Kerry the incompetent boob

| July 30, 2014

Kerry bumbler

That headline was just too good to not copy. but it goes to the Washington Times story that Kerry is having trouble hiding his stupid self from the world;

After his latest round of mediation failed to achieve a cease-fire, Mr. Kerry has been portrayed in the Israeli media as a blunderer who unwittingly represented the interests of Hamas, a terrorist organization.

“U.S. Secretary of State of State John Kerry ruined everything,” columnist Ari Shavit wrote in Monday’s Haaretz, Israel’s most influential liberal newspaper. “Very senior officials in Jerusalem described the proposal that Kerry put on the table as a ‘strategic terrorist attack.’”

Mr. Kerry said Tuesday he is not concerned about personal attacks.

Kerry blue bunny suit

Halp us Jon Cary


Yeah, he’s probably used to it by now. So instead of trying to fix what he screwed up in Israel, he flew to India leaving the White House to defend him;

White House National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice told the National Jewish Leaders Assembly Monday in Washington that Mr. Kerry supports Israel’s right to defend itself.

“We’ve been dismayed by some press reports in Israel mischaracterizing his efforts last week to achieve a cease-fire,” she said. “We know these misleading reports in turn raise concerns here at home in America.”

Yeah, misleading reports. At least he has Joe Biden to make him look good.

Category: John Kerry

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A Proud Infidel®™

He appears to be melting to the point where not even Nanny Lugosi’s Plastic Surgeon could save him! That and not even the liberal media seems willing to whitewash his blunders anymore.

AW1 Tim

Kerry is also a tax cheat. He intentionally berthed his multi-million dollar, 76-foot yacht, in Rhode Island so as to avoid paying luxury taxes in Massachusetts.

By leaving his boat there, he saved an initial sales tax of $500K, and an annual tax of $70K.

Gigolo, tax cheat, blue falcon and failed Secretary of State.

Former 11B

I really don’t like to stick up for shitheels, but if Kerry either had a home in Rhode Island, or could afford boat storage space there, then what’s the problem? Doesn’t sound illegal to me.


From the party that tells us paying taxes is patriotic. Yeah, Biden actually said it, but the sentiment is shared among them.

Or as Leona Helmsley famously said, “Taxes are for little people!”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

When those who would be leaders are publicly exercising every loophole they can to save money they really have very little to complain about when the electorate follows their lead and uses every option to avoid taxation.

When your leaders choose the moral low ground it’s hard for them to come back and claim we should all bear the load equally and do our part to contribute to the treasury when all of these upper class turds avoid paying taxes through loopholes they’ve created for themselves. It’s certainly legal, but very little in the United States that is legal is also moral or ethical.

It’s not illegal to fuck your neighbor’s wife, or invest in a failing company for the sole purpose of closing it and taking the tax deduction on the loss but it’s really a poor choice from an ethical, or moral standpoint and the kinds of people who engage in that behavior deserve our scorn, not a pass because it’s not illegal.

Former 11B

I don’t see how storing a boat in one place because its cheaper than storing it elsewhere is immoral in any way shape or form. NY has really ridiculous taxes on cigarettes, my friend usually gets himself a couple of cartons whenever he visits another state that doesn’t have such insane taxes. I’ll be sure to tell my friend that he’s being immoral by doing this.

Similarly, I like buying clothes and nobessentials off of EBay because I can avoid paying sales tax so long as the seller doesn’t live in my state. I will cease doing this immediately.


Full time Residents of Massachusetts have been busted for registering vehicles out of state in order to avoid sales and excise taxes… John Forbes Kerry was not only a full time legal resident, but also one of our Senators when he intentionally bought and stored his boat outside of Massachussets to avoid paying the sales/registration/excise on his boat…
Something that any other resident could be prosecuted for doing.


Kerry is a scumbag, he will always be a scumbag. His moral compass doesn’t have a bezel ring or north seeking arrow. He has always been a liar and a cheat. Man, did we dodge a bullet not electing this dick back in ’04.

His yacht registration stunt just further proves that he is unfit for public office and that he feels he operates on another set of rules from all of us plebes. I find that the majority of our politicians operate under that same illusion.


…His moral compass doesn’t have a bezel ring or north seeking arrow….

Master Guns, fair warning: I’m stealing that!!


Perception that he is a hapless bumbler??

In this case, perception is definitely reality!

Climb to Glory

No doubt about it. I find it laughable that Susan Rice calls this “misleading.” Everything that is not praise of this administration is considered “misleading.” It is significant that even Haaretz has turned on this administration. Kerry’s mom should have swallowed instead.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, that is rich all right. She is in the very position she occupies as a reward for misleading the American People about Benghazi. Of course, that was the default reward. She was floated as the successor to H. “Wide Load” Clinton first but that balloon popped upon release.

The Blue Falcon

Hey! Don’t lump me in with THAT piece of shit!


Delilah T.

I talk to God a lot, even though I’m not Jewish or Catholic.

Sometimes, He listens.

Now I have to go sacrifice a goat cheese and a glass of red wine as a thank you.

Roger in Republic

My favorite headline on this came from Israel. It was: “Kerry digs tunnel under ceasefire negotiations”. The Israelis see Mr. Kerry as he really is, a light weight among heavyweights.


I find this whole thing rather remarkable. As an Israeli, I can tell you that it is pretty rare for politicians on the Right and Left, and news commentators to agree on much – especially not on how they see Israel-US relations. To have so many agree that the US SoS is an amateur, and appears to cater more to Qatari/Hamas interests is must remarkable! Usually the Left would be screaming that the Right has misunderstood and insulted our only friend. It is really quite pitiful when the problem is so obvious that they nearly all agree that the US SoS is at best unhelpful, and more likely a ‘bumbling’ amateur.


That is remarkable.

Too bad so many Americans are so blind.


Just more Barack Hussein Obama diplomacy in action. When you put shitbags in these positions you do it for a reason. Obama’s administration has shit on Israel since day 1 in office. This is just a continuation of it.

I don’t even know why Israel or anyone for that matter plays their stupid games when they send fools any longer.


He keeps this up he’ll be in the dungeon with Biden! (We can only hope)