GAO: Bergdahl rescue was illegal

| August 21, 2014

Bergdahl and pal

Auntie Brat sends us a link to a Fox News story which reports that those vile right wingers at the Government Accountability Office who have determined that the rescue of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was accomplished in contradiction of the law that governs those kinds of things;

The Government Accountability Office, in a legal opinion issued at the request of congressional lawmakers, said the Defense Department violated the law by failing to notify key Capitol Hill committees at least 30 days in advance.

Further, the report said the Pentagon broke another law by using funds that were not technically available.

The GAO said the law in this case is “clear and unambiguous.”

Well, as you all know, I’m glad that Bergdahl is back in the US and I’m glad that I didn’t have to make the decision on how to get him back, but either we have laws or we don’t. I know that if I broke a law that was “clear and unambiguous” this administration would have no problem hauling my ass into court.

I’m definitely not calling for an impeachment or anything – the only thing worse than an Obama Presidency is a Biden Presidency.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Roger in Republic

At this point I am willing to risk a Biden presidency. If nothing more than to stop this lawlessness.

AW1 Tim

You and me both, brother. You and me both.

Climb to Glory

Seems like guys with the name HUSSEIN just make up laws as they see fit. Who would have guessed?!

E-6 type, 1 ea

I think we should have traded Bergdahl for James Foley.

Former 11B

All Qaeda would decapitate a sleeper agaent, E6.

Old Trooper

This administration breaks laws whenever they feel like it, so this isn’t surprising in the least.

What I want to know is why the republicans let the lawlessness go unchallenged?

Delilah T.

November elections, perhaps.

Or maybe they feel as I do – that it’s better to let this bunch of bacon-brained clowndogs make fools of themselves as much as possible, so that when the next time rolls around, the GOP will actually look like a sane choice to people.


That would be nice if that is what happens Delilah.
Instead they end up looking completely impotent just like they look right now.
Boehner is too close to the liberals in the cocktail lounge and party scene hoping against hope that he will not be put out of his speakership or lose the support of the Chamber of Commerce in the illegal immigration mess he and the rest of the rino’s got going with the help of ovomit and all the libs…
Unfortunately, that is the way things are in the public mind right now…

Delilah T.

I can dream, can’t I, Thunderstixx?

I, too, wonder why there is so little noise on the righthand side of the political fence, but that’s the reason behind my speculation. As far as I’m concerned, Boehner and those others who have been there too long and are too entrenched need a good shake-up just as much as the democraps.


Well hey, so what…. he was breaking the law. Rather that than having him play golf with celebrities and being on vacation!
Did I get it right LC buddy? 😉


And the Pentagon just up and decided to make this trade all by their lonesome? Lay accountability where it belongs… the White House ordered the Pentagon.


Send him back and ask for a refund.

Pinto Nag

When I first heard about Bergdahl, I was inclined to say the same thing. But looking at some of the pictures of him and his captors…Sparkle Pony found himself squarely in the middle of a glue factory, and he doesn’t sparkle so much anymore, does he?


Didn’t ovomit just say that they don’t negotiate with terrorists…
Then how did they get to swap 5 chief Tangoes for one idiot ???
Isn’t that an indication of negotiation ???
Or do they only negotiate for people that will no doubt vote for killary in the next POTUS election.
I mean, WTF is the way things are ???


Is it just me, or is it a total coincidence that this story came out on “Man Love Thursday”?

Delilah T.

You got it!

The Other Whitey

Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t have had the same effect on Goat Love Tuesday or Soup Kitchen Saturday (watch “The Other Guys” for the definition of “Soup Kitchen”).


Is it just me, or is it coincidental that Bergdahl was military, traded for 5 AQs, whereas Foley was civilian and the US does NOT pay ransoms?

Did Foley’s civilian status make him less valuable than Bergdahl?


Politically, Ex-PH2, the answer is yes.

The American public has an aversion to seeing men/women in uniform come home in body bags. They don’t seem to have the same problem with civilians who go in harm’s way coming home in boxes. That’s particularly true of those who the public perceives as going there to “chase fame” or make money – like journalists and very highly paid contractors.

To an extent, that’s arguably justified. Civilians have an option personnel in uniform don’t: they can say, “Screw this” and refuse to go. Might be costly professionally, but it won’t put them in jail.

IMO, that’s the main reason that the Bush(43) Administration made so much use of govt civilian and/or contractor personnel in-theater in Iraq and Afghanistan to do jobs that could and should have been done by people in uniform. It’s also why the current Administration has continued the policy. It’s simply less politically troublesome when civilians come home as corpses.

Harsh? Perhaps. But that’s the reality as I see it.