Special forces went to Syria to rescue hostages

| August 20, 2014

I don’t know what to think of this story from Fox News by way of the Associated Press;

Senior Obama administration officials say the U.S. military launched a secret mission earlier this summer to rescue a number of Americans held captive by militants in Syria but failed to find them.

The officials say the American hostages were not at a location where the U.S. believed they were being held. The mission was carried out by several dozen special operations troops who were on the ground inside Syria for a short period of time.


The officials discussed the mission under ground rules that they would not be identified.

From ABC News;

Officials said the rescue mission was authorized after intelligence agencies believed they had identified the location inside Syria where the hostages were being held. But the several dozen special operations forces dropped by aircraft into Syria did not find them at that location and engaged in a firefight with Islamic State militants before departing.

“The U.S. government had what we believed was sufficient intelligence, and when the opportunity presented itself, the president authorized the Department of Defense to move aggressively to recover our citizens,” said Lisa Monaco, Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, in a statement. “Unfortunately, that mission was ultimately not successful because the hostages were not present.”

I don’t know, it just sounds too convenient to me. I guess we can be grateful that no one was killed during this operation, like Jimmy Carter’s failed rescue of the Tehran Embassy personnel in 1980. So that’s a feather in their cap.

But it sounds more like a story that we can never verify to make this president look better while crapping over the intelligence agencies – you know, so it’s not his fault that it failed – he did everything presidentially.

So here’s the statement from the White House;

Office of the Press Secretary
August 20, 2014

Statement by Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco on Attempted Rescue Operation

As the Department of Defense has now announced, earlier this summer the President authorized an operation to attempt the rescue of American citizens who were kidnapped and held by ISIL against their will in Syria. The President authorized action at this time because it was the national security team’s assessment that these hostages were in danger with each passing day in ISIL custody. The U.S. Government had what we believed was sufficient intelligence, and when the opportunity presented itself, the President authorized the Department of Defense to move aggressively to recover our citizens. Unfortunately, that mission was ultimately not successful because the hostages were not present.

Given the need to protect our military’s operational capabilities, we will not be able to reveal the details of this operation. But the President could not be prouder of the U.S. forces who carried out this mission and the dedicated intelligence and diplomatic professionals who supported their efforts. Their effort should serve as another signal to those who would do us harm that the United States will not tolerate the abduction of our people, and will spare no effort to secure the safety of our citizens and to hold their captors accountable.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the remaining hostages’ families and their loved ones during this difficult time. We continue to call for their immediate release. On behalf of all Americans, we keep these individuals and their families in our thoughts and prayers.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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So the Nobel Peace Prize Winner/Community Organizer authorized another military operation? When is BiteMe going to tell us which Team was involved? Most importantly, how was the hostages not being present Bush’s fault?


Well, isn’t that just convenient?

Gee whiz, peeps, even Ronald Reagan held a press conference to let the press know he had something going on with Libya, but could not discuss the details.

If anyone believes that story, show me pictures that don’t come out of some hokey Hollywood production.

Anything to make bodaprez look not really as bad as he is, eh?

AW1 Tim

I’m hoisting the Bravo Sierra flag on this story. It’s too damned convenient and the timing too coincidental.

I remember when Carter screwed the pooch with “his” rescue mission. The fucktard micromanaged it into a complete failure with multiple casualties and then tried to shift the blame to others.

I don’t trust a damned thing that president mom-jeans and his clown-car posse administration has to say. They lied too many times to have anything believed again.

Climb to Glory

Sad that it came to this. I feel for the family. I found this article, so I’ll throw it out there for discussion.

Former 11B

I buy the story, I’d be much more surprised if we hadn’t sent SF into Syria/Iraq at this point. That said, I don’t think they should be putting this information out there.

B Woodman

My thought exactly. If our Mom-In-Chief was a REAL leader (and not a community organizer), he would have said NOTHING.


I also don’t like us talking about ‘covert’ operations, but it’s clear ISIS knows about the operations (as they engaged our guys in a firefight), and apparently media does too, as the Fox article claims the story was going to come out tomorrow anyway.

I’d still have preferred it to come out via the media and have DOD & the White House simply state they don’t comment on covert operations, but I wouldn’t qualify this release as revealing secret info, least of all to the terrorists.

Sure wish I knew why it was done, though.


The correct answer would be, “we don’t talk about fight club”. Of course, this administration doesn’t have a problem of talking when either the operation is successful (Libya snatch, Somalia hostage rescue) or when it serves their purposes to just show that they were doing something.

Do you really think this was the only time that the US has conducted operations into Syria (or other locations no part of the combat zone tax exclusion area) over the last 10 years?


Sure wish I knew why it was done, though.

Assuming you’re speaking about the press release, that answer should be obvious. “Spin”, AKA “PR”.

The ill-advised press release acknowledging the existence of a previous rescue attempt was done for purely political reasons. It was done to preempt criticism from the “Why didn’t we do something” crowd.

Making a prior attempt to rescue is laudable, and I’ll give this Administration credit for that. (I’ll also give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the press release is truthful, which is not always a good idea – particularly with this Administration.) However, confirming the fact of a previous attempt may be of value to the enemy.

It would have been best not to say anything. As I recall, the Son Tay raid wasn’t publicly acknowledged until years after it was attempted – and well after we no longer had people in harm’s way in SEA.


It’s possible it’s political, sure… and if he were up for reelection, I’d say ‘politics’ is a pretty likely answer.

But he isn’t, and the general feeling amongst Democrats is that he doesn’t care too much about the party, so what does he gain from this politically? A legacy? Ha! If he seemed to care about that, he’d not be golfing so much, I think.

I agree it probably would’ve been best to not say anything, and that’s why I’d love to know why they did. Maybe you’re right, but that just seems like trying to light a match underwater at this point.


Dude, when the guy is not on the golf course, he is at a fundraiser. And remember, he took a break from his vacation to presumably work on executive orders regarding “immigration” and etc. i.e, to further the democrat agenda behind closed doors. To me, the evidence indicates he still cares about the party. After all, where’s his next meal ticket going to come from? Baskin Robbins ain’t hiring.


I don’t care much for the President at this point in time, but hell, I’d be happy if he’s working on immigration. It’s a problem that needs fixing, and while I find his Presidency fairly dysfunctional now, I find Congress the same. All in all, he’s issued fewer Executive Orders than Bush or Clinton, so while I don’t necessarily like that approach, I’ll just assume it’s how things happen in DC.

And this probably sounds strange to someone on the other side of the political spectrum, but no, the general feeling is that President Obama never really cared about the party. Not during the elections, not after, not now. He wasn’t a ‘party insider’ then and isn’t now. It’s possible OTHER people in the administration do care about party and maybe orchestrated this, but again, I don’t even see how it helps the party in any real tangible ways. Even the general American public has the vague sense that you don’t talk about secret operations without damn good reason.

Anyway, any time spent working on immigration is time he’s spending working instead of looking like a jackass on the golf course surrounded by celebrities. I’ll take that.

(I’ll bet he’ll be fine afterwards, too — books, speaking fees, etc. Being an ex-President is pretty lucrative.)


Hussein’s poll numbers must be low since he took it upon himself to declassify military operations to tout publicly again.

Can somebody please charge this ass clown with a crime already?


Oh, relax, folks, bodaprez is thinking of sending more troops to Iraq. Seriously.


Meantime, PM Cameron actually cut his vacation short and went back to Downing Street while the British-accented killer is being identified.


At least he thought it was important enough to curtail his vacation.


Just great. The Mouth That Roared has outed another covert rescue mission, and a failed one at that. Now EYE-ESS-Fill-In-The-Blank can build on that to make it that much harder for the next op, if and when.

The inmates are in charge of the asylum.


Then we agree: someone needs to sew his mouth shut.

Farflung Wanderer

I call bull.


What part about “covert” did he forget? This administration makes Carter look presidential. And he was a fucking idiot…

Climb to Glory

We should supply ISIS with surplus mortars from WWII.


That video brings a smile to my face. Let those fuckers burn.

The Other Whitey

And some people want to deny the existence of God and/or His sense of humor…


“Instant Karma’s gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you’re gonna be dead . . . . “

The Other Whitey

My reaction to this story:



I’m really tired of people like the FB poster above, Nicole, of claiming we all just hate Obama and mock his efforts ONLY on the basis of his skin color. The fact that he is even in the White House as the most powerful leader of the free world negates her stupidity. I could care less what color he is, I don’t like/agree or relate to the guy. His policies and reactions to world issues astound me at times….and I don’t even see his color, because IT DOESN’T MATTER.

If people look back, the hordes were out lambasting Bush at every opportunity. In fact, I believe one of the more visceral comments made by a comedian at Bush’s expense was (to the effect),,, “well this is what you get when you tell a retarded child he can be anything he wants when he grows up”. Not to mention all the meme pictures and photoshopped pictures of Bush as a monkey. So…..are the haters of all those who don’t like Obama absolutely SURE it’s because of racism?!

Racism will always exist in the fabric of society, but at this juncture I’m willing to bet that ain’t what is driving peoples’ angst/displeasure with our current president.

Any thoughtful responses???

Delilah T.

How’s tis?

Nicole and others of her ilk have wet dreams about Obama. And they are in that category of braindead teenie-beats who were QUITE sure that Dzokhar Tsarnaev couldn’t possibly have been one of the Boston Marathon bombers, because he was SO-O-O-O-0 cute.


Cut her some slack, DT.

Puppies and kittens wise up after their eyes open – and after they’ve had their noses rubbed in reality a few times.

(I hope the sarcasm above is obvious. I’ll also refrain from commenting on her hair color, or quoting lyrics from Don Henley’s Dirty Laundry.)

Delilah T.

(giggle) 😉


Here’s the problem Hondo…my 67 year old dad is the same way….firmly believes that the Republicans have hated him from day one because of his (Obama) skin color and are determined to stop him on everything for that reason alone. I used to admire my dad, but his rose-tinted horse shit has gotten old as I’ve aged.


Well, Cotton Mather perhaps put it best: “Some men, you just can’t reach.”

Based on his age, your dad also seems to have come of age during the mid-1960s. It’s been my experience over the years that many of those individuals never did finish growing up, and still refuse to acknowledge reality today.


My wife would agree….volunteered for Vietnam, admirable at best, but for some reason his liberal-democrat policies are the ONLY way things should be. Needless to say, we’ve drifted over time. Anyways, before this becomes my personal soap opera….My point still stands, the massive majority of people who don’t like Obama are not basing it on his color. That shit’s left for the ignorant who can’t wash the hate of themselves. The fact is, people are mad at the man, not his skin. It’d be nice if America could get that concept and quit baiting people into useless arguments that are non-sequitar to the issue at hand.

Good day to all.


Agreed, Derek. No offense intended by my comment, and hopefully none was taken.

My dad was somewhat the opposite, but likewise had (from my perspective) his blind spots and things about which he seemed unusually intolerant of any different opinions.

I suppose some might say the same about me as well. (smile)


We’re good Hondo 🙂

Roger in Republic

Derek, I am the same age as your dad. I was raised to respect all people , until they proved that they were undeserving of that respect. Obama proved very early on that he was not a person that deserved my respect. What’s worse is that he continues to prove it. Race has never been a defining element in my life and I find it a shame that it is for so many in our nation.


Dually agreed Roger. I was taught the same. It’s just in my case, if I lament something that dad lauds, then I am an asshat and he bashes with me with mistakes the other side made.

I find it disheartening because I am not for either side to begin with, I can stand any of them since it’s all just a joke, I wouldn’t know where to start if I had a say in the matter though.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Bubble headed Bleach Blonde or words to that effect?


VOV: I said I’m not going to comment on the “nice lady’s” hair color, or quote Don Henley lyrics from Dirty Laundry. Was I too unclear? (smile)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well she does come on at five….


I might conjecture that posters like Nicole are unable to see anything, but through the prism of race.


Yep. I believe I first used an appropriate phrase about that here at TAH: such individuals see the world through race-tinted glasses.

I can’t remember seeing that elsewhere, but I can’t believe I actually coined the phrase. It fits too well.


In regards to Nicole, it might be another case of her implants doing the talking. I checked out her facebook page and she seems to be proud of them. (previous profile pic = bikini cleavage). Also, she seems to have a thing for weed. Call me a racist but white girls just don’t seem to be able to handle weed and implants very well.


Or a phony troll account where some dipshit finds a few pics off The Chive or such, makes them his, etc.

Not that anyone would ever post someone else’s pics or shop them and call them his own, noooooo….


As a left-leaning sort who certainly doesn’t think all conservatives are racist, sure, one bit of advice is to not say things like, “The fact that he is even in the White House as the most powerful leader of the free world negates her stupidity.”.

Why? Well, because the mindset is generally that, sure, many conservatives are racist and tried everything to STOP President Obama from winning the White House, but they failed. He was elected not because you’re not racist, but because there were simply more Democrats voting for him than there were (racists/conservatives) voting against him.

The other problem is that the media, on both sides, likes to focus on the firebrands – the loony outsiders in each party, whether it’s those on the left who want to have President Bush brought up on war crimes, or those on the right who, frankly, are often racists. And in doing so, they ignore 99.9% of the rest of the parties because sensationalism sells. You get stuck with the racists and the left gets stuck with the hippies.

Best thing I can recommend? Focus your criticism of Obama on his many missteps and disown racism in your own party not by saying it doesn’t exist because Obama won election, but by admitting it does and distancing yourself from it.

That’s my two cents.


Hi LC. In the overall, I agree with your reply and appreciate it.

Regarding the color of skin and White House rebuttal, my point is; yes you are correct in that the voting members/party and opposing competition was the main/only reason he won. However; I want to caveat that with, if “all the Republicans” (Nicole used the word “your” and referenced Bush/Cheney so I surmise she means Non Democrats), didn’t want him to win or stop him based on skin…there would have been a push towards a purge to get him out long ago OR a defamatory campaign that would have started a real all out race war in 2007-2008. But, since I did not observe commercials/ads that based it on his color, I fail to accept her premise that it’s all because of his color.

I know you and I will agree and disagree simultaneously, and that is okay with me…I enjoy good conversation, even if nothing comes of it other than an exchange of ideas.


And to lighten the mood, I believe Hank Hill said it best…”What the hell kind of country is this where I can only hate a man if he’s white?”

Smile people….only way we can keep going sometimes.


That woman you mentioned in WV? You sure she was a Republican? (Have heard stories that most of the state is Dem, and has been for many decades. In some counties they say you cannot find a Rep.)

In a predominantly Dem state, how does the math on that work? It would seem that even if you assume that every Rep voted against him because of his skin tone, it still took at least as many Dems also voting against him for the election to swing the other way. What are you assuming is the reason for the lack of Dem support for the man?

Could it be the historic residual of abolitionists being Reps and Dems forming the KKK? Yes, even some abolitionists were racists, but was there ever a Klansman who was not a racist?

In reality, does it even matter? Racism is a thought pattern. How one behaves can be controlled, while thoughts can not be.


I think she was Republican. She was certainly presented as a Republican, but sure, it’s within the realm of possibility that that was just spin. The fact remains: it was a powerful ‘confirmation’ for many people of this idea that people who voted against Obama were doing it for racial reasons and nothing else. (By the way, if you’re interested, here’s a breakdown of county-by-county voter registrations by party for the 2012 general election – over all, Democrats are 51.7% of the state, followed by 28.7% being Republicans: http://www.sos.wv.gov/elections/history/Documents/Voter%20Registration%20Totals/VR%20Oct-1-2012.pdf )

And again, this was just a shining example of someone voting based solely on a racist attitude, not something that mattered simply in WV. Local electoral math was irrelevant, as the video was shown country-wide and fuels this sort of attitude some liberals have that people voted against Obama strictly because of racism. Because, literally, that’s exactly what the video stated.

In other words, this had nothing to do with West Virginia’s election results, and more to do with confirming a feeling that was perpetuated by the media because it likes extremes.


Excellent reply LC. I agree about the spin premise, but also should bring about the point that there are Liberals who are racist….well, at least there are people of different pigments who are racist against those who are not the same. So it DOES go both ways, but the MSM only focuses on whites being hateful.

WRT, “But to someone on the other side, who sees their stand on the issues as the only reasonable one, calling their opponents ‘racist’ allows them to avoid any real policy debate. It allows you to reduce your opponent from a thinking person with different principles to an asshole who should be ignored by polite society. Debating issues is hard; labeling the other side as ‘racist’ or ‘stupid’ or ‘out of touch’ is easy, and means you don’t have to.” I like to refer to this as The Cowards Clause. Get that trademarked, it’s very true.


So, your argument seems to be that it is possible to find idiots, fools, uninformed, bigots, or whatever among the population? Yeah, well, that really comes as no surprise to most/all of us here. At least among the adults.


It’s not an argument, rather my frustration expressed because it’s just useless to use something like Nicole did to argue.

If we’re all adults and like to think we’re smart, then one would assume that disagreement, expressions of contempt even; could be made without a rebuttal as low as Nicole’s. It’s just a fucking shame that supposedly, the greatest country on earth with the best opportunities to offer still has a rather large pool of the population who, once feels their viewpoint is threaten, enacts my new coined The Cowards Clause. That’s all OWB.


(chuckling) Kinda thought the idiocy she was spouting sounded like that ditz our “old fiend” ObamaGirl, Jonn. Thanks for the confirmation.

I guess that degree in “Ocean Sciences” (or whatever the hell it was she claimed she was studying) will come in handy in Kenova, WV. After all, that’s right next to the Ohio River. And that’s like the ocean, right? (smile)


Interesting. You don’t appear to mention racists voting for the current POTUS, LC. Are you of the opinion none did?


There were a ton of people who voted for Obama because of his race, yes. I was arguing this from Derek’s viewpoint of conservatives being viewed as racist by people like Nicole, though, not going off into a discussion of racism in general and why voting FOR someone because of race is talked about differently than voting AGAINST someone because of race.


Well, thanks. But you answered a question I didn’t ask. Voting for someone because of their race does not necessarily make the individual a racist. It could have been the deciding factor used vice a coin toss between two equally desirable (or repugnant) candidates.

I’ll ask again: do you think any racists cast votes for the current POTUS?


I thought it was implied by my last answer. But yes, I think plenty of racists cast votes for the current POTUS.


OK. I’ve seem those who seemed to deny the existence of minority racism and claimed that only whites could be racists. And, frankly, your comments above appeared suspect in that area.

In your earliest comment on this subject above, you (1) explicitly noted racists had voted against the current POTUS due to his color, but (2) appeared to implicitly deny that anyone who voted for the current POTUS was a racist. Specifically, you noted that the POTUS was elected because of “simply more Democrats voting for him than there were (racists/conservatives) voting against him.” That comment and its choice of words implies, intentionally or not, that only conservatives can be racists, and appears to equate conservative political beliefs and racism. I wanted to see if you actually meant that, or had simply used words carelessly.


That’s because, again, my earliest comment was solely meant to explain (from my point of view) the perspective Nicole had and Derek was asking about.

No implicit denial of racism on the liberal side was intended, this just wasn’t a reply about racism and politics, but rather the perception of conservatives as racists by some liberals.

Delilah T.

LC, you missed one obvious thing that was as plain as day, if you had paid attention. The WOMEN who voted for Obama voted with their crotches. They can protest it all they want to, and that includes Nicole the Bimbo in her FB post, but if you saw, as I did, the swarms of women lining up to just TOUCH him, the same way they did with Jack Kennedy, then you would understand why I said what I did about Nicole and wet dreams in my original comment.

People tend to vote with one of three things: their stomachs, their genitals, and occasionaly, their minds.

I recognized Obama for what he was: a slacker, a dilettante, someone with no real sense of responsiblity, and no real-time experience in leadership.

If he had spent a couple of terms in office in the Senate instead of leaping into campaigning so fast that papers flew up in his wake, I might have given him a break. But instead of settling in, doing the job for a couple of terms, putting himself into REAL leader positions, he ran out the door and hit the campaign trail within 3 months of getting elected to the Senate.

That is why I did not voted for him. That, and his clunky, inept, amateurish efforts at debating, ended any interest I might have ever had in seeing him as President. He just looks good in a suit.


I once dated a girl who voted for Bush because “he was the cuter one”.

I felt dumber after that….for many reasons.


I’m not a woman, but I’d like to respectfully disagree. I know plenty of women who voted for Obama not because of any attractiveness he might hold for them,… but for countless valid reasons. And again, here’s where we have to differentiate between ‘things that are ridiculous and not valid’ and ‘things I might adamantly oppose but which are valid’.

To give one such example, a woman might have felt that Obama’s pro-choice stance is incredibly important, and thus choosing Obama over Romney’s pro-life stance is perfectly and utterly valid, even if you disagree with it, and has absolutely zero to do with whether or not they find the President attractive. (I was going to say has nothing to do with their crotch,.. but .. you see..)


LC…I have experienced as many of not more, racist liberals as conservatives in my life. Tell me Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the “leaders of the black community” are not racist, when they portray their own race as under_______, you fill in the blank, in America. Therefore, unable to care for themselves and in need of government assistance and care for everything. Not because there is always true need but because of the message sent by those leaders that “it is owed to you”. Nothing is owed to anyone in this country. Regardless of color. It has been 50 years since the civil rights movement. It is up to the black community to change their family structures and values and their neighborhoods and their future. No one can do it for them. I do not consider myself racist, I am just observing the usage of gains made available by the civil rights movement versus the usage of the “benefits” made available by the “Great Society”.


I have no doubt about that – racism is treated (and perceived) very differently based on the demographics involved. And the ‘racist’ label conservatives get is due, I imagine, to the overt racism some small number show in the most high profile ‘dynamic’ there is — whites racist against blacks, for historical reasons. Is that unfair? Probably. I’ve already said I wish people would look past that and debate the different political philosophies people have on their merit, though, and that’s precisely what I try to do.

As for nothing being owed to anyone, I absolutely agree on principle and don’t like things like affirmative action … but, at the same time, in practice I can often see the need. You and I will likely disagree on that, and it’s something where even my own thoughts change based on individual circumstances.

In short, are there racist liberals? You bet. Do we do too much to enable people? Absolutely. Can we, in what sounds counter-intuitive, sometimes ‘favor’ certain races who’ve historically been disadvantaged to make a less racist future? You, I guess, will say no. I don’t like the idea, but I think sometimes it can be helpful. Again, we’ll probably disagree on that.


It seems as though I touched a nerve, luckily we are all pretty capable of holding clean discussion and not fly off the handle. I hope we can all stick together though and shut down those who come from any walk of life (different races, LGBT, LARPers, etc) that make it their mission to lambast those (us) who simply disagree with their side and thus label us as “racist, homophobe, hateful, close minded, the shame of Amercia, whatever”….they are the ones who seem to be out of touch unable to hold to the issue at hand without bringing in immaterial matters to the debate.


btw I was just joking about LARP (in case anyone here is a LARPer)….


Does racism exist? Doubtless, but not to the extent “Nicole” wants it to.

Maybe one of these days the trolls will figure out we call out idiots of all stripes, or even smart people who do stupid shit.

This press release is CYA, nothing more. Had they found and rescued said Americans, no doubt the administration (and Obama) would be crowing and doing yet another “victory lap” as they are wont to do on the rare occasion something goes right.

That’s the hallmark of this administration and of bad leadership in general: take the credit from everyone else when things go well, shift the blame to everyone else when things go to shit.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that all of their victory laps have been courtesy of the United States Military they collectively loathe and are committed to gut. The irony does not escape me that every time our Nobel Peace Prize Winner In Chief has a problem that needs remedy, he calls the Pentagon. Kerry too and his “unbelievably small airstrike” diplomacy.


If anything actually went on in regard to recovering hostages in the past few years, it would have already been in the news. There is no sense of what is appropriate and inappropriate to say in the current administration. They seem to have a knack for acquiring foot-in-mouth sybdrome.

In a follow-up story this morning about Foley’s death, there was a brief statement that a demand had been made to his employer, Global Post, for a ransom of $130 million. That hasn’t been confirmed, and if there was an actual demand, then the ransom wasn’t paid so Foley was the next victim. It may be that Global Post did not carry kidnap/ransom/extortion liability coverage.

That said, these thugs are so vicious that I think it’s likely they’d kill the hostage even if they did get a ransom.


Leaking secret information for political gain.
No Balls Barry.
“Leader” of the free world…. (sarc)
When’s my next tee time, fundraiser and vacation?
Leading from behind? Not hardly.
Leading with his head in his behind.


Well, the mission was obviously carried out by the Army’s SFOD-D (Delta.)

Because if it had been the SEALs, not only would we have known about it at the time, but there would already have been a press conference, two movies and an episode of “NCIS” about it.


To: Wash DC, Beltway Bandits

IRT SOCOM OPS and Deployment of Tier 1 TEAMS … For the last time … STFU!

##### END #####