So for whom do we cheer?

| August 16, 2014

Hezbollah’s chief monkey is worried that ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State poses a threat to his own Lebanon. Makes sense since Hezbollah is Shia and ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State doesn’t like the Shi’ites very much. Reports Reuters;

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Islamic State also posed an existential threat to his own nation, Lebanon, the target of an incursion by Islamist insurgents from Syria this month. He said his heavily armed Shi’ite Muslim group was ready to fight the threat in Lebanon – if required.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah has been helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fight a Sunni Islamist-dominated insurgency that spilled into the Lebanese border town of Arsal on Aug. 2, triggering five days of battles between the Lebanese army and militants including members of Islamic State.

“Here we live, and – if the battle is imposed on us – here we fight and here we will be martyred,” said Nasrallah. Hezbollah said it stayed out of the Arsal battle, wary of inflaming sectarian tensions with Lebanese Sunnis, many of whom have supported the uprising against Assad.

Things were so much easier when they all just hated Jews. I guess the Obama Administration won’t be able to solve this one either. I’d recommend we just stand back and watch the fur fly. Maybe encourage both a bit. Iran is helping Iraq, Hezbollah is an Iranian client – I can see Iran sending messages to Hezbollah to expend some of that ammo the Iranians have been sending them to use on Jews, but on the ISIS/ISIL/IS folks instead.

Thanks to Ex-PH2 for the link.

Category: Terror War

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There is a lot of stuff going on over there. Last night, I posted some links here:

I think we should definitely encourage the governments of those various nations, even and including Iran, to have a campfire get-together, a big group hug and circle jerk, and let them take on the ISers themselves.

After all, they have much more at stake than we do and maybe all the wannabe jihadi will zoom in on it to get themselves some of the glory.


Oh, yeah: the ISers have been threatening to blow up the Mosul Dam, after all, but there were US/Iraqi airstrikes in the vicinity of the dam last night.

Like I said elsewhere, let them fight it out. I think we’ve put enough blood into it.


Well, during my more cynical days this sums it up for me (my apologies to the unnamed Brit who penned the original, a version of which can be found here):

Oh they say there’s an aircraft deploying quite soon
Bound for some Mid-Eastern shore,
Heavily laden with dog-tired men
Bound for a land they abhor;
There’s many a young man just starting his time,
There’s many who’ve been there before;
Don’t need their commotion this side of the ocean,
So say it quite plain: f**k ’em all!

Chorus: F**k ’em all!
F**k ’em all!
Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Shabaab;
F**k ISIS and al Qaeda too,
F**k all the Mid-East, those intolerant loons,
For we’re saying “get lost” to them all;
If they kill themselves off, we won’t bawl.
Don’t need their commotion this side of the ocean,
So say it quite plain: f**k ’em all!

That’s probably a bit much. But some days, it kinda sums up my feelings on the matter.


Hondo…Not a “bit much” in my book. I am in complete agreement with the meaning of the song.


Ex-PH2…Thanks you again for the article. From it I quote, “News of the airstrikes unfolded the same day the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at curbing the support — money and arms — flowing to the al Qaeda splinter group that has aided its rapid and brutal advance across Iraq.”

Someone help me out here. Why does it take a UN resolution to do the obvious? As in, “curbing support”, no arms or money to an al Qaeda splinter group? I mean, to me, it is a no brainer not to fund or arm these ass holes of any flavor. They are terrorists for gosh sakes. It takes a UN think tank to decide it isn’t a good idea to help them be stronger and more deadly than they already are? But, that’s the UN for you.

Also for above, “here we fight and here we will be martyred”. Man! Do those guys love to think of getting killed as being martyred or what! I say, let the different flavors and shades of Muslims kill each other off and be martyred to their little heart’s and Allah’s content. The more the merrier as far as I’m concerned. The more they kill of each other is the fewer we and Israel will have to possibly face later.

I’m feeling a bit harsh this morning. But when it comes to terrorists and murderers of innocent people, screw them. They can’t be martyred and die soon enough for me.


“Let our enemies kill each other.”

Yeah, that sounds wonderful, if only they’d oblige the media reports.

Sure, Hezbollah has killed AQ that infringed their turf, and Hezbollah- Iraq has rallied behind Iranian Quds to “defend the shrines” from ISIS, but the reality is that most of their victims, are not Islamist terrorists but rather working Arabs trying to feed their families, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, or atheist.

Despite popular opinion, the average Iraqi is not a blood thirsty Islamist seeking 72 virgin demons for blowing himself up, nor is an average Islamist a freedom fighting pacifist pushed to murderous atrocity due to wrongs of the West.

The average Islamist is slaughtering average Arabs, and others, who are simply trying to feed their families. If we set back and watch, we’ll see the population of the Middle East decimated, but all that will remain are Islamists seeking new lands to conquer.

With that being said, it would be pointless to expend American blood, while the Politician in Chief tirelessly opposes a policy that includes the word “Victory,” and orders Troops to tie their hands behind their own backs.

But before the problem is removed, the Caliphate will have slaughtered the bulk of potential allies in the region, and our only reliable ally in the region will again face an allied enemy.


I have chocolate cheesecake with truffles. 😛

Jon The Mechanic



If you think it will hold up through the US mail, I’ll ship one to you. <3

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’d be happy to ship you over a whole 55 gallon drum of whoopass. You’d only need a thimbleful or so for most uses.


John “Faker 6” Giduck

Green Thumb

But you have yet to be admitted to the All-Points Logistics Yacht Club.

A very exclusive, taxpayer-funded club known for its admission of imposters, phonies and nefarious types that profit (while overlooking) from Commander Phil Monkress’, their CEO, lies and claims.


IS and Hezbollah might fight it out for martyrdom? Not until I make a shitload of popcorn first!


Reminds me of the comment attributed to Henry Kissinger when asked his thoughts on the Iran – Iraq war in the 80’s: “It’s a shame they both can’t lose”. Of course I just say “Pass the beer and the popcorn and get me a program because you can’t tell the players without a program!”. Fuck em all and I hope they kill each other off.


Two thumbs up on that one, Mustang!


*Munch Munch*
*Munch Munch*
Thanks, Ex-PH2. I aim to please.
*Munch Munch*


Of course, that’s a “notional” beer I’m sipping; Thank you, General Order 1A!


LT, you laid it out like I think it Sir. I agree with Kissinger to the Nth degree!


I’m a big fan of letting those bastards just fight it out. We’ve done enough already. Hell, it seems like what we did accomplish in Iraq was nothing but a waste of good soldiers lives.

I wonder what’s happened to all the biometric data we got over there and who has access to that information…..maybe we can give it to the Iraqis, I mean Irananians……


Whatever happens over there, it is my sincerest wish that US military will not be drawn into it this time, except perhaps to act as supply for food and, if necessary, medical aid OUTSIDE the war zone. I think we have put enough into it.
That said, if we get called back into it, I hope they’ll take me back. I can still handle a camera. Did so this morning.


Evacuate groups like the Christians and the Yazidi, then wall off the place and let them exterminate each other.

Oh, and if we can let millions of Central Americans and Mexicans into this country, we can take in a couple of hundred thousand REAL refugees.


If I’m not mistaken, the fact that the more fractious groups like Hezbollah are even discussing fighting the ISers, then the love fest over Iraq is just beginning.

Something big is brewing over there. Keep an eye on it.


Ex-PH2…Iraq, along with the current Russian/Ukranian time bomb and then…our President…well he’s on the back nine somewhere trying to work on his lay up shot. You know, you just have to have your priorities in order to be the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. Problem is, even though we are the most powerful nation in the world, we are laughed at and mocked by all Muslim factions and Russia. Why? Two prominent names come to mind. Obama and Kerry and Clinton before him. You know what though, they are right and I am offended and ashamed with the current lack of leadership for our country. It is a sad thing to say but I agree with them in their mockery of Obama and his administration and their collective lack of brains, foresight, planning and leadership. I have never ever experienced a more selfish and self serving President and administration in my memory, bar none.


Yes, Sparks, and I truly do want him to go down in history with that ignominious description permanently attached to him.


There is no such thing as a powerful nation without resolute committed leadership. Think we have forfeited the ‘most powerful’ nation title.


David…Here-Here. You are absolutely right my friend. it will take many years for our nation to recover from Obama and the view of America he has given the world. God please bless the United States of America and please, grant us a conservative President in 2016 to start changing this mess. If we get a Hillary, Holder, Kerry or someone like them, I am desperately fearful for our nation’s future.


By saying “we will be martyred.” what old Sayyed really means is “…all you other MF’ers will be martyred.”


Just filing another report of mass murder by the ISers.

This time, it’s the al-Sheitaat tribe.


From breaking news: Iraqi security official says Kurdish forces backed by Iraqi and US warplanes have taken parts of Mosul Dam – @AP posted 8-17-2014

Here’s a more complete report from the Guardian.


On the subject of how great things are going over there..I thought I would post the following statement. Can anyone guess what it is?
Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population.


My guess? Well, based on the past 5 years I’d guess that it’s pure, unadulterated bullsh!t. But what do I know?


Well, yeah, it’s bullshit. But it was written by some very lofty people.


Well, yeah, it’s bullshit. But it was written by some very lofty loxotic people.

Fixed it for ya, ArmyATC. (smile)


It is self-aggrandizing drivel.

I hope he doesn’t break his lefty arm patting himself on the back.


That’s actually from the Nobel Prize Committee’s announcement of their decision to give the 2009 Peace Prize to Obama. Just a bit short sighted.


No, just loxotic (means distorted or oblique). Or maybe obtuse.

Or as we’d have said where I grew up: “Ain’t got a lick of common sense.” (smile)


Was Neville Chamberlain on it?


This video of a US airstrike on an IS armored truck was just released by Central Command.

Nice shootin’, Tex.

This Reuters report says that Syrian airstrikes hit 26 IS-held buildings.

Good. Let them all duke it out. I think we have invested enough blood, sweat and tears in that place.