A Diaper Defense

| July 31, 2014

First let me take a few paragraphs to clear the decks for those of you who will read the following and perhaps brand me an insensitive monster. I left Vietnam in 1966 with symptoms of PTSD even though at that time there was no such diagnosis; that entire concept and concern would come later, years too late for me. Like the warriors returning from WWII, I was left to work it out on my own. My therapy was to get a job and go back to college followed shortly by marrying the beautiful West Texas girl who is with me still a half century later.

Military psychiatry had diagnoses from earlier wars such as battle stress and combat fatigue, neither of which applied to me. In Vietnam, the only warriors I know who might qualify for such a diagnosis were the Marines at Khe Sanh who endured continual bombardment for months. That didn’t apply to me, an infantry NCO who spent endless boring days searching for the enemy that occasionally were interrupted by brief but intense and deadly firefights when we finally found them. Those sweeps and patrols were interspersed with break periods back within the wire of our base camp where we usually had sufficient time to wind down from the needle-pricking tension and excitement, even exhilaration, of engaging the enemy we’d been sent to find and destroy.

But there was one combat experience that was simply too hard to dispel from your mind once you’d witnessed it. While back in the rear we’d sit and drink and boast of blowing Charley’s ass all to hell, the one conversation that never occurred was that of the horrible outcome of war on the civilian populace, especially the women and children. The horrible things which the Viet Cong and NVA did to those Vietnamese whom they considered disloyal or simply neutral were not uncommon events; once witnessed by Western eyes, they got locked away and never talked about simply because there was no way to start such an unholy conversation, much less talk it through and talk it out. The only good thing that can be said of those atrocities is that they inspired us to hunt down and kill the ruthless bastards who had done such horrible things to the innocents.

So, denied and undiscussed, it stayed locked up in our minds, pushed away, intentionally ignored and unsuccessfully denied. That was the PTSD that I and untold numbers of others brought home with us from that war. It took decades to push it so far back that it didn’t trouble us anymore but as I tap this keyboard, it is coming to the fore, thankfully without the power over me it once had.

So those are my bonafides to have and offer an opinion on the events taking place now in Gaza where my soldierly instincts tell me that the warriors experiencing what I just described are those of the Israeli Defense Forces while the perpetrators of atrocities against civilians are the same forces that we have witnessed for decades being incredibly cruel and inhuman, both to their captured enemies and their own civilian populations. Like our Vietnamese foe, these jihadists (I can’t bring myself to call them warriors) seem to relish the fear they engender among their own populations with demonstrations of extremely callous and uncaring destruction of civilians.

Where Hamas and other jihadist groups take it a step farther than the Vietnamese usually did, is that they are the very ones who make the destruction of civilians happen by their placement of their offensive weapons systems in places where any humanitarian nation will have second thoughts about attacking them. There is plenty of evidence to show that Hamas uses private homes, schools, and hospitals to shield their weapons placements and their operations.

The easiest way to say it is that they hide behind the skirts and diapers of those they profess to love. Worse, once civilian casualties have occurred, these monsters video the results and broadcast them to the world as evidence of their enemy committing atrocities against their women and children even though they are the ones who invited destruction upon them. The world is treated to endless visions of lifeless children being mourned by the same Islamic males whose religious fanaticism and unbridled hatred of Jews brought about those very same deaths.

And the liberal idiots, the useful idiots, the anti-Semitic leftist media breathlessly report all the Hamas propaganda as legitimate news of Israeli atrocities. Unfortunately for them, there are far too many old soldiers, all around the world, whose lives have led them down this tragic path before and who aren’t fooled by the amateurish misinformation being disseminated by these soulless jihadi pigs. No matter the legitimacy of your political claim, if you deliberately arrange the killing of the innocent, especially the children, you are a despicable pig undeserving of the least mercy from the IDF when they catch you and blow you and your Diaper Defense all the way to hell.

Category: Terror War

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AW1 Tim

Well said, Poetreooper. I think you summed it up nicely.

The thing is, these useful idiots on the left are simply using this terrorist propaganda to reinforce their own preconceived notions. They hate Israel, they hate conservatives. Hell, they hate anyone who does NOT agree with them, who doesn’t share their same storyline. We call it bias. The left calls it “tolerance”. In other words, they’ll tolerate anyone who agrees with them.

Fuck hamas, hezbollah, the Iranians and everyone else like them.


Very good post my friend. You have touched on what bothers me deeply about this conflict, and that is those that would support Hamas and claim all of the atrocities are being committed by the IDF. There is no reason or logic to these claims, leftist and jihadist sympathizers don’t use logic in their arguments. They know they do not have to, they have an anti Semitic world wide media to do support whatever nonsense they spew. I have trained with the IDF on two occasions and been into port in Haifa several times. I never found more hospitable or generous hosts than the Israeli’s I met. And the IDF were as professional a military as there is in the world. It pains me to see our feckless administration turn on our one true ally in that region of the world. And for our news organizations to use John Kerry’s “feelings” as an excuse to bash Israel because the Israeli government will not agree to unsatisfactory terms that still leave Hamas with the capability to launch rockets at their discretion, makes me ill. I will end this post with a long quote from John Stuart Mill, which I think sums up my feelings about this current state of affairs in the Gaza strip: “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a… Read more »


My short version of that quote: ” A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, is not a man.”

Dave Hardin

Great post and reply, thanx. I think it goes something like, ‘When people become so civilized that they are unwilling to kill in order to protect their way of life, they will be conquered by those that are not.’

John Robert Mallernee


I toured Israel in August 1971, while on a special thirty day leave from the war in Viet Nam.

Boy, was it NEAT!

I totally LOVED it!

I wish I could go back there again.

Israel truly is a combination of the Bible – – – and Hollywood!


Poetropper…well done sir. You summed it up nicely.
US Army 66-70
Vietnam 69-70
Proud to have served!

John Robert Mallernee


You’re ANOTHER one who was in Viet Nam at the same time I was!


2/17 Air Cav

“Accidents may call up the events of the war. You see a battery of guns go by at a trot, and for a moment you are back at White Oak Swamp, or Antietam, or on the Jerusalem Road. You hear a few shots fired in the distance, and for an instant your heart stops as you say to yourself, the skirmishers are at it, and listen for the long roll of fire from the main line. You meet an old comrade after many years of absence; he recalls the moment that you were nearly surrounded by the enemy, and again there comes up to you that swift and cunning thinking on which once hung life and freedom–Shall I stand the best chance if I try the pistol or the sabre on that man who means to stop me? Will he get his carbine free before I reach him, or can I kill him first? These and the thousand other events we have known are called up, I say, by accident, and, apart from accident, they lie forgotten.”

There is nothing new under the sun. The quoted paragraph was penned by Civil War Veteran and Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Homes on the occasion of Memorial Day, 30 May 1884. He was an officer and saw extensive combat. In that address, he spoke another line, the last dozen words or so will sound strikingly familiar to everyone. It is this: “[W]e pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for the country in return.”


Thanks for that. I always learn something here, and I appreciate it.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Poetrooper. Excellent.

And thank you for your service and the sacrifices you made.


good post, POetrooper. I have something to add, also, but not right now.

John Robert Mallernee

To this very day, I continue to blame the United States government for:

(01) Failing to prosecute the federal agents responsible for the Waco Massacre

(02) Deliberately placing a child day care center in a military target, i.e., the Alfred P. Murrah Office Building in Oklahoma City.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

This is why I want to pay egypt to take over gaza with military and police so the killing stops though maybe not for hamas right away. Israel has to win all hamas has to do is survive. Hamas tells israel we have over hundred thousand warriors plus volunteers trying to get through the egyptian army blockade to join us you want gaxa then come right in here and take it! Lets pay the egyptian army to do it instead.

Speaking of diapers…

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Normally I just lurk here, but this bit of stupidity actually drew me out. I recognize you’re pretty much a troll, and you come onto this site probably to try to harass the people for whom this is essentially home. (I say ‘try to’, because if my past couple of months of lurking have told me anything, it’s reinforced that it’ll take a heck of a lot more than stupidity and ill-informed comments to do much to these kind folks – heck, that’s practically an average day for anybody with above room temperature IQ these days). However, my inner pedant insists on having a crack at this, so pardon me if I get out my old aluminum softball bat. First: In case you haven’t been paying attention to the media over the past couple of years, Egypt right now is not exactly the pinnacle of stability right now. They have military forces, sure. But they also aren’t keen on the kind of ‘military’ operation that Hamas typically runs, since it’s big on bombs under burkhas and light on what most people would call discipline. This leads me to item number two: what makes you think Hamas WANTS Egypt all up in its business? One of the things Hamas wants is sovereignty. If you are thinking that because both groups are predominantly Muslim, or even predominantly Sunni Muslim, that Hamas will be happy to find themselves suddenly with a military junta of Egyptians ruling over them, bear in mind that they could at numerous points have asked neighbors such as the kingdom of Jordan to annex them – and Jordan has, in the past, stepped up on their behalf and told Israel to back down. (Don’t believe me? Check CNN – about as liberal a media organization as any these days, and generally considered to be pretty far left even by the left.) Hamas hasn’t, and won’t – because of item 3. Item three: At the end of the day, these battles between these groups have been going on for a good ten thousand years or more. Since the founding of… Read more »


First let say, welcome to the party. Second, spot on analysis. Third about the only thing you left out and isn’t getting much reporting is the Egypt is also finding Hamas tunnels in the Sini and trying to root them out as well, just haven’t moved into the Gaza end points yet.

Now what would be interesting is if Isreal and Egypt joind forces, but I’m not gonna hold my breath on that one.


Forget where I read it today but, Egypt has destroyed about 1600 tunnels so far.


Its a few days old but still relevant to the conversation at hand.

Egyptian army destroys 13 more Gaza tunnels
Cairo has eliminated 1,639 tunnels that run into Sinai thus far
BY AFP July 27, 2014, 7:05 pm

Link: http://www.timesofisrael.com/egyptian-army-destroys-13-more-gaza-tunnels/


The Kurds are negotiating with WDC to get some help from the US, the same way we ‘help’ Taiwan.


Climb to Glory

Well put Farmgirl. You’ve made some cogent points. Unfortunately, having a logical debate with VWP is a losing a battle. He spent his formative years drinking bong water while sitting around a hippie drum circle and burning his draft card. It was a good post though.


Well said, ma’am, and well said, Poe. Thank you for all you have done, seen, and continue to carry.

You don’t get regional politics, do you? Egypt (or at least the sitting gov) doesn’t have any love for Palestine, Hamas or any other Muslim Brotherhood backed/allied force. Egypt is about to have their hands full securing the oil terminals in eastern Libya. Mark my words.

And let me bring this full circle to the innumerable failures of the current administration. We backed the wrong side of the fight in Libya which destabilized that country to the point it will be generations before that country is ‘stable’. To top that off the lack of stability and anxiousness over militarization of diplomatic outposts caused the State Department to reduce security posture in Libya which led to the death of Americans.

Why don’t you put your boots on and go fix the problem?


Here’s an article on the current environment in Libya.


There is no single group in charge of anything. I don’t get the impression they are even thinking about the oil wells at all, but rather who will come out on top.


Believe the news this morning sates Benghazi has essentially fallen

Its always money with you liberals. Why would we want to pay someone else to do what the IDF will do for free. They are paying the price. The egyptian army would still have to root out the Hamas terrorists and their rockets. They would still have to kill the human sandbags that Hamas uses to protect their launchers and ammo dumps. Israel can not survive with hamas free to fire on them day and night. Step aside civilian and let the soldiers do their much needed work.

John 5

Excellent Post, Well Said
VN 69/70

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Hamas hates the egyptian military government thats the point! They will control hamas for israel if we pay them enough $$$! If hamas and egyptian army were friends this would make no sense. In the land of the blind the eyed man is king that is why I do so well here bettering you all!

So what you are saying is you are willing to give up the rest of your pay check for the Pay Egypt to police Hamas tax?

Can’t speak for every one here, but my pay check is taxed enough as it is, and the government can just keep its grubby little hands off the little I have left! Also don’t we already give Egypt enough in Foreign Aid that it should be included in the deal?

Money has to come from somewhere and we have enough issues that need attention. (Cleaning up failed Libertard social experiments, er I mean Detroit, Chicago, etc)

And before you dislocate your arm trying to pat yourself on the back. You’ve been proven wrong and ignorant on here more times than I even care to count.

One last thing then I’ll quit feed the troll. The correct quote is: “in regione caecorum rex est luscus,” Loosely translated as either: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king – or- In the street of the blind, the one eyed man is called the Guiding Light.

Ironic you should try to quote something from the Jewish Genesis Rabba in your attempt to condemn Israel.

LMAO. You haven’t bettered the dribble that ran down your mama’s leg. Go back and play in traffic.

I accept the fact that a logical, just and honorable war is fallacy. That being said do you really want Gazan civilians, to include women and children, slaughtered intentionally, or at the very least more often due to Egyptian unguided rockets? That’s what you are advocating.

Ex-PH2 aka deport vwpissedinhispants and quickly, please

Bettering us? Oh, PUH-LEASE!!!! You can’t even quote an aphorism correctly.

It goes like this: in the land of the blind, THE ONE-EYED man is king.

NOT the eyed man, you dimwitted excuse for existence. And you don’t have a clue to the meaning of that, either.

You have no concept of history or anything else. Have you never heard of the siege of Jerusalem? The Jews against the Roman Army? Mesada, the last stance of the Jews against the Romans?

This dispute over home turf has, as Farm Girl pointed out so succinctly, been going on for millenia. It isn’t something new, never was.

All Hamas wants to do is kill off the Israelis. The Middle East and the Mediterranean coast of Africa will be in civil war for some years to come, None of them are prepared to deal with a lack of resources — which is not too far off — except the Israelis and the Egyptians and the Saudis.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, vwpissedinihispants, and the only thing you do is set yourself up for effusive insults.

Just an Old Dog

He is very confused… hes actually the King of Castro Street, It’s not because he is the “one eyed man” it’s because he is “the brown eye man”. I’m talking about the one thats stinkin’ not the one thats winkin’.


Yes, he certainly is, on both counts. If there were just some way to sew his yap shut….

He does sometimes make a good chew toy, though.

The term “bettering you all” just made me think of someone – a thing that used to chime here on occasion and make similar comments… making comparisons of himself to the members of this blog.

I just threw up a little.

Could it be him, using a new moniker? (I’m not high-speed, low drag so I don’t know how to tell if the IP address originated from Maryland or not).


Yeah, but that one was just drunk, not stoned and illiterate.


Touche’ 🙂

Yo, vwp – the late Johnny Cash has a message for you (photos at links are likely NSFW/prudes/small children/clergy):


Bono has a message for you, too:


And the POTUS also sends his regards:







Poetrooper, well said.

RVN 71-72

John Robert Mallernee


You were there at the same time I was, and in the same AO, but different units.

At Dong Ha, I was in the 178th Maintenance Company, and at Camp Eagle, I was in the 501st Signal Battalion.

John Robert Mallernee

12 December 1969 until 21 February 1972

Landed at Cam Ranh Bay, left from Da Nang.

(My first unit was the Phu Lam Signal Battalion in Saigon.)


I was a little further south in the delta, Team 96 (Can Tho), and Team 20 (Bac Lieu Province).
Welcome home, brother.

John Robert Mallernee


I thought your name, “RIKKISAN”, was a variation of “RAKKASAN”, which is a unit in the 101st Airborne Division.

Maybe you were thinking of Rikki Tikki Tavi (Rudyard Kipling’s mongoose)?


A little something direct from Israel.

Rocket sirens sounded in southern Israel one hour before the truce was to begin.


So much for Hamas and the Palestinians really wanting to end it.


Just over an hour before the ceasefire was due to take effect militants fired 11 rockets into Israel, one of which was intercepted by the Iron Dome defence system over the centre of the country, a military spokeswoman said. – Quoted from news article below.



It is my hope that Hamas continues to bite at the Israeli’s and the Israeli’s continue to knock Hamas’ dicks in the dirt. The longer the better. And hopefully, jihadi’s from far and wide decide to come to Gaza and die in solidarity with their stank ass Hamas brothers. The loss of civilian life is regrettable, but Hamas is to blame for that, not Israel.