Don Morgan couldn’t finish bootcamp so he joined ISIS

Jeff sends us a link to the NBC News interview that they had done with this Don Morgan AKA Nassar Abdul-Rahim in Lebanon last month who was looking to join with ISIS – even though he doesn’t consider himself a terrorist. I guess he grew up in North Carolina and joined the Army National Guard once and that didn’t work out, so off to the Middle East he goes;
Morgan said he was first exposed to the religion as a university student in a course called “Contemporary Islam.” But he didn’t actually convert until some years later, after failing to complete the boot camp that would have allowed him to deploy with the National Guard to Kuwait during Desert Storm. He then found out that local law enforcement, where he served as a sheriff’s deputy, was not the brotherhood he sought either.
“My entire life growing up was surrounded by the idea that I would be 82nd Airborne, I would be Special Forces, I would serve dutifully – duty, honor and country,” Morgan said. Later, “I thought that I would make this [law enforcement] my substitution for what I thought was going to be, in the beginning, a military career, an achievement, leadership,” he said. Yet after a year and a half, his deputy job was terminated. An official at the sheriff’s office would not give NBC News a reason for the termination.
So, I guess we’re all terrorists in our hearts, because this fool made up for his inability to be a special forces killer by converting to Islam and trying to join ISIS. Anyway, Donny, the all-American kid turned terrorist , was arrested in New York the other day on weapons charges – he was a felon at some point in his misbegotten life (which probably explains why the sheriff department let him go) and he was trying to sell a rifle online.
So in place of the order of a military life, this southern son turned to a different, brutal, terrifying kind of discipline and belonging.
I guess we’re all lucky that we had the personal commitment to complete our military training or we’d be flocking to ISIS to straighten our lives out.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
That SHITBIRD couldn’t fly in Basic & AIT, couldn’t make it in Law Enforcement, so he becomes a jihadi. What’s worse, him or the shitbird posers we see? Pity he didn’t make it to Syria so he could end up like those boys from Minneapolis!!
There’s a pattern here. I flunked out of basic training in the late 90s, went to the then-Soviet Union shortly thereafter, and then started hanging out with guys that two major newspapers say bombed a US Embassy.
Cops thought it was great experience without realizing what dopes they were for believing my crap.
Police trainer LTC Dave Grossman is doing the same thing by claiming to be a Pulitzer Prize winning author.
It appear that Grossman is lying about that and those cops just lap up every word. I love it…I should have gone that route.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
“Contemporary Islam” is an oxymoron.
Not really. It’s just terroristic perverted sex-cult behavior with modern weapons and conveniences!
Why is it that these ISIL/IS guys all look like halfwits?
And then they prove it by letting us know just how stupid they really are. If you could interview someone who’s been an ISer for a while, you’ll probably find the same feckless, muddled dimwit that wanders here and there and finally sees the blinking neon sign ‘terrorist’ and heads for that.
And guess what? They didn’t even need brainwashing. You have to have brains to be brainwashed.
“And guess what? They didn’t even need brainwashing. You have to have brains to be brainwashed.”
…and that is exactly the type that ISIS leadership is seeking out. The easily manuipulated, the just smart enough to be told what to do, failures in all other aspects of their lives who can be told they are “special”… then strap a bomb to them.
But at least he didn’t steal any valor. He admitted his failure instead of pretending he was a secret squirrel Marine Ranger SF Sniper Seal. Gotta admire that. Most of the posers you highlight on this sight lack that integrity. Maybe stolen valor is what keeps them from joining ISIS.
OMG guys, the dreadful realization just sunk in. By contributing to events that got Lt. Cpl. Dr. Dennis Chevyliar PhD. kicked out of the Texas State Guard and getting crossways with North Texas Law Enforcement, we were complicit in donating to ISIS/ISIL a EC130-H pilot and Serial Rapist Profiler. Oh the humanity. I think I just wet myself.
You know, like this guy I grew up in a small NC town. Just down the street from me when I was growing up were some of the town’s few Muslims. A doctor from Pakistan or India and his wife and children. You would have never known that there was anything different about them, other than every so often on Fridays there were several cars at their home for worship (as far as I knew they were practicing just some other flavor of Christianity-we had seventh day adventists and other sects, so why not?). Their kids did everything they could to fit in-played sports, excelled in school (one of them is a dentist today and another is an attorney for a largish NC city).
This guy’s only a few years younger than me. I can’t figure out what drove him to this other than the fact that he just doesn’t seem to have been able to overcome life’s setbacks-that’s doubling down on loserdom.
Couldn’t get in the Army, couldn’t make it in law enforcement and the icing on the cake, couldn’t get into a terrorist cult. This fucker is taking loser to a whole new level.
My guess is he would have been starring in a beheading video or killed in combat within a couple of months so he should consider this latest failure a stroke of luck.
ISIS will immediately see his potential and put him on permanent KP.
Loach…Or they’ll say, “he’s a lost cause…strap a bomb to his chest and send him for a quart of milk and a loaf of bread”.
I swear, if you stood this guy in the middle of any NYC street, and gave him a spray bottle & a squeegee, he’d blend right in.
In fact, virtually all of those raghead jihadis would.
Frikkin’ nutbag homeless guys with guns and face masks.
But how could he have been busted for trying to sell a rifle on-line – that and gun shows are the biggest source of legal non-background-checked sales. Obama and Biden say so, so it MUST be true!!
On a serious note – this guy sounds like a lot of people I have met who want respect but won’t earn it, want to fit in but aren’t willing to pay the dues, and think by simply joining something they get all the bennies thereto. He’s a picture perfect match for a suicide bomber profile – tell him what a great guy he is, slap a vest on him, tell him everyone will know his name, and point him at a crowd of unbelievers.
“On a serious note – this guy sounds like a lot of people I have met who want respect but won’t earn it, want to fit in but aren’t willing to pay the dues, and think by simply joining something they get all the bennies thereto.”
This sentence sums up my generation incredibly well. I even had to write it down.
There should be a simple way to renounce or take away your citizenship for these people that want to become terrorist. That way when we drill a hole in them on the battlefield the news won’t be able to say he was a American fighting for the enemy.
Randy Runkles…If memory serves me and someone like Hondo or VoV would know better, but my understanding is that if one chooses to fight for an enemy their citizenship can be legally revoked.
This guy is a failure in everything he does: failed basic training, failed being a cop, failed being a law-abiding citizen (felon) and failed to actually join ISIS and fight in their campaign of terror.
So this is all I really have to say about this douche: FHRITP