Mark Richter; another Florida politician phony

| August 16, 2014


Darrell sends us a link to the Flagler, Florida Flagler Live which did background work on this fellow, Mark Richter, who is running for Flagler County Commissioner. Here’s his Facebook page;

Mark Richter Facebook

He claims to be a veteran and that he was injured in Afghanistan, but the two aren’t necessarily related. This is what the Flagler Live folks wrote about his military career;

According to records obtained by FlaglerLive through a Freedom of Information request, as well as a medical record also obtained by FlaglerLive, Richter’s service was very brief.

On January 7, 1975, Richter, then 17, was recorded as having been “received” for Navy recruit training in San Diego, Calif. He was discharged seven weeks later—on Feb. 28, 1975. In the space marked “recruit training” on Richter’s official “history of assignments,” a hand-written notation says, “not completed 2-21-75.” The medical record obtained by FlaglerLive indicates that the 17-year-old recruit had a case of “atopic dermatitis”–a rash that did not appear to respond to treatment. According to the medical document, “Within a few days [after beginning recruit training] he reported to sick call, complaining of rash on his neck, arms and legs.”

While the medical document could not be independently verified, it is clear that young Richter was sent home, short of completing basic training. A further check of military records by FlaglerLive confirms no subsequent record of service in any of the four service branches.

The injury in Afghanistan? Well, that’s less clear than his rash;

Reached at the California headquarters of government contractor TJ Fig, Curtis Kimbro, a supervisor above Hamilton, confirms that Richter was one of several hundred technicians assigned to the MRAPs training program. Asked what Richter’s skills and duties were, Kimbro told FlaglerLive that Richter was “a trainer working on MRAPs. He had completed field-level maintenance training.” Kimbro added that the MRAPs were being modified at the time, or “re-armored,” and Richter was involved in the effort. “You could call it sort of auto-body,” Kimbro said.

Richter has made several appointments to explain the apparent misrepresentation of his military career, he’s promised to provide documentation, but something else always seem to pop up so he has to cancel the appointment. The journalists also found a 3rd degree felony in his past where he tried to snatch the purse of an Air Force wife in a San Antonio Mall, but he was foiled in that endeavor by a mall cop with a gun.

But the bottom line is that he isn’t a “Training officer for United States Military, Injured in line of duty.” Like he claimed. He hints that his “duty” is somehow classified and that the journalists should ask the State Department for details, for some reason. He can’t discuss his “injury” because conveniently, it’s the subject of litigation.

Personally, I wouldn’t vote for him.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

Florida leads the way!


Seems like the toilet bowl to be in if you wanna float.

Green Thumb

One that dumps out in Merritt Island when you flush it.


“…where he tried to snatch the purse of an Air Force wife in a San Antonio Mall, but he was foiled in that endeavor by a mall cop with a gun.”


Cheese Eater McBlobfish

You have this confused with another incident. I actually tried to snatch a 7 pound block of cheese from a woman. She kicked my ass and followed that up with her girlfriends and her sitting on me until the police came. Being on the floor like that made me feel like home, just like in the ocean deep.

Luckily, I was able to talk my way out of it, as the cops were too busy laughing.

Dennis “The Blobfish” Chevalier

Green Thumb

Denny Boy is a true Chevrolet-sized sack of shit.

Green Thumb

I wonder if he has taken a campaign donation from All-Points Logistics?

The more posers and imposters in political office, the easier for Phony Phil and his accomplices at All-Points Logistics.

B Woodman

It appears that the LSDM can be taught to NOT take a person’s statements at face value and to do some homework on background checks. Nice start on the media’s part, rather than having to publish a retraction later.


Could it be that the media checked up on this bedwetter because he claims to be GOP, rather than a Dem?

Just askin’

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Got to love these assclowns that love to rock the lie, especially when they are running for office.

As for his injury in the “stan… probably a fractured taint or sand in his mangina…

Green Thumb

Or lockjaw.


Technically, he doesn’t even qualify as a veteran, so even without the other crap he’s a serious no-go at this station.

Jon The Mechanic

I posted this comment to his Facebook page. I found your Facebook page through a friend of mind and I have a couple of concerns about your bio. In it you claim to be a “1. Father, Businessman, Veteran” However, the only military service that can be found for you is that in Jan of 1975, you reported for basic raining with the U.S. Navy, and were discharged appx 7 weeks later for medical reasons. The normally accepted definition of veteran is someone who has either served “180 days of regular active duty service and a last discharge or release under honorable conditions. Such member does not need to have any wartime service. – OR – 90 days of active duty service, one (1) day of which is during “wartime”, and a last discharge or release under honorable conditions. The one-day need not have actually been served in a war zone. For Guard Members to qualify they must have 180 days and have been activated under Title 10 of the U.S. Code – OR – Members who were activated under Title 10 or Title 32 of their respective state and have served at least 90 days, at least one of which was during wartime. The Members’ last discharge or release must be under honorable conditions.” You also claim to be a “5.Training officer for United States Military, Injured in line of duty.” The only information that can be found to verify this is that you were a contractor with California based TJ Fig and that you were “one of several hundred technicians assigned to the MRAPs training program. Asked what Richter’s skills and duties were, Kimbro told FlaglerLive that Richter was “a trainer working on MRAPs. He had completed field-level maintenance training.”” Can you clarify on the claim to have been a training officer and that you were injured in the line of duty? Here is a link to the website that lead me to you. Sincerely, Jonathan Persons. Active Duty US Army, Nov 1990- Nov 1995 US Army Reserve Feb 1996- June 1998 US Army National Guard July… Read more »


I also posted a message to his Facebook page. After seeing the son’s response, which was basically to shoot the messenger, I don’t think you’ll get a proper answer to you questions. This clown is going to dance and obfuscate in the hope that it all goes away.

Green Thumb

What was the son’s response?

Denial and for you to pound sand?


I also posted a message to his Facebook page. After seeing the son’s response, which was basically to shoot the messenger, I don’t think you’ll get a proper answer to you questions. This clown is going to dance and obfuscate in the hope that it all goes away.

Green Thumb

He probably has drinks with Steve Cushman.


I did a little bit of research (Google-Fu) on this “Atopic Dermatitis” and it seems that it flares up in teenagers that grew up in a “sanitary environment” (didn’t play in mudholes enough) and didn’t have a family dog to roughhouse with. Strange,huh? Anyway,I think this individual parleyed his rash into an early discharge much like John sKerry used the three Purple Hearts excuse to get out of Viet Nam early. Anyway, he’s plenty dirty now and is his own dog,so Karma can be a bitch when she wants to be. Hell,Giducks gonna be pissed that this guy had less time in (52 days) than he did.


So basically this guy caught a case of the “Ricky Rash” and bailed? Uh, no. Just not buying that.

I had bronchitis while I was in boot and all I got was a couple of days of light duty. I saw guys who were far worse off simply put into a medical hold company until they were either boarded out or resumed their training, and almost none of them got out in under two months.

Even the, “I got the itchies” excuse seems pretty thin.


I got food poisoning while in the reception station at Ft. Polk and got recycled to Ft. Leonard Wood with the rest of our company that chose the chicken from the civilian greaseball “cook” when he asked beef or chicken as you walked in the door of the mess hall…
None of us got out and we all were in the hospital for 3 days at least…
That was quite the reception from the US Army…
I ended up going BACK to Ft. Polk for Infantry training after Basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood’s famous Echo 3-3 Smokin’ PT !!!

Combat Historian

Just another poser shitbag who likes to play with words to try to fool the gullible civilians into believing he was a war hero…

Green Thumb



He describes himself as a “No-Nonsense” candidate. Seems like a lot of nonsense in his bio. I would also like the Flemron Dickey’s & E.J. Laughter’s of the world to notice that this guy is a Republican, and we are not cutting him any slack either.

Green Thumb

Do not forget Steve Cushman and Senator John Walsh.

Roger in Republic

In my book, his being a Republican make it worse. I expect this kind of shit from Libs but not from conservatives. Looks like he is the worst kind of RINO. Probably live in a conservative district and filed as a (R) to fool the local voters.

Roger in Republic

I was right. There is no Democrat running for the commissioner’s seat in the primary election.


While this guy seems to be an authentic POS, I can’t let it pass that there is a claim (by FlaglerLive) to have obtained medical records.

That bothers me.

Logg Cabbin

The theft took place at San Antonio’s North Star Mall, where a 27-year-old Air Force serviceman and his 24-year-old wife were shopping in the early evening. “I do not remember exactly what store we were walking by when my wife shouted someone took my purse,” Richard Harris, the serviceman, wrote in his statement. “When I looked up I saw a tall white male in a white T-shirt and long blond hair running with a purse in his hand.”

He wasn’t stealing, he was accessorizing.

Green Thumb

This turd would and could measure on the “Richter” scale.