550 Army majors to get pink slips
The Associated Press reports that the Army announced that they’re notifying 550 folks in the rank of major that their service won’t be needed after next Spring. Of course, some of those folks are in Afghanistan today doing the people’s business, but the Army won’t tell us how many.
[General John Campbell, the vice chief of the Army] said it’s difficult to avoid cutting deployed soldiers because of the timing schedules.
All the soldiers being forced to leave have probably already been given a heads-up that they were at risk of the job cut and will meet with a senior officer, according to the Army.
Those who are cut have nine months to leave the Army. And the soldiers who are deployed, including those in Afghanistan, will generally have about a month to move out of that job and go home to begin to transition out of the service.
The cuts have been difficult for many young officers, particularly captains, who tend not to have enough years in service to retire.
The Daily Caller publishes an article supposedly written by an anonymous “ranking Department of Defense official with a background in U.S. special operations and combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan” who doesn’t like the way things are going in the Defense Department;
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you want.” He was criticized for that remark, but it reflected the reality that he had to go to war with — an Army that had been hollowed out after the Gulf War by the Clinton administration. War is not a video game. You cannot hit the pause button on a crisis and ask the defense industrial base and the armed services to give you what you need to fight a war. That only comes from long-term acquisition strategy driven by doctrine that accurately reflects future threats.
If the administration does not reverse course on its defense strategy and ask congressional Democrats to reverse defense spending cuts, then our nation will find itself in a position where it is unable to defend itself and could become the victim of terrorism on U.S. soil once again.
But we’ve all lived through it before and we all know that the real price for this administration’s lack of will to defend this country will eventually be paid by the soldiers who are next sent into battle.
This administration took seven months after the fall of Fallujah to terrorists before they planned to sell Hellfire missiles to the Iraqis to defend themselves, which is the absolutely least they could do. They’re perfectly happy to let things go as they are, rather than do something to influence history, so we can just get used to the fact that this massive and ill-considered draw-down will continue unabated until we get a leader in the White House.
Category: Military issues, Terror War
I got a pink slip from the Army too. However, it was after only 58 days.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
How much you want to bet that anyone with a star on their shoulder will be immune from any form of a cut. You know, because Generals and Admirals are necessary for a functioning military.
When you have more Generals than Brigades and more Admirals than ships, you know there is a problem.
I don’t know if it helps some of these Majors were my classmates. It’s sad to see them go, hard won experience and all, the ones I know personally were passed over twice for O5.
This may not all be the case, but to some extent it’s cleaning house.
Do not take this as pure for the whole 550. All I am saying it’s not just hacking off a few. There is some pruning going on.
Still….when you have at least a General for every line company you have a serious imbalance.
Its sad, but we also need to keep in mind that the population is looking at around a 7.5% cut from the force.
It doesn’t make it any less painful, but most of these officers would not have been promoted to MAJ, if we had retained the target DOPMA promotion rate of 80% (the selection rate for the year groups under the gun were well over 90% and one was at 95%).
When the 10’s of thousands of enlisted get the boot will anybody care?
Only Obummer would choose to cancel flood insurance when there is a flood going on because he wants to reinvest in solar energy during the storm.
I got mine after 24 years.
More Flag officers and O-6’s need to be cut along with their baggage handlers, brown nosers, and toadies.
The LTCs are getting looked at for pruning this fall. They’re going after the ones with way over 20 years and no chance at command or promotion.
They deserve to be kicked out at that rate.
A kick in the nuts AND the teeth.
Talk about a real “job motivator”.
The last two O5 lists were barely over 60% when DOPMA is 70%. Last O4 list was about 53%.
A captain’s prayer:
“Lord, if you don’t mind, I hereby rescind my previous request for your help in seeking promotion to major.”
I was a bit young at the time (still a kid growing up near a major Army installation with lots of friends/contacts in the Army). But this is beginning to look pretty much like what I remember the Army doing for a few years in the mid/late 70s after Vietnam (approx 1974-1978 or so).
If so, and if we’re about to see a repeat – it’s not yet close to bottoming out.
Or 1991-1994 Hondo
We went from 22 Divisions in the Army down to 12 then 10 in short order
Btw. I am one of these Majors that got the pink slip.
Saw that drawdown too, O-4E. IMO the post-Vietnam one was handled worse – and from what I can tell, this one seems to be more similar to post-Vietnam.
During the 1991-1994 drawdown, if I recall correctly TERA was authorized pretty much for all who qualified. Today, my understanding is that it’s being offered only to those who have between 15 and 20 YOS who are also selected for involuntary separation. Not selected to go early? Sin loy.
During Vietnam, I don’t believe TERA was offered – period. And I seem to recall multiple years with RIF boards for CPTs/MAJs/LTCs. Could be wrong – that was 35+ years ago now.
There are situations where I sometimes think DOPMA was counterproductive, and that the prior RA/USAR/AUS officer system worked better. A drawdown might be one such situation. Under the prior system, the force could attempt to retain officer talent by allowing those who desired to stay to revert to their RA grade (if they had an RA commission, which was generally competitive and by application) – which pre-DOPMA was typically a grade or two lower than the AUS grade. Under DOPMA (and ROPMA), that option isn’t available.
Sorry to hear you got tapped, amigo. Even though I believe you indicated in comments elsewhere you were planning to retire this year anyway, getting told you must still hurts. Everyone wants to leave on their own terms.
Waiting for Al Sharpton to make an appearance. Reports are that the highest numbers of 04s being asked to leave are black. Somebody always has to throw race in there don’t they?