Hagel: IS is bigger threat than AQ

| August 22, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

Secretary of Defense Chuck Obvious told the Pentagon press that ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State is more dangerous than al Qaeda ever was according to Stars & Stripes, that was in case no noticed that al Qaeda never had an army with tanks and jeeps and stuff.

The Islamic State, which has taken over much of Iraq since June, “is as sophisticated and well-funded as any group that we have seen. They’re beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology [with] a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. Oh, this is beyond anything that we’ve seen,” Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon Thursday.

The Pentagon chief described the group as an “imminent threat” and warned Americans not to be complacent just because the militants are fighting far from the United States.

“I doubt if there were many people that would have thought there was much of a threat [to the homeland] the day before 9/11,” he said.

So, the US is less safe because of the way this administration has fought the war against terror? See, we were told that for every terrorist we killed ten more popped up in their place. this administration has done it’s best to stop killing terrorists and that plan isn’t working.

“Jim Foley’s murder was another tragic demonstration of the ruthless, barbaric ideology” of the Islamic State, [Secretary Obvious] said.

Boy, he sure has his finger on the pulse of this whole thing, doesn’t he? This is the guy who called the second war against Saddam Hussein the biggest mistake in US history. So, apparently, he’s bound and determined to make his own history. The whole point of his little information campaign, alongside Marty Dempsey was to ease us into the boiling water of increased military participation in Iraq.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Okay, if Hagel is now playing the role of Sec. Obvious…. why is POTUS still playing the role of President Oblivious? Or will he say that it was Bushes fault that IS became such a freaking threat, apparently just overnight and only since they cut the head of an American reporter off? I guess they weren’t a threat and only the JV when they became to crazy for even AQ, or took Fallujah, or Mosul, or began killing off Christians and Shia Muslims…

This has to be the worst Presidency in the modern age.


I just have one question.

If I, with no analysts or combat experience and with mere common sense at my command, can see for more than six weeks now that the ISers are more of a threat to everyone and especially to the US on home soil, why has it taken this bunch of bleedin’ dingalings all this time to admit to it?

Can someone please ‘splain this to me?


I really have nothing… inneptitude on a scale never before seen.


Governor William J. Lepetomane (Blazing Saddles) comes back as Chuckie.

The Other Whitey

Harrumph! Harrumph! I didn’t get a harrumph outta that guy!


Give the governor a harrumph!

The Other Whitey

You watch your ass!


The dipshit leftards and Paulbots (I know, superfluous) are already claiming the CIA created and funded ISIS.

Those are some potent drugs.


Please tell me you are joking.

Old Trooper

No, he’s not joking. The conspiracy sites are probably foaming at the mouth over it. I would go to Alex Jones site, but I have had a rough enough week without enduring that. I’ll save that for when I’m in a better mood, or piss drunk, whichever comes first.


But… but… but Bush… isn’t in the White House… so how did….?

(falls down laughing)

Oh, I SO hope this whole thing gets spoofed on SNL.

Mr. Blue

Rule one of the Obama admin: all promises have expiration dates.

Rule two of the Obama admin: Ignore that they’ve been in power for 6 years, and in control of the senate for 8.

AW1 Tim

^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^

The expiry dates on president mom-jeans’ promises (as well as those of his clown car posse administration) are measured in days, if not hours. Several have apparently expired upon utterance.


Days? Hours?

I think you’re being overly generous, AW1 Tim.


Yes, I was thinking minutes are like days for bodaprez.


Where do I begin? These people are without a doubt the most inept group I have ever seen. Between Lurch, Shotgun Joe, Chuckles, and King Putt, I don’t think they have 3 brain cells between them. Calling a bunch of psychos who have steamrolled 2 countries the JV team just shows stupidity. Now, coming to the realization that these IS dudes mean business and still not coming up with a real plan to stop this rampage…..just pathetic.


I was up late last night, so I’m a bit foggy this morning. Unfortunately, my fogginess read that thread title this way:

‘Hagel IS a bigger threat than AQ’

I guess it depends on what the definition of IS is. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

If another terrorist attack occurs on American soil (GOD FORBID), I am ABSOLUTELY certain that B. Hussein 0bama & Company will apologize to the terrorists ASAP the moment B. Hussein 0bama himself returns from either the golf course or his latest vacation or fundraiser!!


Proud, shhhhh…. Don’t summon the vampire.


Isn’t it amazing that everything that comes out of this administration is either a lie or wrong. Everything they say expires quickly as they are either A) overcome by events or B)they jumped the gun and did not have the full story before making policy or an asinine statement.

So it goes with the “JV” ISIS statement. Our dear leader, who has not a clue what he is talking about calls this mob of shittards the JV and within weeks, they have conquered most of Iraq. “No boots on the ground in Iraq” is now changing slowly but surely. We will be engaged in combat operations in Iraq sooner rather than later. Bet on it. And meanwhile, we continue to throw out the warfighters and have no plan to upgrade gear. Brilliant.


Yeah, Master Guns. Karma is a real bitch, isn’t she?

Has the hammer dropped yet? If not, just give it a few more days.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Geez Chuck it’s nice to see you’re finally awake. I was thinking you were a comatose asswipe for sometime, at least we know you are an awake asswipe now.


Just to be clear, though…..He’s still an asswipe, right?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sir, yes sir!

Climb to Glory

Exactly. Rip Van Hagel has woken from his slumber. Unfortunately, he and General Dipshit’s plan lies somewhere between jack and shit.

The Other Whitey

Looks like Jack left town…


Well, it has been suggested that we call him “Rip van Hagel” . . . .


VOV…Darn it you took my thunder. 😀

My comment was ‘Hagel IS a bigger threat than AQ’ So, who the fuck woke Hagel up and yanking him into the current decade?

I am surprised Obama hasn’t had a chat with him about “hey, Hagel, my main man, whaz up? You know, you gotta take it easy on the IS threat thing. You know? I mean if we say that too much folks will want me to do something and I got a full plate as it is. Anyway, you up for a round this weekend? Yea, cool my man, I’m bringin, Holder and Kerry cause they’re easy ass kicks on the links and you’ll make us a foursome. Watch Kerry though, he shaves points every chance he gets. Okay we’ll talk about this whole Iraq and IS thingy this weekend.”


Hey! Sparks! I already said that!

Now you’re stealing my thunder.

Give it back right now, or I’m telling Mom.


Ex-PH2…Okay, okay sister. I’m giving it back. But I’ll pull the heads off your barbie dolls!


Go ahead.

I’ve got all your Batman and GIJoe stuff and I’ll bury it in a box where you can’t find it. 😛 😛 😛


Don’t make me stop this car!


Thank God our borders are secure! Am I right? huh? huh? I could only imagine what would happen if they were’nt. But thanks to our insightful and wise leaders in Washington we don’t have to worry about that. Whoa what just happened? I must of blackedout for a minute…..

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right good thing there’s not 60,000 people walking into the country unopposed by any form of the US government….


…carrying books with titles like ‘Spanish Words You Need to Know’.

And prayer rugs.


And carrying shingles… those dedicated roofers.


Next Kerry will come out and tell us how the actions of ISIS are “reminiscent of Genghis Khan”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I was thinking Kerry might explain how the Palestinians and the Israelis have some trust issues….


that is pronounced Jingus….


MGySgtRet.: apparently not by people speaking Mongolian:



Yeah-I kicked that around (with “Jenghis”), but I looked up the quote and that’s how all the sources on the first page of google spelled it. Still, my take home point is that Kerry is an asshat, and I think that came across.


In the asshat hall of fame, Kerry will always be #1, although he usually comes across as #2. Thanks, all week, tip, veal…..


So…The threat has actually increased since 6 years ago? We’re NOT as safe as we were in 2008?

Wow, color me not surprised in the least.


I first read that as “Hagel is bigger threat than AQ.”

Not too far from the truth.


Yeah, me, too this morning.

Not enough coffee, huh?