Yer Friday Funny: The Iowahawk Zarkman Chronicles

| August 29, 2014

NHSparky and I have each posted some of the links below in comments here at TAH.  However, I’ve not seen all of them linked here previously – and some of them seem to predate TAH entirely.

In the links below are IMO some of the funniest articles you’ll read anywhere.  They also seemed to me to be  something TAH readers might appreciate.  So as a service to TAH readers, I thought I’d post a consolidated list of the links here.

If you haven’t seen them before – enjoy.  I’m guessing you will.

Be forewarned – they’re text, but some if not most is not apropos for prudes, children, clergy, or prudish work environments.  And if you read the links at work, be prepared to explain to colleagues and supervisor(s) why you’re laughing your azz off.

Without further ado – the Iowahawk Zarkman Chronicles.  Links are presented in chronological order of release.  (Note:  the first one is satire, folks.  Read it with that in mind.  The rest need no caveat.)


Stop Questioning My Patriotism

Stop Comparing Me to American Moonbats

This War Sucks

I Hate My Boss

I’m Surrounded by Idiots

Zarkman Live

I Hate Email

Paradise Is Overrated

This New Roommate Is Driving Me Nuts


Thanks, Iowahawk (Dave Burge) – those are some of the funniest articles I’ve ever read in my life.  Especially the last two.  Well played, sir!

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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“Even in paradise, Zarkman keeps his pimp hand strong.”

I still laugh my ass off every time I read that.


This certainly predated me at TAH.

Thanks for the links. That was some good reading right there.


Yup, I just saw that too. Life sentence completed.


Why do I keep getting a “404 not found” error when I click on those links?


There’s nothing worse than reading something this doggone funny and not being about to share it with my coworkers. So good.

mr. sharkman

Long-time reader/fan of this dude. Very smart and very funny.

Make certain to check out ‘Earth Week’ when he does it and this article below is one of the funniest things I have ever read, anywhere.