Nanny Bloomberg fails in Milwaukee

| August 13, 2014

David Clarke

Yesterday, we talked a bit about how Michale “Nanny” Bloomberg tried to derail the reelection primary bid of Sheriff David Clarke in Milwaukee – but he failed miserably according to the Washington Times ;

Sheriff David Clarke, a Democrat, is now almost sure to win in November because no Republican is challenging him, The Washington Post reported.

The race took on national tones just last week when Mr. Bloomberg — who helps head the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group and who has taken up a personal crusade to scale back Second Amendment rights — threw in $150,000 to defeat Sheriff Clarke. That amount was more than what Sheriff Clarke and his opponent, Chris Moews, spent on their entire campaigns, The Post reported.

Clarke defeated his opponent by a margin of 52-48. I know Bloomberg wastes 150 grand before breakfast, but maybe this will teach him a lesson to keep his money out of local races west of his panty-waist northeast.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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A Proud Infidel®™

I love hearing good news. I wonder how many more times fascist Asswipe Nanny Bloomturd will have his ass handed to him like that?


Has Bloomturd thrown money into any winning race?

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope not, I look forward to seeing him fail time and time again!



But I’m not sure who really won in that race.


Like you said, to a guy who bought the keys to Gracie Mansion three times, and switched political affiliation twice in the process, blowing $150k is small potatoes.

A Proud Infidel®™

$150 is like pocket change to him, I hope he blows millions more in failed campaigns, didn’t he throw a few truckloads of cash into the Colorado recall elections as well? He failed there as well!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Oops, I meant $150K.

Old Trooper

While Sheriff is an elected position, I don’t think it needs to be political to the point of being either a democrat or republican. A public safety position is no place for a political party platform, inmy opinion. That being said; I’m glad that Blooming Idiot wasted some more of his money.


Being a resident of Milwaukee for the past 30 years or so I have been watching this race for quite some time.
The best part is that bloomturd has had his ass beaten every time he stuck his nose into local elections.
Also, Chris Abele the liberal dem County Exec also tossed in $200K as did a ton of other lib interest groups and the total against Sheriff Clarke was close to $700K and they still lost with their crumb sucking liberal gun control candidate against Sheriff Clarke.
Milwaukee talk radio was all over it and did yeoman’s work to get a huge crossover vote from Conservatives to push the good Sheriff over the top.
One other great thing was that Sheriff Clarke won all over the city of Milwaukee, even in the liberal bastions that inhabit that city.
Abele got his whole a$$ bitten off yesterday and I am certain that he and Sheriff Clarke will have lots of great fights in the months to follow !!!
The libs are “reassessing their efforts” as I write this !!! Between the recall drubbing, this election and the general tone of the elections up there in the entire state many libs are losing their a$$e$ all over the place !!!

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

we won in court in maryland yesterday and as soon as President Obama or Mrs. Clinton replace one of the republicans on the supreme court we will have gun control nation wide and the slaughter will stop!

Shut yer ignorant yap, you f@#$%king asshole!

You’re polluting the atmosphere every time you open your mouth or turn on your computer.

…we will have gun control nation wide…

Sure you will precious, hold your breath until that happens.

You won? So, because the law is upheld, all of the illegal “assault” weapons and large-capacity magazines will just disappear, right? We all know that no criminal would ever break the law. I mean, that would make them… oh, right, criminals.

Though, I fail to see what this has to do with Bloomerber or the voters making him waste his money.

Go back to you klan rally/gay orgy VWPussy. You’re just mad because the black guy (rightly) won. Eat shit.

And then what Very Whacky Pisspants? The majority of Americans don’t want more gun control, hence the failure of Manchin-Toomey and another assualt by Feinstein on our 2A rights. Do you honestly think that “gun violence” would end when guns are banned? Do you honestly think those who owns guns will just willy-nilly turn them in to the government? Look at the Connecticut experience to see that they won’t. Hones t gun owning citizens threw a big “fuck you” at the governor and refused to register or turn in their guns and magazines. To a lesser extent, the same happened in New York. And what do you think will happen the moment the government tries to enforce a ban by breaking in doors and forcibly disarming citizens? There will be a bloodbath. But not to worry. I see this being appealed and overturned at a higher court. Momentum is on the side of honest gun owning citizens.

Yeah, sure- remind me, how well has gun control stopped the violence in England?


Criminy, how well hs it stopped violence of any sort in NY or Chicago? They can blame it on the surrounding areas but frankly Chicago has more violence in 1 week than the state of WI has in a year. They celebrate when only 100 people are shot.


Actually, Milwaukee, the bastion of liberalism in Wisconsin has a per capita murder rate similar to Chicago.
The real problem is not gun control laws, it is that the gun control laws on the books are not being enforced. Chicago only prosecuted something like 35 gun violations of known previous criminals.
That and the fact that liberal judges continue to do the hug a thug sentencing like Sheriff Clark pointed out. The guy that killed that 8 year old girl playing on the playground by engaging in a gunfight on the playground in the middle of the day was just sentenced to 15 years in prison and then will be released on parole in about 7 years right back to the same neighborhood.
That is the problem that idiots like vwpeehispants refuse to admit.
He only does this shit to dig at everybody, ignore his dumbass and he’ll go away.
At this rate we can only hope they kill each other off…

As a resident of Maryland, I cordially invite you to go fuck yourself. Assuming you can sneak up on your hand.

You people have only won one court case. It’s still being appealed and you could just as easily get caned like a naughty Singaporean. Now why don’t you move to a country that has the gun control you salivate over, you waste of tissue?


Speaking as one of the few around here that do not own a gun, I find your writing rude, irresponsible, and unpersuasive.

Trolls like you have ruined the title of Liberal. Shame on you.

NR Pax

Valerie, before I post a response to you: Are you addressing me or the troll up above?


he only adopts the pose of being a liberal, he’s just a pitiful incoherent troll. He gets his jollies pissing off normal people.


As another Maryland resident, this is just another liberal activist judge whose ruling will be appealed. These draconian and idiotic laws will be found unconstitutional in the end. In the meantime, an election is coming up, and we know who voted for these despite strident opposition by huge numbers of constituents.

Listen up Skippy …

Liberalism has cancer, it is dying, will be dead in Nov 2014 and buried in Nov 2016.

There will be a “revolution nation wide” before “gun control nation wide”.

Stick that in your hash pipe and smoke it!


What guns? There are certainly no guns in MY house! As a matter of fact, I think you have a whole stash of guns in YOUR house…

The Other Whitey

Nice to see Mikey Turdberg get his ass kicked by people who don’t give a rat’s ass how he did it in NYC.


So this is the second time in two weeks Bloomfailure has had his ass handed to his lovely self.

With a track record like this, I wonder maybe he is secretly again a Republican acting like devoted Demoncrat hoping for change based on his failures.

I can only wish.

Nah …

He is just a loon and should change his name to: Soros’s Mini Me!

But what do I know …..

Editorial note: “Mini Me” reference is with respect to his EASL.


Let’s see… Bloomberg is a closet gun supporter who helps by dooming anti-gun candidates, and the Open Carry folks are secret anti-gunners who piss off businesses to further their actual agendas. Got it.

And people ask me why I drink….


I think I’ve found a solution to the ISIS/ISIL problem. Just get the Syrian and Iraqi governments to pass gun control legislation. After that, Problem Solved…

/sarc- takes off Tin Foil Hat.

Roger in Republic

Actually, greg Gutfeld had the best answer for ISIS/ISIL. Blame them for Global Warming and the Libs will demand that Obama wipe them out.

Green Thumb

I would like to see David Clark confront Turd Bolling at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency.

That would be well worth the price of admission.


All I can say is thank God I live in Texas and not have to worry about the Bloombergian idiots.