Obama Makes Joe Look Presidential
This has been a bad year for Barack Obama, and it’s getting continually worse. It has become especially bad when he gets upstaged by the selfsame moron he selected to be his vice president as impeachment insurance. At a time when many of those who voted their hopes for this new messiah twice are beginning to understand the underlying problem of a legislative voting record exceptional only for its “present” votes, up on the stage leaps the Democratic Party’s clown prince, who, with a few fiery words, makes his boss look like a dithering, tongue-tied equivocator of the worst degree, unworthy of his center-stage position in world affairs.
You gotta hand it to old Joe, an opportunistic pol to his very core: he saw an opportunity to enhance his 2016 presidential chances and jumped right on it. Joe may suffer from chronic hoof-in-mouth disease, but he’s assuredly better at reading the mood of the country than his wavering boss and his shadow.
Never mind that Joe doesn’t mean a word of his defiant declaration. Like everything else about the guy, it’s all for the news cameras, the networks, and the next two years.
But for a few hours of the news cycle, Ol’ Joe, the sleazy ol’ pro, has made President Pinocchio and that Persian-borne puppeteer who is finally demonstrating to the world that she is not fit to be the first female American president, which is how she surely views herself, show that they just don’t have the grassroots instincts of a pol who has managed to stay in the Senate for decades with no meaningful accomplishments. Nope, Joe’s a pro; they’re just Chicago community organizers writ large on a stage so expansive that it dwindles them to diplomatic and patriotic speechlessness.
The growing danger for Obama/Jarrett here is that Ol’ Joe, their carefully planned impeachment insurance policy, may be self-canceling. If he fires up American ardor for military action that the commander of the chiefs is not prepared to satisfy, look out, Hillary. Hey, it’s football season, so look at it this way: the administration fullback just delivered one helluva crack-back block on his own quarterback. And that block is just one of many the fool tool with the ball is getting from all sides in a game he’s simply and honestly not up to playing.
As everything seemingly heads downhill for this subject of the world’s greatest affirmative action experiment, it must be particularly grating to Obo to realize that compared to him, Joe Biden looks good.
Perhaps even presidential…
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Poetrooper…I agree with your statements. I just have to believe though that nothing comes out of anyone’s mouth that doesn’t go by Obama first. I think Obama has found the court jester to be useful as a fall guy. Go with Joe’s ideas and when it all fails, as all their endeavors do, Joe gets the shit storm from the media and for 2016. In Obama’s world, there always has to be someone to blame. Biden’s been a useless shit stain so far, so why not use him and then throw him under the bus. That’s Obama type thinking.
Two thoughts:
1. The headline for this post: “Obama Makes Joe Look Presidential,” strikes me as both hilarious and sadly true at the same time.
2. The picture included in this post … coffee meet screen. It’s so wrong on so many levels. We should really have a separate post with just this picture and have a caption contest. What say you Jonn?
And I’ll just get this started….
Coffee. Screen. Well played, sir.
There’s no way I can beat that. We already have a winner.
It’s all good.
Feel free to pile on.
Here you go.
hahahahahahahahahahaha Not touching my coffee cup unless I’m looking away.
Gravel…Thanks my man. Coffee through my nose and on keyboard! I saw your comment and not paying attention the first time, looked back up at the photo. Talk about catching me off guard! That is priceless Biden and his boss too. Kerry is jealous when he sees things like this. He thinks, “Why couldn’t that be my knee?”
The cop looks like he’s ready to draw his weapon on him. Classic stuff there. You couldn’t make up better if you tried.
I had a second notion, considering the size of the cop, that the Vice-President may want to move his hand before the cop eats it.
“Get in mah belly”
Gravel…Again LMAO. Love the “Fat Bastard” reference.
The two dudes in back…one is staring at Biden the other at his hand on the knee…again, priceless. Hey folks, keep your hands to yourself, first rule in kindergarten. This is “Men On Men” at its best. I wonder if Biden “shoe touches” in the men’s room? I bet he’s one of those guys that never dries his hands well and then wants to shake…in the men’s room.
I can hear it now, “hey Mr. Biden, I know you’re the VP and all but if you don’t get your hand off my leg we’re going to the mattresses!” Biden, “Mattresses! Man that gets me hot just thinking about it”. Officer, “Uhm, you ain’t getting my point. Move your hand or it’s the chicken choke out hold for ya, got me, queer bait!”
“I can hear it now, “hey Mr. Biden, I know you’re the VP and all but if you don’t get your hand off my leg we’re going to the mattresses!” Biden, “Mattresses! Man that gets me hot just thinking about it”. Officer, “Uhm, you ain’t getting my point. Move your hand or it’s the chicken choke out hold for ya, got me, queer bait!””
Biden: I’d like to get your point. If ya know what I mean **wink**
Gravel…Still can’t stop laughing! +1000!!!
I’ve seen this photo before on TAH, a while back.
Joe B: Damn, it’s hard to not fart in public settings.
Cop: Why is that pasty-faced man touching me?
Believe it or not….it’s totally possible.
1. Amen Poetrooper.
2. Amen Gravel.
3. That is all.
I *KNEW* I’d seen that cop before….
What’s Happening Uncle JOE?!?!
Deputy Sheriff of Madrid County ?
The picture of that cop reminds me of Chief Gillespie in The Heat of the Night.
More from the original movie than the TV series.
There ain’t enough facepalms in the world……
That Biden picture.
Uncle Joe just doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself.
Because I’m a sick individual and I just can’t help myself…..