“What This Country Needs Is a Really Good . . . . “

| August 21, 2014

. . . thousand dollar cigar?!!??

No?  Well, someone famous might disagree.

Maker of world’s most expensive
cigars says Bill Clinton a client

I have to say that this seems somehow . . . apropos.  After all:  the man has some  experience with cigars that ended up being very expensive.

I couldn’t make this sh*t up if I tried . . . .

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows, WTF?

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He’d probably smoke something pricier, but ya know, Hillary told us they’re struggling…


More “dead broke” Clinton shenanigans.


Gurkha actually makes a couple decent cigars, but not a stick I’d pay more than double digits for.


How could that poor man afford such expensive cigars. I mean, they were so poor that they would have been destitute if not for their half-a-dozen mansion-like houses.

Pinto Nag

Anybody want to clue me in on what you do to a PLANT LEAF that would make it worth a thousand dollars?


There’s a Lewenski joke in there somewhere, maybe.


Same thing you do with that $1000/lb coffee. Make some jungle rat eat it then shit it out.


Wonder if he inhales???

Jonn Lilyea

Mr Hanson brought some Ghurkas to the TAH resort a few weeks back and they were pretty good, but for the money, I prefer my La Gloria Cubanas, or a good Partagas churchill. They run about $6/stick.


I’m a big fanboy for Fuente. Their factory throwouts, Hemingway series, Anejo, and Opus X are all great.


I have a few opus X in my humidor. I like the short story, A good smoke without the commitment of a Hemingway.


I was at a place “out west” a couple of weeks ago and I saw a place that had pre-Castro cigars. But $400 a pop? Seriously?

Then again, I like the fact that these guys have Clinton as a client. After all, dude managed to turn the word “humidor” into a VERB, for crying out loud.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yeah, I’m not a smoker or an Aficionado so the odds of me popping out a grand for a dick shaped object in order to chew on the wet end are probably pretty slim…

Roger in Republic

After your description of the act, they would have to be free and come wrapped in a thousand dollar bill. And I’m a smoker.

The Other Whitey

Holy crap, VOV! I need to write that one down. It’s brilliant!


Never cared for Ghurkas, more of a Perdomo fan. For $1000 that cigar better be brought to me by a bikini-clad Super Model and be self lighting. The Rich, they are…..Different.


I’m not a cigar man, but I see the same phenomenon with wine. I’ve tried some expensive wines that were very good, but I can’t afford to have them every day – few can. Fortunately I don’t have much trouble finding wines I like for $20 or less.


sorry, but I don’t know which is worse… the smell of the damn things or the guys that just love having something shaped like that between their lips for hours at a time.


Swisher Perfecto fan here. Cheap enough to smoke 4-6 a day, plus lets me chew on the stubs for another hour after it goes out.

I also don’t feel bad or broke, if I have to toss it out barely burnt.


The thread title is “What this country needs is a really good…”.

Answer: President.

SECDEF would be nice.

SECSTATE would be nice.

Attorney General would be nice.



I’d rather have the holy grail of comic books. It’ll hold its value way better than a cigar and, should you choose to use it, will hold its value way better
