Flemron abandoned by Democrats

| August 2, 2014

Ron Dickey

This guy, Flemron Dickey, is wearing me out. We profiled Flemron over a week ago when he tried to tell everyone that he was a “green beret” who had served in Desert Storm, but it turned out that during Desert Storm, he was a cook in Korea and he was later assigned as a cook at the 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg. From the Clarion-Ledger;

However, Dickey stands by his military service.

“Understand this, knowing that I could have had to drop anything in my hand inside or outside a dining facility and defend my country like any Special Forces tabber, and I always had my M-16 locked and loaded,” Dickey said. “I had an M-16 too, and I was ready and willing to use it even to the point of having to kill to defend my country.”

Who was trying to attack the D-Fac at 3rd SFG? Tranny hookers from Bragg Boulevard? Anyway, even the Local Democrat Party are abandoning his ample buttocks;

“I don’t see how it serves the interests of the Democratic Party to be supportive of a candidate that has been so blatantly false in his representations of his military record,” Cole said. “I’m just as embarrassed as I can be about this. That’s one of the many reasons I recommended that he ought to withdraw.”

[Democratic Party Chairman Rickey] Cole went on to say that Dickey remains the Democratic candidate for the District 1 race because he won the Democratic primary.

“The mechanics of it are that his decision on whether to continue or not is completely in his hands. He’s the Democratic nominee,” Cole said. “We don’t have any mechanism to say he’s not our nominee. The law says he got our nomination, he’ll be on the ballot in November.”

Residents tell me that he really has no chance in the conservative congressional district anyway – he’s running against a Republican incumbent. But you would have thought that the Democrats would have vetted him a little better – maybe not his military claims, but at least they might have noticed his arrest in a felony bad check matter.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Hey, Flem-in-my-throat Dickey! Looks like even the yellow dog democrats from down south are kicking you to the curb. Cool for them. Not so much for you. It’s back to being a security night watchman or a “fries are up” guy at McDonalds. You know, I would say it’s a shame…but it’s not. I am giggling with delight.


Oh, oh, oh…I forgot to add, TURD!!!


The Dem-Cong didn’t vet him because to do so would’ve be racist.


Back when the Green Beret was considered unit headgear and issued to all soldiers in the unit (like Dickey), a Special Forces First Sergeant told me that nothing pissed him off more than seeing a pregnant female wearing the Green Beret. I think that he would feel the same way about this REMF lardass.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have no doubt about that. I’m just another everyday “leg”, and I feel the same way. HEY PHLEGM-DICK, up your ass sideways with a hundred frozen porcupines and a ton of spoiled hot peppers!!

Bob Zornes

Ahhh, yes, I can agree, as did everyone else in SF that I knew and worked with, with the First Sergeant on that.

Combat Historian

flim-flam flem-ron…


“But you would have thought that the Democrats would have vetted him a little better –”. Why, they didn’t vet Obama any better than they vetted this cumstain.

Slick Goodlin

Tranny hookers from Bragg Boulevard?

In my day it was regular hookers from, “Hey Baby Street” in, “Fayette Nam”.


The working girls got real aggressive at the stop lights on South Victory Drive in Columbus, GA on the last days of the month (right before pay day).

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I like this guy.

Spetnaz gave me a red “bray” at my one week military style commercial adventure camps in Russia…so we share that too. I just couldn’t tough out US Army Basic Training.


Flemron and I not only share a love of fake combat stories but he also makes me look height/weight proportional.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


This guy deleted his Facebook




“I always had my M-16 locked and loaded”


Tip of the spear! Condition 1 m16’s in the chow hall to repel the enemy assault by fire and close combat.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey waitaminnit, he might have been his Chow Hall’s back door security standing ready to fight off and repel still-hungry “Joes” trying to sneak in and get seconds!!

Just an Old Dog

That was his personal “back door” but he left it unguarded.


New MOS- Chow Hall Door Gunner.


With his principal weapon being a M666 Potato Gun.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And his back up being a M947 Spam Cannon


He was ready to fenestrate anyone trying for a second scoop of mashed potatoes. And he looks like he was able to save all the leftovers for himself.



A Proud Infidel®™

Good one, +10 COOL POINTS!!

John "Faker 6" Giduck

How many cool points do I get just for being me?


John “Faker 6” Giduck