Alberti gone

| August 1, 2014

KIRO-TV reports that they went to check on John Alberti who was a phony SEAL and hadn’t served a day in any military service who was laid to rest among real heroes. But it looks like Alberti’s remains are gone from the spot where we last saw him;

“It’s in temporary storage for right now,” said Carol Reed, Adjutant of American Legion Post 78. “I don’t know what final disposition will be at this time.”

The fake Navy SEAL mixup doesn’t sit well with veterans like Joaquin Fegurgur. On Thursday, he laid flowers at the final resting place of his wife at Tahoma National Cemetery.

“They should have more checks and balances to check and verify,” said Fegurgur.

He said he’s upset just thinking about the possibility of a fake veteran resting next to his wife.

Category: Phony soldiers

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There’s nothing like starting your day off with some good news….come to think of it – – it’s great news!



Combat Historian

Be gone…and may this poser’s name never be mentioned again among the company of honorable men and women…

Doc Savage

Excellent news.


I concur, fantastic news. Sorta makes me wonder how many more have been interred with honors that never stepped forward and toed the line.


Good. Let his remains now be interred properly elsewhere.


They should take all fakers/posers/SV tards and put them in Plot E


Is that behind the parking lot for All Points Logistics?

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Let me be serious for a minute. Good god, I made myself laugh with that one…

Alberti was out of there as fast as I needed to be out of Colorado after the relationship with my cop killer girlfriend that I defended in court became known.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Faker6: The TV station seems to be concerned AS TO what will become of Mr. Alberti’s remains. I hope you do not mind, but I gave them your contact info and told them you were a wizard with a shovel.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Mr. Contractor

I’m also a wizard with committing ITAR violations, converting virgins, funneling money from non-profits, starting revolutions, filing lawsuits, quelling rebellions, being “Shipley-proof” through Anti-SEAL lies, taming tigers, dating cop killers, ending bar fights, negotiating with terrorists, fighting wars, surviving conflicts, cooling water, tossing lawn implements, emptying gay bars, training the common demonitor, castrating alligators, and writing lie filled books.

Just ask me.


john “Faker 6” Giduck


Come on. Stolen Valor is a victimless crime.

Yolanda van der Puyl

John, I’m laughing because you can’t be serious. VICTIM LESS CRIME.. Humm? When a POSER starts his game, victims pop up. I’ve had SSgt James M Ray on my wrist since 1968…okay they wear out and I buy new ones every few years. Out of the mouth of babe’s, my grand daughter said Gramma, buy one in white gold and have it engraved at a jewelry store and when you leave I will wear it until Jimmy comes home or pass it on to my children. Victim less crime, your wrong. These assholes make up the most incredible bullshit. My POSER stalked me after a post I wrote on Jimmy’s birthday 7-10 years ago. I found a asswipe who used everything I ever posted on every site about Nams shitty war. I contacted Charles and Maureen, Jimmy’s siblings years back, lost their address and found it in a stack of typed papers about Jimmy and his horror. I am not a stupid person. Background in law enforcement, became a Paralegal, went to Law School until the railing on the second story didn’t support my 93 pounds. I am sharing my personal info with a dude I thought of as a brother. In Sept/Oct Gundog called me that President Obama picked him and another POSER to escort the wreaths for the Tomb of the unknown soldier and one to Jimmy’s marker. I was really sick, had been for the past year, unable to travel, yadda, yadda. Shithead knew this. Just before the end of the call he said “Rebel,our” Band of Brothers” have escorted hundreds to their final resting places using donations from our tight town,friends,relatives from all states. I don’t want to ask,but we all ride together. Can I borrow yadda to crate our bikes and follow the wreath to Arlington . you will be paid back after we all put money in the bank and wire it back every month until your paid. I am so stupid that I wired him five payments each under$9,900. My kids after telling them said are you out of your rabbit ass mind?… Read more »


He was being facetious Yolanda. We all know it’s NOT victimless and we cheer every time a poser, no matter how old, young or dead they are, gets busted.

Wild Bill

Garbage pick-up day here in Auburn, I would love to wrap him in the Auburn reporter and send him to the land fill. He can go with the left over pizza. The latest issue of our wonderful fish wrap had an article about it, but it was only a whitewash article. Tom and I will keep at it.


Wild Bill: that’s probably a bit harsh, amigo. Even a LSoS still deserves a burial somewhere – just not in a National Cemetery unless they legitimately qualify.

I’m sure there’s a city or county run “potter’s field” or equivalent somewhere in your area. If he was indeed cremated, I understand most places have very few restrictions on what type of container is required for internment of the cremains.

Perhaps that’s apropos in this case.


Carol Reed is the one who was maintaining contact with me regarding this. I’m glad she wasn’t blowing smoke up my ass


No one cared enough about him when he was alive to get him buried when he died. These guys tried to do the right thing for what they thought was a vet.

I say take his remains and dump them at sea and let that be the end of it. Or give them back to whoever they got them from with a big he wasn’t worthy


In reference to another Vietnam POW Phony, Gary Wayne Gilbert, who is buried at Arlington National Cemetery who needs to have his headstone changed deleting PRISONER OF WAR:

Just got off the phone with the Arlington National Cemetery POC. Was informed that Human Resources Command are reviewing documents that the family has shared with them as well as what HRC has in Gilbert’s records.

Arlington was very appreciative that Mike McGrath brought this discrepancy to their attention.

Hopefully, the grave marker will be changed soon to reflect the TRUE status of Gilbert’s time in the service.

Am speculating that he may have received non-taxable POW payments from our Government….and if someone does not catch that one, he literally not only STOLE VALOR, but also STOLE Money/Compensation that his Widow/Family may end up having to repay.

Sorry, Jason. Sorry, Linda. Sorry, Jeff. You all became victims of a “victimless” crime….the STOLEN VALOR Act.

Hopefully, someone will be brave and take down the memorial in Birmingham Alabama that has his name annotated there in stone as a Vietnam POW at the Alabama Veteran Memorial. Will save a lot of future heartaches (looks as if they are now coming in, all because of this man’s lies.


Bet they used that shop vac- too. 😉


Kind of how Monty Python did with Graham Chapman’s “ashes”:


LOL, exactly!