More boots on the ground in Iraq

| August 21, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

Pinto Nag sends us a link from MSN which announces that the President is considering sending more troops to Iraq;

According to a senior U.S. official, the number of additional troops currently under discussion would be fewer than 300, but there has been no final decision yet by Pentagon leaders. Officials said that the forces, if approved, would mainly provide extra security around Baghdad.


Currently there are about 748 U.S. forces in Iraq, in addition to the approximately 100 troops that have routinely been assigned to the Office of Security Cooperation in Baghdad. Under the current war powers resolutions sent to Congress, Obama authorized up to 775 U.S. troops for security assistance, assessment teams, and advisers at two joint operations centers in Baghdad and Irbil.

Anyone else feel like a lobster sitting in increasingly warmer water? It seems to me that the President is using the murder of James Foley to take advantage of public sentiment against the terrorist scum. Of course, if he been serious about the war against these scum bags in the beginning, we might not be doing it now. He had thousands of US troops in Iraq when he took office but they were inconveniently patrolling the country in relative peace at the time.

Meanwhile, according to Reuters, the ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State folks are planning to attack us here, somehow;

They hinted that attacks on American interests or even U.S. soil were possible through sleeper cells in Europe and the United States.

“The West are idiots and fools. They think we are waiting for them to give us visas to go and attack them or that we will attack with our beards or even Islamic outfits,” said one.

“They think they can distinguish us these days – they are fools, and, more than that, they don’t know we can play their game in intelligence. They infiltrated us with those who pretend to be Muslims and we have also penetrated them with those who look like them.”

Yeah, I just peed myself a little out of unbridled excitement at the thought. But, I don’t get that lucky.

I guess they’re saying that if we won’t fight them over there, they’ll come here. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Well, let’s see if he understands that gutting the military is not really a wise idea, especially those troops with a lot of combat time that don’t really give a crap about gig lines and polished brown noses…
This idiot is a knob, a friggin’ knob…


‘let’s see if he understands’

Thunderstixx, you are a funny, funny guy. You ought to know by now that bodaprez has less comprehension of anything at all than a snail has of leaf mould.

Seriously; ‘understands’???

Thanks for my morning chuckle.

But I do have one questio: how many people have actually been sent packing that could have stayed? Is there a census available on that, or not?


Okay, ISIS wants a fight do they? Here’s the deal then – we apply a “When in Rome” policy. Throw out the UN oversight and Geneva Convention and get it on. That’s the only way to eradicate that disease. What’s good for the goose…


I’m partial to the idea of surprise morning or midnight strafing runs.

James in Gulf Breeze

…the smell of napalm in the morning?


but will there be Green Beans and salsa night at the MWR?


TACO DAY!!!!!!!!


So, if they decide to attack us here I guess it’s a good thing I live in a states that allows open and concealed carry.

Pinto Nag

Not necessarily. They won’t fight you so that you can fight back, they’ll either blow you up, or poison you.

And all THIS administration will do about any extended terroristic action in this country will be to use it as an excuse to implement a police state.


Send in a small force, say a MEU BLT (I am not sure what the Army equiavalent would be), or maybe 2 or 3 unist sized like this. Don’t tell anyone until after operations have commenced, just put them on the ground in the middle of the ISIS area. Make them mobile. Give them two weeks to kill as many bad guys as possible. Then leave. If necessary, repeat in a few months. Remove the cancer.


I’m also wondering if a “Dirty Dozen” plan would work. Take a Brigade size group of convicted murderers, drop them in-country and promise one day off of their sentence for every bad guy eliminated. Solves prison overcrowding here and terrorist overcrowding there. Win-Win.


Brilliant! I like the way you think, NBC.

Get all the Chicago street gangbangers together, plus whatever you can scrounge up from the streets of NYC and LA, give them vests, guns and ammo and tell them shoot anything and everything, even if it doesn’t move.

Pay them, of course.


Pig bomb.

Let slip the hogs of war.

Seriously, there is nothing nastier than a wild tusker and those boars being shot down in Texas are the size of small pickup trucks.


“They infiltrated us with those who pretend to be Muslims and we have also penetrated them”. I’ll bet you have… did you lube first, goat boy?

Former 11B

I can’t wait until these fucks are burned into ash. I never thought I’d hear of a group active on this planet that I hate more than Al Qaeda, but here we are.


Who needs visas when we have a giant WELCOME sign on our southern border?