Another Periodic ObamaCare Update

| September 5, 2014

Another look at what new and novel     f-ups     instances of incredible incompetence     idiocy     monumental clusterf**ks      events are occurring under the “ObamaCare” banner.

Oh, and remember when I wrote that the     incompetent cretins in charge      responsible Administration officials were flatly refusing to release any information about the “” system security plan? Well, it  looks like we now might know the real reason why the Administration was so reluctant to divulge any information.  Apparently system security for was as competently managed as the website’s implementation.

The hackers didn’t take any data. Instead, they . . . planted malware.

Oh, and that’s only a part of the story.  Apparently it’s been known since February that there was a good chance the site might be vulnerable. It seems that some of the developers of the website worked for a firm known to have connections to the Belarussian government.

. . .

Good grief. We need to rip this absolute abomination of a law into small pieces – all roughly 1,000 pages of it; burn those pieces to ash; mix the resulting ash with quicklime and water; and dump that caustic slurry down an abandoned mine.  Now.


Author’s note:  my apologies for the inadvertent duplication of text in the article as originally posted.  It’s fixed now.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Health Care debate

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I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. My ObamaCare issued Fungal Cream is doing wonders for my diabetes……. just sayin. By the way that was sarcasm if you didn’t pick up on it. I don’t know if there is anything left to say about AbominationCare that has’nt already been said.

Roger in Republic

Just like ISIS, this administration does not have a plan for__________________.(Insert problem here.)

The Other Whitey

“Good grief. We need to rip this absolute abomination of a law into small pieces – all roughly 1,000 pages of it; burn those pieces to ash; mix the resulting ash with quicklime and water; and dump that caustic slurry down an abandoned mine. Now.”

Or better yet, swap some of that mixed slurry with Nancy Pelosi’s next Botox injection, mix some more into Shotgun Joe’s liquor, and soak up the rest into every roll of toilet paper in theWhite House!


Well, we are paying for her Botox injections, so I think we should have a say in what the ingredients are.

B Woodman

” and dump that caustic slurry down–each senator’s throat that voted for it. With a double dose for Botox Nancy. Now.”

Ther. Fixed it for you.