting another of my daughters showed up. She had just gotten back from Dead Horse and wanted to see the new baby. While we were talking my shirt rode up she saw my pistol and she asked if I needed it to babysit. I explained that nobody is touching it and that it was better to have and not need than need and not have. This was before I had the tragic boating accident and lost it. She replied “cool” and went on about her business. I love having Alaskan kids and living here. She is even as Democrat as they come.
So a toothless old man and his toothless,old,nearly deaf wife are driving down the highway in Texas. The car they are in is lopsided, tires are bald, no quarter panels have the same color paint, the exhaust is thick and black, and the car has Arkansas plates. A Texas state trooper pulls them over for driving too slow.
Trooper to the old man driving: Can I see your license and registration?
Old woman: WHAT DID HE SAY?
Trooper to old man: You folks from Arkansas?
Old woman: WHAT DID HE SAY?
Trooper: I once dated a gal from Arkansas…..she was without a doubt the absolute worst piece of ass I ever had.
Old woman: WHAT’D HE SAY?
What a fucking embarrassment to the uniform.
That’s putting it very mildly. In my opinion, his tone of voice and attitude makes it seem like he’s MUCH more interested in whatever leftover doughnuts and internet pr0n he has handy than doing his damned job!!
Today’s “SATURDAY STUMPER” crossword puzzle at the “CHICAGO SUN-TIMES” newspaper’s web site is especially good, as it took me a full hour and a half to solve it.
Well done on you.
Keep doing what you have to protect the honor of those that have served honorably.
Rained like hell yesterday. Temperature dropped from near 90f to barely 63f in the blink of an eye. Forecast for coming week is frost in Central Plains and north central states, e.g., WI, MN, N/SD, etc. and possible snow in the Rockies and northern Plains.
I guess global warming went south for the winter. However, I do welcome the cooler weather. Time for autumn house cleaning. Hardware store is having sales on things like leaf blowers and canning supplies. I’m going apple picking this fall to get Granny Smiths and Winesaps.
And to the dipshit who decided to make a stupid bet, pay up.
It’s not like you can’t afford it. Hell, you spent more on bail money for yourself last year.
I have a joke:
So … I sky diving clown, phony lawyer and a guy in desparate need of a liver transplant walk into a bar and the tender asks, “what will it be”?
Confused they all look at each other, because one is stinking drunk, the other is half crazed from prescription drugs and the third is functionally retarded.
Finally, after a minute of the three mumbling and drooling in a incoherant manner the bartender and all the customer burst out in laughter while pointing at them and the bartender said, “oh I get, you are lost, the entrance to the mental hospital is across the street”.
Should read … A sky diving clown …
Saw this at another website this morning… it’s a pic of a caution sign with the following on it:
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman to hear… is he still wrong?
I remember a plaque my Dad once had, it said “Behind every successful man is a Woman telling him he’s WRONG.”
So, Wickre, Wittgenfeld and Bernath are burning up the WV State Police email trying to get me arrested again. So, Wickre, if you’re reading this, they say that they’re paying you the same courtesy that you paid them last year when you didn’t return their calls. It’s unfortunate for Wickre that the State Police officer remembers when Wickre called him impersonating Wickre’s lawyer.
To be clear, I don’t blame the WV State Police for not rolling up on KornFlake, or Wickre for that matter – I blame the system that they’re forced to work under. Lazy prosecutors like F. Cody Pancake are the reason that criminals get to rule the land. If anyone is a donut-eating fatboy, it’s Mr. Pancake, not the State Police officers.
What grounds are they trying to use to get you arrested? The fact that no action was taken for a terrorist threat?
On the grounds that they’re stupid little pricks. Wickre thinks that the Peace Order that keeps me from going to his wife’s office (which expired in April) gives him authority to get the police to take my guns.
Sorry for the double post, but make sure the State Police forwards any correspondence from Bernath to the attorney!
Have I mentioned lately that I don’t like this guy?
Oh how I wish he had the balls to come to Texas. Of course, his wife probably wishes that he just had balls…
This is the part where I talk about fucktardery and what ills should befall them in a perfect world.
On a nicer note, while I am stuck here “out west” I do get tomorrow off. So maybe I’ll sleep in nice and late, until about 6 or so.
Rustle, rustle, bitch.
I still keep hearing “THE *SLUURP*MAN COMETH” from a certain character, *YAWN* for at least the past ten months. Good grief, what a boring moron he is!
Ok, VERY NSFW joke here.
A Man walks into a bar sits down and the bartender asks whar he will have… the man says “I’ll have a Rum ad coke”, The bartender reaches under the bar and puts an apple in front of the man. The man looks at it dumbfounded and the bartender says “Just try it”.
The man takes a bite and his eyes light up and he says “uuumm this tastes just like rum!!” The bartender then tells him “now turn it around,” The man does ad says “wow!!! this tastes exactly like coke!!”
Then another man comes up and sets down and orders a gin and tonic. Once again the bartender puts an apple on the bar. The guy looks confused but the first customer tells him “trust me, just try it,,” The guy takes a bite and says ” incredible!, this tastes just like gin!!” The bartender tells him “now turn it around”, They guy turns it around and takes another bite and says “amazing!, this tastes just like tonic” .
The 2 men and the bartender are chatting away when a third guy comes up. Right away the 2 guys tell him, “Hey you got to try out these amazing apples, they have them in any taste you want!!”
The new guy smirks and says”Ok I’ll have one that tastes like pussy”.. Without batting an eye the bartender reaches down and sits an apple in front of him. The guy picks it up and takes a bite,,, then immediately spits it out screaming “This tastes like Shit!!. The bartender yells back “TURN IT AROUND!!!”
Nice 😀
Comrades in Arms:
We’re probably all somewhat familiar with the “NAVY HYMN”, but using that same music with different lyrics, there’s also a version for the combined Armed Forces of the United States of America.
HYMN # 579 in “THE HYMNAL, 1982”
of the Episcopal Church of the
United States of America
Music by: JOHN B. DYKES
VERSE # 01:
Almighty Father,
Strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound
The restless wave,
Who bidd’st the
Mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed
Limits keep:
Oh, hear us
When we cry to thee
For those in peril
On the sea.
VERSE # 02:
Oh, Christ, the Lord
Of hill and plain
O’er which our
Traffic runs amain
By mountain pass
Or valley low;
Wherever, Lord,
Thy brethren go,
Protect them by
Thy guarding hand
From every peril
On the land
VERSE # 03:
Oh, Spirit, whom
The Father sent
To spread abroad
The firmament;
Oh, Wind of heaven,
By thy might
Save all who dare
The eagle’s flight,
And keep them
By thy watchful care
From every peril
In the air.
VERSE # 04:
Oh, Trinity of
Love and power,
Our brethren shield
In danger’s hour;
From rock and tempest,
Fire and foe,
Protect them
Whereso’er they go,
Thus evermore
Shall rise to thee
Glad praise from
Space, air, land and sea.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
Hey, can I ask all you vets something me and my cousin have always wondered? How do combat arms soldiers not go deaf/protect their hearing in a combat zone? I know it’s loud as hell at my local firing range; I can’t even imagine what a war zone must sound like with automatic weapons/projectile launchers/explosions. Do you guys wear some sort of hearing protection, or do you just go stone deaf? Thanks.
The Army issues ear plugs.
However, over the years, I reckon every soldier suffers some hearing loss, and thus, after discharge or retirement, it’s an almost automatic disability rating by the Department of Veterans Affairs, even if the rating is only zero percent.
You would think that hearing loss would be practically automatic, but of the 8 Vets in my Family who get some form of pension only 1 anything for hearing.
I think I just found my proof for the existence of a divine power.
A few things. If you wear plugs or muffs all the time you adjust can hear virtually everything. I was religous for 32 about ear pro. I still have great hearing (although documented damage from turbines and high frequency noise), everything is very loud all the time and my tinitus is off the scales.
First 11 years was machinery and aircaraft noise levels at 125 db above and high frequencies and occasional NGFS.
Balance of 21 years was screaming junior officers, weapons, explosions, bat shit crazy girl friends, democrats crying, machinery, aircraft, WTC, TWA Flt 800, range time, demo quals, watching underwater dets (topside), flight line loading and unloading and the list goes on.
Either way ear pro works if you use it all the time. Noise can paralize you in an instant. If you have plugs set properly it can keep you aware.
One other thing about ear pro, it is the difference between total hearing loss or luck when you are close to a high pressure det.
But what the fucht do I know …
Interesting. Thanks for the input.
I am a firm believer in hearing protection, My dad was almost deaf from his time in the Army. Things like a child’s voice were lost to him.
I still keep disposable ear plugs all all of my trucks and several sets in my range box and gun bags. I give them away to anyone I see at a range with out hearing protection.
Just a little triva,
A quiet room is actually around 50db any less than that it to quiet. A suppressed .22 mark 2 ruger is 64 DB that is the sound of the action on the gun and the impact of the round on a wooded back board. Over 85 db it gets harmful depending on time exposed.
It was my impression while deployed that “hearing conservation” was way down on the list of things people worried much about. Saying alert and aware of what was going on was much higher on the list.
But maybe that’s just me.
DallASS Wittgunkfart, once a self-centered lonely LOSER, ALWAYS a lonely self-centered LOSER. Whatcha gonna do, OOHHH, I’m shaking, but that’s because I just came back indoors and the A/C is going full blast, you’re SO predictable. OH, and I bet Bubba & Thor thought you looked cute in jailhouse orange!!
Always a good idea to pay up when you make a bet and lose:
It’s… It’s,… Mutant Giant Spider Dog!!
Good and funny, watch the people “Shit & Run”!
That is farkin’ brilliant.
I was busy and didn’t have an opportunity yesterday to listen to the WP police call in response to the threat from Dildoburger. Now it is gone. What happened to it?
Sorry, Jon, but the trolls were using it to contact and harass the WV State Police, so I made it private. Wickre, Bernath and Wittgenfeld are the reason we can’t have nice things.
They have the attitude of some of the ex-cons I’ve worked with in the past. They have no concept of earning something, they see someone with something they don’t have and think they’re owed it automatically, and when they don’t get their way or what they want, they do ALL they can to f**k things up for everyone as fast and as best they can by any and all means!!
Hold on—they were harassing police officers? Isn’t that somewhat illegal?
In general, using a telephone to harass someone is unlawful (in many if not most states it’s explicitly against the law). However, it’s also generally a misdemeanor – so unless it’s happening to a relative of a prosecutor, don’t hold your breath waiting to see a prosecution.
I’d have to research it a bit, but I believe the same is in general true at the Federal level if the harassment crosses state lines (it’s definitely true if the harassment includes threats or interferes with commerce or the operation of a government agency). However, if you think getting it prosecuted at the state level is “fun” . . . .
Aye, I figured they probably wouldn’t prosecute if it was. It just boggles my mind that anybody could be stupid enough to do it even so. It shouldn’t after all the time I spend on TAH, but it does.
Bunch of tiny, misshapen, pus filled limp dicks.
And that’s putting it very mildly!!
So Tues I go in for second round of surgery. Columbian Prespertarian uptown is the best for I am dealing with. Getting cut at 1300 and I hope to be good to go by 1500 or so.
If I don’t make it, I authorize Jonn and TSO to harvest and distribute my brain, moral character and liver and force it upon our favorite lost souls. However, in the case of the brain … He won’t know what to do with it, the moral character … He won’t know how to use it, and the liver … He will probably kill that one too.
I will recover in Hilton Head, Thursday thru Sunday or so, at the IAMPE International annual awards event.
Keep me posted via CIA/NSA/DIA 12A DG or DB!
Vaya con Dios, amigo. Please keep us posted.
Rog that. Use the reverse Code of AIRMK when sending messages as I am using one of newly issued BB-LD’s #1 model.
Still on code SREYWAL SB-13, level Q?
Code BR549 is loaded for further comms.
Yes … Finally someone has knowledge of code. Everyone was stuck P and R. Never used Q!
Well, do get well soon.
Who will fire off the boilers if you don’t get back here?
I can light off the plant. And fortunately for us, ain’t much of a need for UNREP or refueling.
My reactor has a first name,
It’s N-A-V-A-L,
My reactor has a second name,
It’s classified as hell.
Oh, I love to scram it everyday,
And if you ask me,
Why I’ll say,
Cause radiation has a way,
Of fucking up your DNA!
Here’s one I remember from times past:
It’s cool, you know
It makes you glow.
It turns your eyeballs green
It makes your teeth and hair fall out,